What a strange world we live in…

What a strange world we live in…

[Alice in Wonderland]

Red Queen – My Vision of a Modern Queen of Hearts

I always adored the novel Alice in Wonderland and the actual round of Enchantment had exactly that as a theme for their event. So the story was stuck in my mind again and when I saw the new “Lexa Latex Dress” from A&Y Cybernetics in that stunning, strong red (there is 5 colors in total to choose from) I got the idea to try for a modern, fashionable & lightly kinky Queen of Hearts 😉

Latex is always tricky in SL, but Anabel Crystal, owner and designer of A&Y did an amazing job with it. What I love the most is that the HUD allows you to texture the dress, the straps and the metals separate.

I do not know why but if I wear a short dress, I always have the feeling I want something on my arms and legs, especially the legs if I do wear no high boots. This time I chose gloves from Codex, as they had a perfect latex possibility in their HUD and for the knees I went with some cool leg garters from Tabou. The shoes, which matched the style so perfect, are made by UTOPIA@Design. The “Cinzia” heels. Made of zippers that are wrapped around your feet and with a super sexy, high heel and platform sole they are simply a must have for every fashionistas wardrobe!

Often I was asked if I do sometimes use particles for my pictures. Particles are not always easy to snap, depending on how they are made and how string your graphic card is. Sometimes they just create weird colored ‘shadows’ and then it is easier to make those effects in Photoshop.

But not with the particles and effects form Cole’s Corner. ColeMarie Soleil has a great way to make her particles and effects, so that you can use them for pictures most of the time and they still show clear and crisp. For the actual round of the Enchantment, she made the amazing “Queen of Hearts Aura” and the “Queen of Hearts Halo”. Both colored in red, the Aura even spreads the typical signs you find on the cards like the hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades. Since a simple photo usually doe snot show particles properly I tried this time to make a short gif, so you can get an idea of the sweet effect 🙂

A cool style needs a great makeup too that matches the look and even gives the perfect finish to it. I know I said that already and not only once but I LOVE the makeup and lipsticks from Zibska for such strong and intense styles. It always adds even more dramatic vibes to the whole look. When I went to the Zibska main store to see what new releases she has, my view fell on the group gifts again and I saw one that I not yet had… how could that happen O.O

The “Themis” head piece did fit so nicely to the look and again lifted it o a higher level for me and together with the “Arie” eyeshadow and lipstick it just looked complete to me. Complete for my modern, fashionable Queen of Hearts – My Red Queen 🙂

Outfit & Accessories

Dress: A&Y Cybernetics – “Lexa Latex Dress” (Maitreya) – NEW @ XXX Event

Gloves: CODEX – “Medea Bento Gloves” (Maitreya)

Legs: Tabou – “Diana Leg Garters” (Maitreya)

Shoes: **UTOPIA@Design** – “Cinzia” (Maitreya)

Headpiece: Zibska – “Themis” (Group Gift)

Nails: Slackgirl – “Catarina” (Maitreya)

Particles: **CC** – “Queen of Hearts Aura” & “Queen of Hearts Halo” –  NEW @ Enchantment

Hair & Makeup

Hair: [KoKoLoReS] Hair – “Oakes” (color modified)

Makeup: Zibska – “Arie Makeup” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: Zibska – “Arie Lips” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Tattoo: Redfish – “Gift Paro” (Maitreya Applier, Hunt Gift Ironwoodhills/Paranoia Event)

Poses & Props




Chair: [Since1975] – “Scorpion Throne” – NEW @ ROMP

Lights: Selfmade

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin


The picture exactly shows how I feel sometimes… Totally disarranged but… somehow still interesting*laughs*

Did you ever came across such a situation where you had something in mind, started to style for your idea and for whatever reason, the whole concept fell and was replaced by a complete different idea? It happens to me so often…

When I started to dress for this post, I had a military style in mind with the “Orsay” dress, but then I remembered the cool puppet hanger from Curio Obscura and the same time [Gos] released their “Natalie” ankle boots and all of a sudden my idea changed to something complete different. The first idea only had the dress in the focus and then I got shoes that matched so wonderful so I had to find an idea where i can showcase the dress AND the shoes 😉

Recently I had to re-think my idea for shoe posts as I did not like the “closeup only” pictures of shoes and accessories. I wanted something that still would allow more than just one part of the body in the picture and so I started experimenting a lot with crazy poses, crouch poses and certain sit and kneel poses. Sometimes it becomes more editorial looking and sometimes it just falls in place to a cool picture with the right angle. It is really fun the more you dare to fool around with poses and angles. Sometimes it just looks weird but if you just try a little more and not be afraid of crazy ideas it becomes way more exciting and interesting.

I will try to play more with those kid of ideas in the future and hope you will enjoy the results as much as I do 😉 Thanks a lot for reading!


Outfit & Accessories:

Dress: [sYs] – “Orsay” (Maitreya)

Shoes: [Gos] – “Natalie Ankle Boots” (Maitreya)

Knees: .:Avanti:. – “Knit Knee Warmers” (Maitreya)

Crown: Enfant Terrible – “Crown Roses ULTRA RARE” (Gacha)

Rings: *elise* – “Orietta” (Maitreya)

Nails: Slackgirl – “Lourds Mesh Nails” (Maitreya)

Hair & Makeup:

Hair: Fabia – “Luida”

Makeup: Zibska – “Araceli Makeup” & “Araceli Lips” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoos:

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Poses & Props:

Poses: Poseidon & Helamiyo


Puppethanger: Curio Obscura – “Marionette Controls and Strings”

Stage: Wimey – “Speakeasy Stage”

Model & Photographer:

Wicca Merlin

Wiccattitude with HelaMiyo!

Pose: HelaMiyo – “Wiccattitude” set

When I saw HelaMiyo has a “Wiccattitude” pose set.. certainly I had to play with it and make some pictures 😉

If you like the more edgy and unusual poses  and as well love the option of a mirrored version of your pose… then you should take a closer look at HelaMiyo. I got one of my first picture pose set from HelaMiyo and since back then Miyoko Magic never disappointed with new and exciting pose sets!

Pose: HelaMiyo – “Wiccattitude” set

It is always exciting and as well a huge honor if you have products named after you in Second Life, and when Miyoko Magic – owner and designer of HelaMiyo – even mentioned she thought about me when she was trying to find a name for her new pose set, I was completely blown away and certainly had to make a post about it 😉

Like I mentioned before, mostly we all use poses for each and every picture we do. We kinda see poses as matter of course and rarely think about all the work and effort each single pose needs to become real for SL. I often catch myself, to just use poses and not looking at the brand it was made from or even the name which sometimes as well says something about a pose set, for example a special purpose. That is why I made it as a task for myself for 2018 to have more pose centered posts or pose studies, to just do justice to all the amazing pose creators in Second Life, who make all our amazing pictures possible.

The “Wiccattitude” set is a very energetic one, which can be used in many different ways. You can even turn around the poses and use them laying or even 180° vertical twisted with many different angles to shoot from. Yes, I have to admit I love not just shooting but playing with poses as well, even if they are completely working out different as intended sometimes 😉

Pose: HelaMiyo – “Wiccattitude” set

If you do a shooting focused on poses, the question of the clothing and accessories is not always easy as you want the most flexibility for all kind of movements. I love to use skin tight clothing and look for even those posts the most. This time I started with the boots. The stunning “Syberia” boots from UTOPIA@DESIGN. I have a love for overknee boots, but for many looks you can’t wear them especially if long mesh pants are involved. 99% the pants stick through the boots except if you wear applier pants.

Speaking of appliers, the awesome “Cozy Tights” I am wearing are from .:Avanti:. and I love the details she puts on her fabrics and designs as well as her awesome ideas for appliers.

Pose: HelaMiyo – “Wiccattitude” set

The amazing outfit was made by Salt & Pepper. Originally the “Teisha” was released on We ♥ RP in December but I am sure you can find it in the main store now. I chose to go with the silver/black option for the outfit, that even includes the cool headpiece, that I used instead of wearing hair. On the HUD for the outfit you will find black and white for the shirt color and 5 different metals (black, silver, rose-gold, light gold and gold) for the body suit and the hair part. The outfit as well contains boots with those 5 color, which I did not wear for todays post.

Happy New Year 2018!

Pose: HelaMiyo – “Wiccattitude” set


Outfit & Accessories:

Outfit (incl. Headpiece): Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “Teisha” (Maitreya)

Shoes: UTOPIA@DESIGN – “Syberia” (Maitreya)

Tights: .:Avanti:. – “Cozy Tights” (Maitreya Applier)

Nails: >glyph< – “Apex” (Maitreya, Bento)

Necklace: Codex – “Charlotte”

Hair & Makeup:

Makeup: Zibska – “Araceli” & “Noir Pack 06” (Maitreya & Omega Applier)

Lipstick: Zibska – “Araceli” (Maitreya Applier)

Body & Tattos:

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Poses & Props:

Poses: HelaMiyo – “Wiccattitude” set

Props: ChiC Buildings [Cb] – “SEA Jugs” & DRD – “Gold retreat wall art -reaching – “

Model & Photographer:

Wicca Merlin

Just a walk… with freezy toes and cold fingers ;)

Now autumn really caught me in RL as well and so today I was in a totally autumn mood while sitting at my PC with freezy toes and fingers. So when I unpacked one of the newest releases from  [sys] for the Sad November event.

[sys] released a full outfit with the “SWEATER” outfit. The outfit contains a skirt and a huge oversized sweater dress. For todays post I just used the skirt together with the amazing “Y6 Jacket & SHirt” as well made by [sys] and released for the Seasons Story back in October 2017.

I loved the wintery touch that the colors and the style of the combination gave me and so I added more autumn/winter looking items to it. Certainly when it gets colder, you need som tights otherwise your legs will get freezy and turn into an ugly blue tone, what we do not wanna have 😉

The colored tights from Izzie’s had the perfect tone to match the red parts of the vest and with the cute “Varsity” sneakers from Miel, which i got at one of the last 50 Linden Fridays it just looked nearly perfect. While I was staring at my pixels, I remembered the “Boot Socks”, that I got longer ago at katat0nik. I was waiting so long for a chance to wear them as i loved them so much and they perfectly fitted on the sneakers and as well to the colors of the whole look!

The hair I found at the actual round of the Fantasy Gacha Carnival. Needless to say, they are a gacha and it might take a while until you get the ones you want, if you not wanna wait for the resellers to put them on Marketplace 😉 I loved the possibility of having different styles on a HUD where I could decide about bangs or no bangs and as well if I wanted both sides of the hair over my shoulders or just one side. For the bandana you as well have the choice of a uni colored one or an ornamented version.

With the sneakers and the socks the whole look became a sporty touch and made me want to add something on my hands. First I was thinking about some knitted gloves matching the bandana but then I remembered the cool “Fingerless Gloves” from L’Emporio, that I got from Marketplace not too long ago.

For the poses I again chose to go with HelaMiyo as I really loved the “Walk” poses and as well the “Ground Sit” pose set so  much. They perfectly went with my sporty look.


Outfit & Accessories:

Top: [sys] – “Y6 Jacket & Skirt” (Maitreya)

Skirt: [sys] – “SWEATER Skirt” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Sad November 2017

Socks: kakat0nik – “Boots socks”

Gloves: L’Emporio – “Fingerless Gloves” (Maitreya)

Shoes: MIEL – “Varsity Kicks Natural” (Maitreya)

Hair & Makeup:

Hair: no.match – “No.Problem” (Gacha) – NEW @ Fantasy Gacha Carnival

Body & Tattoos:

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Facetattoo: Izzie’s – “Pores & Blemishes” (LeLutka Applier)

Poses & Props:

Poses: HelaMiyo – “Ground Sit” & “Walk”

Model & Photographer:

Wicca Merlin

!:Lybra:! for the Murder Mystery Hunt

Lybra 001

At the moment we have so many amazing hunts out on the grid, that you really have to manage your tie properly to do all of them :p.

For example, starting at Finesmith you have the “Murder Mystery” hunt (http://finesmithjewelry.blogspot.co.il/2013/11/finesmith-murder-mystery-hunt.html)

“News Flash!
Socialite WrenNoir Cerise has been murdered and burglarized! They took all of her Finesmith jewelry AND stabbed her FIVE times! They must have really wanted her dead!
We need your help to find her killer!”

14 designer have placed gifts that are each 10L$and as much as I understood it the 10L$ of every item will support the ASPCA.

Today I would like to spotlight the hunt item of Lybra. Lybra Rage made an amazing full outfit including the cool makeup for the Murder Mystery hunt. The outfit is called “Clown Couture” and it did remind me on some of the puppets I know from my childhood. So i could not resist to go with the puppet idea ;).

The “Clown Couture” has mesh pants, a mesh top and a mesh made neck corset. All are provided in several sizes to make sure it fits your avatar. The hat and the huge neck ruffles are part of the outfit and the amazing white-faced makeup with the typical clown expression as well. If you imagine to get that whole outfit for 10L$ only.. you better hurry and get your copy 😉

Lybra 002


Outfit (incl. hat and makeup): !:Lybra:! – “Clown Couture” – NEW (mesh, Murder Mystery hunt item)

Shoes: Baiastice – “Oxa” (mesh)

Hair: LeLutka – “Rykiel”

Poses & Puppethanger: HelaMiyo

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin