Real Friendship

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Tempest & Wicca wearing Blacklace – “Passione – Leo Print & Lace Bra Set”

Today I have something very special…

Tempest Rosca, an incredible photographer, an amazing model and what counts even more for me… one of the ‘oldest’ and best friends I ever met in SL.

Tempest and me go way back and share quite a long past. We met in the early days of our modeling back on 2008/2009. That makes about 7 years… holy… time goes by!

The more I was happy when she IMed me and said “Wic.. do not blog the next Blacklace you get, let’s do it together!” God how iI could even think other than yes, when I thought about Tempe’s amazing pictures – I would get an original Tempest Rosca shoot!

Since I know how important a vision is for a photographer, I asked her if she had a special styling in mind. She just said “Hold on I send you a snap in a few but think lioness, princess, queen…” That sounded about Tempe… we get lingerie and she is talking about lions *giggles* I just love her. She has her own way of craziness and it seems to get well along with mine :p

When we met, while she was arranging the poses she had in mind we again had some great time for talking. Do you know that feeling.. you have friends, that you do not see or talk to every day, but when you met them it feels like it would be like that? That Tempe and me share.. we both have our own Second Life, but it crosses here and there and the it feels again so close and familiar, just amazing. We talked about old times, changes, new times and it felt so good to just talk away without any fears to say something wrong or something that he other would take wrong. Tempe and me never ever had that issue, we can talk about everything even about things we dislike or disagree and it never ever hit our friendship. That is very rare for me and with that it has one of the highest value. Exactly that to me is real friendship. We do not need kissy kissy everyday and as well we can talk clear and straight, without taking it wrong from each other – that can be so freeing and relaxing… I have no clue how long we talked until she found the right poses, angles and setting but I enjoyed every single second of it.

When I saw the picture I was speechless… it is incredible and perfect and again I know why I admire Tempe’s skills for pictures.

Thank you so much for a wonderful evening and an incredible picture Tempe – and yes.. next time it will be my turn and I am looking forward to it!!!

LOTD 08/05/2016 – Yesterday @ GizzA

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Yesterday when I dressed up for my GizzA shift I found myself in a light elegant mood. That for I tried one of the latest releases from GizzA called “Adrianna”. “Adrianna” is a wonderful ensemble of a jacket with a deep neckline and a wonderful short leather skirt. The outfit is available for standard avatars as well as for Slink Physique/Hourglass and Maitreya Lara mesh bodies.

Since GizzA recently started to make appliers for mesh bodies, I could not resist to use the new “Fleur Lace Top” under the “Adrianna” outfit. I made a wonderful addition to the rest of the look 🙂 The “Fleur Lace Top” comes with four appliers (Slink, Belleza, Maitreya & Omega) so you should be able to wear it with all the popular mesh bodies out there. What really caught my attention, the lines are very sharp and crisp and so you could see all the love for the details, Giz put into that wonderful new release. To complete the outfit I put sheer tights from Izzie’s and the wonderful “MeiMei” set made by Meva for the past round of On9, but I am sure you will find it at her main store now 😉

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For the pictures I again found my way to one of the Neva sims. This time it was Saint Pete City. A wonderful designed little city with so many details that I still find some every time I go back there 😉 For these picture series, I walked to the more outsides where you can see the seaside from those lovely benches. That would be as well a wonderful place just to relax and chat and enjoy the waves and birds I guess 😉

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Outfit: GizzA – “Adrianna” – NEW

Shirt: GizzA – “Fleur Lace Top” (Applier) – NEW

Tights: Izzie’s – “Sheer Tights Basic” (Applier)

Hair: enVogue – “Melissa”

Jewelry: Meva – “MeiMei”


Head: CATWA – “Jessica”

Body: Slink – “Physique”

Hand & Feet: Slink

Location: Saint Pete City

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

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Leopard Print for Versus Magazine – Part 2

Read the Magazine:

Versus Magazine Spring/Summer 2016


Top: GizzA – “Felicia Coat”
Pants: LeeZu – “Desert Jeans”
BackPack: [sYs] – “SKULL bag”
Hair: .Shi – “Introvert”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin


Leopard Print for Versus Magazine – Part 1

Read the Magazine:

Versus Magazine Spring/Summer 2016


Pants: GizzA – “Ladies Cargo”

Top: LeeZu – “Loui Pullover”

Jacket: GizzA – “Petra Jacket”

Shoes: Garbaggio – “Pointed Booties”

Bag: [sys] – “Charley Bag”

Hair: no.match – “No.Border”

Handwrap: Pomposity – “Palm Wrap”

Pose: Del May

Locations: Baby’s Ear

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Summer @ SoliDea FoliEs

Solidea face

Nailed It! – “Cracked Set”

This time I have the great pleasure, to showcase some of the newest designs of SoliDea FoliEs.

But before I will put the attention to the amazing designs I would like to focus again on my nails… I realized lately that wearing nails is something so ‘normal’ that you tend to forget about and usually they do not get the spotlight they earn. My nail polish for this post was made by Giela Delpaso, owner and designer of Nailed It! and a very good friend of mine. She puts so much effort in her work… it is incredible what tiny filigree art she puts on her nail designs.

Today I used some nail polishes from her “Cracked Set”. Lately Nailed it” not only provides nails for slink appliers and a set of mesh nails, but as well the HUDs for Maitreya and Belleza hands!


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from left to right: SoliDea FoliEs – “Dolce”, “Uno.Mint”, “Flora” & “Dots into Spring”

Mila Tatham is back with amazing news and as well original mesh creations!

She made an amazing Spring/Summer Collection. Parts of her creations were showcased on the Saviad Anniversary and the wonderful FEROSH shows over that weekend.

Looking at her whole collection I was not really able to choose which dress or gown I would like to showcase first, so I put o all of them and snapped them to not be forced to just focus on one of them 😉

 From left to right we can see the “Dulce” dress, a short sleeve less dress with an amazing zebra print and a wonderful floral middle. Up next we have one of the Saviad exclusive releases called “Uno” in a mint color. The dress has a mesh basic and wonderful flexible prims added to give the whole outfit a very aerial look. The collar is attached to the dress already. The third design is called “Flora” and the name already tells what it is 😉 A beautiful long-sleeved dress that reaches down to the ground with an awesome floral pattern. Last but not least we have the cute “Dots into Spring” dress. I am addicted to dots anyways and that sweet dress as well has this pretty flower to attach at the shoulder and as well some flexible prims that give the whole design a very realistic look, even if I liked it without as well 😉

To see all the amazing new releases and original mesh designs of Mila Tatham, owner and genius designer of SoliDea FoliEs, you better make your way to her main store and watch around all the wonderful new releases and all time favourites 😉

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Dresses: all by SoliDea FoliEs

Hair: Lelutka – “QCX”

Eyeshadow: Zibska – “Mira-coal”

Lipsticks: all by L.Fauna

Nailpolish: Nailed It! – “Cracked Set”

Poses: PosESioN

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wildlife with Jewelry by Jake

Continue reading

African Times at Angel Dessous!!!

(Outfits: Angel Dessous, Poses: Body Talking, Models from left to right: Arisia Ahmoot, Wicca Merlin, Tandra Parx, Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

Angel Dessous goes Africa with the latest releases! Nando Korbase did a great themed line of outfits. All with a lovely animal print texture in different versions and color.

(Outfits: Angel Dessous – Marashi Cheetah”, Poses: Body Talking, Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

“Maraschi Cheetah” this amazing gown is called and it would suit and african princess perfect. The top of the dress has a wonderful deep neckline that accents a wonderful looking cleavage. The dress with the great leopard looking animal print goes down very non symmetric. In the back you have a huge prim attachment that underlines the theme of the outfit perfect! And you will not believe, but the great jewelry that you see, the neck collar, the earrings and the bangles are part of the outfit!!! Unbelievable but true 🙂

(Outfits: Angel Dessous – “Wailiki Tiger”, Poses: Body Talking, Model: Tandra Parx, Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

Tandra is showing us the “Wakili Tiger” outfit. This outfit comes in 2 versions. The one Tandra is wearing on the picture and one darker one that goes into a black/grey/white tone. It is a great pants outfit with a lovely short jacket. The tiger print gives the whole outfit a light dangerous touch*grins* Be careful guys this kitty has claws *snickers* The jacket has a black basic ornamented with the tiger printed seams that reply the main texture of the outfit. The great pantsuit is perfectly decorated with a huge black belt that is closed by a buckle that fits again totally to the basic pantsuit.

(Outfits: Angel Dessous – “”Samia Giraffe”, Poses: Body Talking, Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

“Samia” you can purchase with 2 different animal prints – ‘giraffe’ and ‘tiger’. First we take a look at the ‘giraffe’ version. The basic colors are black and white combines to that awesome giraffe print. It is a wonderful lingerie with a bra, pants and nylon stockings decorated with an amazing attached prim belt that goes down in kinda little train on the left side. In every part of that outfit Nando Korbase combined the animal print with a basic black texture with taste and love to every single detail.

(Outfits: Angel Dessous – “”Samia Tiger”, Poses: Body Talking, Model: Arisia Ashmoot, Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

The necklace and the bangle for the left wrist are part of the outfit. For the ‘tiger’ version we have the same great arrangement and combination of the tiger print and the wonderful detailed black basic. Even the seams of the nylon stockings are decorated with the matching texture!

(Outfits: Angel Dessous – “”Faizah Cheeta & Zebra”, Poses: Body Talking, Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

“Faizah'” is a stunning pencil skirt dress. The skirt goes up high over the waist and ends at its bottom a little bit above the knees. The upper part has a very sexy touch as you only have a bra and a jacket that is fully made of the animal print. Also for this outfit Nando Korbase packed the matching jewelry, the necklace and the bangles!!!

(Outfits: Angel Dessous – “”Nabila Cheetah”, Poses: Body Talking, Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

Last but not least we have a beautiful tight gown in a ‘mermaid skirt’ style. The tight “Nabila Cheetah” is a very elegant gown that accents every fashionistas perfectly shaped body and shows of your female curves in a dreamy way 😉 The deep neckline makes a wonderful cleavage. The skirt goes down very tight and before it reaches the ground it ends in an amazing dark brown prim attachment. The theme of the ‘skirt end’ is repeated in a part of the belt that decorates the waist. For this outfit also you get the whole jewelry if you get yours at Angel Dessous.

For the end of my post I want to announce the great contest that Angel Dessous is holding from the 1st to the 7th of October! So make sure you take part the prizes are awesome!!!

Angel Dessous is proud to announce the

>> African Queen Photocontest <<

(Picture provided by Angel Dessous)

Concerning the release of the Angel Dessous African Fashion Line.

The contest will run from 01. October till the 07. October 2010 ( 12 pm SLT )
The winner will be advised on the 08.october 2 pm following the
Craig Lyons live concert ( ~*~ The FASHION ROCKS Series ~*~ ) at the
Angel Dessous Mainstore Blue Sky.


The Winner will get :
–  the winner pic will be published in October issue of the BeStyle Magazine.
– get a wildcard to participate at the
Angel of Angel Dessous Contest Finale in December
– an Angel Dessous African Fashion Line package ( worth more than 4000 L$ )
– prizes of our contest sponsors ::Je suis and Vanity Hair

the first runner-up will get :
– an Angel Dessous African Fashion Line package ( worth more than 2000 L$ )
– prizes of our contest sponsors ::Je suis and Vanity Hair

Contest rules
– The model must wear one of our new released African Fashion Line sets
( release date 01.October 2010 )
– Each participant can send in 1 shot ( required size 1024 x 1024 px ),
plz send your pic ingame to Gina Beaumont, Leandra Breen or Nando Korobase
the pic must be recieved latest on the 07.Oct.2010 – 12 pm SLT
– all pics will be displayed at our Mainstore Blue Sky
– the Jury consists of Gina Beaumont, Leandra Breen and Nando Korobase

Hot, sexy, wild, colorful – Stiletto Moody – new colors for “Bare Fay” wild!!!

Unbelievable!!! The new Stiletto Moody “Bare Fay” wild set is out!!! Breathtaking new colors for “Bare Fay” at Stiletto Moody: Kalido, Camo, Python and Zebra in never seen combinations!

That are the new colors of the brand new release of Stiletto Moody ‘s newest release from today! Well known colors like black, grey and nude combined with a dark camo texture. A must have for the real fashionista and the brave modern lady!

The new spring collection 2010 brings a fresh and wild look to your feet. These are the shoes where the outfit will be arranged around;) Zebra and python patterns combined with the amazing Stiletto Moody colors will bring out the little wild thing in you 😉

Let the first sunbeams kiss your new Stiletto Moodys in the new “Kaleido” style! A stunning colorful kaleido texture added to a basic color will make you the queen of heels with that new release of Stiletto Moody!

As always the new “Bare Fay” wild set has the great features we know of Stiletto Moody: different nail polish, colorchangable hardware, and also great accessories that are available for every style of shoes.

The new spring collection 2010 of Stiletto Moody will get the brave and strong side in you… let them drive you wild. In every girls heart lives a little wild thing now you can set it free 😉 Hurry over to the Stiletto Moody Mainstore and be one of the first of the new spring trend!


Shoes: Stiletto Moody – “Bare Fay” wild set

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin