Adventures with Miamai

Miamai 001

Sometimes things fall together and you have not even a clue why…

Like it was today with my styling. I was fooling around with some stuff, because I wanted to see about a few unpacked folders I had not yet sorted in my inventory that I wanted to blog.

I started with the new Miamai items for We<3RP. Miamai made amazing accessories like the “Battle Fairy” breast plate and wings and the “War Queen Bug Crown”, wich I used to start my todays styling.

The wings and breast-plate come with a huge HUD to customize colors of the gems and the wings in many single parts and the “War Queen Bug Crown” is offered in 3 different colors as well.

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So I had to find an outfit that goes with thoe fantastic accessories…

Miamai recently re-released a few of their most popular designs revamped for the new slink appliers. The “Suane” in black was a super basic to start with for today’s look.

For the pants I used the “Gale” pants from an outfit made by [AD] Creations. This huge wide pants with the amazing big horns and the sheer flexible prims that reach down from the hips just were the perfect match to the incredible “Battle Fairy” from Miamai.

For the shoes I used one of Baboom’s latest releases called “Dolores” in deep red. This amazing high heels have a wonderful little chain with a little rose decorating the heel and you can wear them with the Slink high feet.

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Still there was missing something and I remembered the amazing hand jewelry, that Ivi made for one of the WEIB events. The awesome “Hand Bangle” was the perfect accessory and the “Stiletto Nails” as well from Formanails, which she has at the moment on WEIB just has the perfect color to go with the wings.

The “Dark Desire” collar I made my self for Wicca’s Wardrobe, so I just needed something extraordinary for the face. The fashion mask “Vagary Mistress” from Madrid Solo with the many tiny gems totally underlined the look I wanted to archive.

Now I just had to find a cool location to snap this as a normal environment would not value the look itself. I was roaming around and some when I came to the Spencer Art Museum and this looked to be the right place for today’s pictures.

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Wings: Miamai – “Battle Fairy Wings Silver” – NEW @ WE<3RP

Chest Part: Miamai – “Battle Fairy Breastplate Silver” – NEW @ WE<3RP

Head Piece: Miamai – “Light War Queen Bug Crown” – NEW @ WE<3RP

Top: Miamai – “Suane”

Pants: [AD] Creations – “Gale” (part of the outfit)

Shoes: Baboom – “Dolores” (for Slink high feet)

Hand Jewels: FORMANAILS – “Hand Bangle”

Nails: FORMANAILS – “Stiletto” @WEIB

Collar: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Dark Desire Collar”

Skin: [sys] – “Eva”

Mask: Madrid Solo – “Vagary Mistress”

Eyeshadow: L.Fauna – “Smokey Cat Shadow”

Lipstick: L.Fauna – “Lipstick Purple”

Tattoo: White Widow – “Birdy”

Poses: Del May

Location: Spencer Art Museum

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe – Our Second Original Mesh

Wicca's Wardrobe - CD Teaser Mood

Today I am very happy and proud as well…. First of all my RL goes better and better what really gets me more and more in a positive mood and second… I am able to show you the second original mesh item of Wicca’s Wardrobe.

Lately we started to learn Blender with help of some friends and after a lot of practice and try and error I am very, very proud to say we made our second orignal mesh the “Cybernetic Eye”

Wicca's Wardrobe - CD Teaser Mood 3

I have a mega favour on steam punk and cyber stuffs and so the idea of that “Cybernetic Eye” was not too far off my direction. The one who made it possible for Wicca’s Wardrobe is my RL & SL partner Redclaw Inshan. Cause he is the one who kinda defeated Blender :p

So he has to put up with strange and weird ideas of mine and helps me to make them become real… ok.. virtual real 😉 Sometimes he is loosing his mind and temper and sometimes he even adds more crazy ness to my ideas, or he comes with amazing ideas of himself.

I am really looking forward to what the future will bring with the possibility to now make things out of our imagination.

Wicca's Wardrobe - CD Teaser Mood 1

The rest of the whole look as well is made by Wicca’s Wardrobe. The whole ensemble at the moment is available at the Couturier’s Docks. This special aluminium black combination is limited to 50 pieces only for the jacket, the pants, the heels and the cybernetic eye in that particular colors.

From the “Cayla” jacket and the “Renraku” pants there are still a few left at Couturier’s Docks but the special color combination of the “Lorraine” heels already sold out. That’s why I made one more pair of heels wich go with this futuristic look – the “Locked Heels” in aluminium.

Wicca's Wardrobe - Locked Heels (Aluminium) Vendor

Those are available at the Wicca’s Wardrobe Mainstore and as well at the satellite store on SaliMar if you wanna grab them after you did your shopping at the Couturier’s Docks wich are located right around the corner of my satellite store 😉

There are only a few days left before the Couturier’s Docks close for the next round maybe you get lucky and get one of the last pieces of that cool look for yourself 😉

Wicca's Wardrobe - CD Teaser Mood 2


Jacket: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Cayla Jacket” [CD October 2014]

Pants: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Renraku Pants” [CD October 2014]

Shoes 1: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Lorraine Heels” [CD October 2014] – SOLD OUT

Shoes 2: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Locked Heels” [Aluminium]

Eye Part: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Cybernetic Eye” [Original Mesh]

Hair: Capelli – “Babylon”

Skin: [sys] – “Eva”

Makeup: Nuuna – “Warp” + L.Fauna – “Midnight Glitter”

Poses: EverGlow

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Halloween with PurpleMoon & Finesmith

PurpleMoon+Finesmith 001

Halloween time! One of my favourite times of the year 😉

The days get shorter, the nights are colder and all the mystic and darkness surrounds us more and more.

PurpleMoon has an amazing group gift up for Halloween.

The “Poe” outfit comes as a full outfit with gown, mask and wings.

WW - Poses - The Spells Set

I wanted to make a special Halloween picture for Poulet and her amazing gown so I went ahead and made some poses I could use for my post 😉 . The poses turned out to be a new set for my store called ” The Spells”

I wanted to show all parts of this outfit as the gown. The amazing feathers in the back, the awesome feathers that are lying around at the bottom and the incredible wings as well decorated with the feathers.

PurpleMoon+Finesmith 002

To get even more Halloween feeling I added some incredible parts from Finesmith. which she has out in a special hunt at the Finesmith main store.

The “Ghost Story” parts wich are part in the hunt where the perfect addition with the wand and the amazing skully headpiece.

For the hair I decided to go with one of my booN hairs. Speaking of booN… they have a huge sale going on where you can grab full fat packs for 78L$!

Halloween we will there very soon.. be prepared!

PurpleMoon+Finesmith 003


Outfit (incl. wings and mask): PurpleMoon – “Poe” – NEW

Accessories: Finesmith – “Ghost Story” – NEW (hunt items)

Hair: booN – “KGI848”

Skin: [sys] – “Eva”

Makeup: L. Fauna – “Smokey Cat Shadow [Red]”

Lipstick: L. Fauna – “Lipstick [Red 3]”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “The Spells”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Excentric in Black, White & Red

Versus Magazine - EXCENTRIC TREND - Wicca Merlin

Today’s picture was made for the latest VERSUS Magazine. (

The theme was “Excentric” and after doing some research for a excentric fashion trend I started to think about how to bring that to SL.

I know that red, black and white are a very popular color combination but first of all I saw it a lot when I did my research and second… I just love it 😉 .

I started with the “Madame Bovary” top from [AD] Creation. It is part of a full outfit but with the huge collar it was right the piece I wanted to start with. The deep neckline requested a bra, so I took the “Gothic Summer Bra” as well out of an  [AD] Creations outfit. I wanted not to use too much jewelry in that look so I decided to go with the huge “Dotty Hat” wich I made for my own store Wicca’s Wardrobe.

Now that I had a huge load of red at the top of my styling  I wanted to bring back some red at the bottom and so I put on one of my latest group gifts, a special version of the “Ripley Heels”, wich are made for the Slink high mesh feet.

Then the trouble started as I had to find some pants wich are not going over the “Ripley Heels”. I went through my whole inventory and either I had pants with way to wide legs going down on the ground, which were hiding the shoes completely or i found as well some wich just cut into the ankle part of the heels. In the end I ended up using one of my latest releases, the “Anakri” pants [B&W Edition]. The pants have a HUD wich lets you choose between 6 different black, black & white, and silver options.

The bag comes from LaGyo and is called “Desperado Bag”. It is not a new release but I really love that bag for such a long time, so I had to pull it out again and get the dust off it 😉 Like I was told so often ‘Oldies but Goldies’ and for this bag it really hits the nail on the head 😉 .

Like I said in the beginning, I did not want to put on too much jewelry so I just added a small necklace from Ticky Tacky, to not distract from the great red ribbon of the top too much.

Top: Madame Bovary by [AD] Creations
Pants: Anakri Pants by Wicca’s Wardrobe
Bra: Gothic Summer by [AD] Creations
Hat: Dotty Hat by Wicca’s Wardrobe
Bag: The Desperado by LaGyo
Necklace: Classy Lady by Ticky Tacky
 Shoes: Ripley Heels by Wicca’s Wardrobe
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

In Midian City with [sys]

sys 1

If you blog or create looks and styles, I am sure you know the feeling…

You like something, buy it and it simply does not wanna talk to you in the first place. You get not the exact right idea or have no clue how to stage it right.

Then you put it aside for a few and all of a sudden afer some time you wear it again and immediately know what you wanna do with it, kinda as it would talk to you.

sys 2

Exactly that happened to me with the “Biopunk” outfit from [sys]. I liked, it had a very cool attitude but when I was wearing the first time I was sure I wanted to blog it, but I had no idea for a scenery or  background.

When I was putting it on yesterday again, I had immediately the idea how I wanted it to look like.

I wanted a cool tough environment for a futuristic, urban, swag look.

The “Biopunk” outfit contains a short with open zippers, leggings and the boots.

To pimp it even more towards my futuristic idea, I am wearing the “Inquisition” sunglasses, as well from [sys].

The hair is a wonderful picture hair from EMO-tions. The “Aquaria” hair probably was made for underwater shootings, but  I loved how wild the whole look became with it.

Now I just had to find the right location. The best places for making pictures – if you do not wanna create your own set – for me are RP sims. Mostly they are created with so much love for the detail.

After looking around I found a place called Midian City. The place had so many amazing corners and hide outs to make pictures that I ended up having way more pictures than I could use 😉 .

The people were very nice and kind and I was told I can snap some pics as long as I do not disturb the people who wanna role play. I even got an invite to take part in that RP but I did not yet have time to think about to be honest. But after getting some information about the RP it is totally something I would look into if I would think about RPing again 🙂

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Outfit: [sys] – “Biopunk”

Glasses: [sys] – “Inquisition”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Aquaria”

Skin: [sys] – “Eva”

Nail Polish: Nailed It! – “Dark Set”

Lipstick – Launa Fauna – “Liptick Red3”

Poses: Del May

Location: Midian City

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Creme & Brown Tones with Wicca’s Wardrobe


This picture was originally made for the actual issue of the VERSUS Magazine (

But I loved that picture so much that Í wanted to make a short post to it 😉

The main focus for the picture was on the accessories. With the actual autumn season I discovered my love for brown and creme tones. I started with the scenery and placed one of my favourite cupboards from LeeZu, the “Mellow Sideboard”. To match it I chose a carpet from Atelier Visconti from the “Vincent Set”.

The base was made now for some styling which I could lay on the carpet with 😉

First I remembered a jewelry set, wich I bought at Collabor88 a few ago from Mandala. The “Kyara” set had the perfect colors to start with for a picture centered around accessories in an autumn look 😉

The long necklace fell perfect over my “Captured Top”, one of my latest releases at Wicca’s Wardrobe. For the bag I remembered a huge brown/cremem colored bag with letters on it from PurpleMoon… but I did not remember the name… So I was jumping into my bag folder and tried out all the bags I have from PurpleMoon until I found the “Monogram Bag” again, that I was looking for!

While I was looking through my piercings (yes I love piercings!) I found a short necklace from Kosh that went very well even with the long necklace and my top lines that go around the neck.

To match the piercings in my face I wanted to add some cool hand jewelry and nails. The “Punk” set from Formanails was exactly what I was looking for. Some piercings at the hand, cool rings and awesome sharp nails – just awesome together. To not forget the time while shopping, I decided to put the “Asia” watch and bracelet by GizzA

The “Autumn Jeans” made to fit the “Captured Top” have a nice gradient from a dark to light brown and that again makes a very nice line to add the “Locked Heels” for Slink high feet, which you as well can find at the Wicca’s Wardrobe Mainstore now.

To keep the swag look, I wanted to add some hair with a cap and even if has some years on it’s back the “Irene” hair from Baiastice finished the style in a way I wanted it 😉

Ready for a nice window shopping trip to find more amazing items to showcase in my next blog posts 🙂


Hair & Hat: Irene by Baiastice
Ears (incl Piercings & Tunnel) Omimi by Mandala
Piercing: Forever by Inflict
Necklace short: Multiplex Necklace by Kosh
Necklace Long: Kyara by Mandala
Bracelet: Asia Watch & Bracelet by GizzA
Nails & Rings: Punk by Formanails
Bag: Monogram Bag by Purple Moon
Shoes: Locked Heels by Wicca’s Wardrobe

Top: Captured Top by Wicca’s Wardrobe
Pants: Autumn Jeans by Wicca’s Wardrobe
Carpet: Vincent Carpet by Atelier Visconti
Sideboard: Mellow Sideboard by LeeZu

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

LOTD 10/18/2014 – Featuring LeeZu & PurpleMoon

LeeZu PurpleMoon 03

Lately I am a lot on to colored stylings… maybe that’s the autumn vibe 😉 So before the dark Halloween days start I use my colored moods a bit more 😉

Today I would like to showcase one of the newest releases from LeeZu together with the amazing new “Croco Boots”, that PurpleMoon released for the Instruments event.

The “Li-Belle” outfit is an ensemble of hotpants jacket and top. All of them are available in various color combinations so you will find your favorite one at the LeeZu Mainstore. The super sexy hotpants are made with some very aerial fabric and it nearly looks like as the short pant sleeves would move with every wind breeze ;). The jacket again is a little master piece of LeeZu again. The long sleeves are open at the outsides. A perfect look for the last sunny moments in the autumn season. Both, the hotpants and the jacket are mesh made and only the top comes in a layer version to fit perfectly under the jacket.

LeeZu PurpleMoon 02

The boots are again the “Croco Boots” from PurpleMoon.. I know I already showcased them, but they are so amazing, that I had to wear them again in another color ;). You will find the boots at the Instruments event till the end of October.

The amazing earrings are made by Chop Zuey and with the golden metals and the possibility to recolor the gems to match the look the “Don’t call me Betty” earrings were the perfect choice.

With the glasses from Crie Style and one of my favourite hair styles from EMO-tions I felt ready for a sweet afternoon walk over the grid, where I found this amazing little garden house wich was part of the last Collabor 88. Perfect scenery for a perfect autumn look 😉

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Outfit: LeeZu – “Li-Belle” – NEW

Shoes: PurpleMoon – “Croco Boots” – NEW @ The Instruments

Earrings: Chop Zuey – “Don’t call me Betty” – NEW

Hair: EMO-tions – “Cameron”

Nails Polish: Nailed It – “French Manicure Set”

Glasses: Crie Style – “Kabuki”

Skin: [sys] – “Eva”

Poses: EverGlow

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

LeeZu PurpleMoon 01

LOTD 09/10/2014 – Autumn with PurpleMoon & LeeZu

PurpleMoon 01

Today I am very happy to showcase a look made with items from PurpleMoon  & LeeZu, 2 of my favourite designers for years.

The days get shorter, the trees get more and more colored in red and yellow tones, so my mood was totally autumn today 😉 .

The amazing “Erica” jacket, wich includes the top is made by PurpleMoon. It comes with a huge HUD, that let you change the jacket and the shirt separately to various colors.

PurpleMoon 02

The “Milan”pants from LeeZu are one of those things, that I like to wear again and again. The are timeless and you as well can choose between a long and a short version. Today I chose the short version as I wanted to wear the new “Croco Boots” from PurpleMoon. The “Croco Boots” you will not find at the main store for now, as it is the contribution for the Instruments event of October 2014.

PurpleMoon 03


Jacket: PurpleMoon – “Erica” – NEW

Pants: LeeZu – “Milan”

Shoes: PurpleMoon – “Croco Boots” – NEW @ The Instruments

Hair: Maitreya – “Sasha”

Skin: [sys] – “Eva”

Makeup: Launa Fauna – “Smokey Cat Shadow [Golden/Green]

Lipstick: Launa Fauna – “Lipstick [Neutral 2]

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

“One last sunbeam before the long cold winter” featuring Prism & EMO-tions

Prism Alouette 02

This time I have something very special. I got it longer ago, but with all the RL crap that was going on lately with things, which really were throwing me out of line for quite some time, it had to wait till now. But it is such an amazing dress that I could not forget about it 😉

I am talking about the “Alouette” dress in the ‘sparrow’ version. The long mesh dress catches attention with the exciting and captivating texture. The white sparrow on the orange/salmon background bring so much light and sun back to the cold and grey autumn days, that this dress shines kinda like the last sunbeam before the long and dark winter is coming 😉

With the dress as well the golden belt and bracelets come. I just moved up the right bracelet and made it kinda like an armlet, as I like the non symmetric looks.

The hair is one of the newest releases from EMO-tions, called “Arielle”. The long and straight mesh hairstyle leaves the left shoulder free and over the right shoulders, it falls down in the front.

With the “Alouette” dress, the “Arielle” hair and the “Naughty Couture Heels” in white from Dirty Princess, the whole look got a very simple everyday touch. But I wanted something more special for the amazing sparrows 😉

So I added the “Overcast” hat made by Lode and the cute “Chatterbox Clutch” from 7891.

Recently I I fell in love with a new skin. [sys] released 2 new skin lines and I totally fell in love with the “Eva” skin. It has amazing details and to the same time it looks so smooth and realistic – just stunning! I promise I soon will have a spotlight blog about my new skin 😉

For the makeup I again used one of my long time favourites. Launa Fauna makes super stunning 3D looking lips since I can think of and I rarely found lips I liked more than those and they matched the “Eva” lips so well. For the eye makeup as well I am wearing a Launa Fauna design called “Midnight Glitter Swipe” and I added the “Twotone Makeup” in gold warm-gray over it.

I know the summer is kinda over but with this look, I at least could bring back some of it to my mind 😉

Prism Alouette 01


Dress (incl bracelets): Prism by Jezzixa – “Alouette” /sparrow

Hair: EMO-tions – “Arielle” – NEW

Skin: [sys] – “Eva”

Eyeshadow: Launa Fauna – “Midnight Glitter Swipe” & “Twotone Makeup [gold warm-gray]

Lipstick: Launa Fauna – “Neutral 2”

Shoes: Dirty Princess – “Naughty Couture”

Bag: 7891 – “Chatterbox Clutch”

Hat: Lode – “Overcast”

Poses: PosESioN

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

LOTD 10/06/2014 – Cool Look at the Dead End

Wicca's Wardrobe - Room69 01

Today I had a very lazy day and was looking around for new locations to do pictures.

Mostly roleplay sims are very well and detailed designed. So my ways lead me over several urban RP sims before I found the “Dead End”. At some RP sims you land first in a mall and have to find your way through a whole bunch of shops before you actually can enter the sim. These malls are usually not that great looking, so I was surprised when I landed at the “Dead End” that I landed right at  the scenery. At the landing point I found the rules very easy and so I could make sure that I would not obtrude or disturb anyone by just looking around. I had not to go far until I found the right spot that matched my todays look 😉

Wicca's Wardrobe - Room69 03

Today I was running around in one of my latest creations, wich I made for the  [Room 69] event. It is the first time that I am part of that and i have to tell that I was treated super kind and nice by the people who run it. They were very helpful and patient with me.

The “Nagini Top [B&W Edition]” that I am wearing, is a wonderful short top with chains hanging down over the belly and a huge and deep neckline wich gives a very sexy and modern look.  The top comes with my new HUD wich is just one prim with one script what makes it a very low lag script. You can choose between 6 different options for the texture of the top.

Wicca's Wardrobe - Nagini Tip (B&W) Vendor

You can choose between black and white and highlights in silver, white and black like yu can see on the picture above.

The pants as well you can find at the [Room 69] along with the “Nagini Top”. The “Anakri ‘Pants [B&W Edition]” are made to match the “Nagini Top” and have the same HUD options.

Wicca's Wardrobe - Anakri Pants (B&W) Vendor

The shoes are one of my personal favourites and you will find the at my main store. The “Gambler Heels [Autumn Edition]” are made for the Slink Av. Enhancement mesh feet. They only will fit with the high version of the Slink feet and not for the regular Avatar feet.

Wicca's Wardrobe - Room69 02

The dieces wich make the heel and the letters at the platform are textured with metals. With the HUD that comes with it, they can be retextured in gold, silver and a black metal. For he shoe it self you have many different possibilities to customize them in texture and color. The palette goes over all the actual autumn colors. The HUD allows to recolor the whole shoe as well as in 3 different parts. The sole, the straps and the body can be changed separately.

Wicca's Wardrobe - Gambler Heels Vendor

To complete my look I used the “Creature Glasses” as well from Wicca’s Wardrobe.

For the hair I wanted to use something casual but still wild and modern from booN. For the lipstick I chose my favourite one from Launa Fauna. It is part of the “Halloween Set” and what I like so much is, that the black is not just deep opaque black with no structure. I always loved Launa Fauna for her high detailed makeups, lipsticks and skins.

The black nails with those sweet white spiders and webs are made by Nailed It! and they are part of the “Rock Set”.

I now will continue to explore the “Dead End” and see if I can find some more cool spots for my next pictures 😉

Wicca's Wardrobe - Room69 04


Top: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Nagini Top [B&W Edition]” – NEW

Bra: [AD] Creations – “Gothic Summer” (part of the outfit)

Pants: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Anakri Pants [B&W Edition] – NEW

Shoes: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Gambler Heels [Autumn Edition] – NEW

Glasses: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Creature Glasses”

Skin: [sys] – “Eva”

Lipstick: Launa Fauna – “Halloween Set /black”

Hair: booN – “SEL 740”

Nails: Nailed It! – “Rock Set”

Location: Dead End

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin