Dark Beauty for SL Fierce Magazine (https://issuu.com/slfiercemagazine/docs/fierce-feb17_final)
I love working for magazines and not too long ago the newest issue of SL Fierce was released.
SL Fierce is something special to me, as they (aka mainly Steele Sirnah, as SL Fierce is kinda his baby 😉 ) always come up with amazing themes and as well with challenging styling requests, but you always have to use your own inventory and have kinda free reign of what you are doing without any given items or rules.
Certainly it is fun too if you get things from amazing designers, but it is a totally different workflow for me then. When you get a design, then you try to highlight it in your look. You want to promote the designer that gave you the item and with the focus on that you built a style around that. I would not choose one over the other as I like both and each is a totally different challenge than the other 😉
This time SL Fierce was going for ‘Dark & Light Feathers’ as well as for ‘Dark Beauty’. When I was told, who I may shoot with, I totally was looking forward to the shoots, as I always feel an invisible band between me and her and she seems to think so much alike and always feels and gets my weirdness :p
I am talking about WrenNoir Cerise, one of the most creative and skilled artists I met in SL, when it comes to 2D art and as well a wonderful and kind lady.

Light Feathers for SL Fierce Magazine (https://issuu.com/slfiercemagazine/docs/fierce-feb17_final)
Working with Wren always means huge fun and as well amazing pictures 🙂 She loves to experiment and while she does her set ups or looks for the right poses she is even getting more into her creative universe.
The first look of the 3 I started with, was the Light Feathers, since I thought that might take me the longest to style since white is not my total comport zone 😉
First I thought about an angel, but what ever I tried it looked weird to me and so I decided to try something different. Something more fantasy and satyr or faun looking. I always loved the “Wisdom Angel Wings” from Astralia so much and now I got the chance to try something with them 🙂 The rest kinda fell in place very smooth 😉
For the Dark Beauty, I wanted a strong, dark diva look :p And with the outfit from Pixicat combined with the stole of *agp* it was easy to achieve that.
The Dark Feathers, that was the one I felt most comfortable with… that was my personal playground*giggles* I love to mis and match so I used a lot of different feather attachments for this look.
It is amazing to see how so many different outfit parts that do not really belong to ech other on the first view, can become a new outfit.
Thank you SL Fierce, especially Steele & thank you Wren for another amazing challenge and time working on those looks and having the photo shoots!

Dark Feathers for SL Fierce Magazine (https://issuu.com/slfiercemagazine/docs/fierce-feb17_final)
Dark Beauty
Outfit: Pixicat – “Necromancer Body” (Maitreya)
Stole: *agp* – “Carla Fur Stole”
Gloves: Asteria – “Lady Faith”
Headpiece: DRD – “Dead Religion Headdress”
Mask: PurpleMoon – “Lost Heart”
Necklace: Kunglers – “Sahara”
Nails: Formanails – “Stiletto Nails – Maitreya Silver/Red” (Maitreya)
Makeup: Zibska – “Luise” (Lelutka Applier)
Lipstick: Zibska – “Greta” (Lelutka Applier)
Light Feathers
Outfit: Chocolate Atelier – “Thea Bodysuit” (Omega Applier)
Jacket: Moon Elixir – “Valhalla” (Gacha Item)
Wings, Belt & Bracelet: Astralia – “Wisdom Angel” (Gacha Items)
Legs: Astralia – “North Pole Faun Legs” (Gacha Item)
Thigh Bands: Promagic – “Ira” (Gacha Item)
Headpiece: PurpleMoon – “Savage Headpiece”
Rings & Handband: Formanails – “Handband & Rings 2” (Maitreya)
Hair: no.match – “No.Further”
Makeup: Nanika – “Gold Eyeshadow” (Lelutka Applier)
Lipstick: La Boheme – “Eve Set 4” (LeLutka Applier)
Dark Feather
Outfit Part 1 (Bolero, Bra & Corset): Moon Elixir – “Houdini”
Outfit Part 2: PurpleMoon – “Be Mine Catsuit” (Halloween Special)
Feathers 1: PurpleMoon – “La Mort Douce Feathers” (part of the outfit)
Feathers 2: PurpleMoon – “Poe” (part of the outfit)
Feathers 3: GizzA – “Glam Rock Suit” (part of the outfit)
Legstrap: Pulse – “Leg Straps & Chains”
Headpiece: PurpleMoon – “Creatura Headpiece”
Hair: EMO-tions – “Laeticia”
Eyepatch: [sys] – “Grimm”
Wings: DRD – “Devine Wings”
Right Leg: DRD – “Post Apocalyptic Prostethic”
Left Leg: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Fleur Boots” (Maitreya)
Rings: Formanails – “Rings Simple” (Maitreya)
Makeup: Zibska – “Sammi” (Omega Applier)
Lipstick: Zibska – “Black Top” (Omega Applier)
All Poses: Poseidon
Model & Stylist: Wicca Merlin
Photographer: WrenNoir Cerise
Head: LeLutka – “Simone 2.3”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara V3.5”
Eyes: IKON – “Hope Eyes”
Shape: Selfmade