Wicca’s Originals @ WCF 18+ // March 1st – March 31st
Finding Your Inner Self – Part 2
It’s been almost three months since Erin found that first note in her lunch bag. Since then, one appeared each week. The notes made no threats of a public exposure over the racy book that was placed in among her more sedate reading selections. Quite the opposite. The notes implied that Erin might enjoy many aspects of her hidden book.
Erin tried to catch the culprit, stalker, secret admirer; she wasn’t even sure what label to use. Unfortunately, the entrance to the employee breakroom was not monitored and too far from her desk at the entrance to the museum to see who lingered in that area. And with each new note, Erin’s curiosity and interest grew.
Evelyn, the museum’s secretary, approached the reception desk signaling Erin’s lunch break. It took all of Erin’s self control to remain calm and not run to the breakroom. As always, Erin had the room to herself. With her breath held, Erin rushed in and snatched her lunch from the fridge. Without ceremony, Erin dumped the contents. She didn’t care about the food, it was her weekly note she needed more than sustenance.
Nothing. It was Friday and so far, no note made an appearance inside her lunch and for some reason Erin could not explain, this made her sad. Each week, Erin looked forward to a new note with growing anticipation. They made her feel … noticed. They made her feel … wanted. Now, she felt empty.
When had it happened? When was the exact moment her life ceased its boring, mundane drudgery and light began to seep into the tiny cracks those notes opened in Erin’s protective wall? It was Friday, so the brown bag should hold a tuna sandwich. Instead, ham and cheese on rye with mustard, a bag of chips and an orange awaited her. No longer was she held hostage by the habits of her past.
Even her appearance changed. When once Erin wore her mousy brown hair in a tight bun, the style had softened and, even a few times was worn unbound and loose around her shoulders. The buttons at the throat of her blouses were now left undone. Bland old Erin slipped away when those notes began to appear and a new Erin slowly emerged.
Co-workers took notice and often stopped by the reception desk to chat for a few minutes. The first time she was invited out to lunch with a few of the docents, Erin was speechless. Now, it happened several times a week. Erin was even invited to join a large group after work to celebrate a birthday.
But now, the missing note left Erin’s chest tight and tears welled up in her eyes. She mentally scolded herself for putting so much stock in a few anonymous messages. The breakroom suddenly felt very stifling, so Erin gathered her food, purchased a bottle of water from a vending machine and headed outside. Another change made in her life.
Outside a group of co-workers waved Erin over to join them. The people were friendly and the conversation was light-hearted, but Erin’s heart was still heavy. By the time the day was over, Erin was ready to crawl into to bed and stay there for the entire weekend.
The bus ride home was bland and uneventful. The four block walk from the bus stop to her apartment seemed to drag on for miles. Three flights of stairs felt like a mountain trek. All that was left was a walk down a long hallway and Erin would be home. Home and a good cry is what she needed. Erin fished her keys out of her purse and looked down the hall and stepped dead in her tracks.
Leaning against her apartment door was a large white box wrapped with a bright red ribbon. Not knowing what awaited her, Erin took slow, hesitant steps forward. The card affixed to the box read simply ‘Erin’. Once her door was unlocked, Erin picked up the large, long box and carried it inside to her bedroom. Erin’s hand shook as she pulled the note from its envelope.
“I had this made especially for you. As lovely as it is, it does not compare to your beauty, sweet Erin.”
Well now. This was a change from notes in a lunch bag.
Erin tugged the ribbon loose and carefully lifted the lid of the box. Beneath layers of white tissue rested several articles of clothing Erin immediately recognized. They were described in great detail in the book that made its way into her possession. A sleeveless bolero jacket and matching leather corset lay on either side of a metal bra and panty set.
Each article of clothing was carefully lifted from the tissue nest and placed on Erin’s bed. The leather was soft and supple and obviously handcrafted. The metal lingerie looked as if it was molded to the curves of a woman’s body. Though the metal was cool to the touch, Erin’s body heated at the idea of it against her skin.
The curtains over the single bedroom window were pulled tightly closed, but Erin rushed over to check again. Her head swam with excitement over what she planned to do next. In the bathroom, Erin removed every stitch of clothing, taking great care to avoid the mirror. Never brave about nudity, Erin bundled up in her old flannel robe before returning to the bedroom.
As she walked toward the bed Erin realized the gift box was deeper than necessary for the items she removed. After pulling out the multiple layers of tissues Erin gasped at what she found buried beneath – tall, matching leather boots. Just looking at those boots made Erin ache with need. Now more than ever, she was determined to try everything on.
One by one, Erin put each piece on and was amazed to find each a perfect fit. The leather was snug, but not restrictive. The metal appeared cast just for her alone. If it were possible, the outfit made Erin feel truly alive for the first time in her bland and boring life.
Never one to look at herself in a mirror, now it seemed to call to Erin. There was a tall mirror mounted on the inside of her closet, which Erin normally kept covered, but now was the time to take a good, long look at herself. Like pulling the bandage from the skin, Erin yanked away the sheet that covered the mirror and let out an audible yelp.
The woman in the reflection was, well, she was … beautiful. Sexy. A stranger, so unlike the Erin everyone saw each day. Her hair was loose around her shoulders and had a tousled look and her eyes had a wild gleam that almost frightened Erin.
Did the clothing possess the power to change her personality? Or did it just bring out what was there all along. The light hidden deep beneath the dull, gray exterior.
Erin didn’t know how long she stood in front of that mirror before a knock on door startled her out of the trance. She hastily donned her bathrobe and wrapped it tight around her body. Suddenly shy and embarrassed again, Erin would be mortified if anyone saw her dressed this way.
Other than the landlord, no one has ever visited Erin’s apartment, so when she looked out the peephole, Erin’s confusion only deepened. What was he doing outside her apartment?
Leaving the security chain on, Erin unlocked the three deadbolts and opened the door just a crack. Erin peered around the edge of the door to find the tall man smiling back at her. His eyes darkened and took on a flash that made Erin tingle all over.
He leaned forward and whispered through the crack in the door, “I know you are wearing my gift.”
Erin’s eyes grew so big she was sure they would pop from her head and the blush that heated her face had to travel all the way to her toes.
“You,” was all Erin managed to squeak. Not full conscious of what she was doing, Erin released the chain and opened the door to admit him.
He entered the apartment, his eyes never straying from Erin’s face. Erin closed and locked the door again, all the while still clutching the robe tightly closed. She could feel his gaze and it made her scared and excited all at the same time. Then, something inside her just … broke. A wall crumbled. The bland, lifeless lump melted away and a new Erin rose from the ashes.
No longer afraid, Erin left the robe drop to the floor. She watched a slow, knowing smile appear on his handsome face.
“Beautiful,” he said in a deep, husky voice.
Yet, his eyes never left her face.
Sizes: Maitreya (Lara, Petite), Legacy[F] (Classic, Perky)
HUD: 10 Colors & 10 Metals + several Hide Options (Single ready made colors only have a visibility hide/show HUD NO color/metal change!!!)
LM: WCF 18+ by Flair for Events