Today again is a very special to me as I can bring already a short sneak peel of some news at Wicca’s Wardrobe of 2015
To already show part of the great newness I asked Sazzy Nirpaw to be with me for this amazing post for a very special reason.
Today’s post will be about a new release at Wicca’s Wardrobe and as well an introduction of a special new collection located at Wicca’s Wardrobe.
The ones of you who know me and Wicca’s Wardrobe for a while may know Sazzy Nirpaw as my COO and as well my personal assistant and very dear friend. But that’s not yet all
Sazzy as well has amazing designing skills and already had a store way before Wicca’s Wardrobe was in my mind Many of you might remember her brand FATAL.
She closed her doors couple of years ago and for me it felt kinda as a loss for the SL fashion world since then. But she wanted to develop herself more and had various other projects and things she wanted to get done. But lately we more and more talked about FATAL again and the more we talked the more the idea was growing in both of our minds. I kept nagging her about her amazing designing and creator skills – I guess I was close to just get yelled at for not stopping my bothering :p
But… it seems my constant poking was not for nothing^^
Sazzy agreed to think about designing again!
I am very proud and honored that I may show you the very first release of the Wicca’s Wardrobe [FATAL] collection…
The “Sense & Sensuality” lingerie!
This amazing lingerie ensemble contains bra, panties, corset and stockings. The corset is mesh made while the bra, panties and stockings come as layers for very special reason.
For the very first time me and Saz were sitting together to figure out how the appliers for the Slink Physique are working.
Saz made the amazing “Sense & Sensuality” set in 6 different colors. For today’s post Saz is wearing the ‘black’ version and I decided to go with the ‘navy’ one.
The great thing of that lingerie is, it can be worn as usual layer clothing with the mesh corset AND with the Slink Physique mesh body. We included a HUD where you can apply the bra, panties and stockings to body, legs and feet.
So be sure to take a look and find the color that matches you best for a wonderful evening with the one you love
Thank you Sazzy for your work, trust, and friendship and I hope that’s the beginning of another chapter in the book we are allowed to write together – our book of the wonderful journey that brought us till where we are now <3
I am very proud, honored and happy to have Saz now not anymore only as a COO – I am looking forward to a great collaboration of Wicca’s Wardrobe & FATAL!
Happy New Year from Wicca’s Wardrobe & FATAL
Wicca. Saz & Red