(Outfits: Angel Dessous, Poses: Body Talking, Models from left to right: Arisia Ahmoot, Wicca Merlin, Tandra Parx, Photographer: Wicca Merlin)
Angel Dessous goes Africa with the latest releases! Nando Korbase did a great themed line of outfits. All with a lovely animal print texture in different versions and color.
(Outfits: Angel Dessous – Marashi Cheetah”, Poses: Body Talking, Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin)
“Maraschi Cheetah” this amazing gown is called and it would suit and african princess perfect. The top of the dress has a wonderful deep neckline that accents a wonderful looking cleavage. The dress with the great leopard looking animal print goes down very non symmetric. In the back you have a huge prim attachment that underlines the theme of the outfit perfect! And you will not believe, but the great jewelry that you see, the neck collar, the earrings and the bangles are part of the outfit!!! Unbelievable but true 

(Outfits: Angel Dessous – “Wailiki Tiger”, Poses: Body Talking, Model: Tandra Parx, Photographer: Wicca Merlin)
Tandra is showing us the “Wakili Tiger” outfit. This outfit comes in 2 versions. The one Tandra is wearing on the picture and one darker one that goes into a black/grey/white tone. It is a great pants outfit with a lovely short jacket. The tiger print gives the whole outfit a light dangerous touch*grins* Be careful guys this kitty has claws *snickers* The jacket has a black basic ornamented with the tiger printed seams that reply the main texture of the outfit. The great pantsuit is perfectly decorated with a huge black belt that is closed by a buckle that fits again totally to the basic pantsuit.

(Outfits: Angel Dessous – “”Samia Giraffe”, Poses: Body Talking, Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin)
“Samia” you can purchase with 2 different animal prints – ‘giraffe’ and ‘tiger’. First we take a look at the ‘giraffe’ version. The basic colors are black and white combines to that awesome giraffe print. It is a wonderful lingerie with a bra, pants and nylon stockings decorated with an amazing attached prim belt that goes down in kinda little train on the left side. In every part of that outfit Nando Korbase combined the animal print with a basic black texture with taste and love to every single detail.
(Outfits: Angel Dessous – “”Samia Tiger”, Poses: Body Talking, Model: Arisia Ashmoot, Photographer: Wicca Merlin)
The necklace and the bangle for the left wrist are part of the outfit. For the ‘tiger’ version we have the same great arrangement and combination of the tiger print and the wonderful detailed black basic. Even the seams of the nylon stockings are decorated with the matching texture!
(Outfits: Angel Dessous – “”Faizah Cheeta & Zebra”, Poses: Body Talking, Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin)
“Faizah'” is a stunning pencil skirt dress. The skirt goes up high over the waist and ends at its bottom a little bit above the knees. The upper part has a very sexy touch as you only have a bra and a jacket that is fully made of the animal print. Also for this outfit Nando Korbase packed the matching jewelry, the necklace and the bangles!!!

(Outfits: Angel Dessous – “”Nabila Cheetah”, Poses: Body Talking, Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin)
Last but not least we have a beautiful tight gown in a ‘mermaid skirt’ style. The tight “Nabila Cheetah” is a very elegant gown that accents every fashionistas perfectly shaped body and shows of your female curves in a dreamy way
The deep neckline makes a wonderful cleavage. The skirt goes down very tight and before it reaches the ground it ends in an amazing dark brown prim attachment. The theme of the ‘skirt end’ is repeated in a part of the belt that decorates the waist. For this outfit also you get the whole jewelry if you get yours at Angel Dessous.
For the end of my post I want to announce the great contest that Angel Dessous is holding from the 1st to the 7th of October! So make sure you take part the prizes are awesome!!!
Angel Dessous is proud to announce the
>> African Queen Photocontest <<

(Picture provided by Angel Dessous)
Concerning the release of the Angel Dessous African Fashion Line.
The contest will run from 01. October till the 07. October 2010 ( 12 pm SLT )
The winner will be advised on the 08.october 2 pm following the
Craig Lyons live concert ( ~*~ The FASHION ROCKS Series ~*~ ) at the
Angel Dessous Mainstore Blue Sky.
The Winner will get :
– the winner pic will be published in October issue of the BeStyle Magazine.
– get a wildcard to participate at the
Angel of Angel Dessous Contest Finale in December
– an Angel Dessous African Fashion Line package ( worth more than 4000 L$ )
– prizes of our contest sponsors ::Je suis and Vanity Hair
the first runner-up will get :
– an Angel Dessous African Fashion Line package ( worth more than 2000 L$ )
– prizes of our contest sponsors ::Je suis and Vanity Hair
Contest rules
– The model must wear one of our new released African Fashion Line sets
( release date 01.October 2010 )
– Each participant can send in 1 shot ( required size 1024 x 1024 px ),
plz send your pic ingame to Gina Beaumont, Leandra Breen or Nando Korobase
the pic must be recieved latest on the 07.Oct.2010 – 12 pm SLT
– all pics will be displayed at our Mainstore Blue Sky
– the Jury consists of Gina Beaumont, Leandra Breen and Nando Korobase