Today I have the great honor to introduce a new designer that entred the challenge of fashion desingning: Aurora Vuissent with her label VUI. .As I saw this store the first time…I was totally caught. Amazing fashion even haute couture and in a way I never saw it before. As I looked at the prizes I nearly fainted…magnificant quality and designs fo fantastic prices!!! I made my ways around and I have to admit, if I had taken all for blogging I would have a monster post. So I picked a few for this spotlight but iam very shure..this will not be the last ones 
I would like to start with “Bow Obi Micro – Lilac”

This dress is a very cute and definitive fashion piece. A very short dress that brings out your great figure. The top has no neckline at all and a very deep neckling like a corset. The skirt and the big ribbon are one pice and the ribbon it self is a definitive eye catcher. The ribbons dominate in this great outfit as you can find one little ribbon in the front of the great matching collar! The lilac is for me the best color I could think of for this dress…
Up next we have “Marbled Little Diva”

This dress really honors the name
A sexy short dress with amazing details for the skirt and the cleavage prims. Long shirt sleeves give the creation a classy touch as a contast for the playfull skirt and neck part. A sweet little hair jewelry completes a perfect fashion diva look. The colors red and blue dominate this version of the outfit. But waymore colors play together in this dress and make it to a totally must have for every fashionista! If you make the effort to visit the VUI. Mainstore you will find more colors that you can choose from 
Valentines day is close and even for this event Aurora Vuissent made the perfect non usual highfashion outfit:

The “Rose Valentine Dress” is an amazing design for all who are dare to be fashion even on romantic days ;-). A very highfashion version to say ” I love you” in a very sexy manner… Short arm sleeves with an amazing kind of a body suit in a stunning red. Center of the outfit definitly is the hudge upper part with the big rose. Very high detailed it with the inagination of more then on attachment..but you only need one attachment point for this gorgeous eye cather! A nice finish make the wrist parts also included in this outfit! The grand legs parts are a breat idea to give the shoulder part a nice outfit a perfect balance.
Up next we have a little time warp backwards…in the way I decided to style the outfit. So lets jump back to the 80’s a bit…;-)

This cute “Stripy Suit” enticed me to style it with an 80’s touch. The tight striped suit definatly shows off you amazing curves…in ever inch
so better get you lazy body up the couch and get trained for this sexy outfit 
Only 2 attchment parts on the hsoulders need free spots. A nice neckline and a sweet whole in the belly underline the sexy touch. This sui you will find at VUI. in different colors and textures.
A great fact of VUI. is that you have no acessoires at all that tell you what style you have to go with the outfit. You can style the outfits in every way of mix and match acessoires, themes and jewelry – you are totally free to live your creativity!!!
As I was anyhow by toing a time warp in the past lets go a little earlier in the time and take a look at th next outfit…

The latest release of Aurora Vuissent – the “High Waist Pants”. I could not resist to dress up a bit like the 60’s with this amazing textures and colors… The awsome pants come in different layers for the upper part of the pants so you can decide to wear a short in the pants or a jacket over the pants. The texture is amazing detailed and you even can see the seams! The sweet striped shirt underlines this 60’s style in this case. As a great color brake we have the red neckpart with great detailed folds!
In the end I can say i was very happy that i got the great tip to visit this shop and I really hope that Aurora Vuissent continues her great working and that you all take a look at her fantastic designs…I can promise that will cause Ihave to get the rest of her stunning designs.
Another reason I am allowed to reveal. Aurora Vuissent started a hunt in her store…not an easyone but it is worth it!
Aurora Vuissent: “There will be a hunt with ONE FATPACK of ALL vui items. ALL OF THEM. Open to VUI. Group members ONLY. It will be announced there.”
So hurry to VUI. enter the update group and get your chance!!!
Outfit: VUI. – “Bow Obi Micro – Lilac”
Outfit: VUI. – “Marbled Little Diva” /blue-red
Jewelry: Gems & Kisses – “Miracle of Light” earrings /gold, “Tomorrow Chic” Choker /gold
Outfit: VUI. – “Rose Valentine Dress”
Jewelry: Gems & Kisses – “Strict Elegance” earrings /silver
Outfit: VUI. – “Stripy Suit”
Outfit: VUI. – “High Waist Pants”
Skin: LionSkins – CANAspecial
Model & Photographer in all pics: Wicca Merlin