Today I wanted to do something non usual and funny, just to show that corsets are not only lingerie or something that cannot be worn in your everday life like I said before on my blog. I am a corset addicted in both lifes, RL and SL and so for sure I enjoy wearing them in both lifes. Before I discovered NV Corsetry the fun was not that big as not many really good-looking corsets were around that really looked realistic. NV Corsetry for me brought an awesome revolution for corsets. This corsets are no clothing layer they are actual prims that are scripted. With the scripts you are able to fit this corset to any kind of shape, anyways if tall or small, thin or curvy. The special scripts allow you to resize the corset in every direction… width, height and depth! For the first time you will maybe need sometime to figure the right sizes but if you once got, it is really easy. In case you need help and cannot figure it out on your own the owner and creator of this awesome corsets, Khurt Vhargon can help you remotely to make a perfect fit.
If you make your way to the NV Corsetry Mainstore( http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Wicked%20Gear/116/118/22), you will find a wide assortment of different corsets, from basic ones to complete outfits 

Corset: NV Corsetry – “Vintage Corset” /purple
Hair: Wasabi Pills – “Aria” /seafoam (mesh)
Horns: Deviant Girls – “Anjir” (EPOCH item)
Top: Deviant Girls – “Anjir” (EPOCH item)
Vest: ISON – “Escher Wrap Vest” (EPOCH item)
Neck Corset,Pants/Shoes: Maitreya – “MCEHT” (EPOCH items) (mesh)
Gloves: Tonk Tastic – “Gloves Style B”
Bag: Baiastice – “Borsa Cuore Ipnotic” /purple
Skin: Silken Moon – “Rookie” /childhater (special custom makeup)
Eyeliner: Silken Moon – “Wicca” /black
Makeup: La Malvada Mujer – “Mechanical& Reasoned” (EPOCH item)
Poses: Corpus
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin