For the very first “Claim the Fame” TV show I put together an outfit that I liked in the end so much that I decided it will become a Wicca’s Wardrobe styling
Many people know my addiction to take different parts of ready mae outfits or even many single parts and put them together to make a new look out of them. The styling for this post exactly was such a ‘puzzle’ mood The pants are part of the Gizza “Diamond Catsuit” in silver. For the corset i chose one of Trilobite my favourite corset maker named “Leather V” in coal. The top… yes I name it top even if it is just a bit more as a collar*giggles* comes from Kyoot Army and carries the name “Wilted Wednesday Vest”. The “Black Peahen” gloves by Glam Affair without the fingertips matched perfectly for the look I wanted to have. For the “Igaly Darkness” Boots by Eshi made a wonderful repeat of the look that the “Valeria” earrings from Finesmith Designs have – yes I so love that earrings ;). As well from Finesmith Designs are the “Draakje” nails that are only available in size 10. My hairstylist for this look was dianny3636 Aeon with her “Xia” hair attachment and the matching hairbase in black. The artist that made my wonderful tattoo was Shanea Parx from Wicked Tattoos. The skin is one of my 2 actual favourite made by Glam Affair called ” Mary” in the light tone. The armlets I found at Rozoregalia as a part of the “Hydra” line. For me a perfect everyday look for the crazy and daring fashionista
The poses of the yellow pictures I got from Diconay Boa, genius designer of CORPUS poses. If you need poses for pictures or even poses that are out of the box you definitely should visit her store and take a look. The amazing “Cycle Dancer” of the pink picture I found as a prop in 3 different colors with 16 different poses at Posies.