We can be golden
Why don’t we show them
All of the life there’s meant to be
We can be golden
Look what we holdin’
Better than angels if you believe
[Brandon Beal]
More and more I like the idea of blogging with friends. It gives so much more possibilities even if it might be a tiny wee bit more time intense as you need to find times when you can shoot together, but they are worth every single second
This time it was the return game with Tempe. She did a wonderful picture of us both not too long ago and the deal was – once she does the pic and once I will. (Link to the post/picture)
So this time it was my time. First I thought about lingerie, but to compete with the picture Tempe did – impossible! So I thought about something different. I was thinking about, what I do love most and as well about the craziness we both have and came across an idea…
I IMed Tempe, asking her what she would think about a post with [sys], since we both like to blog them very much (yes I follow her blog and flickr certainly*grins*).
So it was a given, we needed to do something crazy or editorial or even both :p
We came across, that we both own the “Venus” dress from [sys], so Tempe was going for the black/gold version and I used the golden one. The basic idea was “No reigns, no rules – just go what you feel” and we both came up with something wild looking – I simply loved it. Again it showed why we go so well along, our craziness goes so well together :p.
For the set I immediately had the idea of a lot of gold, when Tempe sent me a snapshot of her styling. One of the latest releases was the “Flowers of the Golden Apple”. The huge golden apples come in 2 versions – once with and once without that sweet golden/white flower petals on the bottom. I added the “Splashing Droplets” in gold which were circling around us since they are animated
The cute balloons I found at the ‘Book of Daniel’ fundraiser. They come in different variations but for today, I certainly chose the golden one.
Last but not least, the golden ‘rain’ in the back, I created from the “Segmented Curtain” made by 22769.
We had again a great time and I experienced once more how awesome it is to work together with a real friend. More fun, more ideas, more challenge;) Let’s see who I will poke next… I think I already have an idea…
Outfit: [sys] – “Venus” – NEW @ The Secret Affair
Shoes: Eclipse – “OhMe”
Shoulder/Neck: E.V.E Studio – “Etheral Neck Corset”
Arm Parts: Asteria – “In FLames”
Headpiece & Butterflies: Enfant Terrible – “Halo” & “Moonchild animated Butterfly”
Rings: Formanails – “Stiletto Nails – Maitreya Gold/Black”
Hair: Entwined – “Linette”
Poses: Del May & Quixotica
Apples & Splash : E.V.E Studios – “Flowers of the Golden Apple” & “Splashing Droplets”
Balloons: Apple Fall – “Confetti Balloon” NEW @ Book of Daniel
Curtain: 22769 – “Segmented Curtain”
Models: Tempest Rosca & Wicca Merlin
(to see details about Tempe’s styling please look @ https://tempestrosca.com/)
Photographer: Wicca Merlin
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