Last Sunday the OGlam Agency presented the first show for PNP Poses made by Β Spishak Sorbet. Β Spishak Sorbet made a lot of new runway poses that were show cased by the OGlam models. It was an honor as well as a pleasure for me, that I was allowed to be part of that amazing show. The show was sponsored by Apple May, Azoury, Sascha’s Design, Champagne, Priviledge, !Silken Moon and Finesmith Designs. To give a short impression of that amazing show I would like to show you the outfits and poses I was allowed to showcase on the Runway.

My first outfit came from Apple May and was called “Cheery”. For skins we were sent to !Silken Moon and for “Cheery” I decided to wear the “Blog Frog” skin of the Rebel II series. The green eyeshadow and lips were the perfect addition to the color- and playful outfit. The jewelry for sure comes from Finesmith – and yes it is no secret that I adore yula’s creations as well as her genius designing skills and ideas π – for this outfit I chose parts of the new “Rusalka Inspiration” set that matched the colors of the outfit and skin perfectly! For shoes we were allowed to pick from the great Mary Jane Shoes, made by Infiniti Mirihi. For this outfit the new “Cheeky” pumps in red where the perfect addition.

For this outfit I picked poses from PNP of the “PNP Runway – Mode” series.

The poses I used for the show were the “PNP Runway – Model 6, 28, 30, 42, 50

The second outfit I was wearing walking down the runway was made by Azoury and carries the name “Tenue Tooti”. The skin as well is from the Rebel II line of !Silken Moon and is called “L8ter G8ter” The jewelry as well for sure is made by Finesmith Designs and it is a mix of the “Vivienne Inspiration” set (earrings & headpiece), the “Ash” collar and let me add the fingernails as they are from Finesmith Designs as well, the “Finesmith Nails Painter v.1”

This dress was a real challenge to pose with the big sculpted prim that makes the skirt. But a few of the “PNP Runway – Dress” poses wer able to take the challenge and win π

For this outfit I used the “PNP Runway – Dress” poses 11, 44, 51, 56 and 63.

From Sascha’s Design I got the wonderful black “Zephra” gown. Again I used a skin of the Rebel II line of !Silken Moon , this time the “Mio Vio” skin. The jewelry is the “Idioma” set from Finesmith Designs and the shoes again I got from Mary Jane Shoes and they are called “Attitude Stilettos”

For the SAS Dress I chose poses as well from the “PNP Runway – Dress” series and it was the 2, 4, 9, 15, 24 and 46 that you can see in the pics above π

My 4th outfit was made by Champagne with a signature face tattoo from Garded Secret, that was made especially for this outfit called “Samba”. The skin is the same as I used for my first outfit and the shoes again came from Mary Jane Shoes, this time the “Strapped Stiletto” in cyan. The earrings are part of the “Valeria Inspiration” set, what is a limited set from Finesmith Designs.

For the “Samba” outfit I mixed poses of the “PNP Runway Haute” set and the “PNP Runway Dress” poses. From the “Haute” set I used the 2, 7, 10, 19 and the number 55 of the “Dress” series.

My last outfit for the PNP Pose Show was from Priviliged and it is called “Isadora Exclusive”. The skin is the last of the 4 Rebel II skins and named “Funny Bunny”, the jewelry set is the “January Colletion” from Finesmith Designs, the shoes are again a pair of the great Mary Jane Shoes – the “Satin Pumps” in white.

This time I again used poses from the “PNP Runway Dress” line to showcase the wonderful gown. I chose the numbers 8, 18, 20, 23, 26 and 27.
I hope you enjoyed my short review of this wonderful show and you take the effort and make your way to the PNP Mainstore and try all those wonderful and new poses π