Top Fetish for VERSUS Magazine

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For the current issue of VERSUS Magazine, I was asked to style the theme Top Fetish.

I was thinking quite some time about, what I should do and what was requested and I asked like ever so often google for some more input… 😉

I did not wanna go only fetish or only the top centered I kinda wanted to make a full look because in the end, for me it mostly looks better if I plan on a full look even if I only have to showcase a certain piece of it. Usually the full look ends up as a post on my blog then like today, after the magazine got published :).

The first picture is the one that I chose to send in for the magazine, because of the theme top fetish.


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Certainly I do not wanna hide the rest of the look 😉

After I decided to go with one of the tops I made my self for Wicca’s Wardrobe, the “Xena Top [Autumn Edition]” I tried to make a full look out of it. The top has a huge texture change HUD wich lets you customize all parts of the top in different colors. I chose black for the basic color and put some red accents at the chest and the metals in gold to match the amazing “Gorgo Metal Helm” from Miamai. For the jewelry I chose on of my personal favourites from [sys] called “Axiom”. With the huge necklace and bracelets it was the best addition to the look in my view. For the bottom I wanted something that does not drag too much attention away from the top but as well nothing that makes the whole look boring. I took the skirt out of the “Arachne” outfit, wich I made for last year Halloween. The basic black texture with the shimmering fabric together with the silver metals and the little holes, were exactly what I wanted to go with the leather of the “Xena” top.

Up next was again one of the hardest choices like always… what shoes to wear…?

Not too simple, not only black but we well not over-styled and too funky. The “Allettare” heels from .shi made it in the end. With the non usual shape of the heel and the sole, but still the not too funky wooden heel and black leather fabric it was perfect for the look. I looked at what I did till now and still I was missing something. I started to change around the skirt with pants and went back and forth between a lot of different skirts and pants until I got the idea to basically have both… leggings under a skirt!

Again I took something out of a full outfit, this time from [AD] Creations, the “Gothic Pants”. Now it looked complete!

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Top: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Xena Top [Autumn Edition]”

Skirt: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Arachne Skirt” (part of the outfit)

Leggings: [AD] Creations – “Gothic Pants”

Shoes: .shi – “Allettare”

Jewelry: [sys] – “Axiom”

Head Piece (incl Hair & Hairbase): Miamai – “Gorgo Metal Helm”

Poses: Del May

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Playing with Projectors and Lighs – Part I

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A few days ago, I joined a class about blogging as I wanted to know if I can learn something new, as I am always looking for new thing I can discover and raise my horizon.

The class was amazing and at some point we came to the part of the pictures and how to take them and wich kind of pictures are for what situation. Usually you have more clean pics for blogging and castings and some more artistic pictures for a storytelling blog post or magazines.

We were talking about many of the very popular photographers in SL and as well about the difference of photographer and artists.

While a photographer usually just takes pics and does them tweak a little bit in one of the graphic programs, the artist takes a snapshot and you will not see the original snap anymore after the artist did the magic with the picture in his program by painting and editing a lot by hand. I would never go so far, to say one has less work or more work than the other, the amount of work might be the same, just it is in 2 totally different ways. While the artist has to be very familiar with his editing s program, his graphic tablet and his skills to paint and illustrate, the photographer needs to be familiar with the SL windlights, shadows, special angles and lights and maybe even with projectors or lighting tools. Both is a lot of work, I believe and it needs a lot of practice just it complete different ways.

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I saw for a longer time , that many photographers work with a tool called lumipro. I remember great pics done with this special light tool and I always wanted one to try but, since it is not cheap and I work in so many different areas, I never got one.

But then… lately I was talking to a very long friend of mine a lot and helped her here and there if she wanted my opinion, as friends do usually. Out of the blue one day when I logged in I got a gift…

The crazy girl did know, that I was after the lumipro for quite some time and guess what… She gifted me a lumipro!!! I stormed her IMs telling her she would be crazy to make such expensive gifts and I was totally happy and crazy about. She was just calm, smiles and told me that would be her way to show me how much she appreciated my help. I told her, that I did not do that for any kind of gift, more just because of our friendship and that I never expected anything for that, but she insisted on that this would be her way and I better accept it.

OMG I have a lumipro!

The rest of the evening was just gone, with all the work I wanted to do and I totally lost myself in my new toy. I have to admit I have still no clue how it works properly and I will need to watch a lot of tutorials and ask around to really get used to this fantastic tool but I am more than willing to try!

For today I just played around with the presets and changed them lightly, to see what possibilities and features it has.

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God this is a weapon if you know what you are doing with it!!!

I just placed myself in front of a white wall with my war turtle from [Swagga] and turned my windlight settings to midnight to see the full range of the light balls.

I was blown away what those 3 balls can do and I digged further into the user manual on the lumipro website to see what all those buttons of the HUD can do.

Then I found the projectors… holy cow! Now I know how some light settings were made on pictures that I loved so much!

The way to project lights behind you with different textures as filters, was something I totally had forgotten about since I started to play with windlights.

I do not know much at all yet to really use this fantastic photography tool properly, but I know that I will spend a lot of time in the future to be able to operate this HUD and bein able to use all its functions and features as this really is a lot of fun to play around with and that is the reason why I named this post ‘Part I’, because I am really sure about that this will not be the last post about my playing with lights and projectors 😉

But for now I have to finish as there is a lot of work left wich got delayed because of my new lumipro :p

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Top: PEQE – “Corsetted Top” – NEW (The Fantasy Collective February 2015)

Pants: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Anakri [B&W Edition]”

Shoes: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Raquel Heels” – NEW

Head Piece: Miamai – “Mia Madonna Chloe” – NEW (The Fantasy Collective February 2015)

Mask: ATTIC – “Leather Medusa Masquerade Mask” – NEW (The Fantasy Collective February 2015 Gacha)

Wings: [SWaGGa] – ” Eli Wings” – NEW (The Fantasy Collective February 2015)

Animal: [SWaGGa] – “War Turtle” (The Fantasy Collective Janurary 2015)

Poses: Del May

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

LOTD 02/11/2015 – From SoliDea FoliEs & Miamai with Love

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Valentines Day is not too far away and today I would like to showcase one of the amazing creations of SoliDea FoliEs for the ‘Love is in the air’ event which is done by GizzA again.

Mila Tatham created this amazing “Palloncino” outfit for that special event. The short dress with the huge back part is an amazing piece which should not be missing in every fashionistas wardrobe. The dress itself carries a black fabric and the beautiful back part has a black & white striped outer and a cute and sweet pink inner side.

I will have anopther post soon about SoliDEa FoliEs, since Mila Tatham started to make her own mesh and already released her first self made mesh outfit!

To add some more dramatic feeling to it, I paired the “Palloncino” outfit with one of the latest releases from Miamai. The incredible “Claustra” head piece is available at the February round of We <3 RP event. On the first view they look kinda simple but if you take a closer look you can see the amazing detailed fabric, the runes on the top and the awesome metal veil with the tear drop gemstones. The head piece is the first release for the Black Label collection of Miamai in 2015.

The  shoes are one of my latest releases for Wicca’s Wardrobe. The “Doro Booties” are made for the slink high feet and available in 10 different colors at the main store. The leather based booties have some amazing silver details like the cross on the ankle and the studds that decorate the shoe. With the silver heel they are a must have for all the cool and daring girls out there!

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Outfit: SoliDea FoliEs – “Palloncino” – NEW

Head Piece: Miamai – “Claustra” – NEW

Shoes: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Doro Booties” – NEW

Jewelry: Mandala – “Shippoah”

Leggings: LeeZu – “Marmour Tights”

Poses: PosESioN

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe – 1st Anniversary Show

WW - 1st Anniversary Show Original

LOTD 01/27/2015 – Warm & Cozy

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Today I was in a very cozy mood so I decided to dress up kinda comphy 😉

With the new “Ashly Leather Tunic” from GizzA and the new “Metallic Leggings” from Leezu, I exactly could match that mood. The “Metallic Leggings” are very comphy and still look tight and sexy. With the shiny metallic fabric they perfectly match the actual trend. The amazing folds at the ankles give a great realistic feeling. At the LeeZu main store you will find in 7 different colors and for this post I just picked the bronze ones to complement the brown of the top.

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For the shoes I just made the new “Lydia” booties and all the brown golden colors inspired me to do a special new color palette for some new shoes all in a brownish, black and creme/white range. This colors for me totally go with the actual season and the trend.

The “Ashly Leather Tunic” you as well can purchase in several different colors and I am sure you will find the one that suits you at the GizzA main store.

The amazing bag that I put on the table as well comes from LeeZu and is called “Loret”. The bag you can get in several colors as well plus you can change the scarf that is hanging out with a HUD that comes with to different textures.

For the furniture I used one of my favourite sofa combination from LAQ Decor and the billboard on the wall was made by LeeZu again.


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Pants: LeeZu – “Metallic Leggings” – NEW

Top: GizzA – “Ashly Leather Tunic” – NEW

Bag (standing on table): LeeZu – “Loret”

Necklace: Mandala – “Legendary”

Hair: booN – “MDR138”

Shoes: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Shylee” (for Slink High Feet) coming soon

Skin: [sys] – Eva

Furniture: LAQ Decor

Rug: Atelier Visconti

Billboard: LeeZu

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Exciting News for 2015 @ Wicca’s Wardrobe & Happy New Year!

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Today again is a very special to me as I can bring already a short sneak peel of some news at Wicca’s Wardrobe of 2015 😉

To already show part of the great newness I asked Sazzy Nirpaw to be with me for this amazing post for a very special reason.

Today’s post will be about a new release at Wicca’s Wardrobe and as well an introduction of a special new collection located at Wicca’s Wardrobe.

The ones of you who know me and Wicca’s Wardrobe for a while may know Sazzy Nirpaw as my COO and as well my personal assistant and very dear friend. But that’s not yet all 🙂

Sazzy as well has amazing designing skills and already had a store way before Wicca’s Wardrobe was in my mind 😉 Many of you might remember her brand FATAL.

She closed her doors couple of years ago and for me it felt kinda as a loss for the SL fashion world since then. But she wanted to develop herself more and had various other projects and things she wanted to get done. But lately we more and more talked about FATAL again and the more we talked the more the idea was growing in both of our minds. I kept nagging her about her amazing designing and creator skills – I guess I was close to just get yelled at for not stopping my bothering :p

But… it seems my constant poking was not for nothing^^

Sazzy agreed to think about designing again!

I am very proud and honored that I may show you the very first release of the Wicca’s Wardrobe [FATAL] collection…

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The “Sense & Sensuality” lingerie!

This amazing lingerie ensemble contains bra, panties, corset and stockings. The corset is mesh made while the bra, panties and stockings come as layers for  very special reason.

For the very first time me and Saz were sitting together to figure out how the appliers for the Slink Physique are working.

Saz made the amazing “Sense & Sensuality” set in 6 different colors. For today’s post Saz is wearing the ‘black’ version and I decided to go with the ‘navy’ one.

The great thing of that lingerie is, it can be worn as usual layer clothing with the mesh corset AND with the Slink Physique mesh body. We included a HUD where you can apply the bra, panties and stockings to body, legs and feet.

So be sure to take a look and find the color that matches you best for a wonderful evening with the one you love 😉

Thank you Sazzy for your work, trust, and friendship and I hope that’s the beginning of another chapter in the book we are allowed to write together – our book of the wonderful journey that brought us till where we are now <3

I am very proud, honored and happy to have Saz now not anymore only as a COO – I am looking forward to a great collaboration of Wicca’s Wardrobe & FATAL!

Happy New Year from Wicca’s Wardrobe & FATAL

Wicca. Saz & Red

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Colorful Scary – Dia de los Muertos

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Today I am very happy, that I can have a post like this 🙂

If you work a lot and always run behind deadlines, you need moments where you can just relax and have fun. The beginning of  this week requested exactly this and I was so happy when I saw Sazzy online. We talked about future plans and some amazing news which soon will be ready for official release (still working on the press release…) and then we had the ideas of making som fun pictures.

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We were going over our inventories and tried to find a theme that we both could style up, when we stumbled over some amazing outfits from [AD] Creation.

I was putting on the “WP Mesh Dress” while Sazzy tried the “Bluered Nesh Corset Dress”.

Mine was more like a corset/ pants combination even if the pants have very wide sleeves, I loves my pants 😉

Those 2 outfits are both part of the Calavera Mini Collection 2014 of [AD] Creations.

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The Calaveras are originally skeletons made out of papier-mache, gypsum or sugar, which are placed in shops and sown the streets during the 31st of October and the 2nd of November. That is the time of the Dia de los Muertos, one of the most important holidays in Mexico.

The Dia de los Muertos are no sad days they are more the festive days. After old mexican traditions the dead people come back once a year to the end of the harvest season and celebrate together with the living a happy reunion with music, food and dance.

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To the outfits we are wearing 2 of the amazing Calavera  makeups that Aliza Karu, owner and designer of [AD] Creations, made for those beautiful outfits. They kinda showcase the typical Cavalera face ornaments very colorful and artistic.

I added some horns I got as well from [AD] Creations.

Sazzy had some super sugar skulls left we used as props and it was great fun to just style away in a lightly scary way and so some pics together. There was not a special reason we ha to do it, or something we had to showcase it just was kinda like 2 girls playing around with their inventory 😉

Thank you Sazzy for doing this with me and spend all the wonderful time with me 😉

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Sazzy’s Style:

Dress: [AD] Creations – “Blured Mesh Corset Dress”

Makeup: [AD] Creations – “Calavera Suger Skull Makeup 3”

Lipstick: Essences – “Hangover Lipstick 03”

Hair: booN – “NYN116”

Jewelry: Maxi Gossamer – “Hand Jewelry – Bali Gypsy R”

Headpiece: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Amara” (color modified)

Tattoo: artilleri – “Old SCchool 2”

Wicca’s Style:

Outfit: [AD] Creations – “WP Mesh Dress”

Horns & Mask: [AD] Creations – “SE Horns & Mask”

Makeup: [AD] Creations – “Calavera Sugar Skull Makeup 2”

Lipstick: L.Fauna – “Lipstick Red 2”

Hair: booN – “TUN247”

Gloves: Wicca’s Wardrobe  – “Arachne GLoves” (part of the outfit)

Shoes: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Locked Heels ]black]”

Tattoo: v3 – “Outlaw”

Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe @ Couturier’s Docks in November 2014

Wicca's Wardrobe - CD November Teaser

Today it was a super cold autumn day and you nearly could smell the upcoming winter in Germany. That brought me back to one of my latest releases I did for Wicca’s Wardrobe.

I recently made this special dark steel-blue colored ensemble of the “Charlotte Jacket”, the “Anakri Pants” and the “Jane Heels” for the Couturier’s Docks November 2014. The event started on the 20th of November.

The special thing for this event is, that you will find several items, wich are exclusively made for this event. Only 50 copies are available for a discounted price and once they are gone.. they are gone 😉

The “Charlotte Jacket” is a very modern looking jacket with lots of zipper and a wonderful white short connected to it, that peeks out at the bottom and the top.

I know that I made the “Anakri Pants” already in other colors but to that jacket the modern look with the grey highlights, looked so much better than just a jeans 😉

Wicca's Wardrobe - Couturier's Docks November 2014

The “Jane Heels” are new comers to my store in general, so I made one pair matching the whole look. I have one more pair of my popular “Locked Heels” at the event as well, since last time the shoes got sold out so fast and people asked me if I could not make other shoes matching  the last outfit*giggles* So this time 2 different shoes are available 😉

A few copies of all 4 items are still available at the Couturier’s Docks at the moment, so safe yours and take a look at Couturier’s Docks.

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Jacket: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Charlotte Jacket” – NEW @ Couturier’s Docks November 2014

Pants: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Anakri Pants” – NEW @ Couturier’s Docks November 2014

Shoes: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Jane Heels” – NEW @ Couturier’s Docks November 2014

Jewelry: Maxi Gossamer – “Little Tiny Dagger”

Hair: Vanity Hair – “Bitter Sweet”

Skin: [sys] – “Eva”

Eyeshadow: L.Fauna – “Smokey Cat Shadow [Black/Blue]”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe – Poses

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe for 2Lei in Second Life

2Lei 2014 poster

 2Lei in Second Life
Rebirth… together! for the
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
20-30 november 2014 @ LEA6

Once again together to inaugurate a week of reflections, ideas, artistic and cultural stimuli that come together over the common theme discussed at the “International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.” Many of you already know that this is the fifth consecutive year for “2Lei in Second Life” and its initiative, and every year we really wanted a theme, that would be a supplement to all the background work of artists and performers: this year’s theme is “Rebirth”.


Wicca's Wardrobe - Dotty Dress (2Lei Exclusive) Vendor1(Sold at Wicca’s Wardrobe Mainstore)

***2Lei 2014 EVENTS CALENDAR***

>>>>> 20/11 – Thursday

22.30 Opening 2Lei 2014 edition

23.00 “Women in rebirth” – MBI (Master Builders Italy, Rubin Mayo) presents:
– Art exhibition by various artists
– Reading and testimonies of womens
– Music by Andromeda Slade

>>>>>  21/11 – Friday

22.30 “RELIVE” – Art exhibition by various artists (Duna Gant)
– Music by Morlita Quan and Ultraviolet Alter

23.30 Tour of the artworks that artists and photographers have created for this edition of 2Lei

>>>>> 22/11 – Saturday

22.30 SoloDonna Event (Sniper Siemens – Elettra Beardmore)

23.45 Particle Show by Tansee Resident and music by Andromeda Slade

>>>>>  23/11 – Sunday

22.30 Fashion show (Mila Tatham, Aliza Cameli)

23.45 Live concert by Musicante Malandrino with a great Surprise Guest 🙂

>>>>>  24/11 – Monday
22.30 L’Arme d’Amour (Viola Tatham, Andromeda Slade) presents “I loved her more than his life” (One-act play written by Cristina Comencini)

23.00 Debate about violence problems (with Rosanna Tafanelli, Francesco Bonetto, Lapsus Weinstein and Alejandra Balhaus)

>>>>> 25/11 – Tuesday

22.00 Reading and music by Libriamo Tutti – Imparafacile (Imparafacile group)

23.00 I.L.A. Idee Libere Alternative (Francy Lytton, MarinellaMonti) presents:
– Reading of “Women in rebirth” di J. Folla edited by Margherita Hax
– Live concert of Trinity Ermingtrood
– Exposure of poems by Cordediseta Rosea
00.30 Conclusion of this fifth edition with closing credits

>>>>> 30/11 – Sunday

22.30 Break all… together!

Adventures with Miamai

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Sometimes things fall together and you have not even a clue why…

Like it was today with my styling. I was fooling around with some stuff, because I wanted to see about a few unpacked folders I had not yet sorted in my inventory that I wanted to blog.

I started with the new Miamai items for We<3RP. Miamai made amazing accessories like the “Battle Fairy” breast plate and wings and the “War Queen Bug Crown”, wich I used to start my todays styling.

The wings and breast-plate come with a huge HUD to customize colors of the gems and the wings in many single parts and the “War Queen Bug Crown” is offered in 3 different colors as well.

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So I had to find an outfit that goes with thoe fantastic accessories…

Miamai recently re-released a few of their most popular designs revamped for the new slink appliers. The “Suane” in black was a super basic to start with for today’s look.

For the pants I used the “Gale” pants from an outfit made by [AD] Creations. This huge wide pants with the amazing big horns and the sheer flexible prims that reach down from the hips just were the perfect match to the incredible “Battle Fairy” from Miamai.

For the shoes I used one of Baboom’s latest releases called “Dolores” in deep red. This amazing high heels have a wonderful little chain with a little rose decorating the heel and you can wear them with the Slink high feet.

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Still there was missing something and I remembered the amazing hand jewelry, that Ivi made for one of the WEIB events. The awesome “Hand Bangle” was the perfect accessory and the “Stiletto Nails” as well from Formanails, which she has at the moment on WEIB just has the perfect color to go with the wings.

The “Dark Desire” collar I made my self for Wicca’s Wardrobe, so I just needed something extraordinary for the face. The fashion mask “Vagary Mistress” from Madrid Solo with the many tiny gems totally underlined the look I wanted to archive.

Now I just had to find a cool location to snap this as a normal environment would not value the look itself. I was roaming around and some when I came to the Spencer Art Museum and this looked to be the right place for today’s pictures.

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Wings: Miamai – “Battle Fairy Wings Silver” – NEW @ WE<3RP

Chest Part: Miamai – “Battle Fairy Breastplate Silver” – NEW @ WE<3RP

Head Piece: Miamai – “Light War Queen Bug Crown” – NEW @ WE<3RP

Top: Miamai – “Suane”

Pants: [AD] Creations – “Gale” (part of the outfit)

Shoes: Baboom – “Dolores” (for Slink high feet)

Hand Jewels: FORMANAILS – “Hand Bangle”

Nails: FORMANAILS – “Stiletto” @WEIB

Collar: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Dark Desire Collar”

Skin: [sys] – “Eva”

Mask: Madrid Solo – “Vagary Mistress”

Eyeshadow: L.Fauna – “Smokey Cat Shadow”

Lipstick: L.Fauna – “Lipstick Purple”

Tattoo: White Widow – “Birdy”

Poses: Del May

Location: Spencer Art Museum

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin