After a long week of being forced offline due health issues, I finally be able to sit again – YAY!
It was a rough week, which started with an ugly flu with fever and all that jazz. When that looked as it would come to an end… I got one of those creepy abdominal-wall abscesses again, which I had about 3 years ago already. Certainly it started on a Friday night, probably to make sure no doctor would be available over the weekend. After I resigned myself to it and made plans to go to the doctor on Monday, just to make sure it gets handled right – it broke open in the night from Saturday to Sunday :/ So certainly on Monday the doctors appointment was set and a little more important than intended.
A long story short – I refused to go to the hospital like I did in the past, as they kept me for nearly 6 weeks just because of that. So they asked me to come every other day to check on the wound. They kept ordering me not to sit as that only would add pressure to the wound, which would not be the best idea, if I want it to get better.
I HATE being forced to do nothing and if I lay on the couch for too long it feels like the ceiling falls down on me, but this time I had no choice as lying was the preferred way of staying on the couch according to the doctor. So was home the whole week and could do nothing, because while laying on the couch much more than reading watching TV, browsing the internet on the tablet or sleeping isn’t really working.
Since Yesterday I am allowed to sit again – at least for a while and so I couldn’t wait to do some more pictures for my blog – I had so many cool style and picture ideas in mind before that all happened!

I wanted to start with something that I would call casual – I know many of you will disagree, but for me that is casual… maybe I should call it “Wicca Casual”.
Anyways, So today I wanted to wear those cool new sneakers I picked up at Cupic Inc., be fore I got sick. Certainly they do request a super cool look to be featured and so I thought I can add some of my favorite designers to it. The corset comes from CerberusXing. I wanted to wear that for along time and when I put it on, I immediately has the idea for the rest of my style. The top I grabbed on one of the many sales events, not sure if it was the FLF or the 60L$ from Access… sometimes I just grab stuff, when I think I can use it later on and sometimes I even forget that for quite a while *giggles*
Another great detail are the “Halimaw Ear Weights”, which are made as the new L’Homme gift – you can find them at the new store of CerberusXing. The only thing you have to do is join the L’Homme group, which is free to join.
As promised, again iam wearing one the cool “Falkor” eye patches, which is part of a full gacha set. I already showcased one of them HERE. This one is called “Grid” as it doesn’t cover the eye completely. 5 metal stripes are the center of the eye patch so you can see through still.
For the location I chose our store parcel. I enjoy to built little sets lately a lot and since the general environment on our parcel perfectly matches my vision of casual, I just did built a little spot around the radio station on the right side of the store. I will leave it up for a bit, if you like it and want to use it for pictures, feel free to come over. We do have a few sweet spots for pictures on the store parcel as well as in front of our doors in Bartertown 😉

Top: Razor – “Chambers Shirt v2 – WY” (Maitreya)
Corset: [CX] – “Oroan’s Binding – (Set B)” (Maitreya)
Pants: adorsy – “Clementine Jean Pants” (Maitreya)
Shoes: DRD – “Sticker Stompers – Colors” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Cupid Inc.
Eyepatch: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Falkor Grid (R)” (Gacha, Rare)
Earrings: [CX] – “Halimaw Ear Weights” (L’Homme Gift) – NEW @ Mainstore
Collar: [CX] – “Xenocircuit – Night” (Maitreya)
Hair & Makeup
Hair: adoness – “beanie”
Makeup 1: -SU!- – “The Bride FX Makeup /Smokey” (BoM)
Makeup 2: alaskametro<3 – “Babygoth” makeup palette – lipstic 01″ (BoM)
Head, Body & Tattoo
Head: LeLUTKA – “Nova 1.0” – NEW @ Mainstore
Freckles: Izzie’s – “Pores & Blemishes – Freckles” (BoM)
Ears: [CX] – “Ostium Impaler Ears”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.0.2”
Poses, Props & Tools
Poses: Le Poppycock – “Heartache Set”
DRD – “San Mora – Building – Radio Station”
DRD – “Beer Stand – Crates and Kegs”
DRD – “PA – Sewer Shelter – Table”
DRD – “PA – Sewer Shelter – Couch”
DRD – “PA – Sewer Shelter – Bucket Seat”
DRD – “Beer Stand – Crate Pile”
DRD – “Beer Stand – Crate Stack”
DRD – “Beer Stand – Drunk Bench”
DRD – “San Mora – City Trash – Pile – B”
DRD – “San Mora – City Trash – Bins”
BellePoses – “Beer 1” (part of the “Jeh” pose set)
esk-imo – “Flick Lighter (Steel)” (store closed)
{Gentleman} – “Packet_Cigarette_Black”
JIAN – “Hedgehog Wanderer”
JIAN – “Curious Kitties :: Wanderer Gry Tabby”
Wicca’s Originals
Model & Photographer
Wicca Merlin