LOTD 08/24/2016 – Nautical Vintage Mood

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Nautical themed pin ups in a retro looking, vintage way always was something that I liked a lot.

When I unpacked the new “Michelle” outfit from Asteria, I immediately got the idea, to try something in that direction, even if the outfit looked modern and not very retro like on the first view.

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The outfit contains shorts, a small, sporty looking belly free top and the great knitted pullover over the shoulders. The shorts have a cute detail at the backside. One side is kinda ripped with a hole right at the butt, while the bottom seams of the shorts, as well look like used and just cut with all the small frills hanging down loosely.

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I tried to pull the whole outfit towards my retro idea and so I added some semi sheer tights from Izzie’s and the awesome over knee boots from [MODA]. With the stripes on the pullover and the stockings I already got the feeling of the whole look and wanted some of the amazing vintage looking sunglasses, which I found at Glamistry.

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Usually the 50s are known for colorful tattoos, but iI never was a huge friend of those and so I took one of the newest releases from my favourite tattoo designer Julie Hastings. The “Allied” tattoo from White~widow is available at the Fetish Fair 2016 in black, red and white.

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For the hair, I chose one of the newest EMO-tions hair called “Talon” the neat one-sided braid you will find at the actual round of Shiny Shabby. with the one side coming down in the front it did not interfere too much with the loose pullover sleeves over my shoulder ;).

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Now usually the most hardest part.. finding a location which was stuck in my imagination… I wanted a harbour, not too crowded but not totally empty. I prefer mesh nowadays since it reacts so much more nice on windlights and as well looks way more up to date than buildings from 2008 😉 I went to the destination guide of SL as they usually have nice locations there which are very photogenic. After some sim hopping I found the “West of the Rain” sim. When I landed, I immediately found myself standing at a harbour what seemed like coincidence 🙂 I waited a few seconds to rez and when I looked around, I knew I was in the right place. The amazing ship right in the harbour, the other a little out and the wonderful little building caught my heart and I spent quite some times snapping way too many pics. Again I had a hard choice, to choose which ones should end up in the post. Every time I try to convince myself, that 2 to 3 pictures would be enough and still I end up with 5 to 8 *hides*

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Outfit: Asteria – Michelle” – NEW

Shoes: [MODA] – “Erica”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Talon” – NEW @ Shiny Shabby

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Allied” – NEW @ Fetish Fair 2016

Necklace: Codex – “Spellwhip” – NEW @ Fetish Fair 2016

Sunglasses: Glamistry – “Sunglasses PU2004”

Poses: EverGlow

Location: West of the Rain

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

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New @ Machoire

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Today I am very happy, tha I am able to showcase a very new designer on the grid. Machoire, a genius woman, who named her brand after herself or vice versa ;).

She creates original mesh and designs jewelry, hair and accessories in a very artistic way in a new and modern look and style.

Today I would like to showcase one of her great new necklaces called “Livay Nacklace”.

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This huge necklace is an art piece and you do not need any busy outfit for it, tha is why I just put on a tight body suit to really let this wonderful design shine and not drag any attention from it.

You have a wonderful front, wich goes deep down to the belly and the back as well is wonderfully handcrafted and artistic shaped. As a little decoration in the front you have some sweet little gems added. The whole piece is texture change able with the huge HUD that comes with the necklace. You have the choice to change the metals and the gems to make sure you can make it match to all of your outfits and stylings.

Machoire… definitely a name to remember or put on your shopping list and I am very curious what she will bring out next! Avant Kette 04b

Necklace: Machoire – “Livay Necklace” – NEW

Hair: EMO-tions – “Nefertiti”

Bodysuit: Imogene – “Black Catsuit”

Poses: Del May / Ever Glow

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Holidays are over – Back to School with GizzA

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The Christmas Holidays were so nice and as always way too short. This week was my first week at work again… Back to school for a new year.

2015 started very nice and I thought it was kinda funny that GizzA released the “‘Emily Dress” right in time for my first day at school again. Even if I am on the “other side” as a teacher… when I put on the “Emily Dress” I got a schoolgirl feeling 😉

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The amazing dress comes in several colors of the amazing tartan. The white neck collar and the white wrists you have for all of them.

As it is still very cold I did not wanna go with bare legs and so I pulled out my “LaLun” Tights from Leezu. The sheer version just was perfect 😉

The shoes I chose because of the white socks that come together with the pants and just even more gave this school girl vive for me.

What can not be missing for a cute schoolgirl? Exactly the geek glasses :p. Mine are from Haysuriza. I chose the black frame and lenses of the 3 colors for each that are available on the HUD.

The earrings and the amazing long necklace was made by Mandala and my hair stylist for today was Tabata Jewell from Vanity Hair.

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Dress: GizzA – “Emily” – NEW

Shoes: Pixel Mode – “Baby T’s”

Hair: Vanity Hair – “The Meadow”

Glasses: Haysuriza – “Retro Cats”

Jewelry: Mandala – “Kyara”

Skin: [sys] – “Eva”

Poses: EverGlow

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe – Our Second Original Mesh

Wicca's Wardrobe - CD Teaser Mood

Today I am very happy and proud as well…. First of all my RL goes better and better what really gets me more and more in a positive mood and second… I am able to show you the second original mesh item of Wicca’s Wardrobe.

Lately we started to learn Blender with help of some friends and after a lot of practice and try and error I am very, very proud to say we made our second orignal mesh the “Cybernetic Eye”

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I have a mega favour on steam punk and cyber stuffs and so the idea of that “Cybernetic Eye” was not too far off my direction. The one who made it possible for Wicca’s Wardrobe is my RL & SL partner Redclaw Inshan. Cause he is the one who kinda defeated Blender :p

So he has to put up with strange and weird ideas of mine and helps me to make them become real… ok.. virtual real 😉 Sometimes he is loosing his mind and temper and sometimes he even adds more crazy ness to my ideas, or he comes with amazing ideas of himself.

I am really looking forward to what the future will bring with the possibility to now make things out of our imagination.

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The rest of the whole look as well is made by Wicca’s Wardrobe. The whole ensemble at the moment is available at the Couturier’s Docks. This special aluminium black combination is limited to 50 pieces only for the jacket, the pants, the heels and the cybernetic eye in that particular colors.

From the “Cayla” jacket and the “Renraku” pants there are still a few left at Couturier’s Docks but the special color combination of the “Lorraine” heels already sold out. That’s why I made one more pair of heels wich go with this futuristic look – the “Locked Heels” in aluminium.

Wicca's Wardrobe - Locked Heels (Aluminium) Vendor

Those are available at the Wicca’s Wardrobe Mainstore and as well at the satellite store on SaliMar if you wanna grab them after you did your shopping at the Couturier’s Docks wich are located right around the corner of my satellite store 😉

There are only a few days left before the Couturier’s Docks close for the next round maybe you get lucky and get one of the last pieces of that cool look for yourself 😉

Wicca's Wardrobe - CD Teaser Mood 2


Jacket: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Cayla Jacket” [CD October 2014]

Pants: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Renraku Pants” [CD October 2014]

Shoes 1: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Lorraine Heels” [CD October 2014] – SOLD OUT

Shoes 2: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Locked Heels” [Aluminium]

Eye Part: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Cybernetic Eye” [Original Mesh]

Hair: Capelli – “Babylon”

Skin: [sys] – “Eva”

Makeup: Nuuna – “Warp” + L.Fauna – “Midnight Glitter”

Poses: EverGlow

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Girl Power

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A few days ago, as I was working my shift, a sweet girl landed. She IMed me and before she could say anything I remembered, that I know that I know her from a blog I found recently. Cierra Emor – cute sweet and a little rebel like me 😉

After we talked a little bit I had the feeling we should do a post together and I asked Cierra about it. First she said she would be too busy at the moment with her blogging for the FFL and I told her we do not have to do it right away, just when we both are free and wanna have some fun.

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The more we talked, the more I  found out what a sweet heart she is and when she finally offered me the friendship, I felt very honored 🙂 .

So I finished my shift and went back to my work, when all of a sudden my IM box rang and Cierra was in telling me she just put together a look she would like to blog with me. So quick it can come… *snickers*… and I asked her if she could send me a quick snap, so I could style something according to her look.

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She came up with a bad girl look in a short dress and when I saw this, I remembered the “Uruwa” dress I found at Collabor 88. I never found an occasion to blog it but with Cierra’s look it was totally perfect. What caught my attention for the “Uruwa” dress was the amazing texture and the open back of that sweet and short mesh dress.

To complete the look, I added the “Cat Tights” and the “Piccadilly Overknee Boots” from LeeZu.

The wonderful “Birdy” tattoo comes from White Widow, made by the super talented Julie Hastings and the hair with the light windblown look I got at LeLutka.

Cierra found a wonderful place to mak the pics and we just tried several poses until we found a few matching ones.

The whole time we had great fun. Thank you so much Cierra for your patience with me and that wonderful time we spent together – I hope it was not the last time 😉 .

To see Cierra’s stylecard you can take a look at her blog [HERE]

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Dress: R2 Fashion – “Uruwa” (mesh, Collabor 88)

Leggings: LeeZu – “Cat Tights”

Boots: LeeZu – “Piccadilly Overknee Boots” (mesh)

Hands: Slink – “Avatar Enhancement Hands – Casual” (mesh)

Jewelry: Mandala – “Milky Way”

Ears: Mandala – “Simple Ears” (mesh)

Hair: LeLutka – “Pocahontas”

Piercing: [iN] – “Forever Left”

Tattoo: White Widow – “Birdy”

Poses: EverGlow

Models: Cierra Emor & Wicca Merlin

Photographer: Wicca Merlin

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OMG!!! Journey made a dress named after me!!!

God I nearly fainted as Herradura IMed me and gave me a folder with the new Prism outfit and I saw my name in the line… you can make a bet that I could not wait and imediately tried it on… the “Wicca” dress is a wonderful dress made of the mesh technique. It looks similar to the “Yoko” dress but it has a few tiny sweet differences. The little peekaboo at the top for example, that shows the cleavage so wonderful. The colors and patterns of the “Wicca” dress that I already saw are wild, crazy and colorful … crazy like I am :p

Journey.. it is a great pleasure to have aPrism dress named after me and I would like to thank you big time for that honor you have me with that dress and all it’s wonderful versions, patterns and colors 🙂 I am sure it willnot be my last post about the Prism “Wicca” dress  🙂

As far as I heared, the dress will be available from Saturday on at the Prism Mainstore 🙂

(Picture by Jezzixa Cazalet for Prism)


Dress: Prism – “Wicca” /underwater – NEW (mesh)

Hair: Rawhouse – “Willow”

Piercings: [ni.ju] – “Monroe” & “Chain Chomp”

Nails: Love Soul – “”Square Orange”

Sneakers: Hoorenbeek – “All Star”

Jewelry: Ticky Tacky – “Cotton Candy”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Rookie” /clockwork

Poses: Ever Glow

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: Today at LeeZu 02/24/2012 – Funky Hornet ;)

Jacket: LeeZu – “Margo Jacket” /night

Top: LeeZu – “Miss Tres” /black

Pants: LeeZu – “Yve Pants” /black

Tights: LeeZu – “Cat Tights” /yellow

Gloves: LeeZu – “Nif Nif” /yellow

Skin: Silken Moon – “Rookie” /Hell o’ Yellow – NEW

Eyeshadow: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Hair: Vanity Hair – “Hare Hare” /noir

Earrings: Ticky Tacky – “Hot Rod Earrings” /yellow

Eyelashes: Redgrave – “Twiggy”

Poses: Everglow

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: Trouble

Today, while I was driving home from RL work, they played an older song from P!NK at the radio – “Trouble”. I did not hear that song in ages and as I arrived at home I had to listen a few more times to it. During that I logged into SL and started my SL day as usually with making some styles for the blog, I saw that little note beside my keyboard that reminded me of styling a casual corset outfit, like I promised in my last corset post.

Still the song “Trouble” from P!NK was running on my itunes and I could not resist… so the casual styling still have to be done somewhen, as this one turned out very punky :p

But even that is possible with the corsets of NV Corsetry 😉 Again I am very glad that I can show, that corsets have such a wide style range 🙂 Even the music industry in RL discovered that again and again. Singers like Lady Gaga, Pink, Sharon den Adel (Within Temptation) and many others include corsets in their stage outfits. They simply add a sexy and elegant touch to everything what you wear and do not disturb any styling 🙂

For the shoes the choice fell on one of the newest Redgrave boots called “Bonnie Boots”. This boots really rock. You will get 2 versions in one pack, one with golden and one with solver hardware and sole. The combination of leather and cotton really makes this super-higheeled plateau boots perfect for every occasion.

To make the look perfect I added one of my favourite LeeZu jeans and a casual shirt as well from LeeZu.

But now it is time to switch the music and say bye bye to P!NK for now :p


Jeans: LeeZu – “Robin Jeans”

Shirt: LeeZu – “Oui Oui”

Jacket: Cipher – “Riders Jacket”

Lashes: Detour – “Cactus”

Skin: Siliken Moon – “Rookie” (special custom makeup)

Corset: NV Corsetry – “Pink Emo”

Boots: Redgrave – “Bonnie Boots” – NEW

Poses: oOo & Everglow

TUNES: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOk9XOzdgeQ)

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

In a brown mood with Prism ;)

Outfit: Prism – “Chel” /white leopard

Jewelry: Finesmith – “Hara”

Boots: J’s – “Long Boots”

Hair: LoQ – “Whisky II”

Pose: EverGlow

Outfit: Prism – “Mercedes” /black sand

Jewelry: Mandala – “Lotus Chain ” /bronze

Boots: Shiny Tings – “Old Laceup Boots” /warmblack

Hair: Birth – “Hawk”

Pose: Di’s Opera

Model & Photopgrapher Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: LOTD 11/18/2011

Yesterday I visited Azlyn Vaher, owner and designer of Yasum,  as she wanted to gimme a sneak peek on her new store and as we were walking through I got stuck on this great pants…

…back home I sat on my new Fluke “Pose Chair” and thought about a styling for the great “Punk Pants”

I remembered the cute “Simple Cozy Sweater” from Kyoot, that I bought on one of my last shopping tours and it just looked right for the look I had in mind. The “Armada Boots” from Kookie with the cute socks as well matched the look. The whole look remembered me of being at the university way in the past so I had to add this sweet *Leather Messenger Bag” from HOC to make the illusion complete :p.


Pants: Yasum – “Punk Pants” /blue

Top: Kyoot – “Simple Cozy Sweater” /taupe

Bag: HOC – “Leather Messenger Bag”

Boots: Kookie – “Armada Boots” /black

Hair: Mirone – “Hina” /red

Glasses: ERD – “Streetlyne”

Belt: Coco – “Wide Belt” /black


Pic 1: Fluke – “pose Chair”

Pic 2: EverGlow

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin