Wicca’s Wardrobe @ Monthly Midnight Madness (September 7th -9th)
It’s time for Monthly Midnight Madness (MMM)!! What is that you ask?
MMM runs only from September 7th-9th at our main store. Items are exclusive to this event only and will not be available after September 7th-9th. There will be only 1500 available for each gift (0L$). On Sunday there are the ‘last chance’ vendors, that are active for 24 hours. There people can get the gifts for 50 L$, if they could not grab them before or they were sold out already. For our Wicca’s Wardrobe group the last chance vendors will be FREE!
First gift we will be offering is our Holly Corset & Skirt, the second offering will be the Holly matching jacket. The Holly set is made for Maitreya’s Lara, Belleza’s Freya, and Slink’s Hourglass.
Please keep in mind that MMM has strict rules for avatar complexity. If your complexity is more than 50.000 an orb will send you home. We have to do that to comply with MMM’s requirements to reduce lag and to keep the vendors working smoothly and without any issues. (It’s nothing personal, honest!)
MMM RULES & CATALOUGE: https://www.xxsaltandpepperxx.com/monthly-midnight-madness/
Taxi: Wicca’s Wardrobe