
Do you know that feeling? When you unpack something and immediately get an idea in front of your inner eye, what this should look like on your pictures? Usually I do not have that too often with my first piece that I put on, but sometimes it happens 😉

Today it was the case when I put on the Sakushi outfit and cap from Entice. I have no idea why – I did not see that movie in ages – but when I looked at it, I had a scene in mind from the movie ‘Catch me if you can’. The moment when Leonardo DiCaprio walked into the airport with all this blue dressed stewardesses. Maybe it was the cap and as well the vintage touch of that cherries, but I was stuck with that thought in my head.


As usual, that idea did not work out as I found no vintage airport that went with my 50s/60s idea for my picture. So I went back to my platform and tried to built me a set, that at least catches the vibe of what I wanted to do.

While I was rezzing all kind of things I remembered the propellers I got at one of the last FLF from NOMAD and they completely rocked. When I found them all the rest fell into place really easy 😉

Now I needed shoes, that went with my idea and when I saw the “Heidi Slingbacks” from [Gos], I first was curing as on the picture they only had flower prints showing and I could not imagine flower prints with my cherry dress. But, when I opened them and saw all the amazing different HUDs, I was doing the happy dance. when I found out that the red of the ‘Boutique HUD’ even matched the red of the cherries, I was sold 😉

When I was done with the pictures, I did some sim hopping and while I was roaming around,I found that fabulous “Time Portal”  location, with all those different mini locations of all kind themes and times and there was one 50s location too! They had a wonderful diner and as well this cute little pet shop, which you can see in the background of the first picture. As if it would have been fate, there was a bench with some really cool animations in front of it. One of the poses even had a vintage newspaper as a prop and I could not resist to just add one more picture in for this post.

I have to go back and explore this place some more and see what other cool posts I could do with inspiration of different centuries 😉

Outfit & Accesories

Dress & Hat: Entice – “Sakushi Baby & Cap” (Maitreya)

Shoes: [Gos] – “Heidi Slingbacks” (Maitreya) – NEW @ FaMESHed

Socks: Entice – “Sweet Dreams Socks” (Maitreya Applier)

Gloves: Sweet Tea – “Formal Gloves Essentials” (Maitreya Applier)

Necklace: :::NOIR::: – “Ava Chocker”

Glasses: Glamistry – “Sunglasses PU2003”

Ring: .:E.A.Studio – “Ring Opal Diamond Gold”

Bag: =Zenith= – “Spring Rattan Bag” (Gacha Rare)

Makeup & Hair

Hair: no.match – “No. Come On” – NEW (Groupgift)

Makeup: Izzie’s – “Aego Sal” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: Izzie’s – “Fae Lipgloss” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Face: Izzie’s – “Pores & Blemishes” (LeLutka Applier)

Poses & Props

Poses: Foxcity


Cigarette Machine: FIN – “Fifties Cigarette Vending Machine”

Coke Machine: 22769  ~ [bauwerk] – “Vintage Soda Machine”

Propellers: NOMAD – “Clean Propeller Fan // Floor & Wall”

Lamps: NOMAD – “Industrial Neon Lamp”

Crates: floorplan. – “Old Crate Stack”

Record Player: Ariskea – “[Record50] Vinyl Record “

Boxes: ..Tuesdays.. – “Keepsake Boxes – Vintage”

Location (Pic 1)

Time Portal, Time Machine Laboratory

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin


LOTD 08/24/2016 – Nautical Vintage Mood

Asteria Nautical 4

Nautical themed pin ups in a retro looking, vintage way always was something that I liked a lot.

When I unpacked the new “Michelle” outfit from Asteria, I immediately got the idea, to try something in that direction, even if the outfit looked modern and not very retro like on the first view.

Asteria Nautical 3

The outfit contains shorts, a small, sporty looking belly free top and the great knitted pullover over the shoulders. The shorts have a cute detail at the backside. One side is kinda ripped with a hole right at the butt, while the bottom seams of the shorts, as well look like used and just cut with all the small frills hanging down loosely.

Asteria Nautical 5

I tried to pull the whole outfit towards my retro idea and so I added some semi sheer tights from Izzie’s and the awesome over knee boots from [MODA]. With the stripes on the pullover and the stockings I already got the feeling of the whole look and wanted some of the amazing vintage looking sunglasses, which I found at Glamistry.

Asteria Nautical 1

Usually the 50s are known for colorful tattoos, but iI never was a huge friend of those and so I took one of the newest releases from my favourite tattoo designer Julie Hastings. The “Allied” tattoo from White~widow is available at the Fetish Fair 2016 in black, red and white.

Asteria Nautical 8

For the hair, I chose one of the newest EMO-tions hair called “Talon” the neat one-sided braid you will find at the actual round of Shiny Shabby. with the one side coming down in the front it did not interfere too much with the loose pullover sleeves over my shoulder ;).

Asteria Nautical 7

Now usually the most hardest part.. finding a location which was stuck in my imagination… I wanted a harbour, not too crowded but not totally empty. I prefer mesh nowadays since it reacts so much more nice on windlights and as well looks way more up to date than buildings from 2008 😉 I went to the destination guide of SL as they usually have nice locations there which are very photogenic. After some sim hopping I found the “West of the Rain” sim. When I landed, I immediately found myself standing at a harbour what seemed like coincidence 🙂 I waited a few seconds to rez and when I looked around, I knew I was in the right place. The amazing ship right in the harbour, the other a little out and the wonderful little building caught my heart and I spent quite some times snapping way too many pics. Again I had a hard choice, to choose which ones should end up in the post. Every time I try to convince myself, that 2 to 3 pictures would be enough and still I end up with 5 to 8 *hides*

Asteria Nautical 2


Outfit: Asteria – Michelle” – NEW

Shoes: [MODA] – “Erica”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Talon” – NEW @ Shiny Shabby

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Allied” – NEW @ Fetish Fair 2016

Necklace: Codex – “Spellwhip” – NEW @ Fetish Fair 2016

Sunglasses: Glamistry – “Sunglasses PU2004”

Poses: EverGlow

Location: West of the Rain

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Asteria Nautical 6

Vintage Fair – My little journey through past times…

Vintage Fair – I really do love vintage styles and fashion and this fair really went right into my heart. The sim is amazingly done and all the designers did such a wonderful job on different centuries and styles. There is nearly nothing you will not find there. From really old times over 20s, 30s, 40s up to the 80s .. all time periods are represented.

For this post I decided to go with one of my favourite designs from a wonderful talented and amazing lady. Salt, owner and designer of Salt & Pepper, is an incredible designer. you can see that on all of her work. She puts so much love in her designs and she has a real great eye for details and textures. When I saw her “Yvette” harness, which she released as an exclusive at the Vintage Fair.

Usually if you hear the word ‘harness’ you immediately think about black leather straps and silver rings… but the “Yvette” harness from Salt & Pepper is so far from that! It is an amazing little harness with lots of decorations and very filigree as well. The thin leather straps are just holding the decorations in place it seems 😉 At the waist you have an amazing belt looking part, which is decorated with pearls. With the HUD you are able to change the leather color as well as the metal colors! The amazing pasties are part of the whole outfit and as well work with the HUD to customize everything to your personal likings 😉

For the hair I as well chose a new release I found at the Vintage Fair. The “Denisa” hair style was a wonderful addition to underline the vintage feeling of the “Yvette” harness. With the typical pin-up style it was just looking right for what I was looking for. The amazing huge pearl earrings are made by Elysium and the jewelry I just mixed and matched of different parts of AvaWay, Lybra and Elysium. To me pearls are always a must somehow for early vintage looks ;), plus there were this amazing pearls on the outfit already so I just had to 🙂 .

For the shoes it HAD to be peep toes 😉 I chose the “Zinnia” heels from Glamistry, as with the huge HUD possibilities it was super to match them to the outfit and with the great detailed work of Glamistry you really can do nothing wrong anyways which kind of style you are doing!

The whole scenery I did built of striped mocha items. The sweet little birdcages are as well a Vintage Fair exclusive and with the hanging lotuses and that amazing bed it just made the most amazing scenery for my pictures. For the poses I went through various poses and picked out from all kind of pose designers like DARE, Body Talking or Corpus and even more I do not even remember 😉 But I had a great time with my little journey through past times and hope you enjoy this post as well 🙂


Outfit: Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “Yvette” – NEW @ Vintage Fair 2016

Shoes: Glamistry – “Zinnia”

Hair: Tukinowaguma – “Denisa” – NEW @ Vintage Fair 2016

Stockings: AviCandy – “Lace Back Seam”

Eyeshadow: Veechi – “She Chic Shadow” (Catwa Applier) – NEW @ Vinatge Fair 2016

Earrings: Elysium – “Fedya Earrings”

Bracelet: Lybra – “Taylor Pearls”

Necklace: AvaWay – “Emmanuelle”

Bed: striped mocha – “Windy Heaven Daybed”

Deco 1: striped mocha – “Hanging Lotuses”

Deco 2: striped mocha – “Miniature Birdcages” – NEW @ Vinatge Fair 2016

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Salt&Pepper 6a

White Widow meets EMO-tions

EMOtions & White Widow 001

Hair: EMO-tions – “Peggy” Earrings: EMO-tions – “Cherry” Eye Makeup: White Widow – “Lost River” Tattoo: White Widow – “Narcisse”

I would like to start my “catching up with the missing 2 weeks of my life” with 2 of my favourite designers and as well 2 very long time friends. Mirja Mills from EMO-tions and Julie Hastings from White Widow. Both are amazing designers, who look back on a long past of creating to make our SL more and more nice 😉

For this post I made 3 stylings always paired with hair & jewelry from EMO-tions and makeup & tattoos made by White Widow.

EMOtions & White Widow 002

Hair: EMO-tions – “Peggy” Earrings: EMO-tions – “Cherry” Eye Makeup: White Widow – “Lost River” Tattoo: White Widow – “Narcisse”

When I tried on the “Peggy” hair style, I immediately got the impression of a Rockabilly Pin Up look. I added the “Cherry” earrings to even more go towards the look I had in my mind. Certainly a Rockabilly girl needs a super cool tattoo and where else than at White Widow you can find those? When I opened the “Lost River” pack, I was very surprised to see all of the most popular mesh body applier in there and so I did throw on my Slink Physique to try the tattoos on a mesh body. The lingerie I am wearing is the default one that comes with the slink Physique as it really looked nice with the whole styling 😉 The “Lost River” tattoo can be word with the normal avatar as a tattoo layer and as not only the Slink appliers, you as well can wear it for the Belleza, Maitreya, Sking Brazilia Doll and the TMP mesh body and hands.

For the eye makeup I as well chose one of the latest releases from White Widow, the “Narcisse” design in black, which was made for the Black Fashion Fair.

EMOtions & White Widow 003

Hair: EMO-tions – “Peggy” Earrings: EMO-tions – “Cherry” Eye Makeup: White Widow – “Lost River” Tattoo: White Widow – “Narcisse”

For my second styling I chose the “Windblown 9 ” hair as well from EMO-tions together with the “Florielle” necklace out of the full set that comes with earrings, necklace and a wonderful forearm/hand piece ( I have to make sure to show that in a nother post soon!) This hair was right down my alley… wild, crazy and perfect for pictures in a windy or stormy environment!

The wonderful and filigree eye art again was made by Julie Hastings, owner and designer of White Widow. The “Arctica” makeup again shows why I am so in love with White Widow…

 The filigree art work, those tiny lines placed by hand so straight and clean it amazes me every time again when I wear one of Julie’s new designs… she really is an artist when it comes to those tiny little but incredible drawings! The “Arctica” makeup is available at the New Fashion Store Event.

EMOtions & White Widow 004

Hair: EMO-tions – “Windblown 9” Necklace: EMO-tions – “Florielle” Eye Makeup: White Widow – “Arctica”

Last but not least I chose the “Imani” hairstyle from EMO-tions. With that ethnic looking hair style I am wearing the “Aphrodite” set to underline this kind of look. The “Inca” makeup from White Widow was the perfect addition for this look and with the amazing golden color it matched the “Aphrodite” jewelry. The “Inca” makeup you can find at the On9 Event.

EMOtions & White Widow 005

Hair: EMO-tions – “Imani” Jewelry: EMO-tions “Aphrodite” Makeup: White Widow – “Inca”

News @ LeeZu! & Finesmith


Today LeeZu brought the “Sina Jacket” to her main store. Originally made for the Burlesque Event now the Amazing “Sina Jacket” is available in 7 different colors.  The jacket has a wonderful vintage touch. With the open front you can mix and match it with many other things to create the perfect look for you.


At the back of the jacket you will find a cute pin-up print wich underlines the vintage look of the jacket and with the high collar and the two little flower looking ornaments on the front this jacket is a totally must have for every wardrobe, as it can be worn in so many different stylings. To show this amazing back I included a back view on the picture above. For the shirt I chose the Oui Oui Shir as well from LeeZu.

 Another new release comes from Finesmith. The “Kitaro” set. A beautiful set made of golden, black and fabric looking parts. The set contains basically 2 sets as you have two pairs of earrings, three necklaces, two bracelets, a huge headpiece and a ring.  The set as well provides a gems HUD wich let you change the gem parts of the whole set to different colors. For this post I decided to wear the left bracelet wich complements the earrings version 2, the Necklace number 2 and the awesome right for the right hand.

The absolute cool and sexy leggings are one of my favourites from Maitreya and the shoes I found on the Love is in the Air 2015 event, made by .Shi.



Jacket: [LeeZu!] – “Sina Jacket” – NEW

Pants: Maitreya – “Leather Skinny Pants”

Shirt: [LeeZu!] – “Oui Oui Shirt”

Jewelry: Finesmith – “Kitaro” – NEW

Shoes: .Shi – “Allettare” (for slink medium mesh feet)

Glasses: [URIZASK] – “Vinatge Silver Bike”

Belt: Maitreya – “Coin Belt”

Hair: Milk – “Jupiter”

Poses: Corpus

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Lazy Vintage Afternoon

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