Wicca’s Wardrobe – Our first rigged, original Clothing Piece!

Zoomy Vest close

Today I have a very special reason for my post… a very special vest for a very special friend!

Many of you might know we are doing original mesh accessories for quite some time now but we never had a rigged clothing part yet… until now 🙂

I am very happy that I can announce we are now able to even make rigged original clothing!

What makes it even more special for me is that our first design was made for a very special Lady!

Zoomy Bluebird, our reigning Miss CoC 2015.

And even that contest is the reason for our new “Zoomy Vest”.

It was not even long time planned, that we make something for Zoomy. We were working on the national costume for Miss SL Poland 2015 (yes, that one will be showcased soon too I just need to finish the pics :p) when Zoomy was in my IMs and told me she was searching for a cropped vest for one of her finale stylings. She said she looked already for quite some time and could not find what she wanted or the vest was not cooperating with the rest of her styling. The more we talked the more I got an idea, but I did not dare to ask her about as I did not wanna bother or obrude her too  much. Then she all of sudden said she never would dare to ask me to make one, as she would know I would be busy with the gown anyways. You cannot imagine my smile in that moment… Zoomy was always a very dear friend to me over time, a crazy sister in mind and someone who always understood my weirdness. So you can imagine which honor it would be to create a piece for such an amazing woman!

So I told her that I would LOVE to design something for her, but that I have to ask Veo and Red as well. We are a team in creating and already were working on other designs so I could not decide that on my own. I was very nervous what Veo would say about it though.

Next day as soon as I saw him, I jumped on him, making super puppy eyes and told him about the idea for Zoomy’s cropped vest. I scribbled my idea on a piece of paper and showed him and he just nodded and said “Oh yeah we can do that”.


(Picture by Zoomy Bluebird)

 You can imagine, it did not too even one second to jump back in Zoomy’s IM and tell her the good news.

With her special style, the vest had to be in a certain look to mactch the rest of the styling.

So while i was finishing the gown for JJ, Veo worked on the vest and not too much later I got my favourite IM from him that said “I guess I am done!”

When he uploaded it and showed it to me I had goosebumps… that was exactly what I had in mind and it was fully rigged and everything!

The “ZoomyVest” was born!

I grabbed it and immediately went to Photoshop to make the textures. Like you can see the styling was extremely colorful and wild so the vest had to match in there. I made 3 different textures and as it ould have been fate one even was close to the pants, which I never saw before 😉

Wicca's Wardrobe - Zoomy Vest (all)

Besides the 3 colors for Zoomy I already made some more, because I totally fell in love with that vest :p.

So we just had to get Zoomy to kinda custom tailor the vest onto her body with the dress under it, that again was a huge fun time when we were all standing on the platform and uploaded a bunch of different sizes until we had got it right ;). Somehow it felt like a real fitting for a super model*giggles*

 It was a very special moment for me and as well for us all at Wicca’s Wardrobe. When Zoomy then, a few days later even won the Miss CoC 2015, you can imagine how much we were excited and happy.

And now I am even more happy, that I may announce that the “Zoomy Vest” now is in store in 8 different textures to match as many different looks s you can imagine from casual to steampunk and even to the zoomylishious new style trend KAWA Couture!

Zoomy Vest 2


Vest: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Zoomy Vest” /Polka Dots Red – NEW (original mesh)

Pants: LeeZu – “Heather Hotpants” /white

Shoes: [GOS] – “Burlesque”

Top: Simone! Design – “White Top”

Earrings: Ticky Tacky – “Lick Me!”

Glasses: /artilleri/ – “Gabriella Glasses” /white

Bracelet: Digital Eyes – “Plastic Bracelet”

Hair: enVOGUE – “Clarissa”

Tattoo: White Widow – “Midnight in Paris”

Nails: Nailed It! – “Valentines 2015 Set”

Poses: PosESioN

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Zoomy Vest 1

PurpleMoon meets Finesmith

PurpleMoon & Finesmith


Dress: PurpleMoon – “Sorrow Dress”

Jewelry: Finesmith – “Invert”

Shoes: PurpleMoon – “Aretha Heels”

Hair: LeLutka – “Dolce”

Makeup: White Widow – “Anemone Black”

Tattoo: White Widow – “Lost River”

Poses: PosESioN

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

White Widow meets EMO-tions

EMOtions & White Widow 001

Hair: EMO-tions – “Peggy” Earrings: EMO-tions – “Cherry” Eye Makeup: White Widow – “Lost River” Tattoo: White Widow – “Narcisse”

I would like to start my “catching up with the missing 2 weeks of my life” with 2 of my favourite designers and as well 2 very long time friends. Mirja Mills from EMO-tions and Julie Hastings from White Widow. Both are amazing designers, who look back on a long past of creating to make our SL more and more nice 😉

For this post I made 3 stylings always paired with hair & jewelry from EMO-tions and makeup & tattoos made by White Widow.

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Hair: EMO-tions – “Peggy” Earrings: EMO-tions – “Cherry” Eye Makeup: White Widow – “Lost River” Tattoo: White Widow – “Narcisse”

When I tried on the “Peggy” hair style, I immediately got the impression of a Rockabilly Pin Up look. I added the “Cherry” earrings to even more go towards the look I had in my mind. Certainly a Rockabilly girl needs a super cool tattoo and where else than at White Widow you can find those? When I opened the “Lost River” pack, I was very surprised to see all of the most popular mesh body applier in there and so I did throw on my Slink Physique to try the tattoos on a mesh body. The lingerie I am wearing is the default one that comes with the slink Physique as it really looked nice with the whole styling 😉 The “Lost River” tattoo can be word with the normal avatar as a tattoo layer and as not only the Slink appliers, you as well can wear it for the Belleza, Maitreya, Sking Brazilia Doll and the TMP mesh body and hands.

For the eye makeup I as well chose one of the latest releases from White Widow, the “Narcisse” design in black, which was made for the Black Fashion Fair.

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Hair: EMO-tions – “Peggy” Earrings: EMO-tions – “Cherry” Eye Makeup: White Widow – “Lost River” Tattoo: White Widow – “Narcisse”

For my second styling I chose the “Windblown 9 ” hair as well from EMO-tions together with the “Florielle” necklace out of the full set that comes with earrings, necklace and a wonderful forearm/hand piece ( I have to make sure to show that in a nother post soon!) This hair was right down my alley… wild, crazy and perfect for pictures in a windy or stormy environment!

The wonderful and filigree eye art again was made by Julie Hastings, owner and designer of White Widow. The “Arctica” makeup again shows why I am so in love with White Widow…

 The filigree art work, those tiny lines placed by hand so straight and clean it amazes me every time again when I wear one of Julie’s new designs… she really is an artist when it comes to those tiny little but incredible drawings! The “Arctica” makeup is available at the New Fashion Store Event.

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Hair: EMO-tions – “Windblown 9” Necklace: EMO-tions – “Florielle” Eye Makeup: White Widow – “Arctica”

Last but not least I chose the “Imani” hairstyle from EMO-tions. With that ethnic looking hair style I am wearing the “Aphrodite” set to underline this kind of look. The “Inca” makeup from White Widow was the perfect addition for this look and with the amazing golden color it matched the “Aphrodite” jewelry. The “Inca” makeup you can find at the On9 Event.

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Hair: EMO-tions – “Imani” Jewelry: EMO-tions “Aphrodite” Makeup: White Widow – “Inca”