For the actual My 60L Secret, Malicia Python, owner and designer of Silken Moon, made a wonderful set of eyeshadows. The mystic look gives your eyes more depth and makes them shine even more. On of the 6 versions is tintable and you can tint it in every color you can imagine of what ever color fits your styling. Be creative with this wonderful set of special eyeshadows by Silken Moon. This special set is only available from the 7th to the 9th of June, during the actual “My 60L Secrets.
Tag Archives: avatar
Wicca’s Wardrobe: LOTD 06/05/2013
Today I was in a weird mood and just styled away. I started with the “Mesh Tube Dress” with the huge fluffy neck part, because I anyways was sorting my GizzA folder and I fell into my hands. I thought about a concept or an idea for the rest of the look and there was noting in my head at all, so I kept searching through my inventory and tried various things. Then I came across the new hat, that I got from Xenobia Foxclaw. She told me she will have a show in the beginning of June, where all her new hats get released. When I tried the “Jones Black” hat I was sure that this will be part of my look. Now the head gave me some direction in which way it could go. The hat turned the dress into a cool look for me, so I tried to find some leggings and overknee boots. The “Cat tights” from LeeZu were my choice and the light grey color went perfectly to repeat the light color of the dress. Together with the “Piccadilly Overknee Boots” from LeeZu it really turned into some cool and young look. I remembered my “Fame Shades” from epoque. I had them for such a long time and did not use them for so long… that will be the time to change it 😉
Now I would like to drag your attention on the scenery. The house that I used for the background was made by 22769. It is a wonderful and as well very modern house. It has one huge room so enough room to built a wonderful hideout for yourself. The walls are mostly glass with a your structure and shape that gives you the feeling, you own an artistic and unique home. The house has 2 doors, one front door that you reach over a few steps and a backdoor that leads you out on an amazing terrace. The terrace has a wooden ground and some sand parts that remind you on those Zen sand places with those stones. The terrace as well has stairs so you can reach the ground again, since the house it self is built on columns. The grey, black & white colors made a perfect match and background for my today’s look 😉
Dress: GizzA – “Mesh Tube Dress” (mesh)
Hat: Xen’s Hats – “Jones Black” – NEW (mesh)
Leggings: LeeZu – “Cat Tights”
Shoes: LeeZu – “Piccadilly Overknee Boots” (mesh)
Glasses: epoque – “Fame Shades”
Ears: Mandala – “Omimi” (mesh)
Poses: Corpus
House: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] – “Voronoi House” – NEW (Home & Garden Expo 2013)
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin
I made new Poses!!! The Huge Flowers Set
And I did it again 😉 Lately I found a lot of fun in making my own poses for my blog posts and I got asked so many times why I wouldn’t put them for sale… so I did 😉 The reason why I started making my own poses was that I have a lot of times wild outfits or special stylings that do not lemme use some of my amazing poses that I already have in my inventory. So all of my poses will have a special purpose. The new set is called “Huge Flowers“, because of the huge flowers that decorate the dress. I tried to snap this amazing “Anima” gown from Azul. All of the poses I used had the hands in that flowers somewhere or were just too simple for that stunning dress. I am sure you all know that, you wanna pose an outfit and every pose you try you find another part that does not look right, ir your hands are in the prims or the prims move weird with the pose. So I thought I make a few special ones for this purpose 😉 So if you like them, grab the taxi and try them 😉 You will find them at the landing spot of the Silken Moon Mainstore, where have now all my 3 sets out. You can choose if you just wanna buy single poses or the whole pack for a little discount.
As well you find there my first 2 sets. The “Casual Jeans” and the “Cool Handbag” set.
Essence of Women in plum… ok that sounds weird :p
Sometimes you have the feeling you wanna do something but you are not yet sure what and then you start to look through your inventory. I stumbled over one of the latest releases of LeeZu, that I not yet had blogged and I put it on. Usually I tend to choose black for the first try, because I love black so much. But in that moments when you are not yet sure what the result will be you are a bit more daring :p. So I tried the plum version… I have no clue why, as the outfit is really different and a totally other color, but all of a sudden I had Kylie Minouge in my head with the video to the song “can’t get you out of my head. Even if the original outfit had a deep neckline and some floating fabric at the legs… it must have been the hoodie what reminded me of it 😉
If you choose such a special color it is hard to find shoes in the same color range, since plum can have different shades as well. I went directly to my LeeZu shoes folder and with the “Times Square Overknee Boots” I found the right color for my boots to match the “Raphael Hoody”. It is no secret that I am LeeZu addicted, so I thought I can finish the styling with LeeZu items as well. The “Marmour Tights” in pink and the new mesh version of the “NifNif” gloves in mauve completed my plum-purple-lilac outfit.
Usually I wanted to attend the Home & Garden Expo 2013 as a blogger, but some unexpected RL issues came up and prevented me from blogging for over a week. But even if the event is nearly over, I do not wanna let the few things I got to get dusty in my inventory. The wonderful scenery of a room I made with the amazing furniture from Second Spaces. The “Messy Bookshelf”, that comes in a filled and empty version, the cute “Bennie small Chests”, the amazing “Honeycombs”, that you can get in different color shades and the “Bullseye Stool” made an amazing set for the styling, as I could match all the furniture design to my outfit color 🙂
As we spoke of so many news, I would have another great new release to announce 😉
I use Vista Animati0ns for my AOs in ages. I tried several others but in the end I always came back using my Vista ones. Their animations are simply the best ones I ever saw, not to mention that I nearly bought all of their AOs in the past*hides*. Natural and everyday usable for every kind of styling and attitude, because of the wide range of different AOs and animations. Now you can imagine how happy I was when Persia asked me if would like to join the Vista Animations blogger team. I was jumping up and down not even believing what I just heard. To the same time she told me that soon thre will be a brand new AO. Now go figure… I kinda counted the days like a little child before Christmas. Not too long ago it happened… the new “Essence” AO for women was released!
The press release says:
“This AO is a tribute to women who are self-assured, passionate and playful; women who are aware of their femininity and the power that it holds.
With a series of relaxed and stylish stands, confident walks and cool new sit poses, this is the AO that the grid has been waiting for!
The Essence of Woman AO also features NEW subtle breathing animations and can be used with mesh clothing and Lola’s Tango breasts, so you will look perfect from head to toe.
This is an AO that you can wear in any situation: from nightclub to catwalk, from the beach to the bar and you will look the very essence of woman wearing it.
Our new Mocap technology now means that the Vista Animations team can provide you with the most realistic movements possible and we hope you enjoy this brand new release.”
And that does not promise too much!!! The new “Essence” AO has several new features like lola and mesh friendly animations, a soft and subtitle new breathing effect, 24 mocap stands, 9 brand new dances and 6 new couple animations were added. What I found very interesting and useful was the option for handbag and accessories. The handling still is easy and user friendly like always.
Now you for sure wanna know what’s included in that fantastic new “Essence” AO by Vista Animations…
Since it is very hard to capture the beauty of an AO in pictures and I am not yet able to make proper videos (yes I tried…), I would like to share the short video from Vista Animations:
I really fell in love with my new AO 🙂
Outfit: LeeZu – “Raphael” – NEW (mesh)
Boots: LeeZu – “Times Square Overknee Boots” (mesh)
Tights: LeeZu – “Marmour Tights”
Gloves: LeeZu – “Nif Nif” (mesh)
Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”
Makeup: Madrid Solo – “Twice Shy”
Stool: Second Spaces – “Bullseye Stool” – NEW (Home & Garden Expo 2013)
Rack: Second Spaces – “Messy Bookshelf” – NEW (Home & Garden Expo 2013)
Wall Deco: Second Spaces – “Honeycomb” – NEW (Home & Garden Expo 2013)
Cupboards: Second Spaces – “Bennie small Chest” – NEW (Home & Garden Expo 2013)
Poses & Animations: Vista Animatons – “Essence” – NEW
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin
Wicca’s Wardrobe: Lady in Red No.1
A few days ago I met again a person, that was very important in my life for quite some time. It was in the beginning times of my SL. He was always there for me and helped me a lot when my RL was not that shiny as it should have been. We had a wonderful time together, that I will never forget…
A few days ago when I was looking through my friendlist, I still saw his name and even when he was offline I felt I had to leave him a few lines just .. just because I felt I had to 😉 As I logged in the other day again, he wrote me and answer and after sending offliners back and forward we made it to be online to the same time even if it sadly only was a few minutes. We met at his home ant it was a great feeling to see each other after such a long time. I still heard the ducks that I remember so well… the time we could spend was way too short but before he had to log we danced to our song once again and that really brought up the old memories in a very emotional way. It is a song that is very special to us because of many reasons, which I would like to keep as a secret but I will not hide the song itself 😉 The song is called Lady in Red from Chris de Burgh. Sadly due German music rights, I found no good quality file on youtube to share but I would like to share the lyrics:
Lady in Red
I’ve never seen you looking so lovely as you did tonight
I’ve never seen you shine so bright
I’ve never seen so many men ask you if you wanted to dance
Looking for a little romance
Given half a chance
I have never seen that dress you’re wearing
Or the highlights in your hair that catch your eyes
I have been blind
The lady in red
Is dancing with me
Cheek to cheek
There’s nobody here
It’s just you and me
It’s where I want to be
And I hardly know
there’s beauty by my side
I’ll never forget
the way you look tonight
I’ve never seen you looking so gorgeous as you did tonight
I’ve never seen you shine so bright
You were amazing
I’ve never seen so many people want to be there by your side
And when you turned to me and smiled,
It took my breath away
I have never had such a feeling
Such a feeling of complete and utter love
as I do tonight
The lady in red
Is dancing with me
Cheek to cheek
There’s nobody here
It’s just you and me
It’s where I want to be
And I hardly know
there’s beauty by my side
I’ll never forget
the way you look tonight
I never will forget
the way you look tonight
The lady in red
The lady in red
The lady in red
My lady in red
I love you
(Chris de Burgh)
As I wanted to dedicate that post to Ryyan, I wanted to bring back the lady in red kinda 😉 Miamai had a wonderful red dress in their latest releases. The “Esther” dress. It had a wonderful red version and so I decided to take that as the base for my Lady in Red No.1 😉 I have some more in mind at the moment so I call it my Lady in Red No. 1 😉
The wonderful floppy hat is a special version made for me by Baboom and for the jewelry I decided to go for the “Shameless” necklace and bracelet from Finesmith and some earrings where I do not even remember the label anymore as I have them in forever 😉 Since the Lady in Red always had something mystical for me I wanted to cover her eyes with some glasses that kinda hide them and I chose the “Cubism Shades” from epoque.
There is things in the past what never will be the same again, but still the memories noone can take from you.
I hope you enjoyed my memories and my Lady in Red No. 1 😉
Dedicated to Ryyan Susenko
Dress: Miamai – “Esther” – NEW (part mesh)
Necklace & Bracelet: Finesmith – “Shameless”
Hat: Baboom – “Summer Floppy Hat” – NEW (custom made)
Shoes: [PM] – “Baby T’s Plain”
Glasses: epoque – “Cubism Shades”
Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”
Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips Cardinal”
Poses: PosESioN
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin
Daily Dose of Legal Insanity
Today I would like to show a dress, that I own for quite some time now, but I never made it to style it and post it. You know how that goes, if you run after all your blogger reviews and never find the time to blog something you bought somewhen 😉 So I took some time the last 2 days and finished the style and post finally 😉
The “Vague” dress from Legal Insanity was part of the RFL 2013 Fashion Fair. I got it in 2 different colors, black & white and something kinda orange & brown. For today I chose the black & white version. The texture looks very simple on the first view but if you take a closer look you can see, how amazing the white-grey looking suede parts are stitched on. The whole mini dress is mesh made and comes in different standard sizes, so that you can make sure it fits even your avatar.
A hair store, that my focus fell on lately is Miss C. They have some really neat and cool looking new hair. The “Xenia II” hairstyle with the cute curls in the front and the amazing hat, that let you change the textures by a menu just took my heart by storm ;). The bag is a super old one from LeLutka, but just because it is old it does not mean that it cannot be great… many older things that I have in my wardrobe are still wearable and uptodate. Many times we just forget that we have them 😉
The shoes are from J’s, a shoe store that I follow for quite a long time. I still remember they had the first wedged sandals with toe prims long before bare feet even were on the SL horizon 🙂 The new “Studded Long Boots” are mesh made as well and if you decide to go for the fatpack you get 5 amazing colors in different standard mesh sizes for male and female.
The necklace I took out of a new mesh jewelry set from EMO-tions called “Orion”. Usually you have a pair of matching earrings to go with the necklace but since I wanted to use the Mandala mesh ears with the tubes I decided to only wear the necklace.
Since I made it to one of my trademarks to have a skin without any eyebrows, I have to work a bot more with makeups and as well with eyebrow tattoos, if I wanna wear a darker color of hair.
The idea for the look without eyebrows, came during a shooting that I had with MaliciaPython, owner and designer of Silken Moon, for her new skin line and as well I found a few ladies out if the 70s and 80s, singers and artists, that had no eyebrows like the Italian singer Mina Cerca. All those ladies have something special and with the new canvas skin from Silken Moon it was easy to try that out. After several month of trying I have to admit I like that look and so I decided to go without any eyebrows at all. The only problem I found was, if I wanted to wear black or dark hair. Because then the no-eyebrows look became a weird touch. But how I could work that out? I did not wanna go with just eyebrow tattoos and again add me some usual eyebrows… Again it was Malicia that gave the push towards something I really liked. Why not make eyebrows that look like painted and unnatural and use them if needed. That was a great idea and to help at the beginning she made 2 sets of amazing eyebrow tattoos in that way 🙂
Dress: Legal Insanity – “Vague” – (mesh, RFL 2013)
Jewelry: EMO-tions – “Orion” – NEW (mesh)
Hair: Miss C – “Xenia II” – NEW
Ears: Mandala – “Omimi” (mesh)
Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca Canvas”
Eyebrows: Silken Moon – “Eyebrows Abstract” – NEW
Makeup: Elysium – “Geometrica Line”
Lipstick: Eye Candi – “Natural”
Shoes: J’s – “Studded Long Boots” (mesh)
Glasses: Schoen – “Color-Change Sunglasses”
Stockings: insanya – “Stockings and Knee Socks n.4”
Bag: LeLutka – “Sack”
Poses: Fluke
Casual Chic… or something like that ;)
Last week I was walking a show, that was dedicated to German designers in SL. Most of them are little stores and brands and for some I did not even know that they are German like me :p.
One of those brands I did never hear of before was F.owl. I got the beautiful “Wonderland – Doll Dress” for the show, something I might not have chosen by myself, but for the show I had to style it. The dress itself is mesh made. The bottom is a solid black fabric and the top has a sweet lace looking texture. I was looking for quite some time at the dress and thought what kind of look I could do with it. Usually if I need some inspiration, I get some music on, or I look through RL fashion magazines. This time I decided to go for music. I was listening to a mixture of Shania Twain, Sheryl Crow and Alanis Morissette, as the idea for my look was growing in my head.
(Picture from the Show by Annough Lykin)
I added the “Glitter Tights” in gold from LeeZu and the “Flutter Boots” by lassitude & ennui. The “Glitter Tights” I loved so much, because they have a black sheer base and some golden highlights around the knees in the front. The “Flutter Boots” I found at the Gothic Fair 2013 and I totally fell in love with them. The are boots with not too high heels but still they are not that kind of heavy and huge as most of the boots you see on the grid. The lines in the front and the flat sole with the heels were just perfect for the casual look I was searching for. Now I still looked kinda usual and nice, but I wanted to give the whole look my little twist. So I added the “Sirah” hairstyle from Burley with that amazing mesh hat and the huge “Twiggy” glasses from LeeZu. For the jewelry I decided to go with a simple high neck collar and ready was the styling 🙂 Even if I might have not bought this dress for my self, it turned out to soemthing I really liked ;). Overall it came out as a casual, but still stylish look that could be worn as an everyday outfit.
Dress: F.owl – “Wunderland – Doll Dress” (mesh)
Hair: Burley – “Sirah” (mesh)
Boots: lassitude & ennui – “Flutter Boots” (mesh)
Makeup: Elysium – “Geometrica Line”
Lipstick: blackliquid – “black gloss”
Glasses: LeeZu – “Twiggy”
Poses: Body Talking
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin
The Runway Perfect Hunt #4 – Part 11
The Runway Perfect Hunt goes in it’s 4th round . Morgane Batista again made it, to get amazing designers to participate in one of the most famous hunts on the grid. Even if the title says “The hunt with models in mind” does not mean this hunt is limited to models only. All the amazing and versatile designs are amazing additions to everybody’s wardrobe, even the males will find some amazing hunt prizes in some locations
This year the hunt is not a total freebie hunt, each hunt item costs $5 Linden. With a total of 50 shops you reach a maximum of $250 Linden, what is a great amount for so many amazing quality designs!
Till Friday TRPH #4 does last, then all the amazing items will be gone… So I will use the chance for my final post about this amazing hunt.
My final styling is based on the amazing contribution of Ezura to the Runway Perfect Hunt. Ezura made the beautiful “Velvet Long Gown” in dark brocade green. The basic dress is mesh made and you have a wonderful optional flexible skirt attachment as well. For this post, I decided to go without to show the basic mesh prim a bit better, basically you get 2 gowns in one 😉 The shoulder free gown is perfect for a formal or elegant attire. With the free shoulders it lets room for amazing jewelry.
Speaking of jewelry, I would like to drag your attention over to the earrings. Pure Poison made a wonderful pair of earrings for the hunt. The silver earrings with the black gems made a perfect accessory for the “Velvet Long Gown”.
For the hair I decided to go with the “Chevia” hair from EMO-tions to underline the elegant look of the styling.
Gown: Ezura – “Velvet Long Gown” – NEW (mesh, TRPH #4)
Earrings: Pure Poison – “Silver Runaway Earrings” – NEW (TRPH #4)
Makeup: Miamai – “Les Makeups Masked 03”
Hair: EMO-tions – “Chevia”
Ring: (NS) – “Vicious Rose”
Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips Lead”
Poses: PosESioN
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin
The Runway Perfect Hunt #4 – Part 10
The Runway Perfect Hunt goes in it’s 4th round . Morgane Batista again made it, to get amazing designers to participate in one of the most famous hunts on the grid. Even if the title says “The hunt with models in mind” does not mean this hunt is limited to models only. All the amazing and versatile designs are amazing additions to everybody’s wardrobe, even the males will find some amazing hunt prizes in some locations
This year the hunt is not a total freebie hunt, each hunt item costs $5 Linden. With a total of 50 shops you reach a maximum of $250 Linden, what is a great amount for so many amazing quality designs!
After being absent because of RL, I would like to show some more of the wonderful Runway Perfect Hunt items before the hunt is over.
Prism made a wonderful summer dress for the Runway Perfect Hunt. The beautiful “Charmie” dress is perfect for the summer. A short dress with an amazing high belt, and a super stylish neck collar. The smooth colors from white to light blue underline the awesome summer feeling of this dress. Again it was Xenobia Foxclaw, who made that amazing hat. I know this must look strange, as I use her hats lately a lot, but she simply has so many amazing hats in unusual colors and so many different shapes that I really fell in love with them. The “Fort Sill Feodora” hat that I used for this post, is a band new one that not even is released yet. Xen made them for a special show in the beginning of June, but I was allowed to have a few already and do some sneak previews 😉 The shoes I was wearing a lot too in the last few weeks and never lost a word about them. The “Dare” shoes from the Diktator Shop. Diktator has some amazing new shoes, the break out of the usual styles that I can see all over the grid and so I had to have them for sure 😉 A girl can never have enough shoes and especially not enough high heels 😉 If you bite your tongue and buy the not really cheap fatpack you get a HUD that allows you to match the skin, tint your nails and even the shoes itself in many different colors and as well color combination, so I would dare to say the prize is worth it… but like I said I am a shoes addicted so I might be not really unbiased…
The beautiful casual jewelry comes from a german jewelry designer, that I was allowed to wear for a show last week – Vincenca Rosca. The “Sleeping Beauty” set comes with a HUD, where you can change the leather, medal and as well the gems. In the beginning i had a few problems as the HUD was not that easy but after I made the effort to read the included NC… yes I am impatient and usually I never read manuals… it was no problem to recolor and customize the “Sleeping Beauty” set until it matched the “Charmie” dress.
There is only a few days left to do the TRPH #4 and then all those amazing goodies will be gone. So hurry if you wanna go for this amazing dress and all the other incredible goodies of this hunt 🙂
Dress: PRISM – “Charmie” – NEW (mesh, TRPH #4)
Jewelry: Vicenca Rosca – “The Sleeping Beauty”
Hat: Xen’s Hats – “Fort Sill Feodora” – NEW (mesh, coming soon)
Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”
Makeup: Silken Moon – “SM Eclipse Soft Eye Washed” & “SM Eclipse Color Eye Silver”
Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips Tintable”
Shoes: Diktator – “Dare”
Bag: TTF – “Xenia”
Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe-Poses – “Cool Handbag Set”
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin
The Runway Perfect Hunt #4 – Part 9
The Runway Perfect Hunt goes in it’s 4th round . Morgane Batista again made it, to get amazing designers to participate in one of the most famous hunts on the grid. Even if the title says “The hunt with models in mind” does not mean this hunt is limited to models only. All the amazing and versatile designs are amazing additions to everybody’s wardrobe, even the males will find some amazing hunt prizes in some locations
This year the hunt is not a total freebie hunt, each hunt item costs $5 Linden. With a total of 50 shops you reach a maximum of $250 Linden, what is a great amount for so many amazing quality designs!
After being absent because of RL, I would like to show some more of the wonderful Runway Perfect Hunt items before the hunt is over.
The amazing “Brocade” dress, is the contribution of 22769 to the 4th edition of the TRPH. A wonderful once piece mesh dress in red and black. The skirt is made plain black what makes the brocade texture of the red jacket even more shine. The wonderful makeup comes from Dulce Secrets and is as well one of the awesome hunt items. Dulce Secrets provides not only the makeup, as well they have a wonderful skin in different versions in their TRPH #4 box.
The super cool ankle boots I found at the Gothic Fair 2013. Blinesen + MaiTai made the wonderful “Diavola” ankle boots with that unusual shape. The basic black victorian looking base with the amazing buckle, was combined with the red parts that look like little flames round your ankles.
The Cool and lightly messy looking “Carla” hair from EMO-tions was just perfect for the look and with the “Lost” necklace, as well from EMO-tions, I found the perfect matching jewelry as well 🙂
Now I was looking at myself and still I missed something… a hat, yes a hat would be awesome. I searched through all my inventory but I did not have one single red hat that would match to the outfit. All of a sudden I remembered about one of my oldest friends… she was designing hats! I stormed into Xenobia Foxclaw’s IM like a hurricane and started crying about me looking for a deep/blood red hat with maybe something black on it. Xen knows me for quite some time now and she knows my weird moments as well, so she just laughed and said I should wait a few minutes she would look through her creations. A few seconds later 3 different mesh hats made their way into my inventory and the “Dewey” hat in red suede was the perfect addition to the styling. Thanks so much Xen for again saving my day 😉
The Runway Perfect Hunt goes in it’s last days so if you not yt grabbed all the fantastic items you really should hurry and make your way to the participating shops 😉
Dress: 227679 – “Brocade Dress” – NEW (mesh, TRPH #4)
Makeup: Dolce Secrets – “Something Wild” – NEW (TRPH #4)
Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips Tarbaby”
Shoes: Bliensen + MaiTai – “Diavola” – NEW (Gothic Fair 2013)
Hair: EMO-tions – “Carla”
Hat: Xen’s Hats – “Dewey”
Necklace: EMO-tions – “Lost” – NEW (mesh)
Thights: *KL* – “Pantyhose Widenet”
Bag: !Spiders* – “Pouch Handbag”
Poses: PosESioN
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin