For the 6th week of Claim the Fame the designers had to create a Cyber or Future Couture attire for male and female and make a description that was read during the TV show on Metaverse TV. (
All designs are available at the KULT District (for slurl please click here)
Mayden Ushimawa:” The theme this week is very creative. I concentrated more on the creation of attach and less in the creation of the dress. I wished minimum one more week to refine and enrich all prims attach.
I thought about the future, where everything is possible (with the imagination) and I wanted to represent two robotics human , with features that are only science fiction.
The clothes are in latex, for the woman I used my favorite colors: white and fuxsia,
while for men blue and for the glow parts I wanted to use yellow to contrast.
…How know if one day the technology will come to this!”
Models: Redclaw Inshan & Wicca Merlin
Photographer: Wicca Merlin