In the Evidence of its Brilliance


Love controlled by time
Future lovers shine for eternity
In a world that’s free
Put away your past
That will never last
If you’re holding on to a dream that’s gone
I’m gonna tell you about love
Would you like to try?
In the evidence of its brilliance


And again it was Madonna, the Queen of Pop herself, that inspired me for today’s pictures. I again saw the Confessions Tour Opener on youtube and I so wanted to capture that mood, colors and theme. It looked so cool with her and all the dancers dressed as ponies, her way to move and control them… just awesome.

I digged deep in my inventory and it was quite time consuming to find all the parts I wanted. I did not just want to have a fetish looking pony girl, I really wanted to capture that special mood of the video. I did not want to have a typical pony tail or one one of the ‘usual’ pony boots…

I was so happy when I discovered one of the amazing !dM gachas called “PonyPlay”. I picked the latex looking tail and as well the shiny latex boots with the hooves at the bottom. Those were exactly the base for what I was looking for. The cool outfit with the back-bound arms I found in my inventory in my Ghoul’s folder. It is an older outfit but for today’s post it was exactly what I wanted. The “Bondage Harness” was perfect, but since I am not a friend of having all the private parts completely exposed, I decided to add some cool latex pasties from CURELESS [+].

The poses and the right backdrop were quite a challenge too… I needed a certain light, several light sources and as well something that is not too crowded or busy. I tried with a plain black backdrop first and added some lights and projectors but it did not yet feel right. Then I remembered a background from Foxcity and some cool editorial poses from the same creator. With the neon lights it was perfect and while I played with some windlights I realized that this would be the perfect choice.

Madonna always was/is a great source of inspiration for me anyways if I was thinking about fashion or music. I am sure that will not be my last post that she inspired me too 😉

Outfit & Accessories

Outfit: {Ghoul} – “Juuzou Bondage Harness” (Maitreya Lara Exp)

Pasties: CURELESS [+] – “Sterile Pasties” (Maitreya, Group Gift)

Stockings: .:Avanti:. – “Noirette Stockings” (Maitreya Applier)

Shoes: !dM – “PonyPlay” (Maitreya, Gacha)

Tail: !dM – “PonyPlay” (Maitreya, Gacha)

Collar: #187# – “Leashed Collar”

Face Deco: +XAnSA+ – “JianDi Face Straps”

Gag: ::Axix:: – “Beloved Nocturnia Gag” (BoundBox October 2017)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match (Bangs Verion A) – “No.Cake”

Makeup: Zibska – “LTD Noir 13-24” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: Zibska – “Folia Lips” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Ears: ^^Swallow^^ – “Gauged Ears”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Face: Izzie’s – “Pores & Blemishes” (LeLutka Applier)

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Volver” (Maitreya Applier)

Poses & Props

Poses: Foxcity

Backdrop: Foxcity – “Photo Booth – Neon City Vol3 Black”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Lost Paradise – What do you believe in?

I am not uberly religious, but some themes, which as well are shown in arts again and again, do catch my attention sometimes. I more believe in nature and the power of even that, instead of the church for example. Religion or the believe in god, spirits and ghosts are something very personal and we all have different experiences with that, so I would never ever try to convince anyone of my own opinions about that. I do believe in the thought, that energy never goes away completely (Conservation of Energy) and always gets transitioned into something else 😉

For me tings like the Wiccan cult – or some older forms of nature based believes – are way easier to believe in than god or even the church. There was a time, where I did believe in god and as well the church, but that did end with the death of my father when I was 7. He died because of stomach cancer and all I wanted to know – when I was 7 – was “Why?”. Why would that god, that I did believe in, allow that a disease would be able to take my father from me, when I still needed him so much. There was a group for kids at the church, which I was attending every week and after my father passed away I wanted answers. They had none besides the one the church always uses, if they can’t explain something – “The paths of God are inscrutable”. Tell that a 7 years old girl, which is kinda ripped apart – not really working out well. That was my first disruption I had with that. Later, when I did grow up and started to try to get to the bottom of everything I was told and what I learned, it became even worse… I questioned why god would let it happen, that in a war innocent babies get killed – after I they tried to convince me, that war is nothing god does, but the humans as all have their own ability to make decisions – babies who can’t even walk, talk, speak nor make any kind of deliberately decisions.

I read the bible – more than once, as I wanted answers and I wanted to understand – and the more I read, the more I again questioned so many things… for example, how can I believe in a god that breaks his own ten commandments in the bible? How can I believe in a god, that allows humans to murder in his name? I was taught god is good! I learned I never will get answers more than “God must have his plan” or like I said before “His ways are inscrutable”- which was not enough for me, as I always want to go to the bottom of things. Maybe that is the reason why I personally prefer science and nature over religion itself.

Like I stated at the beginning, for me it is way easier to believe in the power of nature. Nature is very rational and there are proves, that some things do happen as we see it everyday. There is stuff between heaven and earth, not all will notice – or not all will/want to understand. So everyone has the freedom to decide, what he or she wants to believe in Germany, which is something I highly value. I know it is not a matter of course everywhere in the world sadly.

What I had in mind for this pictures, was a modern version of Eve, paired with the believe in natural powers and the Wiccan doctrine – Something nature connected 🙂 (I still won’t believe, that the female should have been the only reason, that locked out the human species from paradise 😉 )

I LOVE the creativity of CURELESS [+] / CUREMORE, especially their gachas that contain those amazing, special and unusual/artistic torsos. This time it was the “Lost Paradise” gacha, which drew my attention. The gacha does not only contain wearable parts, but as well some cool creations for the scenery. The trees, which come with a HUD for the bones and the apples, the snakes in all colors and shapes and the apples on the ground are a perfect scenery. I wanted all kind of warm colors for the set and with the HUDs it was really easy to achieve 🙂 I added some other things to my look – you all know I really love mix and match. I had some amazing parts, which I could imagine would fit so well, like the hand branches from .Drastic. or the cool claws from E.A.Studio. Iam not a fan of ling empty legs – I stated that in past posts already – so I wanted something wrapped around my legs and certainly no high heels 😉 I wanted flat shoes… but I do not own many of those, as I rarely shop for flat shoes besides sneakers, heavy boots and those kind of style. So I was so happy, when I found the “Charro Flats” still sitting in my inventory. I know I got them at an event and then I never had the right look to use them – until today!

Again I was able to just play with stuff I got over the time and did not have to follow any deadlines. Sometimes I really do need that, as much as I enjoy blogging, sometimes I need my freedom. It is different, when you blog for a designer. where you have items you want to showcase in the focus in a very clear way, or if you just fool around with things. I really do enjoy both and I need both for my happiness 😉 It feels like 2 completely different challenges to me and I do enjoy both!

Outfit &Accessories

Torso: CUREMORE – “Lost Paradise / Eden Diorama” (Maitreya, Gacha, Rare)

Legs: Storybook – “Savage – Brown” (Maitreya)

Shoes: Eudora3D – “Charro Flats” (Maitreya)

Apple: CUREMORE – “Lost Paradise / Eve’s Apple” (Gacha, Rare)

Headpiece 1: CUREMORE – “Lost Paradise / Wreath (fire)” (Gacha)

Headpiece 2: La Biche – “Branch Horns (Toadstool)”

Choker: Moon Elixir – “Mushroom Thron Crown”

Hands & Rings: .Drastic. – “Walnut Hand Branches”(Maitreya, Bento)

Nails/Claws: E.A.Studio – “Obsess Claws” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: [KoKoLoReS] – “Leighton”

Makeup: Zibska – “Kane” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: Zibska – “Folia Lips” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body; Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Face: Izzie’s – “Pores & Blemishes” (LeLutka Applier)

Body Tattoo: Astralia – “Forest Tattoo” (Maitreya, Ivy Elf Gacha)

Poses & Props




CUREMORE – “Lost Paradise / Paradise Tree (Brown)” (Gacha)

CUREMORE -“Lost Paradise /Crawling Snake(Beige & Green)” (Gacha)

CUREMORE – “Lost Paradise / Crawling HeadUp Snake (Beige & Green)” (Gacha)

CUREMORE – “Lost Paradise / TreeHanging Snake (Beige & Green)” (Gacha)

CUREMORE – “Lost Paradise / Forbidden fruits (Fire, Red, Yellow, Green)” (Gacha)

Moon_Sha – “Wall Ivy 1 & 2 – Summer 1”

Little Branch – “WildGrass*1Li{Green}”


Wicca’s Wardrobe (parcel beside the store)

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Nude or Naked? – A Tribute to Flora Borsi

The past weeks/months I was allowed to be part of the latest VISIONAIRE batch. VISIONAIRE offers classes/workshops for inworld photography. When I first told a few friends, that I am excited about VISIONAIRE, they asked me why I would want to go there. I would already do pictures for such a long time and as well, I would work with Photoshop and could do PS tutorials instead.

I tried to tell them, that I am working on my own for such a long time and that I kinda felt stuck in my own world with my pictures. I love going to schools and workshops and learn new things or even get pointed out some things that I might have forgotten over the time. I do not know how to describe it, but it is like even if you know things, you can forget about them so easy and with classes and workshops you get a sweet reminder. Sometimes you learn something, you cannot use it right away and then you forget about it, even if it would be very useful for something else. Sometimes you try things and you do not like it at all and feel overchallenged at the moment you practice, but after some time you might be able to work it out, but you forgot about. And in the end it is always great if you get some critique on your work, that most of the time will encourage you to try better in my view.

I was very excited when we met the first time – I nearly was nervous, because the classes were going to be in voice and I am always afraid, to not able to follow properly if it comes to technical terms and stuffs. Soon I realized, I am not the only non native speaker, which made it a little easier. When I started to cam around, I again got scared seeing some big names beside me and I nearly fell for the same weird question I was asked “What they are doing here, they are so good!” :p But since I had my own reasons to do the course, I scratched that thought quickly 😉

The classes, even if they took hours, were awesome. For many weeks, Sundays were completely dedicated to that chatty, funny and passionated people and I do not regret one minute. I have to admit, I felt strange sometimes and again the old discussion “it is because you are unique – it is because you are special” came up and I wanted to quit. I hate that term!!! There is times where you just want to be one of many and not the one, that stands out because of weird thoughts and craziness. I remember one Sunday, where we were supposed to look at pictures to find the spot in the picture, where our eyes where pulled at and then explain why. You start to get frustrated, if your eyes mostly get attracted by other things than the rest of the group sees…

I really had moments, where I thought I am just too stupid, or too weird to understand/see things. So I started to remain silent – Certainly Wren and Koko caught that and asked me why and told me that this would not be the solution. Since I am not a kid, I was aware of that and I tried to explain my problem. Wren was very understanding and I have to say she was so striving to calm me down and back into the ‘chat mode’. It took me a week to get back on track, but since we had fun homeworks all week, it was easy to step back into the group – they made it super easy for me too and did not even bring it up again.

Home work always sounds bad, but in case of VISIONAIRE they were amazing as the challenged me every week and go me out of my ‘same procedure like always’ mode, which kinda crept into my photography habit. It sometimes dragged me out if my comfort zone and made me re-think a lot of things not only technique wise, but as well composition wise 🙂

It was interesting to get critique and opinions for the home work every week. Sometimes I did not even think about things, that others saw in my pictures. Again the old term “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” made its point 🙂 Even the never ending story “Why this picture of mine got so many faves while the other – which I personally like so much more – got less likes” got touched and Koko had some very interesting ideas to that subject, which again gave me a new perspective – Did you ever think about, if you do pictures with male or female gaze, or what even would be the difference on that in terms of art and photography?

Another great part was the using of glow, lights and projectors. While I hate glow, I always liked using projectors and lights but I never was able to really use them to their full beauty. I normally used 1 or 2 lights or projectors, not thinking about the fact that I could have more to highlight certain parts of the body, even certain spots of the whole scenery. In the past lights and projectors were my personal “OMG that never does what it should” overchallenging situations and I usually gave up on them. BUT if you have a homework… you damn try :p.

In one of the classes, when our home work was to create a portrait. Linda Reddevil, did one being inspired by Flora Borsi. I saw some of her pictures already, but I never was familiar with that artist. When Linda brought her up, I googled again and was so impressed that I wanted to to a picture inspired by Flora Borsi.

It was luck, that to the same time Jian has their amazing flamingos at the FLF and so I took it as a sign and started to work on my idea. While I was doing the shoot, my mind went back to a subject we had at our VISIONAIRE meetings as well. A discussion about an ongoing trend in SL or on SL Flickr pictures – nudity. It seems if you throw and press your private parts into peoples faces, you get a lot of favorites on Flickr. I never was against nudity in arts in general, as long as it was done with class and not only or all of the time. There is much more, what can appeal sexy, than just simple show-offs in a crude way. Does it really have to show ‘everything’ all of them time? Is sometimes not just a basis idea the key to let the imagination fly? I remember very well a scene of movie, where people still going on about, if you see something or not. The interrogation scene in Basic Instinct, which is probably the most famous scene of that movie. The moment where Sharon Stone switching her one leg over the other, so many people did rewind that moment, to see if she would have panties on or not and we still do not know, because we saw… nothing, while the imagination was taking off.

Maybe it is because I am a German. I know it is not everywhere like this, but in Germany, if you strip naked on a public media source (internet, magazines, Youtube, etc.), you need back some more attention to your person. In 90% of the time it is done by people, who suffer from fading popularity or fading fame. Before they become an extinct star on the sky of fame, they do that as a last try to get back into social media and in the heads of the people. For a while it works, but it basically for most is just to protract, what anyways will come and they just win a certain period of time before it happens. That is one of the reasons, why I never even thought about having my boobies all over my Flickr, as well I never had the desire to share that with everyone, even if it is just pixels. To me nude does NOT have to be naked all the time 😉

With Flora Borsi in the back of my head, I started experimenting with my naked body and the flamingos, how I could show everything and nothing the same time. Since I even wanted to try again to draw hair, I even was bold. I only had changed my lashes to something unusual, while my whole body and head was completely nude and natural. They key was a pose I got from Falbala Fairey called “Crouched 6”. It previously was a gift for a store and now it is back in her own store for sale. With that pose and pushing the flamingos in the right position I only needed a pillow to sit on and I was done.

Drawing hair still is a huge, exciting and time consuming project for me and again I was not yet even close to be satisfied with what I tried, so I again did lend me some instant painted hair to work with from Rayne Morgan aka Nina Rosario (in SL), only added a few strands of my own on those spots, that did not quite fit to my pose or avatar shape and colored it to match the flamingos.

I had a lot of fun working on the concept and the pictures and I hope I did make sense with my words as well. I am not just a prude German, I just prefer artistic and tasteful nude over just blunt views on others private parts on social media 😉

Special thanks to Linda Reddevil for making me looking deeper into Flora Borsi’s art again and VISIONAIRE for their amazing course!

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Face: Izzie’s – “Pores & Blemishes” (LeLutka Applier)

Hair:  Rayne Morgan (modified & complemented by me)

Lashes: Stardust – “Kira” (LeLutka Applier)

Pose: Fairey Poses – “Crouched 6”

Animals: JIAN – “Flamingo Collection”

Pillow: Le Poppycock – “Book Lovers – Tell Me a Story”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Vibrant Lights

“I think there is beauty in everything what ‘normal’ people would perceive as ugly. I can usually see something of beauty in it.”

[Alexander McQueen]

YAY! Fetish Fair extends for one week! More time to get all the goodies 😉 Speaking of goodies, many parts of my todays post are from exactly that Fetish Fair…

The cool mask, what made me start with my styling today, comes from E-Clipse Design. It is part of a full outfit called “Anu”. The outfit comes with dress, mask, boots and as well a whip. The boots and the whip I did not use for todays post.

The mask caught my attention immediately – I LOVE such neat accessories that are outside the mainstream range… I am sure thats nothing new 😉 All the little details, the gear and tubes already make this a stunning accessory and if you take a closer look at the textures, you will see why I fell in love with it. The dress as well is something special. The fabric is opaque, but has a wonderful shining texture and you get the imagination of it being slightly sheer even if it is not. Speaking of details… take a look how awesome the strings are wrapped around the body held by those amazing metal rings!

The cool boots would fit perfectly into the Fetish Fair as well, but those are out now at the Cosmopolitan event. The “Camala” boots are calf high boots with an amazing lace down at the sides of the feet. I have no clue how Elisabetta Hyun does her textures, but they are so incredible realistic and you never have any seams where the shoes have none. The “Camala” boots come with a huge HUD to customize several parts of the boots like the main boot, the laces, the inner and outer sole as well as the heel and metals. I know I already mentioned that, but what I do like a lot with the UTOPIA@Design shoes is the preset tab on the HUD where Elisabetta already makes 9 presets ready to wear and as well the possibility to choose about the glossiness of the whole shoe.

The collar and the cool garter – yes, it is a mesh body rigged garter that is a standalone without the stockings – I as well found at the Fetish Fair. Recently I look into .:Avanti:. more and more as I really do like the way Intoxicate, owner and designer of .:Avanti:., creates her things. I rarely saw so many different way of stockings like she did and what I love the most – they are different high on the thighs depending on their style. That makes it possible, that you can either connect them to garters or wear them even under thigh high boots and see the tiny boarder peeking still 😉 and certainly I cannot forget to mention that I adore her texture skills for her appliers!

Last but not least, I would like to drag your attention towards the amazing hand accessories I am wearing. I always look for something I can wear on my hands, I am addicted to all kind of nails, rings, gloves and what not 😉 This time I chose the super cool “No Mercy Rings” from [Since1975].  They combine some leather straps wrapped around your hands and as well unusual, kick ass rings and little gems on the fingernails. All are perfectly rigged for bento hands and react awesome to all kind of finger movement and posing. With the HUD you can decide what metal colors you would like to have and as well you can hide rinsg and gems single, to not have a perfect mirror on both hands. That I like a lot, as you usually never have all the same rings mirrored on each hand at the same time and I am anyways a lover of non symmetric things.

But now I will make my way back to the Fetish Fair again – since I have one week more to go – and see what neat accessories I can find for my next post 😉


Outfit & Accessories:

Outfit & Mask: E-Clipse Design (ED) – “Anu Dress” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Fetish Fair 2018

Shoes: UTOPIA@Design – “Camala” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Cosmopolitan

Stockings: .:Avanti:. – “Ripped Nylons” (Maitreya Applier)

Garter: .:Avanti:. – “Mina Garter” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Fetish Fair 2018

Collar: .:Avanti:. – “Nayomi Collar” – NEW @ Fetish Fair 2018

Hand Accessories: [Since1975] – “No Mercy Rings” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Fetish Fair 2018

Nailpolish: alme. – “Silver Lines Dark” (Maitreya Applier)

Hair & Makeup:

Hair: [KoKoLoReS] Hair – “Oakes”

Hairbase: Mina – “Myla” (LeLutka Applier, comes with a hair style)

Makeup: ALMA – “Hela” (LeLutka Applier)


Body & Tattoo:

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Face: Izzie’s – “Pores & Blemishes” (LeLutka Applier)

Tattoo: [Hipster Style] – “Black Tattoo” (Maitreya & LeLutka Applier)

Poses & Props:

Backdrop: anxiety – “%bedside” (Group Gift)

Poses: s26 – “Soraya” (Bento), Belle Poses – “Mi” & “Margery” (Bento) & Body Language “Fine Sand” (Bento)

Model & Photographer:

Wicca Merlin

“Dark Swan” or “Do we ever have enough pumps?”

Today I am very happy to showcase the amazing new “Cassie” pumps from [Gos]. Who can say no to such an amazing sexy, pointed toe pump with that kind of high blade heel? We all know women can never have enough heels so lets take a look on the newest release from [Gos] for November round of FaMESHed.

[Gos] always was one of my favourite designers in SL and for this month they have some really exciting changes and news. The HUDs have been updated and from now on you do not have any words in a menu, you get a HUD that has little colored squares and so you just have to click on those to customize your shoe to your style and favor.

Cassie – Boutique HUD (includes 18 current, in-season colours & 5 sole, 2 metal, and 2 lining options perfect for any fashionista)

With the new “Cassie” pumps you have 3 different HUDs available in your pack. The Boutique, the Blueberry and the Metallics HUD. The Blueberry HUD will be a new addition for future releases, so you can coordinate your amazing Blueberry clothing perfect with your incredible [Gos] shoes 🙂

Cassie – Blueberry HUD (includes 28 colours which coordinate with clothing from Blueberry plus 5 sole, 2 metal, and 2 lining options)

Each HUD has a different number of colors on it as well as options for the sole, metals and lining. I only snapped a few colors to still make the full beauty of the show visible but as you can see there is a wide color range and you won’t hardly find any color where you cannot find a match in your “Cassie” HUDs.

Cassie – Metallics HUD (includes 10 metallics & 5 sole, 2 metal, and 2 lining options which will have your feet shining)

The “Cassie” pumps are made for MaitreyaLara, Belleza and Slink high feet. And now the unbelievable… That full pack is available at FaMESHed for only 495 L$. That is a steal of a deal!

Now I would just take a closer look on the rest of my look for today. To not over accessorize the shoes I decided to go for some body tight clothing. the lingerie I got longer ago from Apple May.  I loved the high-waisted panties and the look of the completely covering bra. The “Tigress” set are 2 appliers, which can be used on Slink and omega compatible bodies. For the harness I found the cool “Black Bird” harness from PurpleMoon. It just perfectly went with my lingerie and I loved the little wings in the back. To pimp the bra a little bit I added the “Skeleton Clamps” from Salt & Pepper which are a hunt gift for the ‘Once upon a Nightmare’ hunt. They are meant to be worn without any bra but I loved the look so much on it 😉 The more I styled the more a dark swan grew in my head.

But I do not wanna bore with more text as I know you probably already trying to TP to FaMESHed to grab your “Cassie” pumps and I will put all the style details with LMs anyways below the last picture as always 😉


Clothing & Accessories:

Lingerie: Apple May – “Tigress Hot Pants & Sliced Top” (Omega Applier)

Harness: PurpleMoon – “Black Bird” (Maitreya, part of the outfit)

Stockings: .:Avanti:. – “Harlot Stockings” (Omega Applier)

Shoes: [Gos] – “Cassie Pumps” (Maitreya) – NEW @ FaMESHed

Hand Jewelry: Drastic – “Tentacle Jewelry” (Maitreya)

Nails: Drastic – “Web Nails” (Maitreya)

Clambs: Salt & Pepper – “Skeleton Clamps” – NEW @ Once upon a Nightmare hunt

Choker: PurpleMoon – “Frozen”

Hair & Makeup:

Hair: KoKoLoReS – “Julie” (Gacha) – NEW @ Gacha Garden

Makeup: AiShA – “Be Dramatic” (Maitreya Applier)

Body & Tattoos:

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Freckles: Izzie’s – “Pores & Blemishes” (LeLutka Applier)

Poses & Props:

Chair: {RW} – “Roxie Swingin Spanking Chair”

Model & Photographer:

Wicca Merlin

Sporty Moment

Yes, sometimes even me has a sporty urban moment*giggles*

This time it was the shoes that totally got me and when I bought them at the last sale of Reign. I always was in love with that shoes, but when they were in the sale I could not anymore resist.

The shoes come in 3 different colors if you get the fatpack and all 3 are just awesome 😉 They are made of 2 parts so you could wear them as short ones too without the upper thigh parts.

First I wanted to do a baseball looking style but I did not find all the stuff I wanted for it so I decided to go with a ‘Sporty Spice’ look 😉

That kind of style is out of my personal comfort zone, but sometimes it is fun to try those as well 😉



Jacket: Sabotage – “Sports Bomber Jacket” (Maitreya)

Top: GizzA – “Lucy Tank” (Maitreya)

Pants: [sYs] – “Ride” (Maitreya)

Shoes: Reign – “Suicide Heels” (Maitreya)

Hair: Mina – “Indica”

Necklace: Minimal – “Chiker Bow Tie”

Makeup: Zibska – “Noir Pack 06” (LeLutka Applier)


Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Shape: Selfmade


Background: anxiety – “Sunday pack %83”

Poses: Poseidon

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe – Omira Gacha @ The Fantasy Gacha Carnival August 2017

For this round of The Fantasy Gacha Carnival we have Omira, perfect for your table top game inspired styling! Table top gaming not your thing? Omira is great for any styling you can dream up that is beyond the ordinary. Omira is made up of 2 rares and 20 commons. The rares include texture changing HUDs, while most of the commons come with a little metal HUD

With that many separates, you can mix and match to your heart’s content.

Omira is made for Maitreya’s Lara only.

The Fantasy Gacha Carnivale is taking place from the 7th or August until the 7th of September.

Taxi: HERE

Black & White – Pose Studies with Bauhaus Movement

I was in a Black& White mood again and with the amazing outfit from Moon Elixir, called “Gothique” it was easy to go with those colors. The “Gothique” outfit is a huge gacha set with 22 commons and 2 rares. There is many different versions you can wear, with all the parts being single like the harness is not connected to the pants or the body suit, or the top and the sleeves can be taken off as well.

Sometimes, I just have fu fooling around with poses, not for a special purpose just to practise about angles, crops and new views, or even just to see what you can work with shadows in several angles.

Lately I got a huge pack of poses from Bauhaus Movement, because I was searching ‘no standing’ poses. I realized that I have a lot of modeling poses, but not too many sitting, laying or crouching poses or editorial poses that allow to show a full body shot without having more background that me on my blog pictures.

It is hard if you just go with the general way of modeling poses and then try to make a blog picture that does not show like a million trees and flowers and your avatar gets swallowed by your surrounding especially if you go to a non square format for your pictures. I do like the 4:3, or in general the wider then high proportions for my pictures and so I have to find some solutions for myself. And there is so many more options, that make pictures so much more cool with not just ‘standing and being pretty’ poses 😉 And cropping does help a lot with that but sometimes you just wanna see the whole avatar or at least 90% of it 😉

For those kind of pictures I like a plain simple set or background. When I just wanna play with poses, angles and crops I like it very simple to see the result of the shoots better. That’s why I just put some lamps from neigeux, a wall with a black texture and a frame.

The pack I got from Bauhaus Movement is called “Full Metal Panic” set and has 50 different poses – some even with variations. I really felt the whole pack as a great variety of poses for so many different purposes. Certainly I could not show all 50 of them but I found a few cool ones that worked with today’s outfit. In general I like to wear pants for such pose playing, because with skirts you are way more limited with poses because of the stretching and breaking the skirt or its texture.

Sometimes playing with poses without any special goal can be so much fun and usually I end up with way too many pictures and have a hard time choosing the ones I wanna use for my post :p But I hope you enjoy my selection as much as I did 🙂


Outfit: Moon Elixir – “Gothique” (Maitreya, Gacha)

Hair: Exile “Bad Reputation”

Makeup: .AiShA. – “Be Dramatic” (LeLutka Applier)

Poses: Bauhaus Movement – “Full Metal Panic”

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 2.7”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara V4.1”
Eyes: IKON – “Hope Eyes”
Shape: Selfmade

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Metallics Punk Vol #2 for VERSUS Magazine

Metallics Punk for VERSUS Magazine // Spring/Summer 2017 //


Jacket: Passion by Violator (store closed)
Top: Tigress Sliced Top by Apple May
Pants: Canel by [sYs]
Shoes: Elvira by EMPORIUM
Hair: Tari by EMO-tions
Rings: Simple Rings by Formanails
Collar: Trinity Collar by Wicca’s Wardrobe
Eyeshadow: Falkor by Zibska
Lipstick: Eve Set 3 by La Boheme
Tattoo: Metallic Arrow Tattoo by Izzie’s

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 2.7”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara V4.1”
Eyes: IKON – “Hope Eyes”
Shape: Selfmade

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin