Wicca’s Wardrobe: LOTD 11/16/2013 – A little bit of Steampunk

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Steampunk – One of my favourite styling themes. I love the smooth and brownish colors and the idea of all the technical and mechanical stuff.

For todays look I started with the new “Paradox Pants” from Silken Moon. Malicia Python, wich we all know for her incredible amazing skins, again started to make some clothing. The “Paradox Pants” were released together with a matching jacket, but for this post I wanted to showcase the pants first, as they are really awesome for mix and matching.

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For my today’s styling I chose the ‘Nexus’ version of the “Paradox Pants”. Silken Moon made a lot of other patterns and fabrics for the beautiful mesh pants. The top I picked from Leezu. It is part of one of the Noir outfits called “Efraims Daughter”. I always like the brown fabric of the corset and the ripped part that covers the chest. The huge neck part I found at Shi. Shi is a store where I find myself lately more often. They seem to make some neat accessories and items that you cannot find all over the grid. The “Hesed” neck warmer, is one of those. This huge accessory is a perfect addition for my todays look. The used look and the warm colors of the ‘old book’ version perfectly went with the pants and the top. The shoes are one of my favourites from J’s. The “Studded Long Boots” are cool flat mesh shoes that can be worn in so many different styles and for the steam punk I liked the studds that brought back the metal parts of the neck warmer. Speaking of warmers, the arm warmers are from Shi as well. Shi released amazing armwarmers with mesh hands and fingers right attached to them. With a simple HUD you can choose the ring style and as well you can match the hands to your skin relatively easy. And now i will explore this amazing sim that I found for my pictures 😉

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Pants: Silken Moon – “Paradox Pants” – NEW (mesh)

Top: LeeZu – “Efraims Daughter” (part of the outfit)

Neck Piece: Shi – “Hesed” (mesh)

Hair: booN – “SMK876”

Glasses: Crie Style – “Guildio”

Shoes: J’s – “Studded Long Boots” (mesh)

Gloves (icl hands): Shi – “Fingerless Gloves” (mesh)

Sim: The Station (http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/The%20Station/172/86/1040)

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Some Steampunk with LeeZu, EMO-tions & Finesmith

LeeZu Steampunk 001

Today I have the great pleasure to show you one of the latest releases of LeeZu. The “Deklannche” top is one of the latest additions to the new LeeZu Mainstore. I was looking for a styling for my LeeZu shift today and I wanted to use the “Deklannche” top in a different way. The top comes in various colors and each one has a HUD to it so you can even change and customize the fabric of the snake skin looking part.

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There is no alpha to it since it has so many parts where you can look through. An extra shadow layer as well is part of the top and you can use it if you are not running the SL shadows. The lines and the cream and brown colors brought me on that steam punk idea and I looked though my LeeZu folder what else I could add to make that imagination get real that built up in my head more and more. The “Heather” hot pants are very well mesh made short pants that totally matched the top and did not drag too much focus off the top 😉 I looked a while at it and decided I need to find something top cover my belly since it looked too much girly like instead of what I had in mind. I looked though all my LeeZu tops until I remembered the “Lea Vivendi Pants” those pants are very high waisted and the waist part was just  the part I was looking for. To cover my legs I chose for the “LaLun” tights and for the shoes I decided to go with my absolute favourites from LeeZu, the “Piccadilly Overknee Boots”.

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Now the base for the look was created and I had to find some cool accessories who underline and complete my imagination. I remembered the “Time Piece” of Finesmith. The amazing headpiece with all those little clocks hanging down from the branches. The cute butterflies make a wonderful contrast to the brown steam punk look. To make a smooth look for the part that is connected to the head yula Finesmith added some organic looking parts to give the whole head piece a touch of life, that totally makes that amazing contrast to the rest of the outfit and the scenery I chose for snapping.

The hair is made by Mirja Mills, owner and designer of EMO-tions. The “Jade” hair style is made of cool dreadlocks that are bind together to a kinda up-do look even if they have not a super elegant look, but I did not need an elegant up-do for this look so the “Jade” hair was just the perfect addition 😉 .

For the jewelry I wanted just some bracelets that underline the style and not get too much into the focus. I chose the “Wanderer Bracelets” from League. The wooden pearls seemed to be the right choice for me.

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The skin still is my “Wicca” skin that Malicia Python, owner and designer of Silken Moon, made for me, but in one of the skin tones she made for her new Eclipse line. The “Lumee” tone is a very light and sophisticated tone and I asked Mal if I could have one version of my “Wicca” skin as well in that amazing pale tone. So if you want to try that amazing, smooth and classy and elegant lumee tone you just ned to try one of the amazing demos of the Eclipse skins at Silken Moon 😉 .

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Top: LeeZu – “Deklannche” – NEW (mesh)

Waistpart: LeeZu – “Lea Vivendi Pants” (jacket layers only)

Pants: LeeZu – “Heather Hotpants” (mesh)

Leggings: LeeZu – “LaLun Tights”

Boots: LeeZu – “Piccadilly Overknee Boots” (mesh)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lumee”

Head Piece: Finesmith – “Time Piece”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Jade”

Bracelets: League – “Wanderer”

Poses: Corpus

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: 08/27/2013 – Today at LeeZu

Wicca's Wardrobe - LeeZu 001

Usually I am more into black and dark colors, but today I had a little bit of a pastel mood*grins*.

I started with the “Lana Top” in baby blue. The special satin set always comes in a basic color and a white neck part. I added the “XXX Tie”. The white version of it is modify, so I was able to change it a little bit, to give it the light pink color.

Wicca's Wardrobe - LeeZu 003

The “Victoria” pants are one of the lasted releases from LeeZu. I loved the idea of a lightly vintage looking basic paired with modern furniture and some modern accessories. The “Lana Top” ends right under the chest, I wanted to cover my belly a little more, since in Germany the weather really became rainy and cold, as I am sitting here freezing lightly I though a light autumn look would be the right choice 😉 . To bring the light pink of the top and the beanie back, I added the “Cat Tights”, as well from LeeZu. The cool “Piccadilly Overknee Boots” are one of my all time favourites. I love how the perfectly fit to my legs and with the mesh technique, you have no more weird angles round your knees when the bend.

Wicca's Wardrobe - LeeZu 004

The amazing bag comes from 22679. The made those for the L’accessorie event in various colors and I chose the white/white version for this post. The amazing lightning and shadows really give this bag a very realistic look. With the amazing details of the buckle and the overlays it really is an awesome addition to my bag collection 😉

Wicca's Wardrobe - LeeZu 002

The fantastic furniture as well comes from 22679. The “The Challenge” set can be bought as a whole ensemble, or you can just pick out the single parts you like. The bed is available in a PG and in a mature version. The wonderful coffee table can be used with or without the decoration and as well you have the magazines and books single to decorate with them what ever you like 😉 . The lamps can be turned on and of by touching them. The single seat, which I am sitting on has different poses for laying and sitting on it and as well some couple poses. The “The Challenge” set is the perfect choice for those, who like a modern, black & white ambience.

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Top: LeeZu – “Lana Top SILK”

Pants: LeeZu – “Victoria Pants” – NEW (mesh)

Shirt: LeeZu – “Valerie Blouse”

Boots: LeeZu – “Piccadilly Overknee Boots” (mesh)

Leggings: LeeZu – “Cat Tights”

Hair: Maitreya – “Sasha”

Glasses: Schoen – “Color-Change Sunglasses”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Bag: 22769 – “Veronica Handbag”

Furniture: 22769 – “The Challenge – B&W Bedroom”

Poses (except sit poses): Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Cool Handbag Set”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Today at LeeZu – Working in Second Life

LeeZu - Blue full

Some of us just explore and enjoy their Second Life, while other enjoy working in Second Life to earn their lindens. I decided, that for me it is fun to work for designers in Second Life. LeeZu is one of those 🙂 I am working as  LeeZu model for over 3 years now. I remember it like it would have been yesterday when Vixie Rayna IMed me in January 2010 and hired me for LeeZu. I was dreaming for a long time to be a LeeZu model, since LeeZu always was one of my favourite brands. So you can imagine, what it meant to me as I was asked if I would like to be a store model at LeeZu 😉

After 3 years I still feel honored for the opportunity to work for LeeZu and so I like to share my looks, that I prepare for my store shifts.

Today I was in a little blue mood and since LeeZu had so many new releases lately I tried to make a blue mix and match. The “Helena High Heel Pants” are one of the latest addition to the LeeZu Mainstore. What I like a lot on those pants is the fact, that you have the shoes matching already with the pants. Sometimes it is really hard if you do not wanna just wear pumps, to fin shoes that match the mesh pants. Mostly you have the pants sleeves sticking through the shoes or if you push them down you see some gaps between your legs and the shoes. So the fact to make shoes with integrated pants, for me is a genius one. The top as well, is one of the latest releases called “Lulu Blouse” The blouse is transparent if you only wear one layer but since LeeZu always provides different layers and as well a tatoo version of it, yu can wear 2 or more over each other and then you can make a non transparent look as well. For my post, I am wearing 2 different layers. The jacket as well certainly comes from LeeZu 😉 It is the amazing “Victoria Blouse”. The huge ruffles at the shoulders for me made a great eye catcher for the more simple looking outfit.

So.. one last look into the mirror and ready to go over to LeeZu 😉 And I guess, if I heard it right, it will be the last time that I go to the actual Mainstore. Tomorrow will be grand opening of the new LeeZu Mainstore!

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Jacket: LeeZu – “Victoria Blouse” – NEW (mesh)

Top: LeeZu – “Lulu Blouse” – NEW

Pants: LeeZu – “Helena High Heel Pants” – NEW (mesh)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lumee”

Makeup: Silken Moon – “SM Eclipse Color Eye Silver”

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips Android”

Belt: Maitreya – “Leather Belt”

Hair Vanity Hair – “Diavolo”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: Today at LeeZu 07/16/2013

LeeZu + Bizarre Hair Fair 001

Today I was in an elegant mood, as I prepared for my shift at LeeZu. I pulled out the “Tatum Gown”, one of the lastest additions to the LeeZu Mainstore. What I liked the most, was the combination of flexible prims and the mesh basic and gloves. Lately so much clothing is only mesh made and that easyly can look boring. LeeZu made the best descison to cover the parts wit mesh that actually really make sense like the body and the arms. Gloves that go over the ellbows look so much nicer when mesh made as just with layers or with pirms. The great flexi parts of the skirt give the whole design some life, as you can see them moving dreamy with every step you take or every turn you do.

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Since I always have to add something crazy when I wear gowns (yes I was charged that not only once *grins*), I decided to wear one of the new hairstyles of [Bizarre Hair], that MyStiCa Matova, owner and designer of [Bizarre Hair] released for the Hair Fair 2013 that just started. The “Chandelier” hair comes with a full jewelry set as well to matc the amazing pearls that are part of the hair style. With a simple chat command you can even turn the candles on and off what adds a smooth warm light when the candels burn 😉

Last but not least I would like to drag your attention on the skin. Malicia Python, owner and designer of Silken Moon, made me a new tone of my Wicca skin *jumps around like crazy*. She already made me that wonderful Wicca skin, that I used to redo my whole avatar and now she made me a special version of my skin in her ‘lumee’ tone. I was telling her that I sometimes ywould like to have a very light and pale version of my skin, especally for fantasy or avantgarde stylings, that still carries my freckles and dimples and all my amazing face features. Since I really liked my new look without the eyebrows she made that incredble, beautiful looking new skin for me. Great news for all Silken Moon lovers and those, who own one of Malicia’s fantastic skins… Mal now made the new enhancement HUD for the SLINK mesh feets and mesh hands!

Lately I was asked so many times, how I found a skin that I am so happy with that I am not willing to change. The answer is easy… Malicia made me my custom skin with all those things I dreamed of on my personal skin. If I think back, how many lindens I spent for various skins and always I had one thing that I did not like… the idea of a custom made skin was the best idea ever. You can talk about your likings and develope a skin with your skin designer and make it so personal, that you not ever wanna change again, as it kinda becomes a part of yourself 😉 With the new addition of all those tattoo layers, you only need one basic skin, that you can wear always and add up all those amazing makeups that are out on the grid to make it match to every look 😉

But now.. time to leave for my LeeZu shift 😉

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Gown: LeeZu – “Tatum Gown” – NEW (mesh)

Hair (incl. jewelry): [Bizarre Hair] – “Chandelier” – NEW (Hairfair 2013)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lumee” – NEW (custom skin)

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips Cardinal”

Eyeliner: Action – “Mesh Liner 01 Black” (Cosmetics Fair)

Poses: Body Talking

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

At the Country Side

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TUNES by Sheryl Crow

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“Strong Enough”

God, I feel like hell tonight
Tears of rage I cannot fight
I’d be the last to help you understand
Are you strong enough to be my man? Nothing’s true and nothing’s right
So let me be alone tonight
Cause you can’t change the way I am
Are you strong enough to be my man?

Lie to me
I promise I’ll believe
Lie to me
But please don’t leave

I have a face I cannot show
I make the rules up as I go
It’s try and love me if you can
Are you strong enough to be my man?

When I’ve shown you that I just don’t care
When I’m throwing punches in the air
When I’m broken down and I can’t stand
Will you be strong enough to be my man?

Lie to me
I promise I’ll believe
Lie to me
But please don’t leave

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Outfit (incl necklace): GizzA – “Romantic Rendez-Vous” – NEW (mesh)

Bracelets: GizzA – “Asia Watch & Bracelet”

Hair (with hat): Maitreya – “Siobhan”

Stockings: LeeZu – “LaLun Tights Sheer”

Shoes: LeeZu – “Picadilly Overknee Boots” (mesh)

Socks: LeeZu – “Anna 14 spring”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

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Wicca’s Wardrobe: Crazy Casual on a stormy Afternoon

Crazy Casual with Mow-Leezu full

The opening of my shop Wicca’s Wardrobe last night and the huge response of friends, customers and students, did really push me to make another set for my new store. Yes I am like a little girl on Christmas, because I never had a store or a brand before 😉 This new “Crazy Casual Set” is kinda some poses I always wanted to have an never found them.

WW - Poses - Crazy Casual Set

Even everyday moments can be very special. Most of them are poses, that happen during the day , when you are walking around and you do not even realize them. What I realized while I made the poses, it looks very funny when you try to make static poses that are part of a movement you do not even notice when you do it 😉 If you look out on the grid there are hardly any poses, that look like real snapshots, where you just catch a moment. For that special moments, a realistic and casual picture, the “Crazy Casual Set” is made 🙂

For today’s styling I used a combination of LeeZu and M.o.w. The super cool “Suspender Jeans” in that tartan fabric looking texture with the loose suspenders really caught my heart. First I wanted to make an urban casual with it, but then I thought you even can make something chic out of it and tried the “Tasia” jacket from LeeZu. The jacket for me was something new and very special for me. The first time when I put it on, I thought I did have rezzing problems. Then I jumped… NO! it was supposed like this!!! I never saw a mesh jacked with a half open arm. The upper side of your arm is nude and the bottom part is covered and even carries some little decorations… just amazing.

For the location, I thought I can use the deviousMind sim, that I was talking about in one of my last posts. The whole sim has so many amazing secret spots and the buildings and arrangements have such a good quality it is really a fun to snap pictures there. Besides you can go window shopping as well, but that’s a totally other story :p

Of you like the “Crazy Casual Set” I am happy if you stop by at my new Mainstore and take a look at all of my new poses 😉

Wicca’s Wardrobe: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/New/240/183/22

Crazy Casual with Mow-Leezu half


Jacket: LeeZu – “Taisa” (mesh)

Pants: M.o.w – “Suspender Jeans” (mesh)

Top: LeeZu – “Valerie Blouse”

Jewelry: Kunglers Extra – “Bambu”

Shoes: VC Designs – “C-004 Boots”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Glasses: Steinwerk – “Fee”

Makeup: Silken Moon – “SM Eclipse Urban ES Mud Honey” & L.Fauna – “Smokey Cat Shadow Golden/Brown”

Hair: LeLutka – “Dolce”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe – Poses – “Crazy Casual” – NEW

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

News from BaOba

Sightsavers Baoba fulla

 Today I would like to show the amazing contribution of Baoba for the Sightsavers event. The amazing “Calla Green” hat. This amazing creation is the right accessory for the actual spring season. A green/white hat with an amazing Calla orchid at the top. The orchids looks so realistic with the wonderful textured white petals and the long yellow middle parts.. simply amazing!

This fresh and summer colors brought me to the idea to make a full yellow and green spring/summer look. Íf I try to style colors my memory always pulls me towards my LeeZu folder ;). Leezu Baxter made amazing grey, brown and black shaded clothing but as well she did strong colors that I really love.

I started with the “Me Like It Pants” in apple green. As it was totally other green tone I wanted to break the green to not look like a frog in the end 😉 and decided to go with the “Viela” dress top part in yellow. Since green, yellow-green and yellow are analogous colors they usually work very well if you choose the right tones.

To bring the yellow back again I put on the “Piazza Navona” ankle boots one of the latest show releases from LeeZu.For the jewelry I wanted something colorful but more modern and less elegant. I remembered the super cool “Deco” set from Baboom, combined with the “Orbital” collar from blackliquid and it matched the look perfectly, together with the new, mesh version of the “NifNif” gloves from LeeZu.

To finish off the styling I chose to put on some colorful make up, as well in green and yellow tones. My favourite store for that kind of makeups is Nuuna’s. Her crazy ideas and designs really can pimp many stylings in an awesome way 🙂

Sightsavers Baoba closea


Hat: BaOba – “Calla Green” – NEW (Sightsavers)

Top: LeeZu – “Viela” (part of the outfit)

Pants: LeeZu – “Me Like It Pants” (mesh)

Gloves: LeeZu – “NifNif” (mesh)

Shoes: LeeZu – “Piazza Navona”

Necklace: Baboom – “Deco”

Collar: blackliquid – “Orbital”

Hair: LeLutka – “Vibrato” (mesh)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Makeup: Nuuna’s – “Warp” & “AstroGlam”

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips Apple”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe – Poses – “Casual Jeans”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: LOTD 12/26/2012 – Asian Touch

LeeZu - Half

One of LeeZu‘s latest releases is a wonderful mesh combination of a dress and boots and as well the popular “Nif Nif” gloves are now available in mesh.

The new “Kaya Gown” is a wonderful mixture of a long and short dress to the same time. For the left leg you have a huge slit that shows off the whole sexy leg and on the right side the skirt goes down to the ankle.

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The “Kaya Gown” comes in many different colors and I chose the black version for this post, because I liked the combination of black, red and the golden ornaments so much. The super sexy overknee boots repeat the golden ornaments on the leg and as well at the heels!

LeeZu - Shoes

The inner of the skit brings back the red color that we see under the chest. Even the upper end of the boots carry the same color and little buckle that we saw on the gown under the chest. The “Nif Nif” gloves make a wonderful shape for the hands. The option to have hands and feet made with mesh adds a lot mor possibilities for the creators and as well makes them so much more realistic 🙂 To finish my asian touch idea, I chose the “Warrior” hair from epoque with the 2 crossed sticks behind the bun. The huge necklace from Swallowtail I have for a very long time and by searching for an appropriate one it fell into my hands again 😉

To see more of the latest LeeZu releases you can take  a look at the LeeZu Mainstore and see for yourself 😉

LeeZu - Face


Outfit (incl boots) – LeeZu – “Kaya Gown” – NEW (mesh)

Gloves: LeeZu – “NifNif” – NEW (mesh)

Hair: epoque – “Warrior”

Necklace: Swallowtail – “Gloomy Flower”

Earrings: *P* – “Monica”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca” /nude (custom made skin)

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: LOTD 12/04/2012

MyAnimation first

Today I would like to show a few of the static poses of MyAnimation. Ramona Criss, owner and designer of MyAnimations, makes a lot of amazing dances, animations and animated poses, that are used over the whole grind as they are one of the best you can find ever. No matter if you are a model, a dancer, a cluber or someone who just enjoy walking on SecondLife’s streets and ways you cannot pass MyAnimations without at least having one of them as they are so perfect and wonderful done. But did you know that Ramona made static poses too?

MyAnimation second

The poses are all off the “Model Pose Pack 5” of MyAnimation. The smooth transitions and the wonderful ideas for the different poses especially for so many different ground poses really catched my attention.

MyAnimation third

The poses made me try for some non usual styling as well so, I tried to use one of my last LeeZu shift outfits with some new and some old-time favourites of mine 🙂

The “Arabesque Blouse” was the part I started with as I liked the colors on it and it gave me a great base to work with. The “Me Like It” mesh pants I loved a lot and I realized I never was wearing one of the stong colors, so I decided to go for the blue one 😉 As I always like to mix and match as many LeeZu parts as I can for my shifts, to show as much of the great designs I added the “Mia Corset” and the “Lana Top Silk” underneath the jacket. For the accessories, I went with the new “Cosmic Mask” of Finesmith and one of my long time favourite hair from L+N called “Daisy”

If you take a closer look on the mannequins in the background of the first picture… that are some very interesting props. Those mannequins are mesh made and you can actually put your own skin on that sweet ladies. Malicia Python, owner and designer of Silken Moon has them in her store and I asked her, if I could borrow them for a shoot and she put her amazing colored mannequin skins on them for the picture. Thanks again for your help and creativity to make this picture possible Malicia 🙂


Pants: LeeZu – “Me Like It Pants” /blue (mesh)

Jacket: LeeZu – “Arabesque Blouse” /blue

Top: LeeZu – “Lana Top Silk” /babyblue

Corset: LeeZu – “Mia Corset” /white

Hair: L+N – “Daisy”

Mask: Finesmith – “Cosmic Mask”

Facetattoo: White Widow – “Dragonfly” /silver

Nails: Mandala – “Milky Nails”

Jewelry: Mandala – “Lotus”

Boots: [GOS] – “Triumph”

Poses: MyAnimation – “Model Pose Pack 5”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin