Tokyo after Dark

Being still in my dark period, I was in a dark casual mood today 😉

I love the “VoDoo” ears so much, I had to do another post with them. I am not a fan of elf ears for everyday looks but sometimes – for what ever reason – I love them not just for a fantasy style.

Today I wanted to showcase one of Ex Machina’s awesome buildings. I rarely saw better structures that are made with more love for the details, than the designs from Hatris Panacek, owner and designer of Ex Machina. It is no secret , that I adore her work, otherwise we never would have asked her to make a custom built store building and most of it’s interior for us. Hattie has amazing skills when it comes to building and as well to texturing. She works so hard to get her realistic looking surfaces done and it pays of every time she does a new release. The “Tokyo after Dark” building is one of her latest creations. On her vendor she states, that his is the first in a set of urban, Japanese, cyberpunk styled buildings. That mean for me we can hope on more of those, which would make me super duper happy, because I LOVE that kind of style 😉

For my pictures I used 2 of the buildings and the amazing street components she delivers with the building. I just turned one of the buildings 90 degrees, so I could showcase the front and the backside as well – I really loved the stair case in the back a lot. I snapped over 10 pictures and I liked all of them. Making a decision was really not easy this time. When I started I just wanted to showcase the amazing “VoDoo” ears and the awesome “Tokyo after Dark” building. But the more I was fooling around with a style the more I got my vibe for that dark urban look. I used the amazing “Bella Leather Pants” from [Gos]. I already blogged those before, but in a more sweet casual style and I wanted to try if they do work for some more dark looks as well – They do!

What as well caught my attention a lot was the new tattoo from Mister Razzor. I love when tattoos go up till parts of the head, but not many are really seamless. The “Dante” tattoo, which was released at the Black Fair not too long ago, did not disappoint in that matter 🙂

Again I am wearing my everyday head from LeLutka. I know the “Simone” bento head was one of the first heads, that LeLutka released when the new bento generation of heads came out, but it is still my absolute favorite one, even if I more and more enjoy the new Korina head as well *winks*

The “Simone” head with a skin from the Skinnery became kinda my trademark. When I first put on the “Simone” head, I wasn’t really sold on the first try, as it looked very young with the default skin from Glam Affair. Since I am in Second Life now for over 10 years I wanted a more adult look for my pixels. I did a lot of things and I did grow up lightly too during my Second Life journey. That I wanted to mirror with my avatar as well. I remember very well the moment when I put on “my” skin. As models we all had quite some trouble when the first mesh heads came out and we all looked the same more or less, while we were told ALWAYS, tht our face would be our trademark in the modeling business. But the bento generation changed that “issues” pretty fast, when we were able again to at least customize our heads a little more again. From that moment on I was in love with my “Simone” head. I tried all the new bento heads from various brands but none was able to satisfy my needs as LeLutka did. What I do love the most on the “Simone” head (and as well on the Korina one), that it is not the usual mainstream beauty. It does have edges and give – depending on the skin – a very characteristic look. With my Skinnery skin and some face modifications from Izzie’s, I was completely sold with my new look and never really changed it drastically again – just some minor shape and other changes here and there 😉


Top: [CX] – “Mucronate Top – Leather” (Maitreya)

Pants: [Gos] – “Bella Leather Pants & Belt” (Maitreya)

Shoes & Leggings: Eudora 3D – “Aerendyl Boots” (Maitreya)

Gloves: Wicca’s Originals – “Roadie Gloves” (Maitreya)


Glasses: BONDI – “The Extrovert Sunglasses”

Collar: VOBE – “Stzar Prision Choker”

Piercing: [CX] – “Drop Septum”

Hair & Makeup

Hair: Dura – “Collaboration02_Bob2” (Gacha, Common)

Makeup: Zibska – “Noir Pack 06” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: alaskametro<3 – London” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Ears: .:E.A.Studio:. (Eclipse Art Studio) – “Ears VoDoo”

Tattoo: Mister Razzor – “Dante” (OMEGA Applier)

Poses & Props

Set: Ex Machina – “Tokyo after Dark – The iKON”

Poses: Foxcity

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

So take me as I am…

So take me as I am
This may mean you’ll have to be a stronger man
Rest assured that when I start to make you nervous
And I’m going to extremes
Tomorrow I will change
And today won’t mean a thing

[Meredith Brooks]

The styling today I made with some goodies of the WCF 2017. The fair is now over but I am sure, you will find all the creations and designs in the mainstores of the designers 🙂

Sometimes you plan on blogging something and then all of a sudden you RL comes in between and disturbs that plans.

But I loved the look too much to just trash it and go on with all the new stuffs 😉

The outfit is a mix and match of several designers and as well of mesh designs and appliers.

The cool top, that mainly is made of chains with some cloth at the sides was made by [sys] as an exclusive for the WCF 2017. Since I wanted to cover up my private parts a little bit, I added the “Sexy Lingerie” from Cherie underneath the “Shane” top.

The hair as well was made as an exclusive to the WCF 2017 and it does  come from no.match. At the moment I have kinda a top 3 for hair designers and I could not say which one of those I love most , since they are all do different. No.match, EMO-tions and enVOGUE I use the most as I just simply love their ideas and textures the most. Certainly I have hair from all over as there are hairstyles I see and like instantly like DeLa, .shi or so many others but when I pull up my hair folder those 3 have the highest numbers for a reason 😉

For the WCF 2017, no.match made 2 different version with a hat. one as a braid and one – the one I am using today – with open hair. One has the cap set on forward and the other one has it 180 degrees turned like the cool kids usually have it :p

The cool gloves were made by Real Evil Industries and I really love the details as well as the huge HUD that does let you customize so many parts to match your outfit.

The tattoo certainly comes from White Widow. I just love Julie’s tattoos and I rarely find good ones which do not get blurry or are way to colored or just uploaded RL tattoos. I do love the creativity and as well the painting skills that Julie brings to her tattoos and I am totally amazed that this creativity seems to be never ending 😉


Shirt: [sys] – “Shane” (Maitreya)

Lingerie: Cheeky – “Cherie – Sexy Lingerie” (Maitreya Applier)

Gloves: Real Evil Industries – “Jassy Corset Gloves”

Shoes: UTOPIA@Design – “Akira” (Maitreya)

Collar: [evolove] – “Mandy – Horn Choker”

Cigarette: Nikotin – “Cigarette Dirty”

Glasses: *agp* – “Johnny Sunglasses”

Hair: no.match – “No.More”

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Insidious” (Maitreya Applier)

Nail Polish: .alme – “The Edge Light” (Maitreya Applier)

Lipstick: je suis… – “LeLutka Lips no. 005 (greys)”


Background: RAMA – “Passage Side”

Bus Station: 22769 – “Art Nouveau Bus Stop”

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 2.6”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara V4.0”
Eyes: IKON – “Hope Eyes”
Shape: Selfmade

LOTD 07/19/2016 – Today @ GizzA

GizzA Urban 1

Today I was in a very casual mood when I put on my clothes for my GizzA shift.

GizzA Urban 4

The cool “Emma Bib Overall” is one of the latest releases from GizzA. The used optic of the ‘retro washed’ version are totally my thing with the lightly urban but still trendy look. I completed The outfit with the “Lucy Tank” in ‘lemon’, which exactly mirrored my mood today 😉

GizzA Urban 2

Sometimes you do not even feel like you wanna put on makeup and since I wanted a real simple casual look, I went without any makeup. The super awesome hair comes from EMO-tions. Who does not dream of such a long and still great looking braided hairstyle? For today’s look it was just perfect 😉

The accessories are from Elysium and the leather strings kinda repeated the amazing ‘rasta look’ of the hair style and they did not overlay the whole style too much.

And now… time to work!

GizzA Urban 3


Pants: GizzA – “Emma Bib Overall” – NEW

Top: GizzA – “Lucy Tank”

Shoes:[sys] – “Vertigo”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Valentina”

Jewelry: Elysium – “Ichtaca”

Poses: Devilish Poses

Location: Dead End

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

GizzA Urban 5

LOTD 10/06/2014 – Cool Look at the Dead End

Wicca's Wardrobe - Room69 01

Today I had a very lazy day and was looking around for new locations to do pictures.

Mostly roleplay sims are very well and detailed designed. So my ways lead me over several urban RP sims before I found the “Dead End”. At some RP sims you land first in a mall and have to find your way through a whole bunch of shops before you actually can enter the sim. These malls are usually not that great looking, so I was surprised when I landed at the “Dead End” that I landed right at  the scenery. At the landing point I found the rules very easy and so I could make sure that I would not obtrude or disturb anyone by just looking around. I had not to go far until I found the right spot that matched my todays look 😉

Wicca's Wardrobe - Room69 03

Today I was running around in one of my latest creations, wich I made for the  [Room 69] event. It is the first time that I am part of that and i have to tell that I was treated super kind and nice by the people who run it. They were very helpful and patient with me.

The “Nagini Top [B&W Edition]” that I am wearing, is a wonderful short top with chains hanging down over the belly and a huge and deep neckline wich gives a very sexy and modern look.  The top comes with my new HUD wich is just one prim with one script what makes it a very low lag script. You can choose between 6 different options for the texture of the top.

Wicca's Wardrobe - Nagini Tip (B&W) Vendor

You can choose between black and white and highlights in silver, white and black like yu can see on the picture above.

The pants as well you can find at the [Room 69] along with the “Nagini Top”. The “Anakri ‘Pants [B&W Edition]” are made to match the “Nagini Top” and have the same HUD options.

Wicca's Wardrobe - Anakri Pants (B&W) Vendor

The shoes are one of my personal favourites and you will find the at my main store. The “Gambler Heels [Autumn Edition]” are made for the Slink Av. Enhancement mesh feet. They only will fit with the high version of the Slink feet and not for the regular Avatar feet.

Wicca's Wardrobe - Room69 02

The dieces wich make the heel and the letters at the platform are textured with metals. With the HUD that comes with it, they can be retextured in gold, silver and a black metal. For he shoe it self you have many different possibilities to customize them in texture and color. The palette goes over all the actual autumn colors. The HUD allows to recolor the whole shoe as well as in 3 different parts. The sole, the straps and the body can be changed separately.

Wicca's Wardrobe - Gambler Heels Vendor

To complete my look I used the “Creature Glasses” as well from Wicca’s Wardrobe.

For the hair I wanted to use something casual but still wild and modern from booN. For the lipstick I chose my favourite one from Launa Fauna. It is part of the “Halloween Set” and what I like so much is, that the black is not just deep opaque black with no structure. I always loved Launa Fauna for her high detailed makeups, lipsticks and skins.

The black nails with those sweet white spiders and webs are made by Nailed It! and they are part of the “Rock Set”.

I now will continue to explore the “Dead End” and see if I can find some more cool spots for my next pictures 😉

Wicca's Wardrobe - Room69 04


Top: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Nagini Top [B&W Edition]” – NEW

Bra: [AD] Creations – “Gothic Summer” (part of the outfit)

Pants: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Anakri Pants [B&W Edition] – NEW

Shoes: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Gambler Heels [Autumn Edition] – NEW

Glasses: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Creature Glasses”

Skin: [sys] – “Eva”

Lipstick: Launa Fauna – “Halloween Set /black”

Hair: booN – “SEL 740”

Nails: Nailed It! – “Rock Set”

Location: Dead End

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

LOTD 07/14/2014 – News from LeeZu!

LeeZu, Emotions 01

LeeZu time again!

Again LeeZu surprises us with amazing new releases. I already blogged the “BonBon” dress, wich was made for the FFL ( and today I would like to showcase some more amazing news by LeeZu.

Let’s starts with the “Cora Ruffleskirt” This sexy short mesh skirt as well was part of the FFL 2014 contributions of LeeZu. I love short skirts but as well, in my opinion, it is more sexy to cover the legs under them with something like a sheer panty hose or stockings. There are times to show those long pixel legs and then there is times where to cover them 😉 . I remembered the “Brigitte Body Tights”,  as well from LeeZu and it was the perfect addition to the “Cora Ruffleskirt”.

For the top I wanted something cool and red. I had a special love for the “Dekannche Top” before and I know, that I used it some times before but never in red 😉 .

LeeZu, Emotions 02

The boots are a cool new release from LeeZu as well. The “Mila Boots” are super cool mesh boots. They have the possibility to change the color of the laces with a HUD and as well you can resize them with a built-in resizer. Those boots are a mixture of heavy boots, with a wonderful detailed texture and the lower leg part with those huge holes makes them even fit to more than just a normal casual style 😉

LeeZu, Emotions 04

The amazing fire-red hair is called “Tariel” and comes from EMO-tions. With the sweet little tails that fall down over the shoulders and the chest and the pulled back hair at the top it was the right style to complete my look. Certainly the hair is available in more than just the fire-red tone. With the fatpack you will get all the amazing colors that we know from EMO-tions.

For the location I decided to try the actual sim environment of Bryn Oh. With that amazing dark and creepy surrounding, the look was totally matching in 😉 I explored the sim and was send home dead a few times :p . You will find killer bunnies and spooky looking dogs wich will hunt you down if you are not careful enough and keep moving. For me it was a funny and interesting trip over the sim and I just can advise you to try it as well 😉

LeeZu, Emotions 03


Skirt: LeeZu – “Cora Miniruffleskirt” – NEW (mesh)

Top: LeeZu – “Deklannche Top”

Body Suit: LeeZu – “Brigitte Body Tights”

Boots: LeeZu – “Milo Boots” – NEW (mesh)

Hair: EMO-tions – “Tariel”

Cuffs: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Metal Cuffs” (color modified)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca 3/peach”

Make Up: Nuuna – “Tattoo Layer Makeups v7 11” & “Astro Glam/Red”

Tattoo: White Widow – “Skyfall”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe

Location: Immersiva by Bryn Oh

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin