Miamai – The Golden Thread

Miamai Titania 001

Miamai is our with a new collection for the Black Label – The Golden Thread!

Last week there was an amazing show done my Miamai and the Miamai Models to launch the new “The Golden Thread” collection. The set, the music and ambience was just stunning and wonderful.

Monica Outlander:

“Wayfarers, welcome.

Our journey along The Golden Thread starts here with you as curious newborns, and it will end with your illumination.

I hope you didn’t expect to only have your raiment needs fulfilled today. No, the pathway we follow today warps and wefts itself around your senses. Ahead of you lies a forest of aesthetic delights, courtesy of the genius gardener Faust Steamer. Keep your eyes wide.

Not all of these are safe, however; as we all know, the most beautiful things in nature never are……

Are you prepared? The path lies waiting ahead…….”

Miamai Titania 002

The first outfit is my absolute favourite of theΒ  new collection even if I love all of them ;). The “Titania” outfit is an amazing full body catsuit with a huge neck part. The shiny black texture highlighted with that black and white pattern that breaks the black back ground in an awesome way, this cat suit is definitely the right addition and a must have for every fashionista’s wardrobe. The “Titania” headpiece is sold in 3 different versions. The black one went perfect with the “Titania” outfit. The headpiece is a ball made of wonderful little filigree flowers and on the backside you find a huge flower with and mask looking face in the middle.

The shoes are the new release for the Shoetopia 2013 2013 of LeeZu. The amazing “Havasu Fall” ankle boots with the super cool heel come in many different colors, so you can wer them to each and every styling you decide πŸ˜‰ .

Miamai Yellow

The second outfit for today as well is from the “The Golden Thread” collection of Miamai. The “Mahi Mahi” Dress is fully mesh made and with the rich black and yellow colors it just is a wonderful and elegant outfit. The huge petals that decorate the shoulders and leg bring back the wonderful yellow texture on the top, like the headpiece does. With all the golden-yellow tones on that black the “Mahi Mahi” dress screams elegance and fierce to the same time πŸ˜‰

Miamai Shoes

The sweet “Ula Dark” shoes are as well part of the new Black Label collection of Miamai. Again we see the amazing petals with the black/grey and golden-yellow accents. To wear this shoes you need the Slink Medium barefoot. The shoes only will work with those. If you always search for extraordinary shoes, the new “The Golden Thread” collection has quite a few to offer πŸ˜‰ .

Miamai Close


Outfit 1:

Outfit: Miamai [BL] The Golden Thread – “Titania” – NEW (mesh)

Headpiece: Miamai [BL] The Golden Thread – “Titania Head Piece” – NEW

Shoes: LeeZu – “Havasu Fall”Β  – NEW (Shoefair 2013)

Poses: Del May

Outfit 2:

Outfit: Miamai [BL] The Golden Thread – “Mahi Mahi” – NEW (mesh)

Headpiece: Miamai [BL] The Golden Thread – “Mah Mahi Head Piece” – NEW

Shoes: Miamai [BL] The Golden Thread – “Ula Dark” – NEW

Mask: Illusions – “Le Fleur”

Hair: booN – “KGI848”

Finger & Toe Nails: Nailed It

Poses: *PosESioN*

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Crazy Connection: Gemini

CC - Catchme if you can 002

Style Details at: http://crazyconnection.wordpress.com/2013/12/14/crazy-connection-gemini/

Wicca’s Weird Wardrobe: Fear of the dark

Dark Angel 001

I am a girl who walks alone
And when I’m walking a dark road
At night or strolling through the park

Dark Angel 002

Have you ever been alone at night
Thought you heard footsteps behind
And turned around and no one’s there?
And as you quicken up your pace
You find it hard to look again
Because you’re sure there’s
Someone there

When I’m walking a dark road
I am a girl who walks alone

Dark Angel 003

When I was styling the today’s look, I was listening to one of my favourite bands called Van Canto. I will attach the song that I liked most during my styling session at the end of this post πŸ˜‰ With this music on my ears I could not resist to just let it flow and see what comes out πŸ˜‰

I strted with the amazing “Emi Corset” from N1CO. The corset with the spiked bra are mesh made and coming in different sizes, I am sure you will find one to match your shape ;). As so often for N1CO, the “Emi Corset” comes with a HUD that gives you a hell of a lot of possibilities to customize the colors and textures. You can color the spikes, the corset straps and lines, the buckles and as well the corset itself with different patterns.

The pants i took from the “Tribute to Kattaca” outfit from [AD] Creations. The full outfit is amazing as well and I will make sure to show case it as soon as possible as well, but the pants just were the right addition for my today’s look. Since the pants are quite ‘open’ I added the “Glitter Pants” from LeeZu to cover my private parts πŸ˜‰ .

The amazing “Saxa” mesh boots from SeVered GarDeN, caught my attention. The boots are mesh made but with 2 parts. The leg part and the foot part so you even could add another pair of shoes if you would like to.

Now i would like you to take a closer look at the bracelets and the necklace. Not too long ago I was asked if I would like to blog a – for me –Β  new brand. I never heard about Enfant Terrible before and I am really surprised how that could happen. Enfant Terrible is the store for all those people who wanna be a little extra ordinary. LesEnfant Terrible, owner and designer of Enfant Terrible, has the special taste and feeling for the non usual and out of the box designing. All she creates has her special twist and tweak what makes all of her creations so unique. The “Chloes” set wich comes with bracelet and collier shows her amazing skills when it comes to texturing and creating. The set is HUD driven and you can exchange the gems and totally match any styling you working on. The filigree “Chloe” collier shows with how much love and time LesEnfant Terrible designs her creations.

Many of you know how addicted I am to little details and accessories. So it was clear for a kinda demon style I cannot just leave my face blank and casual with just some makeup :p .

The amazing “Scara” version of the “Morbida” from SIlken Moon made the right basic for an amazing dark and demon looking face. With the wonderful drawn face parts the “Morbida Scara” totally meets my likings. In the package as well you will find another version wich is just grey. I rarely saw a grey skin with so much details and great made body parts. The “Blackness Face Chain” from Soedara I carry around for quite some time and I never saw it fit to something until today πŸ˜‰ . The chains look very realistic and with the little red gem at the forehead it was the perfect addition. The cool and scary “Damage – Spiked Eye 001” was part of the Halloween collection fo Finesmith for this year. I just loved the look and the 2 little spiders that seem to crawl up the chain that falls down the cheek.

The hair was a new release of EMO-tions for the last weekend. The “Skip a Beat” hair was made as a tribute to Skip Staheli and it can be worn unisex and in different styles. For the fatpack the hair can be color changed with the new HUD that Mirja Mills started to use for all of her latest releases.

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Top: N1CO – “Emi Corset” – NEW (mesh)

Pants: LeeZu – “Glitter Pants”

Pants: [AD] Creations – “Tribute to Kattaca” (mesh, part of the outfit)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Morbida Scara”

Chain Veil: Soedara – “Blackness Face Chain”

Eye Pice: Finesmith – “Damage – Spiked Eye 01”

Wings: DRD – “Darkness”

Hands: DRD – “Demonhands”

Jewelry: Enfant Terrible – “Chloe” – NEW

Hair: EMO-tions – “Skip a Beat” – NEW

Horns: DRD – “Horns n’ Chains”

Boots: SeVered GarDeN – “Saxa” (mesh)

Poses: *PosESioN*

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Tres Beau for the POE6

POE6 - Tres Beau 001

The POE6 hunt happens again and again a lot of amazing designers put wonderful gifts for all the busy hunters :). For me this year is a very special year of the POE. I already blogged the POE hunt a few times but this time I was allowd to join as well as a designer with my little pose store. But this should not hold me back from blogging and so I am very happy to showcase one of my favourite designer – Tres Beau.

POE6 - Tres Beau 002

Kimmera Madison, owner and designer of Tres Beau and as well my lovely sister, ,made an amazing coat with matching boots for all the POE hunters. The “Celtic Crimson” outfit again shows, why Kimmera is one of the biggest and best designers on the grid. Her feelings for textures and her skills and ideas for amazing and glamorous outfits are just incredible. The grey coat is ornamented with amazing crimson red decorations. The shiny leather boots with the cute fur part on the upper end are just the perfect choice for the actual weather. The coat as well has some of those amazing fur parts for the collar and the wrists and I am sure for this fur no animal was tortured;) I know my sister too well as that she would let this happen :p . I just added some leggings from LeeZu but all the rest of this beautiful outfit comes with the “Celtic Crimson” outfit as this years Contribution from Tres Beau to the POE6.

POE6 - Tres Beau 003


Outfit (incl. boots): Tres Beau – “Celtic Crimson” – NEW (mesh, POE6 hunt item)

Leggings: LeeZu – “Miss Tre’s Tights”

Necklace: Finesmith – “Darklove”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

!:Lybra:! for the Murder Mystery Hunt

Lybra 001

At the moment we have so many amazing hunts out on the grid, that you really have to manage your tie properly to do all of them :p.

For example, starting at Finesmith you have the “Murder Mystery” hunt (http://finesmithjewelry.blogspot.co.il/2013/11/finesmith-murder-mystery-hunt.html)

“News Flash!
Socialite WrenNoir Cerise has been murdered and burglarized! They took all of her Finesmith jewelry AND stabbed her FIVE times! They must have really wanted her dead!
We need your help to find her killer!”

14 designer have placed gifts that are each 10L$and as much as I understood it the 10L$ of every item will support the ASPCA.

Today I would like to spotlight the hunt item of Lybra. Lybra Rage made an amazing full outfit including the cool makeup for the Murder Mystery hunt. The outfit is called “Clown Couture” and it did remind me on some of the puppets I know from my childhood. So i could not resist to go with the puppet idea ;).

The “Clown Couture” has mesh pants, a mesh top and a mesh made neck corset. All are provided in several sizes to make sure it fits your avatar. The hat and the huge neck ruffles are part of the outfit and the amazing white-faced makeup with the typical clown expression as well. If you imagine to get that whole outfit for 10L$ only.. you better hurry and get your copy πŸ˜‰

Lybra 002


Outfit (incl. hat and makeup): !:Lybra:! – “Clown Couture” – NEW (mesh, Murder Mystery hunt item)

Shoes: Baiastice – “Oxa” (mesh)

Hair: LeLutka – “Rykiel”

Poses & Puppethanger: HelaMiyo

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Natzuka for the Typhoon Fundraiser

Natzuka 001

Today I am very happy to showcase the amazing designs of Natzuka Miliandrovic, that she contributed for the Typhoon Haiyan Fundraiser.

As you know, in the past few days we have seen a very devastating news where Typhoon Haiyan hit Philippines. Typhoon Haiyan is known as the strongest storm that ever happened and it has been reported to cause more than 10,000 death and more than 9 millions people are affected. At the moment, there’s no electricity, no water and no food. And they need our help.

For this reason the Typhoon Hayan Fundraiser Team lead by Jammeh Resident and sponsored by Zenshi started to organize different activities in Secondlifeβ„’ and will send the 100% of the money raised to help the victims of this tragedy.

You can find more information about this charity at the following links:
Website: typhoonhaiyansl.tumblr.com/
Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/typhoonhaiyansl/

Natzuka made 2 wonderful dresses. In pink and teal, the “Jamee” dress is a wonderful addition for every fashionista’s wardrobe. The top is ornamented with amazing little butterflies in white on a black ground and a sweet zipper on the left side up to the shoulder, gives the amazing little extra. With the “Jamee” dress you are looking super sexy and even more important in that case, you help when you buy at least one of them… and better both ;). All the money that gets raised with the “Jamee” dresses goes to the Haiyan Typhoon Fundraiser.

Look great and help – They need you now!

Natzuka 002


Dress: [Natzuka] – “Jamee” – NEW (mesh, donation to the Haiyan Typhoon Fundraiser)

Hair: EMO-tions – “Collien 2” (Picture 1) & “Harley” (Picture 2)

Shoes: :)(: Pixelfashion – “Sandy”

Furniture: 222769 – “Beyond the Sea Chaiselongue”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Immerse for the Fashion Fair

Immerse 001

Today I am very happy to welcome a new designer on my blog – Immerse! The first dress I like to showcase, is the contribution of Immerse for The Fashion Fair, that starts on the 30th of november.

The Fashion Fair Poster

The short “Sequioa” dress is an amazing mesh made dress. The woolen texture is perfect for the actual season and the amazing ribbon thats attached to the waist band really gives it a wonderful playful touch. The dress adds some chic to a casual look. The leggings I chose are from Leezu and with the bald knees they underline the sexy touch of the look.

Immerse 002

The shoes are made by [sys] and the amazing huge bag comes from BeloD, a new and upcoming label from Bozda Mubble. She made a lot of amazing designs lately and the “Leather Handbag” really caught my attention, as I always look for cool fashion accessories.

The hair is one of the latest releases by EMO-tions called “Harley”. With the lightly ‘,essy’ look it was the perfect addition to my today’s casual look. The necklace as well comes from EMO-tions and is called “Daylight”.

For the nail polish I used one of the last releases from Nailed It. The cool red polish with the golden studds out of the “Rock Set'”made the perfect finish for me.

The awesome furniture right behind me is the latest release from 22769. The cool “Vroom” sofa lets every males heart beat higher and even me would like to have one of those in her living room*giggles* It was made for the November mens department. The lamp I took out of the “Midcentrury Modern” set wich contains as well a PG version of a bed and a chair.

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Dress: Immerse – “Sequoia Red” – NEW (mesh)

Hair: EMO-tions – “Harley” (mesh)

Leggins: LeeZu – “Burlesque Tights”

Glasses: LeeZu – “Quarz Glasses”

Handbag: BeloD – “Leather Handbag”

Nailpolish: Nailed It – “Rock Set”

Shoes: [sys] – “Doom”

Necklace: EMO-tions – “Daylight”

Bangles: Pacadi – “Tribal Bangles”

Furniture: 222769

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: Night Out

Faster Pussycat 001

Lately I have kinda a black phase… Sure black is my favourite color even if it is not considered as a color :p, but usually I find a good balance between black outfits and others. But the cold outside, that dark mood of the beginning winter, the first snow… all that really pushes me even more towards black again.

Today I would like to showcase some goodies that I got while i had my RL moving going and could not yet blog about. The amazing dress is from Faster Pussycat. The “Varla” dress was released during the AVENUE Fashion Week this year and it really meets my likings ;). Usually I am not wearing a lot of dresses or gowns, even if I like elegant and classy looks as well ;). But the “Varla” dress made such a great basic for a styling, that I had in mind.Β  The Top with the amazing flower attachment and the sweet wave shaped skirt added a sweet and cute touch to the basic idea I had so I wanted to give it some strong and weird accessories to give it my personal touch. The boots are heavy plateau boots from Lapointe that you might consider more for a dark grunge or goth styling. But since I love controversy in stylings they made the perfect shoes for today.

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The gloves are some super cool ones from N1CO. The “Claw” gloves are opaque gloves that have amazing short claws for the fingernails and some bangles attached to them as well. The “Claw Gloves” come with a HUD so you can change the color of the bracelets, the claws and even the little dots that are placed along the fingers.

The awesome hat is one of the Bliss Couture hats that I got in the past out of the still running closing sale. The amazing necklace is one of the mesh made jewelry collection from EMO-tions. The “Flair Necklace” was the perfect match for the dress and the shoulder parts from ISON, wich I found at one of those gacha fairs, because the collar style did not interfere too much with the outfit it self and still added some more gothic character to it.

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Dress: Faster Pussycat – “Varla” (mesh)

Gloves: N1CO – “Claw GLoves & Bracelets”

Hat: Bliss Couture – “Ella”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Yeriak”

Choker: EMO-tions – “Flair Nacklace”

Makeup: Nuuna’s – “Zion”

Shoes: L&P – “Gothic Platforms”

Fishnetpantyhose: Faster Pussycat – “Immodesty”

Poses: Corpus

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Bird of Paradise – News at Silken Moon

Silken Moon - Simone 001

A new skin arrived on the grid! Silken Moon released a brand new skin. “Simone” is the perfect skin for all who wish to keep their young look. The skin is very detailed what you will see if you take a demo and look at the body. It is made very realistic looking. Every pixel was placed with love and thoughts. The high lights are incredible awesome set. For example the collar bones are wonderfully accented, to get the imagination of a well shaped and beautiful body. “Simone” comes in 8 new and different skin tones. If you purchase one of the “Simone” skins you get a lot of additional extras with it. Each skin has 2 cleavage options, an eyebrow shaper, Slink hand and feet applier HUDs for all 8 tones and as well an open and a closed lips option with matching prim teeth for the perfect smile πŸ˜‰ . Besides the natural tinted eyebrows you get some real crazy coloured eyebrows like green or pink and you get one tintable option to make it any color you like. For some it might also be interesting that Malicia Python, mother and creator of “Simone” and owner of Silken Moon, offers a free service for Lola appliers as well.

The makeup which I added on “Simone” as well comes from Silken Moon. The “Autumn Eyes” in gold so repeated the lines of the amazing clothing. The whole set of the “Autumn Eyes” contain wonderful dark and warm colors, wich are perfectly for the actual season. Usually I do not wear any eyebrows anymore but with the cool options of the “Simone” skin I could not resist to add some green eyebrows that went with the outfit so well πŸ˜‰ . The lipstick is one of the new “Simone Lips” in lavender.

Silken Moon - Simone 002

But Malicia did not only release a new skin… she as well made some amazing mesh clothing like the “Paradox” outfit. The “Paradox” vest and pants in the peacock version caught my attention as i never saw such a rich textured outfit in so many different colors that go so well together πŸ˜‰ Usually I am more the black type, but with the beautiful pattern of the pants and the amazing texture of the vest it was just a ‘must have’ for me. There is way more variations of the “Paradox outfit at Silken Moon and you can combine, mix and match all of them with each other. The dark teal, green texture goes along so well with the ‘cool pale canvas’ version of “Simone and I could not resist even red hair to all the colors and wild makeup combination πŸ˜‰ .

To add even more color and repeat the orange tone of the hair and the “Paradox” vest, I decided to wear the new “Kaya” set from Lazuri. With the amazing menu that does let you recolor nearly every little part of the set it was easy to set the gems to orange and get some gold and wooden look for the metals.

The poses are from the latest release from Corpus. The “Lounge Series 001” are a full set of amazing sits. But we all know Corpus for unusual and amazing editorial poses and so the new set is not just a bunch of simple and usual sit. You have half laying poses like i used on the first picture and as well some ground sits in it. A real must have for every blogger and photographer!

And there is me the Bird of Paradise, unbelievable but trueΒ  in strong and bright colors πŸ˜‰

Silken Moon - Simone 003


Outfit: Silken Moon – “Paradox Vest & Pants – peacock” – NEW (mesh)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Simone – Cool Pale Canvas Nat” – NEW

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Simone Lips – lavender” – NEW

Makeup: Silken Moon – “Autumn Eyes Gold” – NEW

Eyebrows: Silken Moon – “Simone – tintable Eyebrows” – NEW (colored by me)

Jewelry: Lazuri – “Kaya” – NEW

Hair: LeLutka – “Emeli”

Boots: J’s – “Studded Long Boots”

Poses: Corpus – “Lounge Series 001” – NEW

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

New Late Autumn Look at GizzA

GizzA - Woolen 001

Autumn gets colder and colder and the winter is right before us. I still try to tell myself it is late autumn but if I look outside… I get shown different*sighs* And even if I turn up the heat in my apartment… I afraid, I will not escape the winter outside. To bring back a bit of warmer feelings I could not resist to try the new “Woolen Series” and to get the warmer type of colors I went to one of my favourite places to snap the pictures – at the Looking Glass sim.

GizzA - Woolen 002

The “Knitted Crop Top” might let me freeze a little but the style of it lets me suffer*grins*. The top is mesh made and with the 2 belts round the waist and right under the dress it has a very sexy look. The “Tartan Mini Skirt” really is something I would wear RL as well. I like the pattern and the combination of the soft warm colors with a touch of red that goes perfectly with the “Knitted Crop Top”. I added the black version of the “Epaulette Set”. This accessoriy is out of the gacha at GizzA and it has many other amazing colors as well. The super cool mesh boots are my long time favourites of LeeZu. The “Piccadilly Overknee Boots” are the perfect addition to cover most of the legs so I will at least have warm feet πŸ˜‰ .

The “Woolen Series” are now available in different colors at the GizzA Mainstore.

The lipstick is one of the newest releases from Silken Moon. The “Luna Lips Bonfire” have the perfect red tone to match the whole look. The fingernails are colored with one of the Slink enhancer HUD’s from Nailed It.

For the poses I used some of my own poses out of several sets. All of them you can buy single or in a fatpack at my new Mainstore at the Crazy Connection.

GizzA - Woolen 003


Top: GizzA – “Knitted Crop Top” – NEW (mesh)

Skirt: GizzA – “Tartan Mini Skirt” – NEW (mesh)

Shoulder parts: GizzA – “Epaulette Set” (gacha)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca lumee lunette”

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Luna Lips Bonfire”

Nail Polish: Nailed It

Hair: DeLa – “Marley” (mesh)

Boots: Leezu – “Piccdilly Overknee Boots”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe

Location: Looking Glass Sim

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin