Angel Dessous – Tomorrow it happens!!! Store Opening, Fashion Show and a fantastic Groupgift!!!

Fashion alert at Angel Dessous – tomorrow the day finally comes!!! The new casual and haute lines of Angel Dessous will open their doors!

Only one time sleeping and we all are allwowed to see that amazing new creations of Angel Dessous πŸ˜‰

For example the “Georgeous” design:

A wonderful, sexy and bodoir mixture of gown and lingerie! Here I have the black version, but as always it is available in many other fantastic colors!

I do not know where to start to describe this wonderful creation… maybe just at the bottom with the amazing laces open skirt.

Dreamy flexible and very detailed it images different layers with different transparent and opaque fabrics. With the open front you can see the amazing stockings with their fabulous lace top. The top of the skirt is the first magnificant part of this stunning dress. A ruffled, flowered looking hip part makes a perfect lead over to the top with no bad texture breakings and it is as short that it only coveres the needed parts… very sexy^^

The top is made like a jacked with opaque textures to the ellbow. From there a lovely, flexi lace part covers the arms to the wrists in a stunning way.

The collar caught my eyes and heart! A great high neck collar. You will have 2 options to wear this. One with feathers and one without:

This pic shows off the both versions of the collar. On the left we have the “simple” verion without the beautiful feathers..and on the right side the option with. On the right i tried to catch for you the awsome flexibility of the skirt… simply amazing!!!

I really cannot decide if I wanna wear this to a great cocktail party or more in private… I think I will try both πŸ˜‰

For the opening Angel Dessous has a great surprise for all group members. The fantastic “Radiance” in viola

Do not miss to join the Angel Dessous group to get this special, fantastic gown!!!

Last but not least.. I would like to peek on another great new outfit that you will find in the new store of Angel Dessous

“Obsession” is a high class very classy and formal gown. With the great chest part and the fantastic flower acessoire with it’s great long “tentacles” it gets a very high sophisticated touch. We can see the colors meadow and night blue, but I am sure… no I know πŸ˜‰ that there will be for sure more beautiful colors of “Obsession” in the new Angel Dessous store.

If you are a fashionista, glamour girl, bad girl, lady, naughy girl or model… don’t miss that great event with so many attactions like group gifts and fashion shows!!! Tomorrow on the 6th of February 2010 a new aera of the well known label Angel Dessous opens it doors!!!


Outfit1: Angel Dessous – “Gorgeous” /black

Jewelry: Gems & Kisses – “Victoria” set /black&plat

Outfit2: Angel Dessous – “Radiance” /viola

Jewelry: Gems & Kisses – “Strict Elegance” /silver

Outfit3: Angel Dessous – “Obsession” / meadow&night blue

Jewelry: Gems & Kisses – “Strict Elegance” earrings /silver

Gothic wedding dreams?

Again I have the great pleasure to show you another design by Raven Pennyfeather the magnificant designer of “House of RFyre

“BanSidhe” is a wonderful gothic gown with many little details and amazing opitions for the veil. A wonderful big flexi skirt lightly transparent flows in fantastic movements if you turn or walk.

A wonderful ribbon in the front, leads from the skirt to the top. A long sleeved shirt with a fantastic deep neckline and sweet detailed wrist attachments. In this picture you can see the full veil option with light. It looks stunning in addition to this fabulous gown!

Here I tried to catch the fantasic flexi skirt in action while I took if the front light part of the veil… if you wanna show face or look someone directly in the eyes.. you can detach the front light partΒ  of the veil.

“BanSidhe” does not only look good in black πŸ˜‰

Here we have the red version without the light opition of the veil. Stunning and seducive – you will be the seduction in red for everyone πŸ˜‰

The red version has the same features as the black one. The ribbon in the front also is black, same as the lace oin the great neckline in the front. This sets fantastic accents to the red gown!

For me it also can be a wonderful gothic wedding gown πŸ˜‰

Overall this a real master piece for me.. again one of Raven Pennyfeather, designer of “House of RFyre“!

You will find not only a black version of this gown if you take your time and make your way to the RFyre Mainstore πŸ˜‰


Gown: RFyre – “BanSidhe” /black & chrimson

Shoes: BAX – “Prestige Leather Boots” /black

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Casual does not have to be boring – TTF shows you ;-)

Today I would like to show you another great TTF design. Thea Tamura is known for great variations of her outfits and her amazing textures. Today we have the “Klara” outfit in red:

A nice casualk dress, that again shows off the casual not means boring! The basic is a grey toned leggings with an amazing knit texture. The dress itself is made of a wonderful texture. Red modern ornaments on a little darker background make the whole outfit to a very trendy design. If you take a look at the top you will find a nice attachment that makes a great eyecatcher! A grey wool chest part with anamazing scarf in the same lovely texture as the main dress, that ends in an awsome knitted roll neck again made of the same texture as the leggins.

The hair comes with the outfit and is one part with the amazing knitted cap. so you have no problems with editing a hat on hair, or to find a perfect matching head piece πŸ˜‰

To complete the outfit I added one of the great TTF boots called “Amazon” in black.

As you can see… Thea Tamura Fashion takes care of a wonderful overall look and you look stylish, fashion dressed even in casual πŸ˜‰


Outfit: TTF – Thea Tamura Fashion – “Klara” /red

Shoes: TTF – Thea Tamura Fashion – “Amazon” /black

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Lonely Future Ballerina

Today I found a wonderful and extreme outfit that I would call haute couture…

For me it has a light ballerina touch with all the taft and lace. The skirt is made of wonderful black taft with black acessoires that give the outfitΒ  a great future touch. With this outfit you have different skin options wich I used all in my pics here. Both skins have a “PG” version also πŸ˜‰

The sweet “SciFi”Β  ballet shoes are also part of the outfit. 2 Different hair optiontions are a nice acessoire to give the outfit a nother more feminin and classy, with a little veil and the other more like futuristic mohawk – wild and fierce.

I like strange and unusual stylings and outfits so this touched my heart…an I found much more outfits at alpha.tribe that I will maybe show you in a nother post πŸ˜‰


Outfit: alpha.tribe::: – “Lines”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Lost City – Desert Future – Strange Secrets?

January the 31th 3010. A cold winterday and I was stranging over the mainstreet of our city in the afternoon. I felt restless… my mind could not calm down but I did not know the reason…

The wind was blowing through my hair and it felt really good to feel a cold breeze on the skin.

I walked down the street and back up as… I turned around… I thought I heared a scrape. I stopped looking in the little strees to the right… nothing… I walked in a bit, but I saw nothing and the noise stopped. I was walking back to the mainstreet and stopped at the corner to smoke a cigarette. I was leaning against some empty boxes…

… suddenly I heared the scrape again…this time a little louder. I turned my head and still… the loud scrape… it came out of one of the garbage cans… I opened the cap and I was terrified…

In there was a strange ugly creature scratching with his long dirty nails against the walls of the garbage can. It mumbles strange things in a foreign language and I tried to understand this was nearly not possible and I was really scared… the only thing that I did always understand was some about the 4th, 5th and 6th of february and always some about Opium and a sim….

I closed the cap of the trash bin and shuddered. But always the facts of the 4th and 5th and the Opium Sim came back in my mind and I went home to look at the internet where this Sim is and I marked my calendar… even if I was scared… I became nosy…

If you are curious too…join me on the 4th and 5th of february when I make my way to the Opium Sim…;-)


Outfit: alpha.tribe – “La Belle Epoque”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

New Star on the Fashion Designers Heaven!!! – Aurora Vuissent

Today I have the great honor to introduce a new designer that entred the challenge of fashion desingning: Aurora Vuissent with her label VUI. .As I saw this store the first time…I was totally caught. Amazing fashion even haute couture and in a way I never saw it before. As I looked at the prizes I nearly fainted…magnificant quality and designs fo fantastic prices!!! I made my ways around and I have to admit, if I had taken all for blogging I would have a monster post. So I picked a few for this spotlight but iam very shure..this will not be the last ones πŸ˜‰

I would like to start with “Bow Obi Micro – Lilac”

This dress is a very cute and definitive fashion piece. A very short dress that brings out your great figure. The top has no neckline at all and a very deep neckling like a corset. The skirt and the big ribbon are one pice and the ribbon it self is a definitive eye catcher. The ribbons dominate in this great outfit as you can find one little ribbon in the front of the great matching collar! The lilac is for me the best color I could think of for this dress…

Up next we have “Marbled Little Diva”

This dress really honors the name πŸ˜‰ A sexy short dress with amazing details for the skirt and the cleavage prims. Long shirt sleeves give the creation a classy touch as a contast for the playfull skirt and neck part. A sweet little hair jewelry completes a perfect fashion diva look. The colors red and blue dominate this version of the outfit. But waymore colors play together in this dress and make it to a totally must have for every fashionista! If you make the effort to visit the VUI. Mainstore you will find more colors that you can choose from πŸ˜‰

Valentines day is close and even for this event Aurora Vuissent made the perfect non usual highfashion outfit:

The “Rose Valentine Dress” is an amazing design for all who are dare to be fashion even on romantic days ;-).Β  A very highfashion version to say ” I love you”Β  in a very sexy manner… Short arm sleeves with an amazing kind of a body suit in a stunning red. Center of the outfit definitly is the hudge upper part with the big rose. Very high detailed it with the inagination of more then on attachment..but you only need one attachment point for this gorgeous eye cather! A nice finish make the wrist parts also included in this outfit! The grand legs parts are a breat idea to give the shoulder part a nice outfit a perfect balance.

Up next we have a little time warp backwards…in the way I decided to style the outfit. So lets jump back to the 80’s a bit…;-)

This cute “Stripy Suit” enticed me to style it with an 80’s touch. The tight striped suit definatly shows off you amazing curves…in ever inch πŸ˜‰ so better get you lazy body up the couch and get trained for this sexy outfit πŸ˜‰

Only 2 attchment parts on the hsoulders need free spots. A nice neckline and a sweet whole in the belly underline the sexy touch. This sui you will find at VUI. in different colors and textures.

A great fact of VUI. is that you have no acessoires at all that tell you what style you have to go with the outfit. You can style the outfits in every way of mix and match acessoires, themes and jewelry – you are totally free to live your creativity!!!

As I was anyhow by toing a time warp in the past lets go a little earlier in the time and take a look at th next outfit…

The latest release of Aurora Vuissent – the “High Waist Pants”. I could not resist to dress up a bit like the 60’s with this amazing textures and colors… The awsome pants come in different layers for the upper part of the pants so you can decide to wear a short in the pants or a jacket over the pants. The texture is amazing detailed and you even can see the seams! The sweet striped shirt underlines this 60’s style in this case. As a great color brake we have the red neckpart with great detailed folds!

In the end I can say i was very happy that i got the great tip to visit this shop and I really hope that Aurora Vuissent continues her great working and that you all take a look at her fantastic designs…I can promise that will cause Ihave to get the rest of her stunning designs.

Another reason I am allowed to reveal. Aurora Vuissent started a hunt in her store…not an easyone but it is worth it!

Aurora Vuissent: “There will be a hunt with ONE FATPACK of ALL vui items. ALL OF THEM. Open to VUI. Group members ONLY. It will be announced there.”

So hurry to VUI. enter the update group and get your chance!!!



Outfit: VUI. – “Bow Obi Micro – Lilac”


Outfit: VUI. – “Marbled Little Diva” /blue-red

Jewelry: Gems & Kisses – “Miracle ofΒ  Light” earrings /gold, “Tomorrow Chic” Choker /gold


Outfit: VUI. – “Rose Valentine Dress”

Jewelry: Gems & Kisses – “Strict Elegance” earrings /silver


Outfit: VUI. – “Stripy Suit”


Outfit: VUI. – “High Waist Pants”

Skin: LionSkins – CANAspecial

Model & Photographer in all pics: Wicca Merlin

New arrival at Miamai – “Suneh”

Again I have the great honor to show you one of the latest arrivals at Miamai. Another wonderful gown designed by monica Outlander called “Suneh”, for this post in the color “rust”

This wonderful gown has a formal but also a very sexy touch. The top coveres just the needed parts and shows off much skin. Sweet thin lines closed in the neck hold the top in place and many of this thin sexy lined decorate the back in a very amazing way. The skirt is made of 2 different fabrics. A darker transparent laced part and one shining opaque texture.

The laced part is open in the front and hold by lovely flowered looking ruffles in the back. In this picture you also can see the beautiful lines on the back of the top.

A wonderful dress or gown that can be used very variable for different kinds of events. Monica Outlander again gave us one of her amazing creations and I am sure if you visit the Miamai Mainstore you will find other colors as well πŸ˜‰


Dress: Miamai – “Suneh” /rust

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Angel Dessous – Sneak Preview on “Misaki”

As mentioned before (here)…soon the new Angel Dessous casual/couture store will open his doors. I have the pleasure to let you peek on an nother great outfit that you will find there πŸ˜‰ Only 10 days…then it will be the opening!!! A sweet kind of Kimono in different colors…wich such nice details like the fantastic fan in the right shoulder..or look at this amazing belt…

I will not tell too much…but belive me I saw a few creations already and it totally worth it to mark this date in your agenda!!!!


Outfits: Angel Dessous – “Misaki” /koi & red asia

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Miamai starts flowering season with Blossom in red!

Miamai - Blossom Red 001

This amazing gown has definatly a very beautiful asian touch I wanted to underline with the styling I did πŸ˜‰ . I would like to show you one of the latest releases by Miamai. The “Blossom” in red.

A long red dress with a deep neckline,Β  that shows your wonderful cleavage;-), and long floating arms with amazing long “shawls” on the wrist. Every “shawl” has to patrs one black laced and one with an opaque texture that starts in red and goes to a wonderful ornamented green, red and white part with an asian design. This is repeated in the front of the long skirt again.

The back of the skirt is made of an amazing red velvet texture. From this view you also can see the great transparent high belt that covers nearly the whole waist. The back of the top has a beautiful whole that gives a very sexy look on the back…and we can see even a back can be bautiful πŸ˜‰


For this sweet asian look I was searching for a special jewelry, as the fate (named Harlee Lane) lead my way to Jacon Cortes. A new designer, who makes amazing jewerly sets…And he had the perfect jewelry to add to this gown – The “Open Rose of Antiquity ” set in bloodred. A fantastic, detailed high quality pice of art what is worth to have it’s own blog post soon πŸ˜‰

I love this dress, that brought me a sweet feeling of the upcoming spring season in an asian style..for a nother color you should visit the Miamai Mainstore, so you can see what colors monica Outlander also designed for you!


Outfit: Miamai – “Blossom” /red

Jewelry: Jacon Cortes/Los Texanos – “Open Rose of Antiquity ” /bloodred

Scary Secrets…do you dare?


In the year 4010 – the human beings are totally under control of the machines. Only a very little goup of humans hide in the underground of the Opium Sim and fight for their lives. Only in the night they can come out and breathe some fresh air… all day long the have to hide themselves in the old sewage system that is very deep under the earth, where the radars of the machines cannot find them.

One night they nachines caught one of their girls and they worked on a plan to free her from the bad creatures…

Then 5 days later the night of the night of the rescue came… They left their hiding place and crawled trough the bad smelling old pipework up to the night. All was planed very good and they made their way trough the city to an old abandoned garden, where the missing girl was last seen 3 nights before by the 2 of them.

They made their way carfully in the shadows not to be seen by the searchlights, or the radars of the machines. Close to the city walls and the desert houses they sneaked until the reached the target.

And old left flat… in the abandoned gardens at the park of the Opium Sim. They tried quietly to reach that old decayed shanty where they saw the girl captured 3 days before. They opened the door and tried with a small flashlight to see the girl… and they were left speechless by what they saw…


A “thing” half human and half machine… the silhouette the only reminder that this was their missing girl… The creature turned around and only the broken sad green eyes showed the reminents of a human being… she opened her mouth and a bad electronic noise came out. She tried it again and again and as her friends came closer suddenly it came out something that was hard to understand: “No, do not come closer please!” She breathed again with a terrible noise before she continued to try talking “Don’t try to free me… they experimented on me… and on the 4th or 5th….” Suddenly they heard a noise from outside…they did not catch the rest of what she was saying as they were already out the door running for their secret hide-out…

If you wanna know… and if you dare… come again to the Opium Sim on the 4th and 5th of february and see what the girl was talking about!


Outfit: alpha.tribe – “Natural Things v.2”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin