Today I saw a little note in Starwalkers from Daron Brandeis… he looked for a model he can do a face shot with. He told some requirements and it sounded like a sweet challenge and I IMed him. A few hours later we met at his studio. I already had some face looks prepared and after some time we developed what he had in mind. We changed around hair and makeup color. I really enjoyed it to help him, to get his vision to come true, of what he had in mind. I saw the background and my look and started to try to imagine what will come out. Daron added some lights as well – actually they looked like 3 funny balls floating around me as I had my settings lowered as usual when I just roam around :p. So I was not really able to get the imagination of the final picture. After he did the closeup, he took some more snaps… I heard the camera going ;). After some nice talking as well I went and let him do his work. After my LeeZu shift all of a sudden he told me he did the closeup… (wich you can see above)

Daron TPed me back to his studio and as I rezzed in and could see the picture… something happened what’s really rare for me… I became speechless as the picture rezzed in. What I saw was simply breathtaking, never before someone catched me and as well my feelings so perfect! The picture really touched me with the look, the angle and the atmosphere… all was just perfect! I would say I never got a better closeup from a photographer then this one… I never got a closeup that showed me better than this one in that very moment. Not long after I left him with my incredible head shot, he IMed me again, telling me, he would have another one done… and not much time later the 3rd. Wich every picture I saw.. I more and more became silent, because of this wonderful images. With this pictures I got an idea back in mind for a styling and picture I wanted to do for a long time and Daron seems to be the one that can do that picture for me… so I am looking forward to meet him again to realize this idea. If you need a picture, with soul, attitude and atmosphere… please consider Daron Brandeis. I really enjoyed working with him, he is very talkative, nice and kind and that really helps for getting the very best results for pictures if photographer and model are able to come together and talk about visions and ideas!

Pants: LeeZu – “Brit Pants” /black
Corset: LeeZu – “Sablier” /black
Jewelry: Rozoregalia – “Hydra”
Skin: Redgrave – “Trinity”
Makeup: White Widow – “Fairy” /silver
Lashes: Finesmith – “Lashes 1”
Hair: LoQ – “Ouzo” /ash black
Nails: Mstyle – “Perfect Hand” /short
Model: Wicca Merlin
Photographer: Daron Brandeis