Wicca’s Originals @ Kinky Event // August 2021


Wicca’s Originals @ Kinky Event // August 28th – September 23rd

Smoke curls around the room as the fat little man puffs away on the ebony and gold cigarette holder in his sweaty hands. His beady little eyes remain fastened on the long, shapely limb as she slowly pulls the thigh high boot up her leg.

Sitting at her dressing table, Nadia lifts her leg high until her toes are pointed to the ceiling. She takes her time smoothing the leather against her skin and carefully straightening the laces. Beads of sweat roll down the man’s face and Nadia secretly smiles.

Once the laces are tightened and the leather snugly caresses her legs, Nadia stands and bends over table to check her make-up; her legs spread and her ass in the air. Her reward is the sound of the pig choking on his own saliva.

The bowler hat is pulled down on her head at a jaunty angle as Nadia straightens and turns to her visitor. She places a booted foot on the chair between the man’s fat thighs. With puckered lips, she leans forward, only to give a hard push at the last moment to send the chair and man toppling backwards.

As the band begins to play her music, Nadia laughs as she struts toward the stage for her next performance.

Sizes: Maitreya, Legacy (F), Hourglass, Freya

HUD: 10 Colors & 10 Metals

Event Location: Kinky Event // August 2021

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