Inspired by Tom Ford S/S 2015 – How I put my style together?

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I have to admit the idea to make a Tom Ford inspired look came not out of my head. There was a casting a few days ago and they requested a 70s Glam style after the S/S Collection 2015 of Tom Ford.

So I made my homework and sat down with google and watched first the fashion show of that collection and the I asked google for some pictures out of that show.

I tried to figure out what were the main aspects of the whole collection. Besides many details I saw black, black and black, some straps, a lot of sheer materials, shoes with high platform heels. messy hair and smokey eyes paired with nude lips.

So far so good. Since I did not wanna copy any of those stylings to as well bring an aspect of myself to it.

I started with the sheer part. I went through my inventory to find something that does not cover up the whole body and as well would not totally hide under all the mesh clothing.

In the end, the “Brigitte Body Tights” from LeeZu were the choice after trying on several sheer parts of my inventory. I liked it cause the arms and the lower legs are left bare wich gives a lightly sexy touch wich I found as well in most of the Tom Ford show pictures.

Now… find something that really shows the sheer and does not cover it up totally…

Regular pants would just have hidden the sheer body suit. After trying several pants – short, capri, 3/4 – I remembered the pants of GizzA’s “Donatella” outfit. With only one leg and the belt holding the pants in place that was the exact piece that I wanted. To cover the private part I wanted to use something not super solid and I put on the “Romance Black” panties from [Magnolia In], wich sadly does not exist anymore.

The top should be something that catches the straps/wrap character and as well the 70s Glam part. I decided to go with the “TSADE / Body Cuff” from  .Shi. It looked good and as well the way I wanted, but I was missing something still. I tried several bra, s and short top, but either they did not look good or they poked out under the Body Cuff. Since this was going to be a casting styling, there was no way to cheat with poking through prims :p

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Finally I found the “Daleth” top, as well made by .Shi. With the golden ornaments and the shining black texture it was exact the right piece for the look.

I saw no jewelry on most of the pictures that I saw and with the golden decorations at the top it looked ok to me.

Messy hair… sounds like an easy task but after trying some of the hair I already had and a lot of demos, I figured I need a short hairstyle as everything else was either poking into the “Body Cuff” or the top *sighs*. I did not saw any short hair on the pictures I looked and nearly started all over with a nother idea, when I saw the “Nyja” hair from eXxEsS. It was not exactly what I was looking for but after trying and looking at it for some time I liked it more and more 🙂

For the finish I just needed some smokey eyes and a light lip gloss wich not put any color on my lips, just a little shine.

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Top: .Shi – “Daleth”

Top2: .Shi – “TSADE / Body Cuff”

Pants: GizzA – “Donatella”

Underpants: [Magnolia In] – “Romance Black” (store not anymore existing)

Sheer Body: [LeeZu!] – “Brigitte Body Tights”

Hair: eXxEsS – “Nyja”

Shoes: Cashmere – “Dastard Boots” (closed)

Skin: [sys] – “Eva”

Makeup: [sys] – “Skin – Smokey Eyes” & “Skin – Kohl Eyes”

Poses: Corpus

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

News from PurpleMoon!!!

On the 15th of September it was again time for amazing news from PurpleMoon. Poulet Koenkamp released 2 new fantastic designs. Today I would like to show you one of them – “Elie” here in brown.

I could not resist to style this new dress lightly vintage. The shape of the skirt remembered me a bit of that even if the textures and the accessories are more modern. The skirt goes down to the knees opening more and more till the bottom seam. The light transparent textures let imagine a sweet petticoat under it 😉 The top is a wonderful shoulder free corsage decorated with a black shape surrounding the upper body right below the chest, crossing in the front middle and end in a wonderful flower on the left shoulder. This brown and light green color of that dress makes lots of accessories possible as this color matches to a lot! If we take a closer look at the shoulder flower we again can see the love for the detail that Poulet Koenkamp has for her designs…

All the filigree parts of that flower and the wonderful white decorations make this to a total highlight for this dress. also the dress texture is not a simple plaid one.. if you look closer you will find a wonderful kinda brocade looking texture with lots of ornaments and little color shades. As I said in the beginning..this was not the only new release of PurpleMoon but this will be continued in another blog post 😉 If you are curious already just hit the TP button to the PurpleMoon Mainstore and take a look for yourself 😉


Dress: PurpleMoon – “Elia” /brown

Skin: Baiastice – “Pulchra”

Hair: Truth – “Sileny” /night

Shoes: Maireya – Chi Chi Pumps /black

Poses: Body Talking

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

dojo – paper couture in black and white

(Outfit: dojo – “Vedette” /black&white)

Today I am very happy to show you 2 newer designs of dojo. Sanders Beaumont, well knows from FDL – Fleur de Lys, created a very young and fresh label for couture designs. Today I have 2 lovely designs that I wanna show you. Lets start with “Vedette” in black and white.

“Vedette” is a very cute short dress with an amazing head-piece. The top is decorated with a beautiful attachment that give it a very realistic look with imagine the “down wrapped” part over the chest. The chest and neckpart are connected as one part. The skirt looks like an open flower with all the petals going around. The shoes are part of the full outfit too. Lovely peep toes sandals with a solid sole in brown and a cute little flower as decoration. This makes this outfit perfect for the actual spring season 😉

The second outfit for today is called “Vanille” and it comes with a sweet surprise 😉

“Vanille” comes with 2 different versions to wear. One closed and one open version, like blossoming flower and also it has 2 different neckparts 🙂

First we have the closed version. A little short balloon skirt shows off your beautiful long legs. The neck part looks like loosing wrapped around and the chest part again is covered by an amazing prim attachment. A totally eye catcher is the little flower head-piece that repeats the flower theme in an amazing way.

Here we see the open version of “Vanilla”. It looks like the spring came and opened the flower 😉 Sweet prim attachments make the sweet imagination of awesome open petals. The neck collar is a bit different too for this version. The great black & white socks are also part of the whole outfit.

Both outfits look very special and spring like, so make your way to the dojo Mainstore and see all the lovely creations – not only in black & white 😉


Outfit1: dojo – “Vedetta” /black&white

Jewelry: Ticky Tacky

Skin: Nuuna’s

Outfit2: dojo – “Vanille” /black&white

Skin: Nuuna’s

Lashes: glow

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin