Today I am very happy, that I can have a post like this ๐
If you work a lot and always run behind deadlines, you need moments where you can just relax and have fun. The beginning ofย this week requested exactly this and I was so happy when I saw Sazzy online. We talked about future plans and some amazing news which soon will be ready for official release (still working on the press release…) and then we had the ideas of making som fun pictures.

We were going over our inventories and tried to find a theme that we both could style up, when we stumbled over some amazing outfits from [AD] Creation.
I was putting on the “WP Mesh Dress” while Sazzy tried the “Bluered Nesh Corset Dress”.
Mine was more like a corset/ pants combination even if the pants have very wide sleeves, I loves my pants ๐
Those 2 outfits are both part of the Calavera Mini Collection 2014 of [AD] Creations.

The Calaveras are originally skeletons made out of papier-mache, gypsum or sugar, which are placed in shops and sown the streets during the 31st of October and the 2nd of November. That is the time of the Dia de los Muertos, one of the most important holidays in Mexico.
The Dia de los Muertos are no sad days they are more the festive days. After old mexican traditions the dead people come back once a year to the end of the harvest season and celebrate together with the living a happy reunion with music, food and dance.

To the outfits we are wearing 2 of the amazing Calaveraย makeups that Aliza Karu, owner and designer of [AD] Creations, made for those beautiful outfits. They kinda showcase the typical Cavalera face ornaments very colorful and artistic.
I added some horns I got as well from [AD] Creations.
Sazzy had some super sugar skulls left we used as props and it was great fun to just style away in a lightly scary way and so some pics together. There was not a special reason we ha to do it, or something we had to showcase it just was kinda like 2 girls playing around with their inventory ๐
Thank you Sazzy for doing this with me and spend all the wonderful time with me ๐

Sazzy’s Style:
Dress: [AD] Creations – “Blured Mesh Corset Dress”
Makeup: [AD] Creations – “Calavera Suger Skull Makeup 3”
Lipstick: Essences – “Hangover Lipstick 03”
Hair: booN – “NYN116”
Jewelry: Maxi Gossamer – “Hand Jewelry – Bali Gypsy R”
Headpiece: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Amara” (color modified)
Tattoo: artilleri – “Old SCchool 2”
Wicca’s Style:
Outfit: [AD] Creations – “WP Mesh Dress”
Horns & Mask: [AD] Creations – “SE Horns & Mask”
Makeup: [AD] Creations – “Calavera Sugar Skull Makeup 2”
Lipstick: L.Fauna – “Lipstick Red 2”
Hair: booN – “TUN247”
Gloves: Wicca’s Wardrobeย – “Arachne GLoves” (part of the outfit)
Shoes: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Locked Heels ]black]”
Tattoo: v3 – “Outlaw”
Photographer: Wicca Merlin