“Like a bird singing in the rain, let grateful memories survive in a time of sorrow.”
[- Robert Louis Stevenson -]
Today something happened, that really threw me out of everything. I wasn’t even awake too long when I got a phone call and she asked me, if I would sit already… then she told me one of my older students from my afternoon school died in a car accident…
I was shocked and had no words. Just yesterday, he was the last of my students in the evening. We made plans how we would go on with the lessons and he – really happy – told me, that he and his girlfriend would have their first anniversary on Tuesday coming week.
He was one of the good, nice and sweet guys – a rare case of being just 18 years old and just starting to discover the world.
I mean, I am ok somehow… it just feels so weird and surreal. Just a few hours before that all happened, we had a lesson and were joking on Discord while we solved mathematical problems in his homework… I still see the chats on Discord and Whatsapp, when I do look at my cellphone or the PC. I see his picture with his girlfriend on th little icon on Whatsapp and he is just… gone? It is hard to believe or to realize. I tried to go on with the day, but my mind drifts away all the time and then I have to think about him, about yesterday, about his girlfriend and his family.
That is why my picture today might be a little different, but I could not wrap my mind around anything else long enough. So I just thought, I can do this picture and post to maybe process all the feelings and emotions that come with it…
In loving memory of a special young man, taken from out lives too soon…
Top: AsteroidBox – “Cory Top” (Maitreya Petite) – NEW @ Anthem // February 2022
Pants: AsteroidBox – “Evlin Pants” (Maitreya)
Earrings: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Earring Mads all linked” (LeLUTKA EvoX female/human)
Ear Lobes: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Inazuma Plug” (LeLUTKA EvoX female/human)
Glasses: [CX] – “Farseer Glasses – Silver”
Piercing (Nose): Wicca’s Originals – “Jadeon Piercing” + “Tegan Piercing Set” (unrigged)
Piercing (Mouth): LittleFish – “EziliV2” (Lel. EvoX, Avalon)
Necklace: AsteroidBox – “Emery Jewelry”
Finger Bandages: L’Emporio&PL – “Kick It” (Maitreya, Bento)
Hair & Makeup
Hair: no.match – “No_Posession” (unrigged, Group Gift) – NEW @ Mainstore
Makeup: Rubedo – “aneira – EvoX 13” (LeL. EvoX BoM)
Head, Body & Tattoo
Head: LeLUTKA – “EvoX Avalon 3.1”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3” + “Add-On Petite V1.1”
Tattoo: .:Vegas:. – “Tattoo Haunted ( Dark )” (LeL. EvoX BoM) – NEW @ Men Only Monthly // February 2022
Poses, Props & Tools
Pose: selfmade (+ hand pose from Cigs)
Backdrop: MINIMAL – “October Group Gift 2021”
Cigarette & Pack (incl holding pose): [CX] – “Cigs” – NEW @ The Mens Department // February 2022
Model, Stylist & Photographer
Wicca Merlin