Head: LeLUTKA – “Irina 2.5” // Skin: YS&YS – “Kaylee” // Eyebrows: “Harper II HD Brows” (LeLUTKA HD Applier) // Ears: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Akasuna” // Hair: Stealthic – “Paradox”
I wanted to have that post done already but RL again meant to change my plans…
My mom had to be brought to hospital, as she needed a new knee. She was there about a week with surgery and after care. She has a super cute dog, that needed to be taken care of as well. I love my mom more than I can find words for, but if you have a daily schedule with work and what not , it does mean a change if you want to see your mom at the hospital and walk the sweet doggie 2 to 3 times a day. The dog is cute and can be as sweet as a teddy bear, but the same time she is so damn stubborn and not the lightest candle in the chandelier. Long story short… When it was my usual time to log on SL I was so exhausted and tired, that I simply broke down on the couch and fell asleep.
Now mom is back home again and since she has to walk with 2 crutches, she needs a lot of help still with cooking, walking the dog (she not yet is that fast, but she tries) and all the house hold stuff. I never thought that I would be able to do that besides my work and my own daily schedule, but it appears if it has to work, it does *winks*

Head: LeLUTKA – “Sasha 2.5” // Skin: YS&YS – “Kaylee” // Eyebrows: “Harper II HD Brows” (LeLUTKA HD Applier) // Ears: L’Emporio&PL – “Athan” // Hair: Dura – “U100-FAT PACK A”
But now, lets take a look at the new female heads from LeLUTKA. Around Christmas LeLUTKA was so generous to give out one of those heads as a group gift for quite a while, before it turned to a regular sale on the 26th of December 2020. It was the Lilly head. A cute, innocent and sweet head. I never before saw a full boundless, bento head as a group gift and certainly I had to tell everyone to get that head (there was a male one too which as well you can find at the main store now, too – Alain).

Head: LeLUTKA – “Lilly 2.5” // Skin: YS&YS – “Kaylee” // Eyebrows: “Harper II HD Brows” (LeLUTKA HD Applier) // Ears: .:[PUMEC] :. – “Yong Wing” // Hair: [RA] – “Alice Hair” // Necklace: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Damned Heart” // Tattoo: .:Vegas:. – “Sweet Love”
Usually I post the new heads with their original skin and shape first, but this time – since I saw them so many times already in their original look – I wanted to try something different. I still used all their original shapes, but with always the same skin – my everyday skin from YS&YS – and as well always the same makeup and face mods that I usually wear. The reason was to show, how versatile all those heads are and how different they can look even with all the same basics. With their new collections of heads, LeLUTKA again shows their insane, awesome skills for rare beauty and strong faces. LeLUTKA always set on diversity and fashion forward looking faces and with this collection they just once again show exactly that. Certainly all of those heads are boundless and have all the amazing features as always 🙂 . I can tell you if you started to wear one of the new Evolution heads from LeLUTKA and saw all the possibilities, expressions, moods and all the huge HUD offers you… you will never want to wear a different brand – been there done that *giggles* I love my LeLUTKA heads and for me personally there won’t be any better heads!

Head: LeLUTKA – “Zora 2.5” // Skin: YS&YS – “Kaylee” // Eyebrows: “Harper II HD Brows” (LeLUTKA HD Applier) // Ears: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Kanji” // Hair: no.match – “No_Reign” // Necklace: [ abrasive ] – “Romance Necklace”
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