Halloween Nightmares 2023 – Part 4 // DRD’s Secrets of Salem

Today I come with a huge, picture-filled post to you.

First of all, before the shitstorm starts, I am not standing for anything that has to do with torture or want to glorify historical mistakes. Burning witches – innocent females, males or children – is one of the darkest and most terrifying chapters of the religious history and I could not be further away about being positive about that in any way. But it is history and we are learning from history – sometimes at least.

It is a little sneak preview about the new annual DRD hunt sim and some design cooperation of this exciting and incredible event.

The sim for DRD Salem is already open and you can explore it, while the hunt was delayed a little bit, but it seams they are on the home stretch – keep an eye on their group notices to not miss it!

DRD again built new amazing buildings, decoration and harvest decor for their event and you can get them as 15 sets single or in a mega pack with 240 (!!!) items. I have to admit it is really worth it as you can decorate your whole parcel or sim with that in an amazing way.

For the event DRD did find an amazing clothing designer, who made an amazing Puritan couple outfit matching the event theme perfectly. I am wearing the female outfit called “Salem Female” in green for my first picture, but you can have it in black, red or brown as well. You get a full outfit with shoes and the cute bonnet at the DRD mainstore – perfect to do the hunt as soon as it does go live! Maybe peek at the 718 mainstore as well… they usually do completely different designs, which I already drooled all over for a couple of times *grins* . I have a feeling there will be a blog post about 718 soon *chuckles*

The second designer DRD did collaborate with is the sweet Lady from WLS – Stabitha. Sure they had to get her on board with her amazing statues and buildings too! She made the amazing Preacher statue, which you can find in the middle of the village near the gallows, if you zoom in you can see it on the right bottom corner of the third picture, but I will have another post where I have it more in the focus soon 😉

I could just snap some impressions of the sim and the buildings, but I really recommend you take a look for yourself – Below you can find some of them maybe they tease enough so you grab the limo and fly over there 😉

Credits and store locations as always at the very bottom.

DRD – “Salem’s Chruch” available at ACCESS // October 2023

DRD – “Salem’s Jail” available at The Fifty // October 2023

DRD – “Salem’s Gallows” available at Equal10 // October 2023

“DRD’s Secrets of Salem” – landscape impression


Outfit: 718 – “Salem Female”  (Maitreya) – NEW @ DRD Salem // October 2023

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match  – “No Call”

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – “EvoX Avalon”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3”

Poses, Props & Tools

Pose: FOXCITY – “Witch Hunt Bento Pose” (Bento, with surrounding & props)
Building 1: DRD – “Salem – Salem’s Church” – NEW @ ACCESS // October 2023
Building 2: DRD – “Salem – Salem’s Jail” – NEW @ The Fifty // October 2023
Building 3: DRD – Salem – Salem’s Gallows” – NEW @ Equal10 // October 2023
All the rest: DRD – “Salem – MEGASUPERPACK” – NEW @ Mainstore // October 2023
Location: DRD’s Secrets of Salem

Model, Stylist & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

“Music was my first Love…”

A tribute to Victoria Frances – Created for E-Clipse Magazine April 2021 – https://issuu.com/eclipsemagazinesl/docs/eclipse_magazine_april_2021


Music was my first love
And it’ll be my last
Music of the future
And music of the past.
To live without my music
Would be impossible to do
In this world of troubles
My music pulls me through

[- John Miles -]

Headpiece: Moon Elixir – “Mushroom Thorn Crown” (Gacha, Common)

Horns: Storybook – “Curse – Aged”

Nails: [CX] – “Fallen Filth Claws” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No_Waste”

Face Art:  Nefekalum Tattoos – “Hunger” (BoM, Materials enabled)

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – Erin 2.5″

Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3” + “Lara Add-On “Petite” V1.1″

Tattoo: .:Vegas:. – “Tattoo ( Dark ) Secrets” (BoM)

Freckles & Veins: Izzie’s – “Body Veeins & Cellulite 01 + Freckles” + “Neck Freckles 01 (warm)” (BoM)

Dirt: Izzie’s – “Dirt light” (BoM)

Ears: .:BoD:. – “Sasha Crosses”

Poses, Props & Tools

Poses: Vivien De’Lancoure

Backdrop: JACKALOPE – “The Witching Hour Backdrop”

Harp: DRD – ” Victorian Musicroom- Harp”

Models & Stylists

Vivien De’Lancoure & Wicca Merlin


Wicca Merlin

Dr. Stein grows funny Creatures


Once they killed his monster when it went into a trap
Now he’s making better ones on a higher step

It is not a secret, that this time of the year is my personal favorite. The weather becomes bearable, the sun is not burning down like crazy anymore, the days become shorter – I always was more a creature of the night and certainly the spooky times arrived 😉 Now I can do weird, crazy and morbid stuff without being asked if I am alright 😉

What inspired me a lot for this post, was the actual hunt and the latest releases from DRD as well as the amazing group gift from CURELESS [+]. I got kinda an addiction to the incredible detailed torsos from CURELESS [+ ], that they have in various releases, which I showed already in previous posts. When I saw that they even released one of those as a group gift I first could not believe it. It was one of the best group gifts I ever got! Speaking of kick ass cool group gifts – the hair I am wearing as well is a group gift coming from no.match. You can wear it with and without the hat!

There is 2 events going on at the moment that really got me excited and after completing both of them I am kinda sad that it is already over… such things  I could do forever 😉 . The fist one would be the Ironwood Hills event called Haunting 2018. It is the 3rd event in a row – and all 3 belong to each other – and I immensely enjoyed them all. While we hunted for little charms for a charm bracelet laying inside a book, this time we got a tablet, that guided us through the whole story and hunt. You do not need to collect something this time you just need to find the right people one after another and solve their riddles. It is a great way to explore the sim as well if you did not do that before as it drags you across the whole sim. As if that would not be already enough for amusement, you get as reward over 40 gifts from the best designers on the grid. All of them as well made special Exclusives, scary, spooky themed for the event – It is a shopping paradise for all those who love the darker side of life 😉

Speaking of the best designers on the grid, I cannot miss DRD. Deathrow Designs, is one of my all time favorites anyways if it is clothing, accessories or structures/buildings. They have a certain way of their designing and texturing, you would discover them under a million of other designers. The skills of the whole team is incredibly amazing and incomparable. They as well are part of the Ironwood Hills event with their mega amazing Reanimator Gacha – you can gamble for it or just buy the whole set. The whole set screams Dr. Stein with the tower and it’s furniture as well as the reward gift for completing the Ironwood Hills hunt. Last year round about the same time they introduced their Shadow Box. A monthly subscription box over 6 month with a final reward gift if you bought all 6 of them. My today background is exactly that final gift with various furniture items that were in the shadow boxes. Obviously I used the dark version – for the Shadow boxes you always got one light and one dark version.

DRD has as well an event going on, the Reanimator Hunt. You just have to grab the hunt HUD at the landing point and roam around the DRD sim along a path they mentioned in the NC. While walking around, you will find little skulls and just by clicking them you will get your hunt items until you collected all and can grab your final 10th gift back at the landing point. What I loved is that the skulls are not permanent. As soon as you lick them they vanish and spawn somewhere else randomly. That makes sure everyone has the same hunting experience 🙂

As a little plus and for all that love to collect things they have a neat addition to the hunt The Steins – 11 unique, in character dressed avatars of their staff – appear randomly on the sim and you have to ask them a specific question (you find that one in the DRD group notices). If you asked the right question each of them will hand you a unique, personalized journal – I still miss 3 of them but I will keep hunting them down 😉

Don’t miss either Ironwood Hills or the Reanimator Hunt @ DRD, before October is over – There is not many chances for free hunts and games in such an amazing quality!

Outfit & Accessories

Torso: CURELESS [+] – “Cadavre Exquis” (Maitreya) – NEW Group Gift

Panty: CURELESS [+] – “Anatomic Doll / Skeletal System / Panty / RARE” (Maitreya, Gacha)

Collar: Asteroid Box – “Caelum Collar” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Red Light District

Shoes: UTOPIA@Design – “Alice” (Maitreya)

Bracers: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Trinity Bracers [Black]” (Maitreya, Gacha)

Bracelets (Incl. Blood Tattoo): CURELESS [+] – “Barbedwire Cuffs”

Nails: Meva – “Bento Claws Dark” (Maitreya)

Bunnies: CURELESS [+] – “Bunny Dool” (Group Gift)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No.Scary” – NEW Group Gift

Makeup: CURELESS [+] – “Undereye Lines & Eyeliner” (Omega Applier)

Lipstick: Zibska – “Folia Lips” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Eye: Clemmm – “I’m Tired / Red Bloodshot” – NEW @ Ironwood Hills (Gift)

Ears: .:E.A:. Studio – “Elf Dior Ears”

Poses & Props

Poses: Foxcity

Set: DRD – “Shadow Mansion  – Furnished- Dark” (Shadow Box Bonus Item)

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin


Recently I had the huge luck and pleasure to meet one of my dearest friends from SL in RL. I never would have thought of ever seeing her for real as she comes from Australia, the other half of the world!

We met in Bamberg, a romantic and amazing little city in Germany. She was on a little world trip and came to Germany on a river trip with a huge boat. The weather was amazing and so we could walk around and see a little bit of the historic buildings and then we sat down in the sun at a cafe and had some coffee and typical German drinks from our region. The feeling when I could hug her for real was indescribably amazing and priceless. She was exactly like I got to know her and it immediately felt so familiar and as I would know her my whole life. It was one of the rare moments, that showed me why it was worth sticking so long to SL as I never would have met her otherwise.

Sis, I know we are living so far apart, but I really, really wish I get another possibility to see and hug you again. After having that chance once, I do not want it to be the first and last time we did that! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your trip and come home safe!

I had to say that first before I start my regular post as I am so happy about that 😉

Today I was in a cyber mood again and I was waiting for so long to have a reason to buy that cool tentacles from [CX]. Being in SL for over 10 years, normally means you have a uncontrollable inventory – at least in my case. I do have so many things, even if I do not use them to much – or not at all – some of them have amazing memories to them and I simply can’t delete them. I do sort and as well clean it out, but no matter what I can’t make it below a certain number and even that number grows every year for some reason :p

That was why I did impose a rule on myself… “Never buy something you do not have an initial idea for, or that you do not use in a reasonable time frame!” Sometimes that is really hard as I see many things on events and in stores, that I do like immensely…

With that, I at least protect my inventory from exploding too much but, it still grows… just slower*giggles*

It did change my whole shopping habit a lot, as well it did change my view on some things. I used to buy lots of stuff and then I even forgot, that I got them. Sometimes I found things weeks and month after I got them and they already were dusty and old and I had still no idea what to use them for 🙁

Now I get excited again when I buy things, as I know I maybe waited a while before I found the inspiration for, or I was thinking hard to imagine what I could do with them. I do not know how to describe but things got more value to me again. It does make a difference if you just buy things because you want to have them, or if you buy things to actually use them. It did feel bad when things stayed unused and got deleted some when without not having them used at least once even if it is ‘only’ virtual goods. Someone worked to create them and it feels disrespectful to me for what ever reason.

What kind of a shopper you are? Do you think much about what you buy or do you just buy all you like?

Outfit & Accessories

Outfit: A&Y Cybernetics – “Aglaya Latex Cyber Corset” (Maitreya)

Gloves: A&Y Cybernetics – “Electra Cyber Gloves” (Maitreya)

Shoes: A&Y Cybernetics – “Aglaya Latex Cyber Boots” (Maitreya)

Heart: [Neurolab Inc.] – “Heart Reactor MK-6 V.2”

Tentacles: [CX] – “Sentinel Tentacles”

Mask: DRD – “Cybermask”

Collar: .:Avanti:. – “Nayomi Collar”

Nails: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Obsess Claws” (Maitreya, Bento)

Chin: [CX] – “Chin Pointer” (Group Gift)

Nose: [CX] – “Scarred Bridge” (Group Gift)

Nose Ring: [CX] – “Pierced Septum” (Group Gift)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Skin & Lekku: LURE – “Twi’Lek (blue)” (Maitreya/Omega Applier, Gacha, Rare)

Tattoo: LURE – “Upgrade Tattoo” (Maitreya Applier)

Face: LURE – “Survivor Pack Tattoo” (Omega Applier, Gacha, Common)

Eyes: CURELESS [+] – “Spookshow Eyes”

Poses & Props

LePoppycock, Fairey Poses & Foxcity



Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Who are you behind the screen?

Are you a guy or a girl behind the screen?

That is a question, I heard so many times in my SL life. In the beginning – over 10 years ago – I had a different RL partner, who played a girl in SL and so he did not want me to voice or skype. He was afraid, that he would be ‘discovered’ as a guy, if ambiance noise or background phone calls were going on and that others would not RP or talk to him anymore if they would know. I respected his wish during our relationship and only typed. I never even thought about that being an issue for anyone, since I never requested myself being a female*lmao*, but when it happened the first time, I remember I really felt hurt somehow. I can not even say why, but it hit me right out of nothing when I got told “If you are not voicing you are a guy that tries to hide”

That was years ago and after I broke up with my partner, I did voice and prove more than once with it, that I am a real female.

But for about 2 years, it really kept getting more and more annoying and the more I was told if I don’t voice I must be a guy that I became stubborn as well and in the beginning I did not even wanna voice just because of all that. I did not want to let them dictate me and what I need to do. When I finally started to voice with some people that I always felt close and who never accused me to be a guy in RL It really was fun.

When I started modeling, I again stumbled over that fact. In some competitions they asked for voice checks, some designers where requesting voice verifications and at some modeling schools you had to prove, that you are a girl when you play a girl avatar. That really made me think… Why it would be so important, to know if a girl avatar really is a girl in RL? I mean we are not talking about relationships or cheating on other people who fell in love on wrong informations. There were some girls who told me in privacy that they would be guys and they would be afraid to say it, because they thought then they would not be allowed to model anymore as girls. And the ‘Why’ in my heads became bigger and bigger. What would make the difference on a SL model, designer or any other kind of roleplay if you don’t take it to RL, if that person is male or female or gay, lesbian or hetero? Does it matter for styling abilities? Does it matter for walking the runway?

Isn’t Second Life a place where you can be what you want? Isn’t Second Life a place where you can live your dreams? Isn’t Second Life a place where you can release a side of you that you can’t show in RL? Maybe there is a reason why a person does not voice even if they are the gender in RL, which they are playing in SL? Maybe someone cannot voice because they are not able to talk in RL, because they are deaf or mute?

The more I got into that, the more I hear things and read bad posts about people that were ‘discovered’ by others. Those people who did that always felt right about, that they revealed something ‘important’ and had to tell the whole world?!?! Who gave them the right to do that? Who gave them the right to hurt others with their stories? Who are they, that they think they need to be the Second Life police for that?

Again I am not talking about SL relationships that were meant to go RL and one got badly tricked, but I always said I do not care about what gender people are behind the screen as long as no one gets hurt. I know a few super, mega top models in SL that do a great job and be admired by many people and they are not the gender, which they are playing in SL. Who cares? They do an amazing job, otherwise they would not have made it so far. It is just sad, that they had to ask friends to do their ‘voice verifications’ for them, to be allowed to do what they like and enjoy.

I hope one day – in a world where transgenders in real life more and more get accepted and as well get popular and famous – people in Second Life can be as tolerant as they became RL.

I wish – in a world where creativity is a gift and all are aiming to be more creative – that all who only stand up to think about how they can hurt, slander and defame other people get a life and find joy and satisfaction in being productive instead of being constructive.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”
[Bernard M. Baruch]

Outfit & Accessories

Lingerie: Enfant Terrible – “Bombshell” (Maitreya)

Stockings: BigBeautifulDoll – “Stockings Lady Nude Sheer” (Maitreya Applier)

Shoes: Bliensen + MaiTai – “It’s aways Teatime” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Enchantment

Wings: Enfant Terrible – “Unisex Wings Heartshape”

Gloves: CODEX – “Aranel” (Bento, Maitreya)

Blindfold & Collar: Bliensen + MaiTai – “La Perla” – NEW @ ROMP

Ring & Armlets: .alme. – “Maple Leaves Ring” (armlets edited)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: Mithral – “Agave”

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Face: Izzie’s – “Pores & Blemishes” (LeLutka Applier)

Poses & Props

Bed & Poses: Dictatorshop – “Contempo Bed” (menu driven) – NEW @ ROMP

Background: DRD – “Shadow Mansion – Light” (Bedroom, Shadow Box Bonus)

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

No matter where you go, everyone’s connected…

“ You will be required to do wrong no matter where you go. It is the basic condition of life, to be required to violate your own identity. ”

[Philip K. Dick, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?]

I do have an addiction for cyber punk and futuristic looks… but I guess thats not new;)

What is new is the hairstyle from A&Y which I completely fell in love with 😉

A&Y always was one of my first choices for cyber or futuristic hair. The ideas of Anabel Crystal, Owner and designer of A&Y, are just incredible amazing. She has that special look to all her creations, when you see designs you immediately know she made them. The “Lucia Cyber Hair” is a perfect example for the incredible eye for the detail of Anabel Crystal. The haistyle is an unsymmetrical one, which I anyways love and it is decorated with amazing tubes on one side, which go around, down the neck to meet the tail on the other side.

What I adore as well is that with A&Y has some super vibrant colors in their hair. You can wear them as one color only or you can use the strong colors to set an accent to your style. That brings me to the amazing HUD for the A&Y hair. When I first used it, it took me a moment, to realize I cannot immediately use it, I have to connect the HUD first to my hairstyle. So you wear your hair, then the HUD and the you use the connect button on the HUD to ‘activate’ both to work together. The great advantage of that HUD is, that you can choose each section, which you want to color separately and clearly labeled. Each part of the tubes, the hair parts and every single decoration. I rarely saw such complex and great HUDs for hair, that are to operate so easy and detailed.

Certainly such a great hair needed a strong look to go with. I wanted to underline the cyber though with a non human skin. I remembered that I got an amazing unusual skin pack from YS&YS longer ago, with 4 very different colored skin tones. The great metal effect for the skin and the face, was part of another skin from YS&YS but it perfectly worked with the Zafiro tone from the “Ginny” pack. With the “Samara” outfit from Wicca’s Wardrobe, the cool stompers from DRD, the cyber arm from Naurolab Inc. and the long claws from Meva the look totally nailed a cyber look for me.

While I was styling the look for today I already got more cyber ideas :p So I guess it should not be too long until my next futuristic post 😉


Outfit & Accessories:

Outfit & Bracelets: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Samara” (Maitreya)

Shoes: DRD – “p.a.n stompers” (Size 2)

Left Arm: Neurolab Inc. – “EV3 Android” (Maitreya)

Rings: Meva – “Bento Maitreya Rings Silver” (Maitreya)

Nails: Meva – “Bento Claw” (Maitreya)

Hair & Makeup:

Hair: [A&Y] Cybernetics – “Lucia Cyber Hair”

Hairbase: Mina – “Myla” (LeLutka Applier, part of a hairstyle)

Lipstick: Izzie’s – “Metallic Lipsticks” (LeLutka Applier)

Body and Tattoos:

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Skin: YS&YS – “Ginny” (LeLutka/Maitreya Applier)

Tattoo & Faceart: YS&YS – “Pris” (LeLutka/Maitreya Applier)

Poses & Props:

Background: MINIMAL – “Futuristic Backdrop”

Poses: Poseidon

Model & Photographer:

Wicca Merlin

Post Apocalyptic – What is that?

As promised, I will today talk a little bit about post apocalyptic styles in comparison to cyber/cyberpunk, which I wrote about in one of my last posts (https://wiccamerlin.de/cyberpunk-what-is-that/).

Maybe lets start again with a general description from Wikipedia and then go from there 😉

Apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction is a subgenre of science fiction, science fantasy or horror fiction literature in which the Earth’s technological civilization is collapsing or has collapsed. The apocalypse event may be climatic, such as runaway climate change; natural, such as an impact event; man-made, such as nuclear warfare or resource depletion; medical, such as a Pandemic, whether natural or man-made; or imaginative, such as a zombie apocalypse, cybernetic revolt, technological singularity, dysgenics, or alien invasion. The story may involve attempts to prevent an apocalypse event, deal with the impact and consequences of the event itself, or it may be post-apocalyptic, set after the event. The time frame may be immediately after the catastrophe, focusing on the travails or psychology of survivors, the way to maintain the human race alive and together as one, or considerably later, often including the theme that the existence of pre-catastrophe civilization has been forgotten (or mythologized). Post-apocalyptic stories often take place in a non-technological future world, or a world where only scattered elements of society and technology remain.


Post apocalyptic is the time after an apocalypse, that means the world like we know it is gone and we have to live from all that is left over. Most likely electricity is not working in general.. maybe via a few generators that are left as long as we have the fuel to run them. Water might be rare, so the everyday shower probably has o be skipped as well 😉

It probably is a martial, warlike environment, where all just try to survive – anyways how.

Let’s think about what you could wear then or what kind of fashion would be most certain…

I would say makeups will be a rare case, maybe we can use coal or clay, maybe even some berries or fruit that survived, to bring color on our faces. I do not see that very colorful or even neon looking.

For the clothing, when we looted all existing warehouses and clothing stores, we most likely have to wear what we can find, or what we can create out of that. Maybe that’s why I love that genre so much as it is very simple but as well can be very creative in terms of fashion and creating outfits.

Because of the fact, that I really do love post apocalyptic clothing and environment, I really was happy when I heard that there will be an event exactly for that. From the 18th to the 27th of August, the Thereafter event is taking place.

A full sim created in a post apocalyptic style, with many amazing designers who designed fashion, furniture, ambience, poses or landscaping items for exact that futuristic imagination.

Thereafter has a tight schedule of many events. Dj’s, live musicians and a cool fashion theatre are taking place! Event Schedule: https://thereaftersl.wordpress.com/event-schedule/

The outfits and props for my todays post are all from the event and as well the pictures are taken there. Don’t you love it when you can go shopping and as well take amazing pictures or walk around in the perfect environment for the event?

For my first post I chose the “Bena” dress with the amazing belt and scarf. The dress comes in many different colors and together with the 2 amazing accessories it just looks totally amazing, even if you can wear the dress without those as well.

From Boom I used the super cool shoulder plates, that are made of car plates – I just love such neat little details!

Last but not least I am wearing the event exclusive from ~isil~, the extraordinary mask of the “Survival Mask & Helmet” design. You can choose to wear only the mask or the helmet with the HUD that comes with it and as well lets you retexture the whole item to many different colors – even the little light in the mask you can colorchange.

For the rest of the look I am wearing many parts of DeathRowDesign, that are as well the creators of the amazing building in the background of the pictures. The “Sewer Shelter” is a wonderful collection with all kind of fantastic furniture and as well a built that you can use as your perfect post apocalyptic hideout 😉

Over the next few days I will have a few more exciting news from the event, as it became an addiction to make pictures on the Thereafter sim 😉

If you like this kid of style as much as I do, or if you are just curious and want a kick ass experience, even if you just love making snaps in cool scenarios – you should NOT miss out on the Thereafter event!

Thereafter Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sarastro/159/171/26


Outfit: Miss Chelsea – “Bena” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Thereafter

Right Leg: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Naesala Boots” (Maitreya)

Left Leg: DeathRowDesigns – “Post Apocalyptic Prosthetic”

Shoulderpieces: BOOM – “Plate Armor” – NEW @ Thereafter

Arm Armor: DeathRowDesigns – “Female Armor”

Bracelet right: Lapointe and Beastchild – “Swear Holiday Corded Bracelet”

Mask: ~isil~ – “Survival Mask & Helmet” – NEW @ Thereafter

Hair: Discord Designs – “Senay”

Skin Dirt (incl. nailpolish): Izzie’s – “Body & Face Dirt” (Maitreya/LeLutka Applier)

Makeup: Zibska – “Noir Pack 06” (LeLutka Applier)

Props: DeathRowDesigns – “Sewer Shelter” – NEW @ Thereafter

Poses: Poseidon


Head: LeLutka – Simone 3.0″

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Shape: Selfmade

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Location: Thereafter