Yesterday, on the 27th of November, the semi finals for the Finesmith Muse 2012 took place. I was allowed to be one of the lucky ones to be part of it . We got a very nice challenge and rules for our styling.
Yula send out a NC with the requests she had for all of the contestants. The theme was fantasy but still being human, so not having fantasy skins… some people told me that this is my theme to go wild with horns and wings and stuff… so I wanted to go completely different and not doing what people expect from me :p. So I took the risk to go for cute and fairytale *grins* rare but there 😉

As well I wanted to redo as many jewelry attachments to use them as a different thing as they usually were thought for. So the great “Victorian Secrets” earrings became my dolly ballet shoes, The “Jellyfish” headpiece became the dolly skirt and as well parts of the bracelets. Then a windup dolly needs a wind up key so I just took the “Victorian Secret” necklace, turned it around and made it way bigger before I attached it to my back ;). The collar inspired by Blackliquid went on my head, got turned around and turned into a hat 🙂

To make the fantasy fairytale complete I had the idea of a lonely sad windup dolly locked away in her glass cage and my genius sister Rhonda Pennell helped me with the story and proper english 😉 Thank you sissy!

Few of us can resist the magical power of a full moon shining brightly in the otherwise dark hours of the night…for some, it means sleepless wandering, for others, a metamorphosis. But for one single doll, a wind-up doll locked in a glass cage, it means a taste of freedom.
You see, our lovely doll, Wicca Merlin, was betrayed by the young, dashing prince she once loved. The prince was very charming and swept Wicca off her feet from the start, but he soon met another woman who was a beautiful but cunning witch, and he began spending more time with her and less with Wicca.
Poor Wicca! Her sweet, innocent soul unable to withstand the raging waves of jealousy, she became enraged and locked the prince away, letting him out only once every month on a full moon – for it was the most romantic time that Wicca could imagine spending with him. But the young witch found out, and before long, she and the prince schemed against our doll to doom her to the same fate.
Cursed, Wicca must now endure long, lonely hours in her glass cage, its door unlocking only on a moonlit night. But she must return before sunrise when the door once again closes, or she will perish in an instant.
Tonight the door opens once more, and our doll steps out in all of her shining Finesmith beauty. She takes a breath of the fresh, cool air, spreading her arms decorated with “Buckleup Jellyfish” bracelets like wings unfolding, and slowly begins to twirl. Her “Jellyfish”dolly skirt, her “Victorian Secret”ballet shoes, her “Leah”corset and even the hair with the “Blackliquid” hat, all sparkling and glistening under the moonlight, making her feel beautiful – and hopeful that perhaps this time, this very night, at last she might find a true love to rescue her from the confines of the glass cage forever, for only true love can break the curse.
The hours pass by, and lovely Wicca enjoys rare moments of happiness as she runs through the forest, and once even passes by a small pond where frogs croak softly by the edge and fish chase each other below the water, all doused in a silver moonlight glow. Or is the glow coming from our doll herself? She gently dips a finger in the water and giggles, as tiny circles spread from the center and grow larger, momentarily distorting her reflection.
But morning comes quickly, and in growing despair Wicca realises that she must once again return to the glass box. A single tear drops from her eye like a liquid diamond…She turns around once more, then steps inside as the door begins to close. As she prepares to go to sleep for another month, a soft glow remains, emanating from her Finesmith outfit – a glow of hope for eventual salvation.
The End

Hat: Finesmith – “Inspiration Blackliquid Collar”
Eyepiece: Finesmith – “Rissa Delicate Mask”
Earrings: Finesmith – “Inspiration Vivienne”
Collar: Finesmith – “Inspiration Arisia”
Bracelets: Finesmith – “Buckleup” + “Jellyfish” headpiece (resized)
Corset: Finesmith – “Leah Inspiration Corset”
Skirt: Finesmith – “Jellyfish headpiece”
Nails: Finesmith – “Black Onyx”
Windup Key: Finesmith – “In the FlaSh – Victorian secret necklace”
Ballet shoes: Finesmith – “In the FlaSh – Victorian secret earrings”
Suit: LeLutka
Hair: PurpleMoon
Skin: Glam Affair
Model & Photographer:Wicca Merlin