Pink & Purple!!! Yes, I took my medicals for my pink allergy before I did the styling*grins*
Usually I try to avoid pink and purple like hell bu sometimes I am in a 80’s mood and back then pink and purple were some of the dominating colors.
The “Metropolis” mesh dress from LeeZu was the base for this in the end colorful look. The sexy short dress, wich only has straps over the shoulders is amazing textured with wonderful lights and shadows looks amazing realistic.

The jacket comes from GizzA. The “Biker Jacket” always was something I had on my focus and as I saw the pink version discounted to 50%, I just could not resist and the pink & black idea was born. I am a fan of overknee boots since in forever and the “Piccadilly Overknee Boots” from LeeZu are a long time favourite of mine. To make a black basic, I put them on in black. Now the part of the legs between the black “Metropolis” dress and the boots screamed for some color as well, as the pink jacket dominated the whole look. I first tried some pink leggings but then it was too much of all that pink and so I decided to go a little darker with purple. The “Cat Tights” in violet from LeeZu with the holes just made the perfect match for my 80s look, since back then many ripped their stockings and jeans to get the used look.
For the jewelry, I wanted something with black metals and some pink and lilac or purplish looking gems. Nothing that would dominate the whole look too much, just something that goes with it. I have a fable for neck corsets and collars, so I remembered the “Noor Mystic Infinity” set from Lazuri, that I was given for the amazing jewelry spread in the BoSL Magazine. The “Noor Mystic Infinity” set is fully menu driven like all of the Lazuri jewelry and that makes it for me so valuable. I can decide about the metal and as well the gem stones for fabric and color and I can even color the gem stones in different colors and not just one for all gems. What I figured out for the Lazuri jewelry as well… you can have different styles for nearly each set. Always a basic style and 2 more to add more and more glam and parts to it. That really is something inventive for me, as you just buy one set, have 3 different styles and a full control over the metals and colors.
The skin as usual is my custom made “Wicca” skin in the new ‘lumee lunette’ tone. The lipstick as well comes from Silken Moon and the eye makeup I found at Boom.
The whole look took me so much back into the 80s that I was listening to all the old good tunes during my post and enjoyed it so much, that I would like to quote Cyndi Lauper for the end of my post… “Girls just wanna have fun!”

Dress: LeeZu – “Metropolis” – NEW (mesh)
Jacket: GizzA – “Biker Jacket” (50% off at the Gizza Mainstore)
Leggings: LeeZu – “Cat Tights”
Shoes: LeeZu – “Piccadilly Overknee Boots” (mesh)
Jewelry: Lazuri – “Noor Mystic Infinity”
Hair: Wasabi Pills – “Cookie” (mesh)
Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lumee Lunette” – NEW (custom skin)
Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips Pink”
Makeup: Boom – “Nuclear Duo”
Poses: Del May
Model& Photographer: Wicca Merlin