Dreams or Reality?

I know I’ll never know a peaceful night again
Afraid they’ll hear me
They don’t fear me
Punishment for me of a moral crime
The debt was never paid completely

I am sure you know what I mean… those “memories” that never leave us even if their clarity fades and they get kinda blurry?
Those things we do not really want to remember, but we can’t completely forget?
I do have those and from time to time they do knock me out for a while. The older I become, the more those memories become emotions and I do forget the exact moment of my life. Sometimes they do feel like faded or blurred echoes. Sometimes they even feel kinda unreal to me, even if I know, that it happened. Exactly that kind of feelings I wanted to bring on my pictures and to me it worked 🙂
I was trying and thinking about that for a longer time, but I never felt like it came out right.
The poses from Le Poppycock, which I found while I was looking for another pose set, gave me the idea, how I could manage to picture my feelings. To bring emotions on pictures, is always a hard challenge for me as I feel it very difficult to bring those on a static picture. Emotions are very personal and everybody will have different impressions and/or expressions of a certain picture.
To me it was the outfit from Enfant Terible, an innocent, sweet dancer outfit with ballet shoes, the dark vibe of the dark vibe of the Asylum from Ex Machina and the morbid skeleton paired with the amazing poses from Le Poppycock, that made the perfect contrast and as well the controversial and mixed feelings I do have with such moments. I did abstain from strong make up to give the whole look a more pure and fragile look. The lightly messy hair from no.match was perfect for the style as well, it underlined the desperation in some way for me with all the wisps and strands of hair.

The “Welcome Home Asylum” from Ex Machina is an amazing background for pictures. It does have 2 different cells and a hallway in front of it. The backdrop has 4 active light sources – 2 in the cells and 2 in the hallway – which can be turned off or edited through your edit window. The whole backdrop looks best, if you turn advanced lightning on, as all textures are baked and use advanced lightning model materials. But even without that high graphic settings it looks stunning and detailed. I really adore Hatti’s texturing skills… Hatris Panacek, owner and genius designer of Ex Machina, states herself that she was inspired by the horrors of the insane asylums of the past catching those creepy atmospheres you can still find in some abandoned structures around the world. I just wanted to share those non edited peeks on the backdrop, because my pictures are dark and I did not want to miss to show all those lovely details of the backdrop – at least the 2 rooms that I used for this pictures. For the other one I will have another post soon 😉


Outfit: Enfant Terrible – “Skye Dancer” (Gacha) – NEW @ Epiphany

Makeup & Hair

Hair: no.match – “No.Modify”
Eyeshadow: Zibska – “Noir Pack 06” (LeLutka Applier)
Lipstick: alaskametro<3 – “London” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”
Ears: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Thauron”

Poses & Props

Poses (incl. Skeleton): Le Poppycock – “Necromantic” (Gacha)
Background: Ex Machina – “Welcome Home Asylum PhotoScene v1.1”

Model & Photographer

Abandoned Asylum @ Night

Asylum 4

Sometimes you get confused, you doubt your own guts and feelings just because you think you know better…

Exactly that feeling I had, when I was trying out different things to get my mind off some things that really afflicted me the last few days.

I was trying out some new releases of [sys], GizzA and Gabriel. On the first view, it looked very strange to put those things together that looked all so different.

The more I played with it, the more it became a certain look I really liked 😉

Asylum 1

I started with the “Tristeline Helmet” from [sys]. The helmet is an abstract looking, super cool head with horns and petal looking parts, that comes with a HUD, which lets you change the metal to 4 different types. The helmet was released for the We <3 RP event. The awesome “Glam Jacket” as well was made by [sys]. The open jacket is decorated with filigree chains over the chest and comes in fitted mesh for all the popular mesh bodies as well as in the standard sizes. The skirt is one of the latest releases from GizzA. The “Chloe Asymmetric Skirt” is a great short skirt with amazing details. you can see the seams, and the loose belt decorates the waist knotted into a ribbon shape.

Asylum 2

For the shoes I did not want high heels or something too elegant. It should be something casual with a rough touch. The perfect match made the new “Nicole Boots”. They can be word with or without socks, both versions are available. With the flat sole and the amazing trendy shape they just were right for today’s look.

The awesome earrings are one of the newest releases from Elysium. The “Oriental Delight Earrings” made the perfect contrast for the look. With the graceful silver metals and  the beautiful back gem, they compliment perfectly the filigree chains of the jacket and as well give an elegant, gothic looking touch.

To give back some more weird and as well Asylum insane looking element I put on the “Tattoo Gift Bruises” by Coca & Wolf and the ripped stockings from insanya.

Asylum 5

All the scary, cool and realistic furniture for the scenery, were made by 22769. It is part of a full set called the Abandoned Asylum. The set contains 15 items. For this post i just used the “Asylum Bed”, the “Drawercase”, the”Fire Extinguisher”, the “Portable Oxygen Tank”, the “Screen” and the “Crutches”

Sometimes out of weird moods, cool looks and an idea is born. So not always a bad or weird mood only is a bad thing if you look back on it with some distance 😉

Asylum 3


Jacket: [sys] – “Glam Jacket” – NEW

Skirt: GizzA – “Chloe Asymmetric Skirt” – NEW

Stockings: :::insanya::: – “Stockings and Knee Socks n.4”

Boots: ::GB:: – “Nicole Boots+Socks” – NEW

Headpiece: [sys] – “Tristeline Helmet” – NEW @ We <3 RP

Earrings: Elysium – “Oriental Delight Earrings”

Furniture: 22769 – “Abandoned Asylum”

Poses: Del May

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Asylum 6

Wicca’s Weird Wardrobe: Fear of the dark

Dark Angel 001

I am a girl who walks alone
And when I’m walking a dark road
At night or strolling through the park

Dark Angel 002

Have you ever been alone at night
Thought you heard footsteps behind
And turned around and no one’s there?
And as you quicken up your pace
You find it hard to look again
Because you’re sure there’s
Someone there

When I’m walking a dark road
I am a girl who walks alone

Dark Angel 003

When I was styling the today’s look, I was listening to one of my favourite bands called Van Canto. I will attach the song that I liked most during my styling session at the end of this post 😉 With this music on my ears I could not resist to just let it flow and see what comes out 😉

I strted with the amazing “Emi Corset” from N1CO. The corset with the spiked bra are mesh made and coming in different sizes, I am sure you will find one to match your shape ;). As so often for N1CO, the “Emi Corset” comes with a HUD that gives you a hell of a lot of possibilities to customize the colors and textures. You can color the spikes, the corset straps and lines, the buckles and as well the corset itself with different patterns.

The pants i took from the “Tribute to Kattaca” outfit from [AD] Creations. The full outfit is amazing as well and I will make sure to show case it as soon as possible as well, but the pants just were the right addition for my today’s look. Since the pants are quite ‘open’ I added the “Glitter Pants” from LeeZu to cover my private parts 😉 .

The amazing “Saxa” mesh boots from SeVered GarDeN, caught my attention. The boots are mesh made but with 2 parts. The leg part and the foot part so you even could add another pair of shoes if you would like to.

Now i would like you to take a closer look at the bracelets and the necklace. Not too long ago I was asked if I would like to blog a – for me –  new brand. I never heard about Enfant Terrible before and I am really surprised how that could happen. Enfant Terrible is the store for all those people who wanna be a little extra ordinary. LesEnfant Terrible, owner and designer of Enfant Terrible, has the special taste and feeling for the non usual and out of the box designing. All she creates has her special twist and tweak what makes all of her creations so unique. The “Chloes” set wich comes with bracelet and collier shows her amazing skills when it comes to texturing and creating. The set is HUD driven and you can exchange the gems and totally match any styling you working on. The filigree “Chloe” collier shows with how much love and time LesEnfant Terrible designs her creations.

Many of you know how addicted I am to little details and accessories. So it was clear for a kinda demon style I cannot just leave my face blank and casual with just some makeup :p .

The amazing “Scara” version of the “Morbida” from SIlken Moon made the right basic for an amazing dark and demon looking face. With the wonderful drawn face parts the “Morbida Scara” totally meets my likings. In the package as well you will find another version wich is just grey. I rarely saw a grey skin with so much details and great made body parts. The “Blackness Face Chain” from Soedara I carry around for quite some time and I never saw it fit to something until today 😉 . The chains look very realistic and with the little red gem at the forehead it was the perfect addition. The cool and scary “Damage – Spiked Eye 001” was part of the Halloween collection fo Finesmith for this year. I just loved the look and the 2 little spiders that seem to crawl up the chain that falls down the cheek.

The hair was a new release of EMO-tions for the last weekend. The “Skip a Beat” hair was made as a tribute to Skip Staheli and it can be worn unisex and in different styles. For the fatpack the hair can be color changed with the new HUD that Mirja Mills started to use for all of her latest releases.

Dark Angel 004


Top: N1CO – “Emi Corset” – NEW (mesh)

Pants: LeeZu – “Glitter Pants”

Pants: [AD] Creations – “Tribute to Kattaca” (mesh, part of the outfit)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Morbida Scara”

Chain Veil: Soedara – “Blackness Face Chain”

Eye Pice: Finesmith – “Damage – Spiked Eye 01”

Wings: DRD – “Darkness”

Hands: DRD – “Demonhands”

Jewelry: Enfant Terrible – “Chloe” – NEW

Hair: EMO-tions – “Skip a Beat” – NEW

Horns: DRD – “Horns n’ Chains”

Boots: SeVered GarDeN – “Saxa” (mesh)

Poses: *PosESioN*

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: Of Fire and Dancing

Of fire and dancing.

One day, a fire spirit was curious about the other elements and decided to walk their places. She danced up into the air to see the spirits that could fly. But it did not really work. The flying spirits were afraid of her and pushed her to the ground, but she left her fire in the air. So they learned to dance and were a little bit ashamed that they treated the one who brought the gift so bad.

The fire spirit landed where the creature walked. Those creatures were bound by gravity and cautious about the fire. But they tried to use these gifts the spirit brought. The fire spirit like these slow walkers but longed to see her fellow dancers, so she walked to find them again.

Led by the same instinct that makes birds find north and south she danced over the earth to find home. But then the land ended and became water. By another instinct the dancer knew this was an element to kill her. The powers living in the water felt the same and stayed clear of her. So she started to dance at the shore of the ocean to evaporate the water. As you can imagine, it didn’t work. At times the fire spirit can be seen dancing fast over the land she is trapped on, but she always stops when there is water. But you can always see her gift to the earth when you see someone dance.


Dress: GizzA – “Rock Suit” – NEW

Pants: House of Rfyre – “Esperer Mesh Leather Pants” /metallic (mesh)

Hat: [AD] Creations – “Owl Cap” (for RMK Halloween 2012)

Hair: Tuty’s “Limbo”

Gloves: Chaospire – “Shadowmuse”

Shoes: epoque – “Mesa”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Makeup: Face Paint – “Doe Smoke” + “Mix & Match Hollywood Eyes Old School”

Lashes: Miamai – “Catwalk Lashes Delicate” (mesh)

Nails: *Rebel -X-* – “Werewolf Claws”

Wings: Illusions – “Angel Wings”

Poses: Del May

Story: Malicia Python

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Vaguard – “Marry the Night”

Gown: Vanguard – “Marry the Night”

Skin: !SilkenMoon – “Rookie” – NEW

Gloves: Champagne! Sparkling Fashion – “Heart of Belgium”

Nails: Maimai – “Myda”

Hair & Cage: Diram – “Miley”

Model : Wicca Merlin

Photographer: Odin Kanya-Oh


Gown: Vanguard – “Marry the Night”

Skin: !SilkenMoon – “Rookie” – NEW

Nails: [V] Couture Salon – “Death Nails”

Eyebrows: Miamai – “InMutatio Brows” – NEW

Eyeshadow: Miamai – “InMutatio Eyeshadow” – NEW

Lipstick: Miamai – “InMutatio Lips” – NEW

Hairbase: White Widow – “Swirl”

Poses: Manifeste

Model & Photograper: Wicca Merlin