(some when in the future round about the year 2525 maybe….)
Be aware of the life on Avantasia before you venture into this world in the climax of war and anarchy, their enemies, the sirens of Venus who else. The Avantasians are a complex race but by no means should they be underestimated, from their flexibility to the swifness of their long sharp talons, their catlike movements ooze in deadly elegance and subtle seduction as they prowl their world in search for the ultimate in style to seduce their next victim…I mean mate.

Sometimes you just need 2 to 3 pictures and you end up with 9 and cannot decide which ones to use. That happened to me when I made my pictures for the actual THEMA Magazine (http://issuu.com/themapublications/docs/thema_terraefirma)

The theme was Terrae Firma, and we was asked to create pictures about a new race of the existing planets or a new planet. When Tayler told me, I was immediately sure I wanted to create a new planet with a new race.
I wanted to do something still fashion related and human but to the same time, futuristic and apocalyptic. I love apocalyptic movies and art and so I watched a few of my favourite movies while I was styling.

The first piece that came to my mind was the “Lucian Hat Nox” hat from Machoire. An incredible headpiece made of so many filigree parts and textured with such a great feeling for materials.
This amazing art piece is available in different colors, wich you all can see at the Machoire main store or at their website (http://machoire.blogspot.fr/)

Now I had to find something what kinda showed evolution for the future but still has a human aspect for the whole look.
The head-piece gave a rough idea for the general colors, back and some kind of metal should be the basic.
So started with a super old but still amazing top from Muhi. One of the brands I really miss in SL as they always were up to date and very fashion forward.
I know some people are against wearing old stuff and tell always to delete older things, but I am going more with my belly feeling and keep old things which I really like to combine them with new things. That sometimes can make a look very unique, as long as you keep the general style up to date and modern. Certainly some things are outdated some when, like the super old skins or hair, wich automatically let you look like 2007 :p , but for some clothing pieces and accessories that might not be the case
. As well I would say there is a difference in wearing old things for a picture or on the runway as some of the older things just react weird with movement, especially if they have huge static prims or sculpties, wich can look better with a nowadays mesh prim that actually moves with your properly.

To add a modern touch I put on my “Lavinia Leggins” in anthracite, which I made for my store Wicca’s Wardrobe. With the leathern garter belt over the leggings – one piece to wear – it got a strong and powerful look but as well some sexy attitude.
To finish the basic human look I added hells from Death Row Designs with some heavy chains and a huge plateau heel.
Now the challenge started to develop the human race forward to fit in the futuristic and apocalyptic environment, that I had in my mind for the new planet and race.
The first idea was the “Demonhands” from Death Row Designs. The sharp claws are important to fight and survive on the new planets face.

I so many apocalyptic movies females wear corsets in some style and this made me add one corset of Trilobite over the “Asymetrical Bodysuit” from Muhi. And what should not miss? Some weapon looking accessories. Those I found as well at Death Row Designs.. I bet you can tell I love this store really a lot
The finish was the “Centipede” spine attachment, that comes with a wonderful tattoo layer. The tattoo makes the spine look like, as it would grow out directly off your back.
All the poses used in this post are from Del May, one of my favourite pose makers beside PosESioN or Corpus to just name a few.
And like I said in the beginning, It was so hard to decide between all the pictures I made, that this post is a little bit picture heavy 
I would like to thank Taylor Wassep for this amazing opportunity and the great inspiration of her theme. The THEMA Magazine is for me really kinda an art exhibition with amazing stylists and photographers and I am feeling very honored that I was allowed to be part again 

Top: Muhi – “Asymetrical Bodysuit” (store not any longer existing)
Corset: Trilobite – “Latex Underbust – Coal” (store not any longer existing)
Pants: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Lavinia Leggings” (for slink mesh high feet)
Shoes: DRD – “Whoreheels” (for slink mesh high feet)
Head Piece: Machoire – “Lusian Hat Nox”
Arms: DRD – “Demonhands”
Arm Accessories: DRD – “Armor Female”
Spine Attachment: DRD – “Centipede”
Hair: Baiastice – “Agnes”
Skin: [sys] – “Eva 02”
Makeup: Nuuna – “Zion 2 Black”
Lipstick: Oceane – “Jade Lips Black Silver Stripe”
Poses: Del May
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin