Today I was in an elegant mood, as I prepared for my shift at LeeZu. I pulled out the “Tatum Gown”, one of the lastest additions to the LeeZu Mainstore. What I liked the most, was the combination of flexible prims and the mesh basic and gloves. Lately so much clothing is only mesh made and that easyly can look boring. LeeZu made the best descison to cover the parts wit mesh that actually really make sense like the body and the arms. Gloves that go over the ellbows look so much nicer when mesh made as just with layers or with pirms. The great flexi parts of the skirt give the whole design some life, as you can see them moving dreamy with every step you take or every turn you do.
Since I always have to add something crazy when I wear gowns (yes I was charged that not only once *grins*), I decided to wear one of the new hairstyles of [Bizarre Hair], that MyStiCa Matova, owner and designer of [Bizarre Hair] released for the Hair Fair 2013 that just started. The “Chandelier” hair comes with a full jewelry set as well to matc the amazing pearls that are part of the hair style. With a simple chat command you can even turn the candles on and off what adds a smooth warm light when the candels burn
Last but not least I would like to drag your attention on the skin. Malicia Python, owner and designer of Silken Moon, made me a new tone of my Wicca skin *jumps around like crazy*. She already made me that wonderful Wicca skin, that I used to redo my whole avatar and now she made me a special version of my skin in her ‘lumee’ tone. I was telling her that I sometimes ywould like to have a very light and pale version of my skin, especally for fantasy or avantgarde stylings, that still carries my freckles and dimples and all my amazing face features. Since I really liked my new look without the eyebrows she made that incredble, beautiful looking new skin for me. Great news for all Silken Moon lovers and those, who own one of Malicia’s fantastic skins… Mal now made the new enhancement HUD for the SLINK mesh feets and mesh hands!
Lately I was asked so many times, how I found a skin that I am so happy with that I am not willing to change. The answer is easy… Malicia made me my custom skin with all those things I dreamed of on my personal skin. If I think back, how many lindens I spent for various skins and always I had one thing that I did not like… the idea of a custom made skin was the best idea ever. You can talk about your likings and develope a skin with your skin designer and make it so personal, that you not ever wanna change again, as it kinda becomes a part of yourself With the new addition of all those tattoo layers, you only need one basic skin, that you can wear always and add up all those amazing makeups that are out on the grid to make it match to every look
But now.. time to leave for my LeeZu shift
Gown: LeeZu – “Tatum Gown” – NEW (mesh)
Hair (incl. jewelry): [Bizarre Hair] – “Chandelier” – NEW (Hairfair 2013)
Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lumee” – NEW (custom skin)
Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips Cardinal”
Eyeliner: Action – “Mesh Liner 01 Black” (Cosmetics Fair)
Poses: Body Talking
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin