At Night…


Sunk deep in the night
I sink in the night
Standing alone underneath the sky
I feel the chill of ice
On my face
I watch the hours go by
The hours go by

You sleep
Sleep in a safe bed
Curled and protected
Protected from sight
Under a safe roof
Deep in your house
Unaware of the changes at night

At night
I hear the darkness breathe
I sense the quiet despair
Listen to the silence
At night
Someone has to be there
Someone has to be there

Someone must be there

[The Cure]


Top: [Sexy Princess] – “Sinful Maitreya Bra” (Maitreya)

Harness: [CX] – “Vice Crew / Harness – Black” (Maitreya, Gacha, Common)

Pants: [CX] – “Wild Hazard Shorts B” (Maitreya, Gacha, Common)

Legs: [CX] – “Wild Hazard Leg Harness – Black (A) + (B)” (Maitreya, Gacha, Common)

Feet: [CX] – “Ankle Bellets – White/Silver” – NEW @ Mainstore (Maitreya high feet, tinted!)


Piercing 1: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Septum Blade/Tag (L) ULTRARARE” (Gacha, Ultrarare)

Piercing 2: -SU!- – “Medusa Piercing” (Group Gift)

Pasties: +Psycho Barbie+ – “[Cross Mesh Pasties] M Lara” (Maitreya)

Ankle Cuffs: [CX] – “Fallen Filth Cuffs” (Maitreya)

Toe Nails: [ Conviction ] – “The Claws – Feet – Maitreya – High” (Maitreya)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No. Army” – NEW @ TRES CHIC // May 2020

Makeup & Lipstick: CAZIMI – “Arrant HD Makeup (LeLutka) Set 01 Neutral” – (LeLutka Evo. HD Applier) – NEW @ Designer Showcase // May 2020

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – “Lake 1.2”

Freckles: Izzie’s – “Pores & Blemishes – Freckles” (BoM)

Contour: Nefekalum Tattoos – “Cheek and Nose Contour (Tintable)” (BoM)

Ears: [CX] – “Ostium Impaler Ears”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 5.1”

Tattoo: Vegas Tattoo – “Tattoo Dark Revelation” (BoM) – NEW @ VANITY Event // May 2020

Poses, Props & Tools

Poses: Le Poppycock – “Comfort Zone” (Bento)


Curtains: [Cb] – “Cornice Drapes Floor Open Satin” (tinted)

Chair: (Fluke) – “Pose Chair” (store closed)

Basket: 22769 – “Magazine Basket” (Gacha, Common)

Table: 22769 – “Monochrome Couch Table without Decoration”

Magazines: 22769 – “Black and White Magazines”

Pizza: [La Baguette] – “Box of pizza 1 slice left (1Li)”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Tokyo after Dark

Being still in my dark period, I was in a dark casual mood today 😉

I love the “VoDoo” ears so much, I had to do another post with them. I am not a fan of elf ears for everyday looks but sometimes – for what ever reason – I love them not just for a fantasy style.

Today I wanted to showcase one of Ex Machina’s awesome buildings. I rarely saw better structures that are made with more love for the details, than the designs from Hatris Panacek, owner and designer of Ex Machina. It is no secret , that I adore her work, otherwise we never would have asked her to make a custom built store building and most of it’s interior for us. Hattie has amazing skills when it comes to building and as well to texturing. She works so hard to get her realistic looking surfaces done and it pays of every time she does a new release. The “Tokyo after Dark” building is one of her latest creations. On her vendor she states, that his is the first in a set of urban, Japanese, cyberpunk styled buildings. That mean for me we can hope on more of those, which would make me super duper happy, because I LOVE that kind of style 😉

For my pictures I used 2 of the buildings and the amazing street components she delivers with the building. I just turned one of the buildings 90 degrees, so I could showcase the front and the backside as well – I really loved the stair case in the back a lot. I snapped over 10 pictures and I liked all of them. Making a decision was really not easy this time. When I started I just wanted to showcase the amazing “VoDoo” ears and the awesome “Tokyo after Dark” building. But the more I was fooling around with a style the more I got my vibe for that dark urban look. I used the amazing “Bella Leather Pants” from [Gos]. I already blogged those before, but in a more sweet casual style and I wanted to try if they do work for some more dark looks as well – They do!

What as well caught my attention a lot was the new tattoo from Mister Razzor. I love when tattoos go up till parts of the head, but not many are really seamless. The “Dante” tattoo, which was released at the Black Fair not too long ago, did not disappoint in that matter 🙂

Again I am wearing my everyday head from LeLutka. I know the “Simone” bento head was one of the first heads, that LeLutka released when the new bento generation of heads came out, but it is still my absolute favorite one, even if I more and more enjoy the new Korina head as well *winks*

The “Simone” head with a skin from the Skinnery became kinda my trademark. When I first put on the “Simone” head, I wasn’t really sold on the first try, as it looked very young with the default skin from Glam Affair. Since I am in Second Life now for over 10 years I wanted a more adult look for my pixels. I did a lot of things and I did grow up lightly too during my Second Life journey. That I wanted to mirror with my avatar as well. I remember very well the moment when I put on “my” skin. As models we all had quite some trouble when the first mesh heads came out and we all looked the same more or less, while we were told ALWAYS, tht our face would be our trademark in the modeling business. But the bento generation changed that “issues” pretty fast, when we were able again to at least customize our heads a little more again. From that moment on I was in love with my “Simone” head. I tried all the new bento heads from various brands but none was able to satisfy my needs as LeLutka did. What I do love the most on the “Simone” head (and as well on the Korina one), that it is not the usual mainstream beauty. It does have edges and give – depending on the skin – a very characteristic look. With my Skinnery skin and some face modifications from Izzie’s, I was completely sold with my new look and never really changed it drastically again – just some minor shape and other changes here and there 😉


Top: [CX] – “Mucronate Top – Leather” (Maitreya)

Pants: [Gos] – “Bella Leather Pants & Belt” (Maitreya)

Shoes & Leggings: Eudora 3D – “Aerendyl Boots” (Maitreya)

Gloves: Wicca’s Originals – “Roadie Gloves” (Maitreya)


Glasses: BONDI – “The Extrovert Sunglasses”

Collar: VOBE – “Stzar Prision Choker”

Piercing: [CX] – “Drop Septum”

Hair & Makeup

Hair: Dura – “Collaboration02_Bob2” (Gacha, Common)

Makeup: Zibska – “Noir Pack 06” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: alaskametro<3 – London” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Ears: .:E.A.Studio:. (Eclipse Art Studio) – “Ears VoDoo”

Tattoo: Mister Razzor – “Dante” (OMEGA Applier)

Poses & Props

Set: Ex Machina – “Tokyo after Dark – The iKON”

Poses: Foxcity

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

My Bloody Valentine with Prism


On the 14th of February SCALA was having an awesome ‘Bloody Valentine’ fashion show. Who else that Honey Bender could come up with such an incredible idea and as a creative director at SCALA he helped to make this come true.

For all who missed the show… there is an amazing video on youtube, so at least you can get an idea about what I am talking.


I felt very honored, when SCALA asked me to be part as a designer and I made 4 very special deigns for that but that will be a another post 😉

Originally I was not counted in as a model as I try to avoid walking shows where my own creations are being showcased, so that I can fully enjoy the show and see what models did with my creations.

But I found my name on the list of the backup models and it was ok because usually at SCALA there are not really any dropouts. Since I am a good girl (yes even me sometimes) I went to the rehearsals so that just could fill in if really needed, since the walks at SCALA usually are not that easy.

After we tried the run order on this amazing maze –  yes we had a lot of fun by exploring where we have to go – we found one little issue and before I even realized I was pulled in for one outfit. And what me lucky girl got assigned?



I know Journey McLaglen, owner and designer of Prism, usually gives me free reigns to style stuff and she does not mind, if I put my little weird and funky tweak on it :p

So … for Bloody Valentine show and me having free reigns … go figure, I had a lot of fun 🙂

The “Tikka” outfit contains a red, short leather skirt and a creme kinda brownish top with an amazing looking print in the front wich perfectly matches the Bloody Valentine Idea.

First of all I wanted some heavy boots to go into a contrast to the more girly looking short skirt. I remembered some really funky boots wich I got from Remarkable Oblivion (RO), called “Hobnails”. With the cool open front showing some hungry teeth those were the right choice for the themed show 😉

Now since the boots has such a grungy look I wanted to put on some socks and maybe some ripped stockings. :::insanya::: made those as a combination of exactly that… socks with ripped stockings underneath.

I did not wanna go with gloves so I thought about what else I could put on my arms, which felt kinda naked besides the amazing tattoo from Letis Tattoo.

I remembered a great arm gear from Death Row Designs. It comes for both arms but since I like asymmetric things a lot and both would have been too much I just put on the 3 parts for the left arm.

Since the whole look totally became crazy, I needed some crazy hair as well. Wich could do the job better that one of the amazing “Bizarre Hairs” that I have. Sadly the big folder I used to have disappeared some when and never came back. But some of my favourite ones, I got replaced by the very kind MyStiCa Matova, owner and designer of Bizarre Hair and so I am able to use the awesome “Angel of Elements” hair for today’s look.

To underline the Bloody Valentine theme, wich should make a total opposite to the usually sweet and nice Valentine’s Day, I wanted to go drastically on my makeup. REPULSE offers a lot of really creepy makeups and I could not resist to go for the “Worm Eye” for the right eye and a little “Forced Smile” for the left side of my mouth corner.

And last but not least, something I wanted to do in forever on a SL runway since I am used to do that in RL on stage when we play with the band… I wanted to smoke a cigarette and I know this was the only time I could get away with that :p.

I really had fun developing that look and I am very sure that the “Tikka” outfit from Prism would have never thought to be worn in that way 😉



Outfit: Prism – “Tikka”

 Shoes: Remarked Oblivion (RO) – “Hobnails”

Socks: :::insanya::: – “Stockings and Knee Socks n.4”

Tattoo: Letis Tattoo – “Regal Princess”

Arm Piece: Death Row Design (DRD) – “Female Armor”

Necklace & Ring: Pixel Box – “Steampunk Necklace Clock”

Makeup: REPULSE – “Forced Smile II” & “Worm Eye” + YaYo – “Running Mascara”

Lipstick: L.Fauna – “Lipstick Red 3”

Hair: Bizarre Hair – “Angels of Elements”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardobe: LOTD 06/24/2012 – Rebel Yell

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