Today I have some wonderful news from the Hairfair 2013 again, together with one of the latest releases of SoliDea FoliEs.
This post today is a perfect example for what happens if you are not quite sure what you wanna do*giggles*

I was fooling around with some clothing and just tried the “Blue” outfit from SoliDea FoliEs as got the latest releases for the Hairfair from Miamai.
I tried all the wonderful new hair styles as I came across the “Latin Lover” style. A wonderful unisex ponytail with a hat. I was looking at myself for sometime not sure what I shall think, as all of a sudden a picture of the portoguese Cavaleiros. Cavaleiros are male or female horseman or woman, kinda riders, out of the 18th century. Maybe it was a female version of a spanish Matador even, I have no clue what made my mind fly off like that*grins* but I saw me sitting with my new made style on a horseback*siggles*

I am sure the “Blue” outfit was not made for this purpose, but it was just too tempting to give it a try. Usually you have a huge headpiece of petals as well for your head I just skipped that for the “Latino Lover” hairstyle from Miamai. I added some nipple pastsies and a necklace from DECO… and for sure the horse*grins* The “Blue” outfit is a pants outfit with awesome huuuge ruffles and a wonderful mesh corset. The petals give a wonderfil payful touch to the whole outfit.

And now the horror started.. find a horse and a sim.. after looking for 2 days I found both and had a lot of fun fooling around with the various possibilities of the horse in front of a beautiful background. I wanted to give the pics an aged, used look. As I never did that before it was al ot of experimenting but I am happy about the outcome so far 
The Hairfair will be gone soon so make sure you go and buy for a good case, as many donations go to the Wigs for Kids charity!

Outfit: SoliDea FoliEs – “Blue” NEW (mesh)
Hair (with hat): Miamai – “Lationo Lover” – NEW (mesh, Hairfair 2013)
Necklace: DECO – “Woodland Necklace” (Collabor 88)
Eyeliner: Action – “Mesh Liner 01” (Cosmetics Fair)
Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”
Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips Cardinal”
Poses (without the horse): Wicca’s Wardrobe – Poses
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin