The Night before Halloween

Arts in Hats 3

Today, I am in a Halloween mood already, even if it is just the day before πŸ˜‰

I was looking at the new hats from Eleseren Brianna, which she made for the upcoming Art in Hats event.

My heart was caught by the “Death of a Romanic Hat”. The hat to me really is a little piece of art.

It is a firework of textures and shapes.

Arts in Hats 2

The basic shape of the hat carries a wonderful and as well rough looking fabric what totally underlines the name of the hat πŸ˜‰

With the sweet and filigree, artistic decorations around that head it definitely will turn heads.

To complete my look I put on the “Grimm Dress” from [sys]. The dress was released on one of the Collarbor 88 events. The dress comes with glasses and a hat, but for today I just used that amazing dress.

The short dress has comes with a wonderful corset, tht accents the waist and on the lower end of the skirt you will see this amazing delicate lace trim. The corset and the lace trim are HUD driven and you can change them to different colors. The great thing about the “Grim Dress” comes for various mesh bodies as well, like the Slink Physique, the 2 Belleza ones, Maitreya and TMP

For shoes I chose the “Lipstick Heels” from Wicca’s Wardrobe. The shoes are made for the Slink mesh high feet and won’t work n regula avatar feet.

I just loved to point out the contrast between sweet and evil for that look πŸ˜‰

The awesome furniture I arranged around myself is one of GizzA’s latest releases. The pieces are all part of a Gacha in an event called “Lost and Found”.

Β Arts in Hats 1


Outfit: [sys] – “Grimm Dress” (Collabor 88)

Hat: Eleseren Brianna – “Death of a Romantic Hat” (Art in Hats)

Necklace: [sys] – “Reaper Necklace” (On9)

Shoes: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Lipstick Heels”

Furniture: GizzA – “Halloween Decor” (Lost & Found event)

Poses: Devilish Poses

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Dark Tales – Part Two

Versus Magazine AW 2015 Dark Tale 1

(Versus Magazine Autumn/Winter 2015:


Bodysuit: LeeZu – “Liquid Latex”
Top: GizzA – “Fur Stole”
Sleeves: [AD] Creation – “Black Rook mesh sleeves”
Pants: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Renraku Pants”
Shoes: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Cora Booties [Black]”
Earrings & Ring: SoliDea FoliEs – “Cube Earring”
Headpiece: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Kandria Headpiece [Black]”
Hair: Baiastice – “Isis 2”
Face Makeup: Nuuna – “Lizi Black”
Makeup: Zibska – “Ltd Noir 13”
Lipstick: L.Fauna – “Lipstick [Red 3]”
Nails: Nailed It – “Dark Set”
Pose: Del May
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Dark Tales – Part One

Versus Magazine AW 2015 Dark Tale 2

(Versus Magazine Autumn/Winter 2015:


Top: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Xena Top”
Pants: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Lavinia Leggings”
Collar: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Dark Desire”
Headpiece: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Xeno Headpiece”
Bracelets: Formanails – “NIKOLAJ2”
Hair: LoQ Hair – “Shaved Hairbase – Blonde”
Makeup 1: Zibska – “Ltd Noir 20”
Makeup 2: Zibska – “Ltd Noir 24”
Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Tombstone Women”
Lashes: DAMNED – “Blossom Eyelashes”
Nails: Nailed It – “Cracked Set”
Pose: Del May
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Accessories, Accessories, Accessories…

Versus Magazine Fall-Winter 2015 - Accessories - Wicca Merlin

(Versus Magazine Autumn/Winter 2015:


Headpiece: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Kandira Headpiece”
Necklace & Earrings: Finesmith – “Wave”
Shoulder Piece: LeLutka Ultra – “Macabre Warrior”
Hand (right): FORMANAILS – “Nikolaj”
Hand (left): Zibska – “Mallt” + FORMANAILS – “Design Punk”
Shoes: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Doro Booties”
Nail Polish: Nailed It! – “Rock Set”
Bag: 22769 – “Veronica Handbag”
Purse: Swallow – “Apocalypse Clutch”

Pants: LeeZu – “Madison”
Top: Dead Dollz – “Missandei”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Brandy”
Makeup: blackliquid – “Dusted Gunmetal” & Madrid Solo – “Sandra Said”

Pose: Del May

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Gemstones – THEMA Magazine – How to be an Obsidian?

THEMA Magazine - Obsidian Wicca Merlin 5

I again had the great pleasure to be one of the contributors for the THEMA Magazine. Taylor Wassep, owner and founder of that amazing magazine, always looks for different artists to make pictures for specific themes.

This time her idea was, to have gemstones as the basic inspiration. We could choose from a list of gemstones and certainly I wanted to have something with black. After i talked to Taylor we came across the Obsidian gem stone. That was exactly what I like and so I started to style something according to my gemstone.

THEMA Magazine - Obsidian Wicca Merlin 3

I already had an idea in mind for my set. According to that I needed to find something, that would let me sit and do some crazy poses without breaking the whole outfit.

So I started with the “Couture Leggings” from Maitreya. For the top I found an old corset from E-Clipse called “LaDominante”. That made a great base for some editorial pictures and poses.

To underline the Obsidian character, I wanted to bring in some lighter spots, since the gemstone itself as well has some lighter reflections.

So I took out the helm from the “Bellatrix” outfitΒ  and as well the chest piece of the “Plaisance Deux” outfit, both from Zibska, and completed my look.

For the set… I wanted to have a jewelry box and the first idea was to make myself the gemstone of a ring in that box… it did not work out that way, so I tried to place myself beside the ring in the ringbox which I liked a lot more πŸ˜‰

To see all the amazing pictures of the last THEMA issue please see the full magazine @

THEMA Magazine - Obsidian Wicca Merlin 1


Pants: Maitreya – “Couture Leggings”

Top: E-Clipse – “LaDominante”(part of the outfit)

Gloves: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Avicularia Gloves”(part of the outfit)

Belt: Armidi Gisaci – “Au Di Leather Belt” (store not anymore existing)

Accessories: Zibska – “Plaisance Deux” (part of the outfit)

Helmet: Zibska – “Bellatrix Helm” (part of the outfit)

Makeup: Nuuna’s – “Zion 2 Black” & Corvus – “Fighter Eyeshadow”

Lipstick: L.Fauna – “Lipstick Black”

Poses: Del May

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe @ The 24 Event

The 24 - Wicca's Wardrobe


Outfit (incl Hat): Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Entity” (Exclusive Release for The 24) – NEW

Hair: LeLutka – “Vibrato”

Jewelry: Mandala – “Kyara”

Makeup: Zibska – “Joss 02”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

The 24 2015 Femme Ad


THE 24 2015

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT β€” Lybra Fashion Show
5:00pm SLT – 6:00pm SLT β€” House of Rfyre Fashion Show
6:00pm SLT – 8:00pm SLT β€” The 24 2015 Opening Party

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT β€” United Colors Fashion Show
5:00pm SLT – 6:00pm SLT β€” The 24 2015 Exclusives Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT β€” Bravura! Homme Fashion Show
5:00pm SLT – 6:00pm SLT β€” WoW Skins Designer Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT β€” Lavian & Co. Fashion Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT β€” B. Barbie Fashion Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT β€” Yeliz Fashion Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT β€” 69 Park Ave Fashion Show
5:00pm SLT – 6:00pm SLT β€” IMaGE Factory Fashion Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT β€” Wicca’s Wardrobe Fashion Show
5:00pm SLT – 6:00pm SLT β€” Prism Fashion Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:30pm SLT β€” Pop Stars Show
2:00pm SLT – 4:00pm SLT β€” The 24 2015 Closing Party

Your Limo:

Mother of Dragons…

Mother of Dragons 1

I always had an addiction for dragons and my mom always laughed at me when I said “I know there must be some left dragon eggs somewhere, just nobody yet found them. Dragons will be back some when!”

But believe it or not, even if I am a well-educated and taught person and have some knowledge of science… I am still not willing to give up that thought πŸ˜‰

Mother of Dragons 2

Second Life, gives me the freedom to play with fantasies and so it was kinda a given that I needed some dragons πŸ˜‰

Last month when I was invited to put some pictures at Windlight Gallery, paired with the fact that I was watching the latest Game of Thrones season, the idea did grow in my mind to do my very own vision of the Mother of Dragons inspired by the Khaleesi πŸ˜‰

Mother of Dragons 3

Β The dragons I fund at Manticore (Thank you so much Daff for showing me!!!), a wonderful shop for all kind of animals and fantasy creatures. They are wearable and will walk around with you as soon as you have them attached.

The idea of having kinda series for this pictures, came by snapping… first I wanted to just do one picture, and the more I snapped the more ideas came to my mind and all of a sudden they fell together like a short story. In the end I was not able anymore to decide wich one I wanted to use and I just let them be the whole story in the end πŸ˜‰

Mother of Dragons 4

For the outfit I chose one we made for Wicca’s Wardrobe. Originally it was made for a Game of Thrones inspired theme, but we now put it at the store too in 3 different colors.

The “Visenya” is a short outfit with the great collar and some armor plates arranged as a back skirt. It goes very well together with the “Dragon Queen Headpeice”, the “Dragon Earrings” and the “Alysanne Booties”, which also were made for that event.

It really was great fun to play around with the dragons and loose myself in a time that has been long gone… but dreams.. they stay and who knows… maybe someday someone will find a mysterious egg.. somewhere πŸ˜‰

Mother of Dragons 5


Outfit: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Visenya”

Headpiece:Β Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Dragon Queen Headpiece”

Earrings:Β Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Dragon Earrings”

Shoes:Β Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Alysanne Booties”

Makeup: Corvus – “Fighter Eyeshadow”

Hair: Baiastice – “Elon”

Handtattoo: Zibska – “Mallt”

Dragons: Manticore

Poses: Del May

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Β Mother of Dragons 6

LOTD 08/16/2015 – Summertime

Summer Breeze 1a

As Time Passes Me By

The butterflies are floating through the air.
The grass is green,
and the trees are tall.
As the wind whistles through my hair,
I let life pass me by.
As time ticks and the clock goes by,
the flowers grow taller as life passes me by.
And I dream of floating right on by.
But now it’s time to stop dreaming,
and wake up to a hot summer day.

[Alice G.]
Summer Breeze 2aToday I was in a total summer mood…
That does not happen too often, but sometimes it really happens πŸ˜‰
The outfit I am wearing we made for an event called FAD. The theme was Sundae Sunday.
Something dreamy and summer colored immediately came to my mind and it should have a little bit of ‘Kitsch’ as well. Why? Because Sundae Sunday reminds me of kinda the good old 50s/60s times with all the neat pastel toned colors and as well with a lot of plastic jewelry and accessories :p
The “Summer Breeze” dress – here shown in yellow – is a short dress with an amazing deep neckline in the front and as well a super sexy back with a lot of lines crossing your back side.
The “Tea Time” hat should speak for itself with the cute tea-pot and cup on the top.
To match the whole look we made the “Manon Heels” in yellow as well, with their cool heels, that totally add something special to the sweet look πŸ˜‰
Β Summer Breeze 3aDetails
Dress: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Summer Breeze Dress”
Hat: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Tea Time Hat”
Shoes: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Manon Heels”
Jewelry: Alienbear – “Frideswide”
Hair: Baiastice – “Agnes”
Makeup: Zibska – “Fleurette Shadow”
Nail Polish: Nailed It! – “Chevron Set – Cool Colors”
Bench: 22769 – “Hanging Bench Nature”
Location: Wicca’s Wardrobe (beside the store)
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin


Lost Creature 01

You can take away all my love, what do I need it for?
You can take away all these words, there’s no meaning anymore
You can take away everything, leave me lying on the floor
All those sorry’s, we can’t go back to the start
You can’t fix me, I’m torn apart

[Leona Lewis]

Lost Creature 03

Sometimes life feels dark…

Sometimes life feels empty…

Sometimes you feel teared apart…

Sometimes you see no light…

Sometimes you just feel nothing…

Sometimes you do not know what to do…

… But then…

You open your eyes, still full of tears and look up.

You take the hand, someone is reaching out and stand up again.

Lost Creature 05


Top: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Xena Top”

Pants: Wicca’s Wardobe – “Lavinia Leggings”

Collar: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Dark Desire Collar”

Head Piece: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Xeno” – NEW @ On9

Wings: Death Row Designs – “Wings – Desaturated”

Bracelets: Formanails – “Nikolaj”

Makeup: Zibska – “Ltd Noir 20” & “Ltd Noir 24”

Eyelashes: Damned – “Blossom Eyelashes”

Tattoo: White Widow – “Tombstone”

Skin: [sys] – “Eva”

Poses: Silhouette F – “Goa”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Lost Creature 02

News @ Machoire – Back in Black

Machoire 01

Today I have the great pleasure to showcase some of the newest releases from Machoire.

The amazing “Veitades Hat” in black and the super edgy “Colde Heels” as well in black, both from Machoire.

The “Colde Heels” are made for the slink high mesh feet. with the huge circle shaped heel and the wonderful triangled front, those shoes are really a statement. Those high fashion and avant garde looking shoes definitely will turn heads everywhere you go and should not miss in a modern fashionistas wardrobe!

Machoire 02

The head piece is a very complex and detailed piece of art. With the huge back part that gives the imagination of a light fabric floating in the air and the wonderful mask, I would not dare to just call it mask or hat, as the whole design comes in one piece. The awesome waved silver lines at the sides and the edgy spiked curved part on the top are a perfect match for the cool looking solver mask, which is ornamented with some amazing chains across the eyes. The chains are repeated below the chin and with the shining gems at the forehead it really becomes a little precious in every wardrobe.

Machoire 03a


Head Piece: Machoire – “Veitades Hat” – NEW

Shoes: Machoire – “Colde Heels” – NEW (for slink high mesh feet)

Outfit: Graves – “G304”

Collar: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Dark Desire Collar”

Hand Jewelry: FORMANAILS – “Nikolaj”

Nail Polish – Nailed It! – “Monochrome Set”

Makeup: Zibska – “Ltd Noir 20 + 24” (Project Limited)

Lipstick: MUA – “Matte Lipstick White 1” + blackliquid – “Lip Line”

Poses: Del May

Furniture: 22769

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin