No one else could lift me high above


I’m in love with a fairytale even though it hurts
‘Cause I don’t care if I lose my mind I’m already cursed

[- Alexander Rybak -]


Outfit (incl. tattoo, legs and arms): CURELESS[+] – “Precious Gem” (Maitreya, Gacha)


Headpiece (incl. birds): CURELESS[+] – “Flower Kissers”
Bindi: CURELESS[+] – “Moonlight Jewels”
Glasses: CURELESS[+] – “Flutterby Glasses Style 1”
Piercing (Nose): Wicca’s Originals – “Jadeon Piercing” + “Tegan Piercing Set” (unrigged)
Piercing (Mouth): LittleFish – “EziliV2” (Lel. EvoX, Avalon)
Rings & Nails: L’Emporio&PL – “Ancestral” (Maitreya, Bento) – NEW @ Man Cave Event // February 2022

Hair & Makeup

Hair: Exile – “Hayden (A)”
Makeup: Nefekalum Tattoos – “Rowan’s Mask”

Head, Body & Tattoos

Head: LeLUTKA – “EvoX Avalon 3.1”
Teeth: [CX] – “Strigoi’s Fangs – Silver Type.1 ( Size E / Wider )”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3” + “Add-On Petite V1.1”
Doll Joints: Sweet Thing – “Ball-Jointed Doll, Blush + Shine” (BoM)

Poses, Props & Tools

Pose: myself
Backdrop: The Bearded Guy – “Sodalsia Rose Backdrop”

Model, Stylist & Photographer

Wicca Merlin


It’s Time For Me To Say Goodbye…

It’s Time For Me To Say Goodbye

There comes a time in everyone’s life you need to say ‘no more”. I have reached that time.
When your family makes it clear you were a mistake and never should have been born. I cannot decide what is worse – treating me like I don’t exist or endlessly spewing vile, hateful comments at me.

It’s time to pack up the few belongings I have left, because whatever I manage to save up to buy is destroyed to taken away from me. I would rather take my chances out in the ‘cold, hard world’, as my family calls it, then stay here another minute to die a slow, lingering death.

No one will notice I am gone at first; not until they want something. “Anne, when the hell will dinner be ready?” “Anne, why isn’t the laundry done?” “Anne, stop that gawd awful racket this instant!” “Anne, stop reading that book and fix me a snack!”

The house is quiet now. Everyone is asleep, except me. I’m sitting in my tiny bedroom watching the clock as the minutes tick away. Twenty more minutes until Midnight.

Damn, I want a cigarette, but I don’t dare try to smoke one in the house. Everyone in my family smokes like a chimney, but if I even look at one I get hit. If I talk, I get hit. If I move too slowly, I get hit. Because I exist, I get hit.

I fidget with my purse, checking to see if my money is still there, even though I checked five minutes ago. I have to hide the little money I earn; otherwise my family takes it away. They say I owe them for room and board, because they pay for the clothes on my back and the food in my mouth. What a laugh! I barely have a change of clothes and I am only allowed to eat the scraps after everyone else is finished.

They don’t know about the money I make at school tutoring other students or teaching guitar. I don’t dare try to hide it at home, because they are always searching my room. A bank account is not possible either, without their knowledge. The President of the bank is their friend.

No one is on my side, except Mr. Hartley, the janitor at school. He tried once to report the abuse, but the school told him to mind his own business. My family is influential and no one dares say a bad word against them. I don’t blame Mr. Hartley for being afraid. He’s an old man and desperately needs his job. He did show me a place where I could hide my money and he never took a cent.

Ten minutes until Midnight. I can’t help rocking back and forth on my bed. I’m terrified that any minute someone will burst through my bedroom door and I will pay for my folly with bruises and broken bones. If they discover my plan, I may not survive until Midnight. They won’t stop the beating until I am dead. I strain to hear any sounds, but the house is quiet. The quiet makes me even more nervous. I feel like I am going to be sick as I watch another number flip over on the old alarm clock beside my bed.

A dog barks down the street and I nearly jump out of my skin. No, no, no. What will I do if that dog is still outside at Midnight? I offer a silent prayer to God, the universe or whatever is out there that will listen. The commotion finally stops and all is quiet again. I jump up from my bed and press my ear against the door. All is quiet here, too.

I back away from the door on tiptoes and gather my bag, purse and guitar in my arms. My eyes shift to the clock in time to see the numbers roll to 12:00. Midnight. Everything is ready. I already bypassed the alarm on the only window in this stuffy cell of a room. I even dripped liquid soap along the grooves so the window would slide open easily. There is no screen since I am not allowed to open it even for fresh air.

Now the hated window is open for the first time in more years than I can remember and I drop my meager belongings quietly to the ground. I am tempted to look over my shoulder one last time, but there is nothing there I want to remember. The time has come to look forward, not back.

With the window closed again, I gather my things close and stay in the shadows until I am several blocks away. Mr. Hartley is waiting for me at a closed gas station to drive me to the train depot. I bought a ticket weeks ago using the fake ID I made. At the station I start to climb out of the car, but a hand on my arm stops me. I look back to see tears swimming in Mr. Hartley’s eyes and I almost let out a sob.

“Happy birthday, Anne,” he said as he gave my hand a gentle squeeze. Now the tears are flowing down my face. That was the first time in my life I ever heard those words. It would also be the last time. Anne died at Midnight when she turned 18 years old.

I leaned across the seat and brushed a kiss on Mr. Hartley’s leathery cheek before I stuffed my hair inside a ball cap and dash for the platform where my train waited. It’s time for me to say goodbye to my old life.

Susan Beecher was just born.


Top & Undershirt: AsteroidBox – “Nancy Sweater” (Maitreya Petite) – NEW @ Kustom9 // February 2022
Pants: Mellowcute – “Vola Shorts night” (Maitreya)
Tights: Izzie’s – “Tights Black (more sheer) (BoM)
Stockings: .:Avanti:. – “Ripped Nylons” (BoM)
Shoes: cinphul – “ravage IV [stomps]” (Maitreya) – NEW @ The Warehouse Sale // February 2022


Cap: cinphul – “ravage IV [cap]” (Group Gift) – NEW @ Mainstore
Earrings: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Earring Mads all linked” (LeLUTKA EvoX female/human)
Ear Lobes: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Inazuma Plug” (LeLUTKA EvoX female/human)
Piercing (Nose): Wicca’s Originals – “Jadeon Piercing” + “Tegan Piercing Set” (unrigged)
Piercing (Mouth): LittleFish – “EziliV2” (Lel. EvoX, Avalon)
Hand Accessories: L’Emporio&PL – “Ancestral” (Maitreya, Bento) – NEW @ Man Cave Event // February 2022

Hair & Makeup

Hair: Exile – “Slow Fade (A)”
Eyeshadow: Izzie’s – “Sultry Smokey Eyeshadow black” (LeL. EvoX BoM)
Mouth: Nefekalum Tattoos – “Hush (You Wish/Black)” – (LeL. EvoX BoM) – NEW @ The Warehouse Sale // February 2022

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – “EvoX Avalon 3.1”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3” + “Add-On Petite V1.1”
Tattoo:  .:Vegas:. – “Wonder ( Dark )” (LeL. EvoX BoM) – NEW @ Uber // February 2022

Poses, Props & Tools

Pose (incl. guitar case): Secret Poses – “Guitar Case ( posestand)” (Bento)
Bag: HILTED – “Gym Bag – Black”
Backpack: Bleich – “Vodka Backpack – Black”
Backdrop: .PALETO. – “Backdrop: LAB X2” – NEW @ The Warehouse Sale // February 2022


Anne Daumig

Model, Stylist & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Sometimes the quiet, soft Notes are beautiful, too…

There are those times when you just want to relax and let your mind just float, not thinking about something special or fancy. I was in such a mood yesterday when I put on the incredible “Morana Dress” from AsteroidBox, which you can find at the actual round of the Equal10 event. It does fit Maitreya Lara, Maitreya Petite, Belleza Freya, eBody Reborn, Legacy Female, Legacy Perky body sizes. To quote the designer: “Single packs include 18 options for the top part of the dress, plus 14 options for the leather harness and 5 metal options. Fatpack includes all color / pattern options and the top part and bottom part can be changed individually. Each purchase also includes Bakes-on-Mesh stockings, which come in black and white and in 3 designs – ripped, solid and just the panties/garter.”

Another amazing release comes from Exile at Collabor88 this month. The “Emma” hairstyle instantly gave me a very girly feeling. I loved the way how the bangs fell down my forehead lightly wild and the amazing smooth waves that surrounded my head. With the Master HUD you get 4 different style options with all the amazing colors we know from Exile hair on 2 page of the HUD. I tried to used 2 different style options for my 2 pictures, too.

The idea for the pictures resulted out of yesterday afternoon, when I was going through my old pictures and memories of past SL times. I really enjoy snapping pictures and work them a lot – it is like a therapy for me, if the day was stressful and exhausting. I hope you can enjoy my more quite, girly moments as much as I do sometimes 😉


Outfit (incl. Stockings): AsteroidBox – “Morana” (Maitreya Petite) – NEW @ Equal10 // February 2022


Earrings: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Earring Mads all linked” (LeLUTKA EvoX female/human)
Ear Lobes: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Inazuma Plug” (LeLUTKA EvoX female/human)
Glasses: [CX] – “Farseer Glasses – Silver”
Piercing (Nose): Wicca’s Originals – “Jadeon Piercing” + “Tegan Piercing Set” (unrigged)
Piercing (Mouth): LittleFish – “EziliV2” (Lel. EvoX, Avalon)
Bracers: [CX] – “Ruffian Armguards – Black” (Maitreya)
Hand Accessories: L’Emporio&PL – “Ancestral” (Maitreya, Bento) – NEW @ Man Cave Event // February 2022

Hair & Makeup

Hair: Exile – “Emma” – NEW @ Collabor 88 // February 2022
Eyeshadow: Hexed – “Devlin Eyeshadow white” (LeL. EvoX BoM) – NEW @ Dubai // February 2022
Forehead: Hexed – “Mystical Moon” (LeL. EvoX BoM) – NEW @ Mystical Market Event // February 2022

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – “EvoX Avalon 3.1”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3” + “Add-On Petite V1.1”
Tattoo:  .:Vegas:. – “Tattoo ( Dark ) Lull” (BoM)

Poses, Props & Tools

Backdrop: [Cubic Cherry] – “{Sion} tileable backdrop v01 NATURAL”
Poses (incl. Camera): [ Focus Poses ] – “Every Moment Matters” (Bento)
PC & Cupboard: DRD – “Neglected Bedroom – Cabinet”
Rug 1: DRD – “Neglected Bedroom – Rug A”
Rug 2: DRD – “rug round 60s” (Group Gift)
Photowall: Apple Fall – “Photographers’ Easel”
Photobox: floorplan. – “photo box” (Indee Teepee Gift)
Sitting Dog: JIAN – ” ‘dorable Danes 6. Harlequin Companion Pup” (Gacha)
Sleeping Puppies: JIAN ” ‘dorable Danes 15. Triple Baby Bed” (Gacha)
Lamp: ::Static:: – “Vintage Lighting – 15 Bulb Lamp” (Gacha)

Model, Stylist & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Fashionable White but Edgy ;)

It has been a while, that I was doing a “fashion” shoot. My focus kinda shifted from clean fashion only to more artistic and emotion filled pictures and I do not regret it at all. But sometimes the little fashionista breaks through again and I see no reason why I should cut her off completely from that 😉 I just might not be as smooth and pretty as I use to in the past *grins*

The reason of this pictures, was a show for Rubedo, done by Cheyenne Sadee under the roof of Madd Modelz. I loved the idea, that we all were asked to dress in white to make the makeup poppy out. It was called for an avant garden look – I decided for a clean and straight one, to not drag the attention from the makeup since that was the purpose and the center of this show. I even put my arms into the pockets of my jacket. That allowed me to keep my posing as minimal as well to really keep the face in the focus. I cannot remember when I thought so much about a styling, but since that was such a special show for such a wonderful and sweet designer, I really wanted all to be perfect. It was one of the coolest shows I was allowed to walk in a while. I was allowed to be me – none told me to change my eyes or take off my scars that I do wear for years now – Thank you for that Chey ♥ It felt great to walk as Wicca and represent a brand that I do blog for as well. I wish sometimes, that we would have more shows like that. Diversity is the key and while a model should be focused to showcase the design instead of the own avatar, facial and body specific features should not be changed too much. We live in 2022 and not in th past, where we use to look all the same sweet and pretty only and SL did develop as well and gives us way more possibilities for personal little trademarks *winks*

I really had fun to dive into a fashion picture again, I hope it won’t be the last time 🙂


Outfit: Salt&Pepper – “Cyberized Body Suit” (Maitreya, Gacha, Rare)
Jacket: TETRA – Tokyo Puffer Jacket” (Maitreya)
Harness: < IDEALIA > – “SAKURA Lingerie” (Maitreya)


Collar: .:Avanti:. – “Nayomi Collar”
Earrings: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Earring Mads all linked” (LeLUTKA EvoX female/human)
Ear Lobes: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Inazuma Plug” (LeLUTKA EvoX female/human)
Piercing (Nose): Wicca’s Originals – “Jadeon Piercing” + “Tegan Piercing Set” (unrigged)
Piercing (Mouth): LittleFish – “EziliV2” (Lel. EvoX, Avalon)
Belly Chain: NaaNaa’s – “Mazikeen Belly Chain” (Maitreya)

Hair & Makeup

Hair & Haibase: Tabelau Vivant – “Hang me Up” & “LeLutka EvoX Hairbase 07 – 10”
Eyeshadow: Rubedo – “ludovica 08” (LeL. EvoX BoM)

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – “EvoX Avalon 3.1”
Teeth: [CX] – “Strigoi’s Fangs – Silver Type.1 ( Size E / Wider )”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3”
Tattoo:  .:Vegas:. – “Tattoo Haunted ( Medium)” (LeL. EvoX BoM)

Poses, Props & Tools

Pose: myself
Backdrop: Paparazzi – “SKYBOX – Tagged Warehouse 3”
Lamps: [Dope+Mercy] – “Light Bulb Hanger_Silver”

Model, Stylist & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Made for Each Other – A very Special Valentine Story

Made For Each Other

Lightning bright in sky. Thunder angry roar. It is time.
I know what I do – watch Doctor work many times. Doctor fail many times. Doctor make others. Now Doctor dead. I not dead. I not fail. I not die.
They say I freak. They say I evil. They say I mindless monster. They wrong. Words not easy, but I smart. Smart like Doctor. More smart than Doctor. I live and Doctor dead.
Body lay on the table. Sheet cover. All wires in. All tubes in. All ready. I work hard for days and must finish tonight. They think I dead. If they find they try kill again. Must leave tonight. Finish work first.
Time rise table high. High for lightning to hit. Lightning hit big metal pole. Go into body. Lightning is life. Life is heart beating. Woman live again.
They come. They angry at Doctor. Kill Doctor and fire destroy house. Doctor have woman in house when they come. Woman scream and beg. They leave her to die.
They think I die in fire. I know secret tunnel under house. I take woman to tunnel. Fire burn her face. Fire burn her body. I help her. I protect her in tunnel until people go away.
Night come and I carry woman to mountain. Doctor make me in mountain. They think I made at house. They wrong. I walk in water. No one follow. Dogs no follow. I carry her long time. She die in arms while I carry.
I watch Doctor when he work. I watch. I learn. I do same as Doctor when he create others. Others die in fire. I smart. I live. Woman live again.
I do what Doctor do to others. Doctor give me extra inside. He give me two. I give woman heart. I give woman lung. I close chest way Doctor do. Put extras in woman. Hole in chest sew close like Doctor show. No pain when I take from me. For her. For woman.
Lightning hits pole. I bring table down. I wait. I see body move under sheet. Take sheet off. See arm move. See leg move. I watch long time. She have heart from inside me. It is strong. It is good. It beats.
Burns bad. Hair gone. She beautiful. I love woman.
Eyes open. Woman look at me. Woman not scared. I lift her. I hold her. She put hand on my face. She know me. She love me. Woman wife before doctor made me live again.
I make her live again. My heart inside her. Make her live again. We made for each other.


Dress: [CX] – “Vicious Vacceine – Dress” (Maitreya, VIP Reward)


Collar: [CX] – Yule Lord Collar – (Silver)”
Necklace: [CX] – “Luceat Arachne Collar” – Silver” (Maitreya)
Arm Bandages: – FIKA – “Arm Bandage” (BoM)
Nails Hand: L’Emporio&PL – “Damned Claws” (Maitreya, Bento)
Nails Feet: L’Emporio&PL – “Damned Claws” (Maitreya, Flat Feet)
Leg Bandages: [CX] – “Leg Bandage – Bloody” (Maitreya, Flat Feet)

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: BeSpoke – “Monster Malice” – NEW @ Midnight Order // January 2022
Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3”
Skin: BeSpoke – “Monster Malice – Skin – Bloodless”
Tattoo: Izzie’s – “Blood and Wounds dark (less)” (LeL. EvoX BoM)


Top: Wicca’s Originals – Clay Vest Gianni
Pants: Wicca’s Originals – Scavanger Pants Gianni
Shoes: Wicca’s Originals – Ranger Boots Gianni


Rings: RAWR! – “Chronos Rings” (Gianni, Bento)

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: BeSpoke – “Monster Stein” – NEW @ Bloody Valentine // January 2022
Eyes: Eye Factory – “Hatred Eyes” (store closed)
Body: Signature – “Gianni”
Skin: BeSpoke – “Monster Stein – Skin – Ash”

Poses, Props & Tools

Pose: selfmade
DRD – “The Reanimator – Tower”
DRD – “The Reanimator – Operation Table”
DRD – “The Reanimator – Hutch”
DRD – “The Reanimator – Dr Stein’s Desk”
DRD – “The Reanimator – Conductor”
DRD – “The Reanimator – Workbench”
DRD – “The Reanimator – Table”
DRD – “The Reanimator – Switchboard”
DRD – “The Reanimator – Circuit Breaker”
DRD – “The Reanimator – Dr Stein’s Chair”
DRD – “The Reanimator – Brain”
DRD – “The Reanimator – Chemical Cluster”
DRD – “The Reanimator – Lab Clutter2
DRD – “The Reanimator – Beakers and Bottles”
DRD – “The Reanimator – Liquid Purifier”
DRD – “The Reanimator – Desk Clutter”
DRD – “The Reanimator – Regulator”
DRD – “The Reanimator – A Cables”
DRD – “The Reanimator – B Cables”
DRD – “The Reanimator – C Cables”
DRD – “The Reanimator – D Cables”
DRD – “The Reanimator – E Cables”
DRD – “The Reanimator – Mrs. Stein’s Arm2 (Gift)


Redclaw Inshan & Wicca Merlin


Anne Daumig


Wicca Merlin

Grateful Memories…

“Like a bird singing in the rain, let grateful memories survive in a time of sorrow.”

[- Robert Louis Stevenson -]

Today something happened, that really threw me out of everything. I wasn’t even awake too long when I got a phone call and she asked me, if I would sit already… then she told me one of my older students from my afternoon school died in a car accident…

I was shocked and had no words. Just yesterday, he was the last of my students in the evening. We made plans how we would go on with the lessons and he – really happy – told me, that he and his girlfriend would have their first anniversary on Tuesday coming week.

He was one of the good, nice and sweet guys –  a rare case of being just 18 years old and just starting to discover the world.

I mean, I am ok somehow… it just feels so weird and surreal. Just a few hours before that all happened, we had a lesson and were joking on Discord while we solved mathematical problems in his homework… I still see the chats on Discord and Whatsapp, when I do look at my cellphone or the PC. I see his picture with his girlfriend on th little icon on Whatsapp and he is just… gone? It is hard to believe or to realize. I tried to go on with the day, but my mind drifts away all the time and then I have to think about him, about yesterday, about his girlfriend and his family.

That is why my picture today might be a little different, but I could not wrap my mind around anything else long enough. So I just thought, I can do this picture and post to maybe process all the feelings and emotions that come with it…

In loving memory of a special young man, taken from out lives too soon…


Top: AsteroidBox – “Cory Top” (Maitreya Petite) – NEW @ Anthem // February 2022

Pants: AsteroidBox – “Evlin Pants” (Maitreya)


Earrings: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Earring Mads all linked” (LeLUTKA EvoX female/human)

Ear Lobes: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Inazuma Plug” (LeLUTKA EvoX female/human)

Glasses: [CX] – “Farseer Glasses – Silver”

Piercing (Nose): Wicca’s Originals – “Jadeon Piercing” + “Tegan Piercing Set” (unrigged)

Piercing (Mouth): LittleFish – “EziliV2” (Lel. EvoX, Avalon)

Necklace: AsteroidBox – “Emery Jewelry”

Finger Bandages: L’Emporio&PL – “Kick It” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No_Posession” (unrigged, Group Gift) – NEW @ Mainstore

Makeup: Rubedo – “aneira – EvoX 13” (LeL. EvoX BoM)

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – “EvoX Avalon 3.1”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3” + “Add-On Petite V1.1”

Tattoo:  .:Vegas:. – “Tattoo Haunted ( Dark )” (LeL. EvoX BoM) – NEW @ Men Only Monthly // February 2022

Poses, Props & Tools

Pose: selfmade (+ hand pose from Cigs)

Backdrop: MINIMAL – “October Group Gift 2021”

Cigarette & Pack (incl holding pose): [CX] – “Cigs” – NEW @ The Mens Department // February 2022

Model, Stylist & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

I could take your hand…


Knowing that, nothing lasts forever
I didn’t care, before you were here
A distant laughter, with the ever after
But, all things change, let this remain

Hear the sirens covering distance in the night
The sound, echoing closer, will they come for me, next time?

[- Pearl Jam -]

Harness: [CX] – “Ophanim Harness – Black” (Maitreya)

Bracers: [CX] – “Ruffian Armguards – Black” (Maitreya)

Pants: *LD* – Latina Short” (Maitreya)

Stockings: Viena. – “Nana Fishnet Leg Sleeves v1” (BoM)

Shoes: [CX] – “Nox’ Curse – Silver” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Midnight Order // January 2022


Earrings: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Earring Mads all linked” (LeLUTKA EvoX female/human)

Ear Lobes: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Inazuma Plug” (LeLUTKA EvoX female/human)

Piercing (Nose): Wicca’s Originals – “Jadeon Piercing” + “Tegan Piercing Set” (unrigged)

Piercing (Mouth): LittleFish – “EziliV2” (Lel. EvoX, Avalon)

Gag: [Yomi] – “Prickle Gag” – NEW @ The Warehouse Sale // January 2022

Collar: Skellybones – “Chained Heart – Choker” – NEW @ The Warehouse Sale // January 2022

Fingers: L’Emporio&PL – “Essentia” (Maitreya, Bento)

Nails: RAWR! – “Heavy Metal Nails” (Maitreya, Bento)

Body Tentacles: {Aii&Ego} – “Forbidden Ritual Body Tentacles (F)” (Maitreya)

Arms: Gemini – “Sis Bracelets – Up” (Maitreya)

Legs: Gemini – “Sis Leg Bangles – All Linked” (Maitreya)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: Exile – “Shiloh” – NEW @ FaMESHed // January 2022

Makeup: Rubedo – “wicca – EvoX 12” (LeL. EvoX BoM)

Head, Body& Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – “EvoX Avalon 3.1”

Teeth: [CX] – “Strigoi’s Fangs – Silver Type.1 ( Size E / Wider )”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3”

Tattoo:  .:Vegas:. – “Tattoo ( Dark ) Optimism vBlack” (LeL. EvoX BoM)

Poses, Props & Tools

Pose: selfmade

Tentacles: Black Cats Creations – “Tentacles Prey FATPACK”

Deco: Mannequin – “Merskelle Decor”

Model, Stylist & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Be my Valentine!


Outfit: ERSCH – “Stormy Lingerie” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Midnight Order // January 2022

Corset: [CX] – “Latex Corset // Black [Shirts]” (BoM)

Bra: Wicca’s Originals – “Kylie Bra” (Maitreya – NEW @ The Warehouse Sale // January 2022


Headpiece: Violation – “Baphomet Headband [Silver]” – NEW @ Midnight Order // January 2022

Piercing (Nose): Wicca’s Originals – “Jadeon Piercing” + “Tegan Piercing Set” (unrigged)

Piercing (Mouth): LittleFish – “EziliV2” (Lel. EvoX, Avalon)

Glasses: *PKC* – “Skelleton Eye Cover”

Bag: cinphul – “malaise [handbag]” – NEW @ Midnight Order // January 2022

Wings: .Evil Baby. – “Bathory Wings” – NEW @ Midnight Order // January 2022

Hair & Makeup

Hair: Exile – “Lola (B)” – NEW @ Anthem // February 2022

Forehead: Hexed – “Red11” (LeL. EvoX BoM)

Eyeshadow: Rubedo – “penny – EvoX 07+13″ (LeL. EvoX BoM)

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – “EvoX Avalon 3.1”

Teeth: [CX] – “Strigoi’s Fangs – Silver Type.1 ( Size E / Wider )”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3”

Tattoo:  .:Vegas:. – “Tattoo ( Dark ) Siren” (LeL. EvoX BoM)

Arms/Hands: Clover – “Demon Arms” (Maitreya)

Legs: [The DeadBoy] – “Vasimir Legs” (Maitreya) – NEW @ The Warehouse Sale // January 2022

Poses, Props & Tools

Pose: selfmade

Backdrop: MINIMAL – “October Group Gift 2020”

Deco 1: Simply Shelby – “Bloody Valentine Date Night Set” – NEW @ My Bloody Valentine // January 2022

Deco 2: DRD – “Spiritualists Shoppe – Tapestry”

Deco 3: DRD – “Spiritualists Shoppe – Pentagram Chime – Ceiling Hook”

Deco 4: DRD – “Spiritualists Shoppe – Caged Familiar – Giant Spider”

Deco 5: DRD – “Spiritualists Shoppe – Caged Familiar – Neglected”

Model, Photographer & Stylist

Wicca Merlin

A Gourmet Treat…

A Gourmet Treat

There’s no better way to spend an evening than with friends, enjoying good food. So what if my friends are the furry, four-legged variety. They are always there for me.

I slowly roll back the metal lid on my favorite delicacy and my mouth is watering as the aroma wafts up from the tin. I’ve waited months for this delivery. The supplier was out of stock for so long. Then waiting for it to clear customs. But it finally arrived!

My friends are scurrying around, excited to share in this scrumptious treat. Of course I will share with them, but I claim the first bite.

I dip my fingers into the tin and withdraw the first succulent morsel. The tip of my tongue catches a drop of juice before it falls and I moan in ecstasy. Oh, yea, that’s the good stuff.
Unable to wait any longer, I sink my teeth in. Perfection! Firm, yet tender. This was so worth the wait. Keep your caviar and oysters. Give me pickled eyeballs every time.

Finger lickin’ good!


Jacket: Candy Kitten – “Till the End Jacket” (Maitreya)

Top: AsteroidBox – “Anya Top” (Maitreya Petite)

Pants: AsteroidBox – “Iris Shorts” (Maitreya)

Shoes: L’Emporio – “::*Ravage*::” (Maitreya)


Earrings: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Earring Mads all linked” (LeLUTKA EvoX female/human)

Ear Lobes: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Inazuma Plug” (LeLUTKA EvoX female/human)

Piercing (Nose): Wicca’s Originals – “Jadeon Piercing” + “Tegan Piercing Set” (unrigged)

Piercing (Mouth): LittleFish – “EziliV2” (Lel. EvoX, Avalon)

Gloves: [CX] – “Ruffian Arm Guards” (Maitreya)

Rings: RAWR! – “Heavy Metal Rings” (Maitreya, Bento)

Nails: RAWR! – “Heavy Metal Nails” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: bonbon – “Nori Hair” (unrigged)

Forehead: Hexed – “Red11” (LeL. EvoX BoM)

Eye Art: Nefekalum Tattoos – “Wyvern (Black)” (LeL. EvoX BoM, Materials)

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – “EvoX Avalon 3.1”

Teeth: [CX] – “Strigoi’s Fangs – Silver Type.1 ( Size E / Wider )”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3”

Tattoo: .:Vegas:. – “Tattoo Good Feeling ( Dark )” (LeL. EvoX BoM)

Poses, Props & Tools

Backdrop: Paparazzi – “Underground Stairs”

Eyeballs (holdable): Bad Ideas – “Bulbus Oculi”

Rats: JIAN – “Classic Rats”


Anne Daumig

Model, Stylist & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

“But now I’m not so sure I believe in beginnings and endings”

“Despite knowing the journey and where it leads, I embrace it and welcome every moment of it.”

[- Dr. Louise Banks, Arrival -]

Mainframe opened its doors again and you will find a huge load of amazing cyber designs there. My absolute favorite find is the new “Kay Body” from Misaki. I saw that amazing bodies before but what really got me is that she now released one of her incredible bodies with the option to wear regular clothing on it. In this case every Legacy rigged clothing – I hope she will come up with a Maitreya compatible version as well, since I am not a huge friend of Legacy and so I usually deleted all Legacy sizes. Now I at least can wear designs made for Legacy only by using this amazing cyber body like I gave it a try with the Legacy size of the super cool “Rebella Bodysuit” (it does come for Maitreya too certainly) 😉 The fact that you now can combine that amazing cyber body with LeLutka really made my day. I love the amazing cable shaped neck part and as well how the transition of the cyber parts to the LeLUTKA head works. Misaki provides an alpha that perfectly matches its needs.

What I enjoyed immensely too are the new released makeups from Shiny Stuffs that you can find at the Mainframe event. She has so many options for mix and match colors and different styles in her pack – I really had a hard time to choose which ones I wanted to use for my first post! What else I am wearing you ca find as usual down below at the credits – remember everything that is colored you can click and get a direct  SURL to go there. I know this won’t be my last post about Mainframe as there are so many amazing news that I already have an idea for more  pictures 😉


Jacket: [The Forge] – “Cypher Jacket” (Legacy) – NEW @ Mainframe // January 2022

Outfit: Black Cats Creations – “Rebella Bodysuit” (Legacy Perky) – NEW @ Mainframe // January 2022


Monocle: Astara – “Cyber Eye Augment” (unrigged)

Nose Piece: .: Mea Tenebra :. – “Fremen” (unrigged)

Piercing (Nose): Wicca’s Originals – “Jadeon Piercing” + “Tegan Piercing Set” (unrigged)

Piercing (Mouth): LittleFish – “EziliV2” (Lel. EvoX, Avalon)

Wings: :::SOLE::: – “SA – AH Wing ring 01 (AK-Black)” (unrigged)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: A&Y – “Cryo Hair”

Eyeshadow 1: Shiny Stuffs – “NeuroX Tech Shadow Yellow (4)” (LeL. EvoX BoM) – NEW @ Mainframe // January 2022

Eyeshadow 2: Shiny Stuffs – “NeuroX Tech Net (7)” (LeL. EvoX BoM) – NEW @ Mainframe // January 2022

Eyeshadow 3: Shiny Stuffs – “NeuroX Tech Net (8)” (LeL. EvoX BoM) – NEW @ Mainframe // January 2022

Lipstick: .E l e i. – “HRS” (LeL. EvoX Applier)

Head, Body & Tattoos

Head: LeLUTKA – “EvoX Avalon 3.1”

Eyes: :H: – “Nova Eyes” (LeL. Applier) – NEW @ Mainframe // January 2022

Teeth: [CX] – “Strigoi’s Fangs – Silver Type.1 ( Size E / Wider )”

Body: Misaki – Kay Body” – NEW @ Mainframe // January 2022

Poses, Props & Tools

Poses: Poseidon

Backdrop: *zeroichi* – “GENSOUKO (Steel) backdrop” – NEW @ Mainframe // January 2022

Model, Stylist &Photographer

Wicca Merlin