Steampunk Fever!

Steampunk 001

Lately I was kinda affected by a Steampunk fever… I have no clue why, but each part of my body wanted to do something steampunk. Kara Trapdoor did even more throw me in that direction, when she IMed me, asking if I would like to be part of a steampunk exhibit done by bloggers. This wonderful exhibit started on the 4th of May 2014 and many of amazing bloggers made incredible pictures of steampunk sims, gear and fashion.

Steampunk Exhibit:

Steampunk Exhibit Poster

In SL I did not find too many steampunk designs so I decided this could be a reason to make some things, how I would imagine steampunk.

I started with a gown, the “Araminta” steampunk gown. When I finished it, in my view it looked a bit too elegant and I decided the gown has to have a jacket with it.

Steampunk Gown Vendor

When the gown was finished, the more I looked at it, the more I wanted a hat for it. I started with a simple top hat and added more and more gear and a head band closed in the back, until I was satisfied with it. To match the color of the gown was not that easy and took me quite some time and cursings but in the end it worked out :p .

Steampunk Hat Vendor

Steampunk 002

The glasses I am wearing are made by Crie Style, one of the most skilled designer if it comes to glasses and eye wear.

Gown, Hat… so what s missing? The gown can be worn as a long and wide and a short and tight version, so I decided to make some neat booties matching both of the dresses even if they only can be seen with the short version ๐Ÿ˜‰ .

Steam Booties Vendor

The “Araminta” steampunk gown and jacket comes in the 5 usual standart sizes plus the needed alpha layers. The normal prims of each of the 3 designs are either mod, or have a resizer so that you can make sure to make it fit your avatar.

I hope you liked my little steampunk journey and all of the items are now available at the Wicca’s Wardrobe Mainstore ๐Ÿ™‚ (

Steampunk 003

Pose Fair 2014 – News from Wicca’s Wardrobe!

WM - Poses Momentum Set Posefair 2014 logo

The Pose Fair 2014 is up! RubyStarlight Writer again made it to put together one of the most popular events on the grid. Every year she takes a lot of time and effort to feature a lot of pose designers on her fair. This year she created an amazing place for the Pose Fair 2014.

WM - Poses Dark Lady Set Posefair 2014 logo

When you enter the sim you will immediately see what I am talking about. The whole place is black and just the shop entrances are highlighted. When I set up my store I really was impressed and it was super fun to just walk around and enjoy the feeling of the darkeness outside of the shops ๐Ÿ˜‰

WM - Poses Elegant Clutch Set Posefair 2014 logo

For me this Pose Fair is very special as I was allowed to be part as a designer for the first time ๐Ÿ™‚ . For my debut on the Pose Fair 2014 I made 4 different sets who are exclusively released atthe Pose Fair 2014 for now.

ยง sets for the ladies and one for the gents. After I was asked so often to make some more male poses I had to include at least one set for the males as well even if I was told and as well shown, that some of my other sets as well work unisex.

I hope you enjoy my new sets and have fun by using them for runway or pictures ๐Ÿ˜‰

You should not miss that great experience of the Pose Fair 2014 and all the great and amazing new and exclusive releases of all the designers who are being part ๐Ÿ™‚

Taxi to the Pose Fair 2014:

WM - Poses Gravity Set Posefair 2014 logo

Wicca’s Wardrobe for K.I.D.S. – Through the eyes of a child

13783588063_cd9a9a4f67_o(Picture & Model: Sazzy Nirpaw)

Through the eyes of a child

Sweet innocent child with your open eyes.
You’ve seen us for who we really are.
And I know that there’ll be tomorrow.
So that hope can have it’s glory day.
And I wish that this world would embrace you
from magic stars and mystery.
My open heart …

I know you, I’ve seen your face before
you brought me to this open door
afraid to walk through.
Please take my hand.

I know that there will be tomorrow.
So that hope can have it’s glory day?
And I wish that this world embrace you
from magic stars and mystery.
My open heart …

I see where we’ll go from here.
‘Cause love doesn’t break
with the right amount of care
in your hands is whom you’ve choosen to be.
Life is a freedom.
Now go out there and be free.

Why did we make it so hard, this life is so complicated
until we see it through the eyes of a child.
Why did we make it so hard, this life is so complicated
until we see it through the eyes of a child.
Why did we make it so hard, this life is so complicated
until we see it through the eyes of a child.
Why did we make it so hard, this life is so complicated
until we see it through the eyes of a child.


ย Fashion for K.I.D.S.ย  is a week-long charity event which will take place from April 14th to April 21st, 2014. that will help to feed the bodies and minds of young children. The two Miss Virtual World 2014 Candidates, Sienna Bellios and Shelby Matfield will collaborate in this effort , and raises funds for K.I.D.S., a childrenโ€™s charity that aids in the development of children through nourishment and education (literacy). K.I.D.S. (Kids in Distress Situations) donates 97 percent of donations to the children and families they serve. The charity helps many kids in distress situations such as homelessness, low literacy rate, victims of domestic violence, children with serious illness, and military families. More information on this charity can be found at

During this event, a host of 18+ designersย  willing to set up small vendors of their creations โ€“ with one creation donating 50% or more to the childrenโ€™s charity. Since the charity is to aid children, the designers will have an array of bright colors to represent children, and just in time for spring! To cap off this event, we will host a grand fashion show on the BOSL sim, featuring the awesome women of Miss Virtual World 2014! It is our hope that through this colorful, spring fashion event, that we raise a substantial amount of lindens to give to K.I.D.S.


Each day families all around the world struggle for food, clothing, and shelter. Each day a parent loses their job and with the loss of a job, usually the loss of their home follows. We work hard to make ends meet, rob Peter to pay Paul, struggle to care for our children but the truth is, the vast majority is just one pay check away from poverty. And while as adults we suffer, those who suffer the most are our children. (Sazzy Nirpaw,


I really was very happy when Sienna IMed me and asked me, if I would like to participate in that event. I worked or over 10 years in children home for abused and homeless kids and it really touched my heart, when Sienna asked me. All the memories came back, the eyes of the children looking at me, their little hands reaching out for something the would like to have, the sparkling in their eyes for candy if I brought some with me to work…

I was thinking a lot what I could make for such a charity, because I really wanted to have something that has the kids theme in it. The idea of the “Lolliopop Gown” was born. All kids love candy and the idea of a gown made of lollipops just seemed for me the right idea for such a charity ๐Ÿ˜‰

The gown comes with the mesh corset, a mesh skirt, the huge lollipop back-fan, the ribbons and ruffles and some little parts like the hair decoration and the lollipop for the hand. I left all the prim parts modify, so that you can play with them and reattach or resize them to your likings.

I hope you all like the idea, my little candy dream because 100% proceeds of the “Lollipop Gown” will go to the K.I.D.S. charity.

Please help those who cannot help themselves!

Wicca's Wardrobe - Lollipop Gown Vendor Charity


Wicca’s Wardrobe for the BeStyle Gypset Market

Spring Flower Dress Pink

The BeStyle Gypset Market is a monthly event done by the BeStyle District. They have 2 different locations, one GOLD and one SILVER section. At the gold section you will find limited designs and the silver section has smaller and non limited creations to offer ๐Ÿ™‚ .

I was very excited, when Linnda Scofield IMed me and asked me if I would like to be part of that event. The request was to create something spring looking in pastel colors. I decided to make the spring dress, wich already was a great success inaย  very special color, wich willnot be available anymore after this month of the BeStyle Gypset Market. Since you all know about my pink allergy, I thought I can suffer for a limited time of tha color and so the “Spring Flower” dress in pink was born ๐Ÿ˜‰ .

To match the “Spring Flower” dress in pink I made one of my “Coco” bags matching to the dress.


BeStyle Gypset Market GOLD

BeStyle Gypset Market SILVER

Coco BagSpring Flower Pink

News @ Wicca’s Wardrobe

Wicca & Saz Corset Vendor

Today I am very excited to announce that I finally released my short series of corsets with matching jeans and bolderos ๐Ÿ™‚ . It is a short collection of 6 different patterns and fabrics that iI was working on for quiet some time now. In RL I am addicted to corsets so it was a long time dream to make some in SL as well that would be kinda the style I could like to wear. Usually if you hear corsets many have only the fetish vision or a medieval look in their mind, but corsets can be so much more and they can be part of every day wear as well.

Corsets,Jeans & Vendor for Blog 001

A corset is a garment worn to hold and shape the torso into a desired shape for aesthetic or medical purposes (either for the duration of wearing this item, or with a more lasting effect). Both men and women are known to wear corsets, though women are more common wearers.

In recent years, the term “corset” has also been borrowed by the fashion industry to refer to tops which, to varying degrees, mimic the look of traditional corsets without actually acting as one. While these modern corsets and corset tops often feature lacing or boning and generally mimic a historical style of corsets, they have very little if any effect on the shape of the wearer’s body. Genuine corsets are usually made by a corsetmaker and should be fitted to the individual wearer. (Wikipedia)

In the fashion industry corsets became again more and more popular as sexy and modern accessories. And so I am happy to present my short mini corset collection in my store now ๐Ÿ˜‰

I packed some full outfits but as well I offer all the corsets, jeans and bolero single, so that you can mix and match them how ever you like ๐Ÿ˜‰ .

The pants have a special metal button that gets repeated at the bolero as well. On the first view the boleros are all black but if you take a closer look, each of that 6 different black jackets have a different pattern or feature round the zipper on the arms to match the jeans and corset they belong to. Certainly you can cross mix them as well.

The corsets all have a different texture and a certain style. Anyways if back laced or front laced or with straps and buckles, all of them come in the 5 standard sizes and are mesh made, same as the jeans and the boleros.

I hope you come over and take a look or try the demos and find one you like for your wardrobe ๐Ÿ™‚ .

Wicca’s Wardrobe:

Corsets,Jeans & Vendor for Blog 002

Models: Sazzy Nirpaw & Wicca Merlin

Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: New Age – My Debut

New Age for Blog

Today I am very excited and nervous because this will be my first pose about some clothing I made myself.

At the end of January I will turn 7 years old in SL. 7 years are a lot of time and if I look back most of the time I really had fun ๐Ÿ˜‰ .

I explored a lot, tried to RP and dancing in clubs and after sometime I found my way into modeling in the end of 2008 by taking my first modeling classes at schools and academies. Since then I was doing a lot of runway shows, various video productions, managing different stores, having my own agencies and magazine with SL Art Couture and discovered blogging as one of my addictions besides teaching.

Early 2013 I realized my self being kinda restless as I wanted to do something new. First I was not really sure what it should be. More and more the dream was growing inside of me t make something, something that i can hold in my hands saying it is made by me ๐Ÿ˜‰

First I tried it with poses. I was making poses anyways for my blog sometimes and after I was asked why I do not sell them, the idea of Wicca’s Wardrobe was born. For quite some time I just made poses and I still have fun doing that. But more and more a nother desire was growing inside myself… I wanted to create more than poses. After looking a bit on marketplace I found the wonderful world of mesh, sculpties and prims. Together with my Photoshop addiction the plan to make shoes or clothing for myself came more and more real.

New Age Bracelets Blog

I started with some accessories like head pieces or hats and some bracers until I found some awesome pants on Marketplace I wanted to try for myself first. It worked out quite nice and so I decided I can put it to Wicca’s Wardrobe. One by one all the pieces of the “New Age” outfit found their way into my inventory and I had a lot of fun by trying different textures and combinations. The result was the “New Age” outfit in 3 lightly different versions.

New Age Blog 2

The outfit can be purchased as a total for each version or you can mix and match together your version if you just pick the single at my Mainstore. The whole “New Age” outfit contains awesome mesh pants with those fancy leg shape, the mesh top that can be worn with or without the shoulder attachment and you can choose between 3 types of bracers. The shoulder parts and bracers are able to be fitted with a resizer and for the mesh parts you always have the 5 standard sizes.

If you wanna try if the “New Age” outfit is something for you or if it fits you just take a look at Wicca’s Wardrobe, you will find demos to try there.

Wicca’s Wardrobe Taxi:

Thank you Dahriel and Sazzy for your patience to snap those pictures with you ๐Ÿ˜‰

Wicca’s Wardrobe – The Claw Boots now arrived in the Main Store

Claw Boots Add II

You got a sneak peek during the 12 days of Christmas of the Crazy Connection, had a taste of the exclusive for the Couturier’s Docks, you even saw them walking the runway during the In-Pose!/Silken Moon show presented by SL Fierce. ย Now my new “Claw Boots” are available at my Mainstore.

Claw Boots Singles

You will find 16 different colors of leather for the “ClawBoots”. Each one has a resizer to make sure it fits your avatar and as well a HUD, wich let you change the metal parts between silver, gold and black metals and the lace parts to white, black and a matching color.

If you are not sure yet, if they fit to your avatar and shape,ย  you can try the demo first at the Wicca’s Wardrobe Mainstore ( Just follow the letters on the floor to the room besides my poses and you will find them ๐Ÿ˜‰

Claw Boots Add + letters

12 Days of Christmas @ Crazy Connection

12 days of X mas poster

First of all some of you might ask… what is this Crazy Connection? The Crazy Connection is a dream of 3 friends to have a place to live their vision of style and creativity.

Christmas is over and many of us might be lazy and exhausted from all the good food, cookies and sweets, laying on the couch and not really sure what to do…

The therapy for after-christmas-blues. Stop by and grab your daily chance winning one of the exclusive Crazy Connection gifts to lighten the 12 days of christmas.

12 days rules

It starts today and every day you have a chance of winning amazing gifts from the 3 designers of the Crazy Connection.

12 days prizes copy2

All the items you see on the picture above are in the raffle giver… so what are you waiting for? Everyday you have aย  new chance to click it and pull one of those wonderful gifts!



Crazy Connection:

Wicca’s Wardrobe: Night Out

Faster Pussycat 001

Lately I have kinda a black phase… Sure black is my favourite color even if it is not considered as a color :p, but usually I find a good balance between black outfits and others. But the cold outside, that dark mood of the beginning winter, the first snow… all that really pushes me even more towards black again.

Today I would like to showcase some goodies that I got while i had my RL moving going and could not yet blog about. The amazing dress is from Faster Pussycat. The “Varla” dress was released during the AVENUE Fashion Week this year and it really meets my likings ;). Usually I am not wearing a lot of dresses or gowns, even if I like elegant and classy looks as well ;). But the “Varla” dress made such a great basic for a styling, that I had in mind.ย  The Top with the amazing flower attachment and the sweet wave shaped skirt added a sweet and cute touch to the basic idea I had so I wanted to give it some strong and weird accessories to give it my personal touch. The boots are heavy plateau boots from Lapointe that you might consider more for a dark grunge or goth styling. But since I love controversy in stylings they made the perfect shoes for today.

Faster Pussycat 002

The gloves are some super cool ones from N1CO. The “Claw” gloves are opaque gloves that have amazing short claws for the fingernails and some bangles attached to them as well. The “Claw Gloves” come with a HUD so you can change the color of the bracelets, the claws and even the little dots that are placed along the fingers.

The awesome hat is one of the Bliss Couture hats that I got in the past out of the still running closing sale. The amazing necklace is one of the mesh made jewelry collection from EMO-tions. The “Flair Necklace” was the perfect match for the dress and the shoulder parts from ISON, wich I found at one of those gacha fairs, because the collar style did not interfere too much with the outfit it self and still added some more gothic character to it.

Faster Pussycat 003


Dress: Faster Pussycat – “Varla” (mesh)

Gloves: N1CO – “Claw GLoves & Bracelets”

Hat: Bliss Couture – “Ella”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Yeriak”

Choker: EMO-tions – “Flair Nacklace”

Makeup: Nuuna’s – “Zion”

Shoes: L&P – “Gothic Platforms”

Fishnetpantyhose: Faster Pussycat – “Immodesty”

Poses: Corpus

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

New Late Autumn Look at GizzA

GizzA - Woolen 001

Autumn gets colder and colder and the winter is right before us. I still try to tell myself it is late autumn but if I look outside… I get shown different*sighs* And even if I turn up the heat in my apartment… I afraid, I will not escape the winter outside. To bring back a bit of warmer feelings I could not resist to try the new “Woolen Series” and to get the warmer type of colors I went to one of my favourite places to snap the pictures – at the Looking Glass sim.

GizzA - Woolen 002

The “Knitted Crop Top” might let me freeze a little but the style of it lets me suffer*grins*. The top is mesh made and with the 2 belts round the waist and right under the dress it has a very sexy look. The “Tartan Mini Skirt” really is something I would wear RL as well. I like the pattern and the combination of the soft warm colors with a touch of red that goes perfectly with the “Knitted Crop Top”. I added the black version of the “Epaulette Set”. This accessoriy is out of the gacha at GizzA and it has many other amazing colors as well. The super cool mesh boots are my long time favourites of LeeZu. The “Piccadilly Overknee Boots” are the perfect addition to cover most of the legs so I will at least have warm feet ๐Ÿ˜‰ .

The “Woolen Series” are now available in different colors at the GizzA Mainstore.

The lipstick is one of the newest releases from Silken Moon. The “Luna Lips Bonfire” have the perfect red tone to match the whole look. The fingernails are colored with one of the Slink enhancer HUD’s from Nailed It.

For the poses I used some of my own poses out of several sets. All of them you can buy single or in a fatpack at my new Mainstore at the Crazy Connection.

GizzA - Woolen 003


Top: GizzA – “Knitted Crop Top” – NEW (mesh)

Skirt: GizzA – “Tartan Mini Skirt” – NEW (mesh)

Shoulder parts: GizzA – “Epaulette Set” (gacha)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca lumee lunette”

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Luna Lips Bonfire”

Nail Polish: Nailed It

Hair: DeLa – “Marley” (mesh)

Boots: Leezu – “Piccdilly Overknee Boots”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe

Location: Looking Glass Sim

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin