PosESioN made a wonderful couple pose for the “Pimp my Valentine Hunt“. “Mon Amour” is a very emotional and sensitive pose and I felt very honored and super happy, that Dahriel asked me to pose with him for this amazing creation. I was working on some new blog pictures as my sweet brother jumped into my IMs and asked me to help him to adjust a new pose and as soon as I saw it, I really loved it. He has such a talent to catch emotions and atmospheres with his couple and group poses… simply amazing. Then a few minutes later he asked me if I would pose with him for the vendor picture and with this … he made a dream come true for me. I asked him if he would have something in mind for a styling he wanted to have and the only thing he said was … “maybe red.. it is for a valentine hunt”… I decided to go for an outfits with less prims as huge large prims would just overdo this amazing post. I remembered that LeeZu had a great collection released sometime ago and with a combination of a few of them it made the perfect look to match the elegant and couture outfit that Dahriel was wearing 😉
Again thank you bro for doing this with me 😉
To get this amazing pose.. you just have to make the effort and search for the “Pimp my Valentine Hunt” gift between the 15th of January and the 15th of February 😉 at the new PosESioN Mainstore (http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/lafee%20style/129/57/35)
My Style Details:
Bodysuit & Gloves: LeeZu – “Liquid Latex” /red
Jewelry Layer: LeeZu – “Diamond Addict” /red
Collar: LeeZu – “Covetousness” /red (part of the outfit)
Red Mask: LeeZu – “Moulant” /red (part of the outfit)
Golden Mask: Mea Culpa – “La Dolce Vita” (part of the outfit)
Earrings: Chop Zuey – “Gentle Insanities”
Hair: LoQ – “Ouzo”
Shoes: [GOS] – “Desire Boots”
Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca” /Wicca von Teese – NEW (custom made skin)
Pose: PosESioN – “Mon Amour” – NEW (Pimp my Valentine Hunt Gift)
Models: Dahriel & Wicca
Photographer: Dahriel