The Afternoon of a Faun

Faun 1

The Afternoon of a Faun

These nymphs that I would perpetuate:

so clear

And light, their carnation, that it floats in the air

Heavy with leafy slumbers.

Did I love a dream?

My doubt, night’s ancient hoard, pursues its theme

In branching labyrinths, which being still

The veritable woods themselves, alas, reveal

My triumph as the ideal fault of roses.

Faun 5


whether the women of your glosses

Are phantoms of your fabulous desires!

Faun, the illusion flees from the cold, blue eyes

Of the chaster nymph like a fountain gushing tears:

But the other, all in sighs, you say, compares

To a hot wind through your fleece that blows at noon?

No! through the motionless and weary swoon

Of stifling heat that suffocates the morning,

Save from my flute, no waters murmuring

In harmony flow out into the groves;

And the only wind on the horizon no ripple moves,

Exhaled from my twin pipes and swift to drain

The melody in arid drifts of rain,

Is the visible, serene and fictive air

Of inspiration rising as if in prayer.

Relate, Sicilian shores, whose tranquil fens

My vanity disturbs as do the suns,

Silent beneath the brilliant flowers of flame:

“That cutting hollow reeds my art would tame,

I saw far off, against the glaucous gold

Of foliage twined to where the springs run cold,

An animal whiteness languorously swaying;

To the slow prelude that the pipes were playing,

This flight of swans — no! naiads — rose in a shower

Of spray…”

Faun 6

Day burns inert in the tawny hour

And excess of hymen is escaped away —

Without a sign, from one pined for the primal A:

And so, beneath a flood of antique light,

As innocent as are the lilies white,

To my first ardours I wake alone.

Besides sweet nothings by their lips made known,

Kisses that only mark their perfidy,

My chest reveals an unsolved mystery…

The toothmarks of some strange, majestic creature:

Enough! Arcana such as these disclose their nature

Only through vast twin reeds played to the skies,

That, turning to music all that clouds the eyes,

Dream, in a long solo, that we amused

The beauty all around us by confused

Equations with our credulous melody;

Faun 7

And dream that the song can make love soar so high

That, purged of all ordinary fantasies

Of back or breast — incessant shapes that rise

In blindness — it distils sonorities

From every empty and monotonous line.

Then, instrument of flights, Syrinx malign,

At lakes where you attend me, bloom once more!

Long shall my discourse from the echoing shore

Depict those goddesses: by masquerades,

I’ll strip the veils that sanctify their shades;

And when I’ve sucked the brightness out of grapes,

To quell the flood of sorrow that escapes,

I’ll lift the empty cluster to the sky,

Avidly drunk till evening has drawn nigh,

And blow in laughter through the luminous skins.

Faun 4

Let us inflate our MEMORIES, O nymphs.

“Piercing the reeds, my darting eyes transfix,

Plunged in the cooling waves, immortal necks,

And cries of fury echo through the air;

Splendid cascades of tresses disappear

In shimmering jewels. Pursuing them, I find

There, at my feet, two sleepers intertwined,

Bruised in the languor of duality,

Their arms about each other heedlessly.

I bear them, still entangled, to a height

Where frivolous shadow never mocks the light

And dying roses yield the sun their scent,

That with the day our passions might be spent.”

I adore you, wrath of virgins-fierce delight

Of the sacred burden’s writhing naked flight

From the fiery lightning of my lips that flash

With the secret terror of the thirsting flesh:

From the cruel one’s feet to the heart of the shy,

Whom innocence abandons suddenly,

Watered in frenzied or less woeful tears.

Faun 3

“Gay with the conquest of those traitorous fears,

I sinned when I divided the dishevelled

Tuft of kisses that the gods had ravelled.

For hardly had I hidden an ardent moan

Deep in the joyous recesses of one

(Holding by a finger, that her swanlike pallor

From her sister’s passion might be tinged with colour,

The little one, unblushingly demure),

When from my arms, loosened by death obscure,

This prey, ungrateful to the end, breaks free,

Spurning the sobs that still transported me.”

Others will lead me on to happiness,

Their tresses knotted round my horns, I guess.

You know, my passion, that crimson with ripe seeds,

Pomegranates burst in a murmur of bees,

And that our blood, seized by each passing form,

Flows toward desire’s everlasting swarm.

In the time when the forest turns ashen and gold

And the summer’s demise in the leaves is extolled,

Etna! when Venus visits her retreat,

Treading your lava with innocent feet,

Though a sad sleep thunders and the flame burns cold.

Faun 8

I hold the queen!

Sure punishment…

No, but the soul,

Weighed down by the body, wordless, struck dumb,

To noon’s proud silence must at last succumb:

And so, let me sleep, oblivious of sin,

Stretched out on the thirsty sand, drinking in

The bountiful rays of the wine-growing star!

Couple, farewell; I’ll see the shade that now you are.

[by Stephen Mallarme

Translated from French by Henry Weinfeld and Mark Ebden]

Faun 2


Pants: [sys] – “Comox Pants” – NEW @ Gen Neutral

Top: [sys] – “Rio t-Shirt”

Shoes: GizzA – “Combat Boots & Socks”

Armor: [LAB737] – “Ram Armor”

Horns: Wasabi Pills – “Inferno Horns”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Amare”

Face Decor: The Forge – “Face Chain”

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Criminal”

Makeup: +Nuuna+ – “Ere Makeup” & ” Hlaftone”

Location: Crest of Vrek’mar

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin


Can Latex and Vinyl be Fashion? – Yes they can!

sys 6

Sometimes you just sit there and stare at your inventory, not knowing what you wanna do… You just see a wall of things you wanna blog and you cannot make up your mind what you should do first. I usually start then first with some inventory sorting and cleaning, what I anyways do way to occasionally…

Sometimes you get lucky and find an inspiration while you are sorting, sometimes you just have to put on several things until feels like “DingDingDing” and you know exactly what you wanna do 😉

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It wasnt that bad this time, as I did know I want to showcase one of the latest releases of [sys] from the Black Fair and the mega cool Elephant seat from 22769 from the actual We <3 RP event.

 Now, the big question was how to bring those 2 together in a cool way, as I wanted to combine the latex look of the “Hellia” dress with the light shining texture of the “Elephant Loveseat”.

When I looked through my inventory to see what more I could use for my scenery, I came across the “Chameleon Bag” from Boutique #187, which i just put on the sofa, as I did not yet know what kind of poses I wanna use. Furthermore I found a shelf, that I got last year at the On9 event from six o’clock and some wall art from 22769.

The scenery became more and more monochrome and modern and so I decided to wear the “Overcast” hat from LODE to my styling. It is a long time favourite of mine and while I was fooling around with several poses more and more the idea of the huge hat did grow in my head. Last but not least I added the wrist cuffs of our new “Cathbad Set”, which we made with Wicca’s Wardrobe for the actual round of The Secret affair and some sheer tights from Izzie’s, to feature the gold parts of the “Hellia” outfit a little bit more.

To finish my look I certainly HAD to use my new “Nemesia” angle boots from Glamistry. Since I saw that boots the first time I fell in love with them. I know they are not the newest release from Glamistry but they are one of my personal favorites! They are so versatile! Depending on the color and color combinations they can feature every style from casual to elegant. Today certainly I had to go for black & gold to match the actual look (not to mention that black is my favourite colors anyways :p )

Overall this look might be another example, that latex can be fashionable even if so many still sort it only in the wrong corner… even some of the most popular designers used latex and vinyl for their creations and put it on the runways of our world 😉


Outfit: [sys] – “Hellia” NEW @ The Dark Style Fair

Tights: Izzie’s – “Sheer Tights Colors”

Shoes: Glamistry – “Nemesia”

Hat: LODE – “Overcast”

Cuffs: Wicca’s Wardrobe – Cathbad Set” – NEW @ The Secret Affair

Bag: Boutique #187 – Chameleon Bag”

Sofa: 22769 – “Elephant Loveseat” – NEW @ We<3RP

Shelf: ! six o’clock! – “Geometrical Bookcase Set”

Letters: 22769 – “Sinatra Wall Art”

Lamp: Elysium – “Nyborg Lamp”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wasteland Vamp with Asteria & Enfant Terrible

Asteria 1

Sometimes you put on an outfit and you already know what you want it to look like :p

Exactly that happened to me with the “Tanya” outfit from Asteria.

Asteria 2

The outfit contains the amazing top, high-waisted panties and the incredible gitternet skirt. The top is decorated with some delicate lace at the bottom and the panties can be worn with or without the skirt. It is available in many different colors, but since I am addicted to black, I certainly used the black option 🙂

Asteria 3

With the golden metal studs on the skirt and the very cool collar with the long leather tassels, this outfit called for something additional golden to me and so I chose the “Emma’s Halo” head-piece from Enfant Terrible in gold.

The amazing long and elegant gloves I picked from the “Charlotte” outfit from GizzA.

Asteria 5

The “Patch Mechanics” from .shi and the amazing “Rift Lip Paint” from Deche just made the finish of the look to me. The awesome boots are made by [MODA]. The come with a huge HUD, that lets you customize the boots in any way you think, so you can fit them to your outfit.

The amazing scenery I found at the wastelands. I loved the shape of the structure as it went so well with the shape of the headpiece and just gave the right ambience and feeling to what I wanted for my pictures.

Asteria 4


Outfit – Asteria – “Tanya” NEW @ CSR

Gloves: GizzA – “Charlotte Outfit” (part of the outfit)

Boots: [MODA] – “Sakari Strapped Boots”

Headpiece: Enfant Terrrible – “Emma’s Halo”

Eyepatch: .shi – “Patch Mechanics”

Lips Art: Deche – “Rift Lip Paint”

Hair: DeLa – “Julia II”

Poses: Del May

Location: Wastelands

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

LOTD 05/11/2016 – Pokerface?


What ever was in my flu medicals… it must have had a girly factor…

I have no clue why but for some reason the last few days, all I tried to style turned out kinda girly :p


Today I am wearing the “Anae Dress”, made by [sys]. This cute short but as well edgy dress, totally caught my attention when I unpacked it and tried it for the first time. With the plain top and the amazing designed skirt, parted from each other with a chic leather belt, this dress totally is a must have for every fashionista.


The more I worked on the styling, the cuter the whole look became and I wanted a little twist on the overall view. First I added the glasses from Since 1975 and then the cool “Ann” bow from Elysium. All of a sudden I had a Lady Gaga feel to the whole styling and went on with the super cool “Cathien Collar” from Meva. The little bag is one of my faves lately as it is not that huge and works so much better as the usual big bags I have. The “Petite Malle” bag was made by Tracei and totally will have a place in the first part of my wardrobe 😉


First I tried some pumps and stilettos but all of the ones I put on kinda did not give the outfit what it needed in my view and so I decided to go with some more heavy looking ankle boots from Glamistry. The “Lantana” booties are ono of my all time favourites and I would not wanna miss them in my inventory. With the huge HUD you can customize them perfectly to nearly every look as you can recolor so many different parts single!

Last but not least I wanted some jewelry. Not too much but a little bit of chic, which I found with the “Arm Chain No. 2 ” from Finesmith.

Over all the whole style turned out as a fun outfit and even if I am not a girly type usually I really do like the overall look 😉



Outfit: [sys] – “Anae Dress”

Shoes: Glamistry – “Lantana Ankelboots”

Headpiece: Elysium – “Ann”

Glasses: [Since 1975] – “Vintage Glasses]

Bracelet: [sys] – “Pop BRacelet”

Bag: Tracei – “Petite Malle”

Collar: Meva – “Cathien Collar”

Armlet: Finesmith – “Arm Chain No. 2”

Hair: [taketomi] – “Kurako”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin


LOTD 05/05/2016

Astralia+Glamistry 4a


Smooth Operator

Diamond life, lover boy.
We move in space with minimum waste and maximum joy.
City lights and business nights.
When you require streetcar desire for higher heights.No place for beginners or sensitive hearts
When sentiment is left to chance.
No place to be ending but somewhere to start.

Astralia+Glamistry 3a

No need to ask.
He’s a smooth operator.

Coast to coast, LA to Chicago, western male.
Across the north and south, to Key Largo, love for sale.

Face to face, each classic case.
We shadow box and double cross,
Yet need the chase.

Astralia+Glamistry 1a

A license to love, insurance to hold.
Melts all your memories and change into gold.
His eyes are like angels but his heart is cold.

No need to ask.
He’s a smooth operator.

Coast to coast, LA to Chicago, western male.
Across the north and south, to Key Largo, love for sale.

Smooth operator!

Astralia+Glamistry 2a
Outfit: Asteria – “Milena Drape Dress” – NEW
Shoes: Glamistry – “Aster”
Hair: EMO-tions – “Kristen”
Jewelry: Finesmith – “Alberta”
Bench: 22769 – “Pasta Bench”
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe & The Edge Photo Challenge !


Wicca’s Wardrobe / Windlight Magazine Photo Competition Advert

Wicca’s Wardrobe / Windlight Magazine Photo Competition

Wicca’s Wardrobe has partnered with Windlight Magazine to offer a photo competition with amazing prizes for the Winner.

The Theme of Competition is

‘Show Us Your Couture Fairytale’

The Competition runs between April 24th and May 15th (deadline May 15th at Midnight SLT).

Taxi to Wicca’s Wardrobe


Style and Photograph a Couture Fairytale look inspired featuring current Wicca’s Wardrobe Designs from her Store or Events around SL. Accessories and added clothing is allowed but Wicca’s Wardrobe clothing should be recognisable.

(No group gifts please!)


Winner’s Prizes

Winner gets 2K Lindens, 2K Gift Voucher from Wicca’s Wardrobe and winning Photo published in Windlight Magazine.

Only one Photo per entrant allowed.

Entrants have to post their photo to the Windlight Competitions Flickr group

On their flickr entry, entrants should note the Wicca’s Wardrobe items they are wearing.…

Outbreak – A world after tomroow…

Post Apocalyptic 2

Yes, I have an addiction for post apocalyptic looks…

I do not know why, but maybe it is the strong attitude, the cool survival look or the fact of a very energetic instinct of self-preservation that makes the whole scenario and it’s fashions so attractive to me.

Today I was not looking for a special style in the beginning, but when I was wandering over a few post apocalyptic sims I discovered the “Outbreak” sim. A survival roleplay sim with an urban post apocalyptic flair. (more information you will find at

When I was roaming over the sim and saw its many different places, locations and RP sections, I more and more wanted to dress me like a part of this fantastic scenario, even if I will never find enough time to actually really RP at the moment.

Post Apocalyptic 1

So I ran home and looked for someting appropriate to put on.

I started with the “Natasha Corset” from Azuchi. It is available at the actual round of We <3 RP and with the amazing shoulder strap and the incredible detailed corset it was a wonderful basic part for a corset lover 😉

Sometimes I get the feeling that bare arms are like a hole in a styling and so I searched through my inventory, what I could use to cover my arms and give the look still a cool attitude. After some time i found the “Sleevies” from PEQE. I know I got them from an event, as I thought something like this would be useful someday but I cannot remember which one it was. Since they are not that new I guess they can be found at their main store now 😉

For the pants I wanted something shiny as well, as the corset had a very amazing shine to it too. I was looking through my pants folder, but most of the pants were too high and poked through the corset. Finally I tried the “Anakri” pants I made for Wicca’s wardrobe longer ago. They are still some of my fave pants of the store 😉 and with the HUD you get 6 different options in black and white to choose from.

Post Apocalyptic 7

The cool heavy boots are made by wonderful friends of mine for their label “FrEgo”, which you still can find on Marketplace (

While I was trying a lot of different hair and not one did look right, I remembered the awesome “Kazakh” leather cap from [sys] with the cool goggles attached to them. With this cap I only needed a hair base, as the cap would be big enough to hide any hair inside of it 😉

For the tattoo I again went with one of the newest ones from White Widow, the “Charade”. It is available at the actual Epiphany event as a gacha. One exclusive rare tattoo in 3 colors, 4 exclusive common items you can mix together in 3 colors as well and one exclusive tattoo you only can buy with Epiphany points, which you will not be able to get after the event is over.

Post Apocalyptic 6

The amazing face ornaments are from Elysium and together with the Face makeup from Nuuna’s – which is one of my favourite stores for interesting and outstanding looking face art – it made the perfect look for such a tenacious look 😉

Certainly I had to have some piercings as well. The cool septum was made by Real Evil and the kick ass ear piercings coming from House of Darcy.

Post Apocalyptic 3

Ready styled I went back to the amazing Outbreak sim and continued my little roam over the sim, when I figured out it was not only one sim… it was 2. Both are built with an amazing eye for details and all the people I met were very friendly and did not mind me taking pictures. I just was asked to not disturb the ongoing RP or violate privacy, what to me is anyways obvious.

Post Apocalyptic 5


Corset: Azuchi – “Natasha Corset” @ We <3 RP

Sleeves: PEQE – “Sleevies”

Pants: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Anakri Pants”

Shoes: FrEgo – “Woman’s Combat Boots”

Cap: [sys] – “Kazakh”

Tattoo: White Widow – “Charade” @ Epiphany

Earrings: HoD – “Downward Spiral Gauge”

Piercing: Real Evil Industries – “Dark Queen Septum Ring”

Eye Parts: Elysium – “Eye deco”

Makeup: Nuuna’s – “Ku-My” & “Ere Makeup”

Lipstick: blackliquid – “Lip Line”

Location: Outbreak

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Post Apocalyptic 4

LOTD 04/22/2016 – Girls just wanna have fun!

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I have no clue why, but while I was working on the pictures of todays post, the song ‘Girls just wanna have fun’ was stuck in my head :p

The base of the look was the incredible jewelry from Tracei.

In SL it is really hard to find modern casual jewelry. I have a lot of elegant jewelry or as well filigree little jewelry – most of the in either gold or silver – , but if you look for bigger, modern casual chic jewelry it is quite a challenge. When I discovered Tracei, it felt like I would be in heaven!

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So long I was looking for some bold but still chic and fashionable jewelry and accessories, that can be mixed and word with casual styles.

Today I would like to showcase 3 parts of the fantastic jewelry collection of Tracei.

For the earrings I went with a pair of “Calista”. The “Calista” earrings are available in 6 monochrome shades and for my post I chose the opal blue ones. The “Calista” earrings are the perfect choice to take you through the actual season and onwards to the desired summer 😉 The earrings are so versatile, as you can use them for casual chic stylings as well as for pimp up your beach wear look or even for an evenings party! With the inbuilt resizer you can size them to your likings and needs. Originally the “Calista” earrings were released at the Lost & Found event but they found their way to the Tracei main store and marketplace now as well.

The wonderful ring and glasses are made by Tracei as well. The “Artio” sunglasses as well can be resized via a resizer and inside the lenses you have amazing reflections, what makes them look amazing realistic. The “Evan Apatite” ring makes the perfect finish for the accessorizing. With the oversized but clean look it makes a statement and can be worn by both genders. I loved the mix of the darn onyx ring with the smooth gem at the top a lot and it kinda brings to gether the casual with the chic thought of the look.

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For the outfit I put on one of the latest releases from Asia Rae. The “Polly” top is a real playful looking little shirt with little lines over the shoulders and a long ruffled part on the front that reaches down to the belly button, what adds a very sexy touch in my view 😉

For the pants I decided to go with one of my long time favourites, the “Zipper Skinny” jeans made by Maitreya. I wanted some simple but not boring basics for the clothing, to make the accessories and shoes shine even more.

Talking about shoes…

Today I am wearing the “Echium” heels from Glamistry. Those heels are a definite must have for every girls wardrobe.

Basically you could call them plateau pumps but they are so much more than that! With the amazing add-ons that have a scales look, those heels are simply stunning and so adaptable to so many different styles and looks. The love of the detail of Glamistry again shows with the little studs that hold the add-ons in place and as well with the repeating of the scales fabric on the bottom of the heel. Again the shoes can be purchased in many colors which you can mix and match for the basic shoe, add ons, metals, heel and the sole.

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The cool furniture I used for my set, was a mix and match of several items I got at various events. The cute pastel fan I got from Art Dummy which sadly is closed now , the cool shelf was made by Lark and the wonderful ‘boat couch’ I found on an event as well from Stockholm & Lima, one of my favourite brands when it comes to furniture with high details. Sometimes less is more and for fashion posts I really do like a pure and simple surrounding 😉

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Top: Asia Rae – “Polly Top”

Pants: Maitreya – “Zipper-Skinny Jeans”

Shoes: Glamistry – “Echium”

Earrings: Tracei – “Calista”

Ring: Tracei – “Evan Apatite Ring”

Sunglasses: Tracei – “Artio Sky”

Fan: Art Dummy – “Breeze”

Shelf: Lark – “Beachcomber Shelf”

Sofa: Stockholm & Lima – “Repurposed Boat”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

GizzA teams up with Glamisty for Peony!

Gizza & Glamistry 6

A collaboration between designers is always exciting to me, as it brings out new and different sides of each of them or even pairs their best skills and abilities.

The last fact happened in my view on the latest collaboration of  GizzA & Glamisty.

Both designers have amazing skills when it comes to designing and texturing. The “Peony” outfit and heels show how incredible amazing such a collaboration can be. The outfit – made by GizzA – itself comes in several colors. Originally there is one color for top and pants but I decided to mix 2 of them together since I anyways have a weakness for black and red combinations 😉

Gizza & Glamistry 4

The top is a very summer looking top with a great leather texture. I the front you have high closed tight shape, which closes together right at the neck.  That leaves a very sexy back with much skin and only covered by 3 lines, that close around the front again, which hold the top in place 😉

The pants do have an amazing, aerial floating back piece to them. The sheer part is perfectly rigged to the legs and will follow your legs with every step. The “Peony” pants are 3/4 pants (or sometimes called capri pants) and let enough room for the amazing “Peony” heels from Glamistry.

Gizza & Glamistry 1

Glamistry is one of the most popular shoe designers these days. And if you take a look at their designs you will know why 😉

I rarely saw shoes, that are so detailed and realistic, as the Glamistry ones. They always release up to date creations and offer an amazing color system for customers. Usually you buy one color but you are able to add more colors on your HUD by just buying another color. That means you do not buy another pair of shoes, you just add another color on your HUD. That is a very inventory friendly system to have a lot of colors for each shoe!

For the “Peony Heels”, Glamistry certainly made the perfect matching colors to the “Peony Outfit” from GizzA. You have the possibility to color several parts of the shoes in a different color. The shoes itself have 2 parts like you can see on the picture above, I colored them black and red. Then you are able as well to choose for metals, heels and sole, to make sure you have the best combination for your look. To me that makes those shoes very versatile and perfect for any kind of styling 🙂

Gizza & Glamistry 2

The incredible tattoo was made by my favourite tattoo designer and friend, Julie Hastings. She made the “Charade” tatoo for the actual round of the Epiphany gacha event.

The cute hairstyle, together with the hat, comes from Ayashi and the amazing bracelet was made by Asteria for one of the past round of the Enchantment event, if I remember correctly.

Since I have an addiction to piercings as well and rarely can use them usually, I could not resist to add the little “Dark Queen Septum” 😉

The cool walls you can see behind me, are from E.V.E. Studio. I used several copies and resized them to build a surrounding for my today’s pictures 😉

Gizza & Glamistry 3


Outfit: GizzA – “Peony Outfit” – NEW

Heels: Glamistry – “Peony Heels” – NEW

Hair & Hat: Ayashi – “Rin”

Necklace: Mandala – “Hannya”

Bracelets: Astralia – “Amarantha”

Ring: (NS) – “Vicious Rose”

Piercing: **RE** – “Dark Queen Septum”

Tattoo: White Widow – “Charade” – NEW @ Epiphany (Gacha)

Scene: E.V.E. Studio – “Dystopia Room Divider”

Poses: Corpus

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Gizza & Glamistry 5

LOTD 04/19/2016 – Weird Mood

GizzA-Elysium 1

Yesterday I was in a very weird mood, when I put together the look for my GizzA shift. It was not a bad nor a good mood… it was just weird.

Do you know that moments where you kinda feel nothing – real nothing? It is a very strange and good feeling the same time. Hard to explain but if you ever had that you will exactly know what I am talking about 😉

In such moments it is very dangerous for me to style. As I never know what the outcome will be… will it be a great funky look or will I look like a clown…

That is, why I always let one day go by and look at it again t make sure it looks ok :p

GizzA-Elysium 6

I started with the new “Joanna Laced Dress” from GizzA. A short, cute and amazing short mesh dress, which comes in several colors and patterns. What I liked a lot, was that the dress was not just made with a deep neckline in the back, but had those laces as a neat decoration what made it outstanding to me already. I decided for the ‘Red Floral’ version for today’s post. I was thinking a long time, what I could do with it. I did not want to make a too casual and common spring look, as I saw that already a lot of times for this dress.

I was looking into my ‘Shoulder Parts’ folder and found the cool “Epaulette Set” as well made by GizzA. They are not a new release but more and more I discovered that ‘old time goodies’ are still worth to be kept for several stylings :p

GizzA-Elysium 2

 The “Epaulette Set” comes with both shoulder pieces and an amazing mixture of chains and pearls as a necklace to connect both parts. I used the white version for today but there are many different colors available at the GizzA main store.

For arms and legs I wanted something not too heavy, but as well nothing too simple.

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The “Lovana” heels from Stelloane just perfectly worked for what I was aiming for.

With the cute laces wrapped around the whole leg, it was not just pups or sandals but as well not heavy, totally covering boots 😉

The arm pieces from the “Bonfire” outfit from Edelfabrik perfectly complimented the shows for the overall look.

I know I used the “Sidsel Hat” before, but I just love it so much, that I had to use it one more time 😉 To me that added a light touch of an artist look as I saw many painter RP with such hats… I know weird thoughts but sometimes… like I said it in the beginning… I am in a strange mood anyways atm 🙂

GizzA-Elysium 4


Dress: GizzA – “Joanna Laced Dress” – NEW

Shoulder Parts: GizzA – Epaulette Set”

Shoes: Stelloane – “Lovana”

Arm Parts: Edelfabrik – “Bonfire Bangles” (part of an outfit)

Hat: Elysium – “Sidsel Hat”

Nailpolish: Nailed It! – “French Spring Beauty”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Alicia”

Poses: agapee

Location: Netherwoods

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

GizzA-Elysium 4