“… And now that things are changing for the worse
See, its a crazy world we’re living in
And I just can’t see that half of us immersed in sin
Is all we have to give these –
Future’s made of virtual insanity now
Always seem to, be governed by this love we have
For useless, twisting, our new technology
Oh, now there is no sound – for we all live underground
And I’m thinking what a mess we’re in
Hard to know where to begin…”
[- Jamiroquai -]

When you think about your life as a path, it never seems to be a straight and smooth one. You have junctions, where you have to decide which way to go. You will face bumpy and rocky sections. You might even dead-end streets, which first looked completely right and all of a sudden you realize it won’t let you go further than a certain point. You might find ways, that feel as they would go to nowhere – some really do some just take a long walk until you can see where they lead to. Some might request major changes and decisions and some just need next to nothing to decide the change.
I am at one of those junctions, maybe even one of the dead-end ones in RL and SL. While it is a little more complicated in RL, in SL I just need to get my mind straight and think about what I really want for my free time activity called Second Life. I – and I only can talk about myself and my personal feelings – do not need a Second Life that dictates my schedule, gives me pressure time wise, forces me to decide on things I do not feel I want to, or to follow something I am not 100% behind anymore. Certainly I feel responsible about schedules and appointments, I always tried to be accurate, on time and well prepared what ever it was, but sometimes the thought of “Do I really need that?” sneaked into my mind and I was more careful the next time I committed to something. But what about things that you thought they would totally suit you and you would enjoy them – what you maybe even did for a while – and then they change? Maybe the fun fades or they take direction to something completely different than what you expected or pictured? I have a hard time lettings things go I had fun with for along time, especially if friendship is involved. It is always harder – at least for me – to leave something, if you have built a friendship with some of the people. Sometimes friendships break as certain people will take your decisions personally, even if they are not meant to be like that. On the other hand if you go on with it, you might risk the friendship as well as you are constantly unhappy and even if you try to hide it, it most likely will be felt by other people, especially if it is friends. Often it is a tightrope walking and you have to think very carefully how you decide.
That sometimes can lead to a “Virtual Insanity”, which inspired me for todays post and pictures.
The damn cool straight jacket was made by CerberusXing for the Warehouse Sales event. It comes in a clean and bloody version and due the BoM Alpha layer you can wear it with different mesh bodies. The cute, pierced horns as well were made by CerberusXing for the Anthem event. My mega awesome piercing I found at Kinky made my .:E.A.Studio:. It is a huge gacha with many different parts, while the piercing is one of the rares you will find a lot of cool earrings as well. To snap my pictures with that kinda crazy, insane look, what could be better than the Rosewood Hills Asylum made by DRD. It is a huge gacha with 49 collectables items and they make in total over 150 separate decorative items! The gacha set was parted into 2 machines, one focusing more on the medical interior and the other on the office interior. I just can say both totally worth to collect if you want an overall awesome Asylum! If you want a short and scary tour through the Rosewood Hills Asylum you can as well take a look HERE, where Eowyn and Jaimy made a short video to introduce it – watch at your own risk *grins wickedly* If you are even more brave you can take a taxi to Rosewood Hills (SURL below in credits) and look for yourself if you can survive the virtual insanity *winks*

Top: [CX]Â – “Sealed Entitiy – Female (Clean) A” (Fitted Mesh) – NEW @ The Warehouse Sale // November 2020
Pants: [CX] – “Wild Hazard Shorts – B)” (Maitreya, Gacha, Common)
Socks: .:Avanti:. – “Knit Socks” (Omega Applier)
Shoes: L’Emporio&PL – “*Cryptor*”
Legs 1: [CX] – “Wild Hazard Leg Harness – Black (A)” (Maitreya, Gacha, Common)
Legs 2: [CX] – “Wild Hazard Leg Harness – Black (B)” (Maitreya, Gacha, Common)
Horns (incl. Tattoo): [CX] – “Mara Horns” – NEW @ Anthem // December 2020
Piercing: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Vertebrus Septum MOD A” (Gacha, Rare) – NEW @ Kinky //November 2020
Hair & Makeup
Hair: Action Inkubator – “Neo”
Eyeshadow: CAZIMI – “Exiled HD Makeup” (LeLUTKA Evo.HD Applier)
Face Art: [CX] – “Plague” (BoM, Group Gift)
Head, Body & Tattoo
Head: LeLUTKA – “Lake 2.5”
Ears: [CX] – “Sceleratis Ears”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3”
Tattoo: .:Vegas:. – “Tattoo Dark Relevation” (BoM)
Poses, Props & Tools
Poses: Foxcity
Scenery: DRD – “Rosewood Asylum” (Gacha, Rares, Commons)
Rosewood Hills
Model, Photographer & Stylist
Wicca Merlin