Today I come with a huge, picture-filled post to you.
First of all, before the shitstorm starts, I am not standing for anything that has to do with torture or want to glorify historical mistakes. Burning witches – innocent females, males or children – is one of the darkest and most terrifying chapters of the religious history and I could not be further away about being positive about that in any way. But it is history and we are learning from history – sometimes at least.
It is a little sneak preview about the new annual DRD hunt sim and some design cooperation of this exciting and incredible event.
The sim for DRD Salem is already open and you can explore it, while the hunt was delayed a little bit, but it seams they are on the home stretch – keep an eye on their group notices to not miss it!
DRD again built new amazing buildings, decoration and harvest decor for their event and you can get them as 15 sets single or in a mega pack with 240 (!!!) items. I have to admit it is really worth it as you can decorate your whole parcel or sim with that in an amazing way.
For the event DRD did find an amazing clothing designer, who made an amazing Puritan couple outfit matching the event theme perfectly. I am wearing the female outfit called “Salem Female” in green for my first picture, but you can have it in black, red or brown as well. You get a full outfit with shoes and the cute bonnet at the DRD mainstore – perfect to do the hunt as soon as it does go live! Maybe peek at the 718 mainstore as well… they usually do completely different designs, which I already drooled all over for a couple of times *grins* . I have a feeling there will be a blog post about 718 soon *chuckles*
The second designer DRD did collaborate with is the sweet Lady from WLS – Stabitha. Sure they had to get her on board with her amazing statues and buildings too! She made the amazing Preacher statue, which you can find in the middle of the village near the gallows, if you zoom in you can see it on the right bottom corner of the third picture, but I will have another post where I have it more in the focus soon 😉
I could just snap some impressions of the sim and the buildings, but I really recommend you take a look for yourself – Below you can find some of them maybe they tease enough so you grab the limo and fly over there 😉
Credits and store locations as always at the very bottom.

DRD – “Salem’s Chruch” available at ACCESS // October 2023

DRD – “Salem’s Jail” available at The Fifty // October 2023

DRD – “Salem’s Gallows” available at Equal10 // October 2023

“DRD’s Secrets of Salem” – landscape impression
Outfit: 718 – “Salem Female” (Maitreya) – NEW @ DRD Salem // October 2023
Hair & Makeup
Hair: no.match – “No Call”
Head, Body & Tattoo
Head: LeLUTKA – “EvoX Avalon”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3”
Poses, Props & Tools
Pose: FOXCITY – “Witch Hunt Bento Pose” (Bento, with surrounding & props)
Building 1: DRD – “Salem – Salem’s Church” – NEW @ ACCESS // October 2023
Building 2: DRD – “Salem – Salem’s Jail” – NEW @ The Fifty // October 2023
Building 3: DRD – Salem – Salem’s Gallows” – NEW @ Equal10 // October 2023
All the rest: DRD – “Salem – MEGASUPERPACK” – NEW @ Mainstore // October 2023
Location: DRD’s Secrets of Salem