I got wonderful present from my sister Daff – Those 2 awesome dragons!
The whole post and pictures turned out different from I first thought of it. Many times I was called freak and weirdo, but does that always have to be bad?
What does it mean to be a freak?
“In current usage, the word ‘freak’ is commonly used to refer to a person with something strikingly unusual about their appearance or behaviour.” does Wikipedia say.
If that just means different from the mainstream and as well a little crazy – I take the freak. Sadly to many ppl freak has some bad taste, probably because of the old sideshows, where people with genetic abnormality looks were showcased. That all usually was thought to scare people or as well to show them ‘creatures’ live among us. To me it is sad how some people react to such abnormal things, but probably that does belong to the fact, that many people being frightened by things they do never saw or do not know more about.
Maybe that as well applies to those who call me freak in a bitter and bad way. They are scared off things they did not see or do not understand, or they just have no fun in any life and have to make others miserable. For those I just feel pity. It must be horrible to wake up everyday and the only thing you can think off, is trash and bad mouth other people…
Those do not earn one minute of your thoughts, as their only intention is to make you feel sad. No word or argument can convince them to change their mind, because they are not looking for any serious facts Just don’t feed the troll and ignore them. Any word you will give them will be twisted and changed as long as it fits their own arguments – you can’t win, it is senseless and wasted time. You can use that time for so many other and more productive things
I am not trying to be all different or force myself to not look ‘mainstream’ like. Sometimes it just happens when I style. I do not think about my styles too much. I just go and play with different accessories, clothing and makeup. Sometimes it does turn out freaky and sometimes not. For making pictures the more crazy looking ones are usually more interesting than just a sweet outfit on a random SL sim, but all have its right to exist and as well their certain purpose.
Secondlife to me is a place where you can express and do so many things that you either can’t do in RL OR that are just impossible by nature. We do not have dragons, or fantasy creatures and most of the time humans have no wings or hooves or what ever you can do in Secondlife.
I do enjoy the fantasy side a lot, as it gives you the room for creativity. I know some people enjoy the realistic side more and that is ok too. For me it always depends on my personal mood and emotions what I wanna go for when I start playing with my inventory.
To me Secondlife should have the freedom of doing what you enjoy no matter what as long as you do not hurt other people and their feelings. I do not want my Secondlife being a 100% mirror of my real life, because then there would be no reason to log in I love to experiment, to play Barbie with my pixels and dress them up to what ever I feel or want.
I was only playing around with them first, but the more I tested them the more I wanted to do something with them. The “Fierce Dragon Brother” are a gacha rare and they are animated! The move by themselves on default and in certain poses they even react to the movement. You need special bento poses, as the upper dragon uses the wing bones and the lower one reacts on the hind leg bones.
At 4Mesh I saw one of the new releases from Zibska. With the headpiece and the shoulder/chest part of the outfit, combined with the new “Fenris” dress from Moon Elixir, that I found at We♥RP it was the perfect outfit for the dragon brothers.
As much as I tried to make the whole style not be too dark – I guess Halloween is too close and I am way to excited for my favourite ‘season’ of the year – It became darker and darker with everything I added.
The dark “Lexa” eye makeup from IGOTIT and as well the “Blacktop” lipstick from Zibska just pulled it more into the darkness and so I gave in and just went with what it led to
I loved the makeup, as it looks like a loosely painted black stripe over the eyes, lightly messy but as well somehow mysterious. The wonderful rings are bento enabled rings from MEVA. The “Victorian Bento Rings” come with a huge HUD. With the HUD you can hide single rings and as well can color all the gemstones separately. I really do like those options!
The sharp, long stiletto nails are made from Slackgirl. They do have a HUD as well and you can change the color of the nails AND as well the color of the little gems on the rings which are attached to them!
Enjoy YOUR Secondlife and do not let anyone tell you what you should do and what you should not. You are the one to make your desicions no matter what
Clothing & Accessories:
Dress: Moon Elixir – “Fenris” (Maitreya) – NEW @ We ♥ RP
Boots: Diamante – “Laced Thigh High Boots” (Maitreya)
Headpiece. Chest & Shoulderparts: Zibska – “Alured” – NEW @ 4Mesh
Armor: [LAB737] – “Berserker Female”
Rings: MEVA – “Victorian Bento Rings” (Maitreya)
Nails: Slackgirl – “RingQueen Nai” (Maitreya)
Hair & Makeup:
Makeup: IGOTIT – “Lexa” (LeLutka Applier)
Lipstick: Zibska – “Blacktop” (Omega Applier)
Body & Tattoo:
Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”
Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Lights Out” (Maitreya Applier)
Poses & Props:
Aii the Ugly & Beautiful – “Fierce Dragon Brothers” (Gacha, Rare) – NEW @ Arcade
Model & Photographer: