Envy and Jealousy are incurable diseases…

Those who enjoy their own emotionally bad health and who habitually fill their own minds with the rank poisons of suspicion, jealousy and hatred, as a rule take umbrage at those who refuse to do likewise, and they find a perverted relief in trying to denigrate them.

[Johannes Brahms]

It never stops to make me sad to see how some people try to make others life miserable for no reason. Not that I would not know it does exist but that does not mean I do understand it. The world is so huge and there is place for each and everyone. Some humans seem to believe, they do have to try to make others look bad and it does not want to get into my brain why. Do they feel better as others? Does it give them a “I am the better one” feeling? Does it give them any kind of satisfaction? Do they get up in the morning and the first thought is who they could trash today? If it would not be such a bad thing I would say I feel pity for those who cannot just enjoy their life by using all energy to make something out of themselves. But since it always involves that others get hurt by that, I can’t feel pity at all. I always try to figure out what kind of people that are. It cannot be successful ones as those would not need to put a bad light on others. They cannot be very self esteemed, as they probably suck all their power from others pain and sadness. They cannot be very creative as then they would use their energy to do something. They always try to justify their doing with the try to convince someone that they do it for law and order, while they are just doing it to feed their sick addiction of enjoying the sadness and pain they cause for others. There is even no way you could tell such people that they are wrong as they are so deeply caught in their addiction – like drug addicts, they never would admit they are addicted until they have serious physical problems.
Since we cannot do anything against it, the big question is how we deal with it… I guess there is no general way how to deal with it and everyone has to decide personally about how to handle it. First of all you have to find a way to not let to close to you. That is probably the hardest part as we are all humans and if we get attacked, it hurts. But that is exactly what those folks want and what we should not give them. It is only human nature that you instantly think you have to justify yourself, but you do not – especially if you did nothing wrong! It seriously is senseless to respond to such tries, as you never will get down a point against those trolls – they simply cannot see it (remember… addicts!) They will twist every word you say into something that works for them and against you. Anyways how you react or what you will do – it is just pointless.
The best is just to ignore and forget about them… in the end you must have done something right or spectacular, otherwise those people would not have tried to come after you.
After venting, I would love now to get a closer view on my todays look πŸ˜‰

Today I do not have one special item to focus on, it again was one of those lucky days where different things all of a sudden resulted in a whole.

[Gos] released an amazing combination of leather pants and funky ankle boots for the current round of UBER & FaMESHed. The “Liz” ankle boots (UBER) and leather pants (FaMESHed)!

Again Gospel Voom amazed me with his design and texture skills on both creations. The leather pants have a perfect shine if you use the materials version and the booties fit perfect with the leather pants. It is always hard to find matching shoes for long pants without getting any mesh clipping problems. I chose black for both “Liz” creations, because they reflected the light so amazingly.

Shoes often do not ge the spotlight they deserve and that is why I included a close up with different colors, just in case the dark green swallows too much of the shoes πŸ˜‰ The shoes again come in all popular body sizes and with the 3 amazing HUD options that lately are standard for [Gos]. The Boutique, the Blueberry and the Metallic HUD. AS well you have the choice for a materials enabled version and one without.

First I thought, To wear some gloves but then I found the amazing “Rallen” set that has makeup, lipstick and that amazing arms applier. That worked so much better than any gloves I found πŸ˜‰

The cool and funky necklace was made by Zib Scaggs as well. I really do love her crazy and funky designs as they always ad a extravagant touch to every style.

The amazing veil, was made by a very dear friend of mine. She does create for quite some time now and it is amazing to see what fierce ideas she comes up with. Anyways if makeup, headpieces or accessories, she has that little ‘something’ that make her creations very special. The “Shell Veil” comes with a huge HUD for the veil itself and the ruffled flowers on the top of the head. You get all kind of color and texture options with that πŸ™‚

I hope after my little venting at the top, I could do satisfaction to all those creations πŸ˜‰

Thanks a lot for reading and maybe you have your own experiences and ways, how you deal with trolls and all those who try to make others look bad and want to share that in the comments πŸ˜‰ Have a wonderful time and enjoy the happy side of life!


Outfit & Accessories:

Top: .:PULSE:. – “Proclivity Top” (Maitreya)

Staps: ::GB:: – “Body Belt” (Maitreya, Gacha)

Pants: [Gos] – “Liz Leather Pants” (Maitreya) – NEW @ FaMESHed

Shoes: [Gos] – “Liz Ankle Boots” (Maitreya) – NEW @ UBER

Rings: Meva – “Victorian Bento Rings” (Maitreya)

Headpiece: Spartin Parx – “Shell Veil”

Necklace: Zibska – “Syra”

Hair & Makeup:

Hair: Opale – “Yunjin”

Makeup 1: .AiShA. – “Be Dramatic Eyeshadow 3” (LeLutka Applier)

Makeup 2: Zibska – “Rallen Makeup” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: Zibska – “Rallen Lips” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo:

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Arms: Zibska – “Rallen” (Maitreya Applier)

Poses & Props:

Poses: Poseidon

Signs: *paper moon* – “City Ord. Signs”

Model & Photographer:

Wicca Merlin

Pastel Sugar Rush

Picture made for VERSUS Magazine Spring/Summer 2018


Outfit & Accesories:

Outfit (incl. shoes): Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Misaki” (Maitreya, Gacha)

Tights: Nanika – “Alina Tights” (Maitreya Applier)

Hair & Makeup:

Hair: Sintiklia – “Scorpio” (tinted)

Makeup: ALMA – “Hela” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo:

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Face: Izzie’s – “Pores & Blemishes” (LeLutka Applier)

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Loving” (Maitreya Applier)

Poses & Props:

(*chanimations / !dM – ” SugarRush”

Model & Photographer:

Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe @ Blush April/May 2018

For this round of Blush we have Sarah, a one piece outfit made for Belleza’s Freya, Maitreya’s Lara, and Slink’s Hourglass. You can buy it as individual colors or get all the colors in a fatpack (which is discounted for the event only). The vibrant colors, delicate patterning, short shorts and plunging neckline make it perfect for Spring and Summer.

Taxi to Blush: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Make%20them%20Blush/116/38/2495

Prisoner of Colors

And again I dare to experiment with vibrant colors :p

I have to admit the more I try the more I do really enjoy it. Sometimes in Photoshop I catch myself, when I fall back to old habbits and start to lightly desaturate the picture, but then I call myself on it and go back to work with those strong colors and bring them up even more.

I realized that the contrast of black and a bright strong color is even more interesting than just mute the colors afterwards. You can create really dramatic pictures by keeping them or even force them out a little more than you had them by snapping. As well you can do a lot with lights and projectors to let those colors pop more and create a certain ambiance with them.

Recently I tried to imagine a situation when I started to shoot to get more emotions into my pictures. I realized that if I do think about a certain moment or create a moment in my head before I start, the expression of the picture and becomes way stronger. The more I feel my picture, the better I can use face expressions as well. For quite some time, I only was looking for poses that showcased the outfits perfectly but sometimes the results looked nice but I felt nothing by looking at them. Maybe that sounds silly but for me that was a step forward with my own photography and blogging.

This time, I was imaging a space ship. The inspiration came from the movie ‘Pitch Black’, where Riddick was a prisoner on a space ship. So I was trying first on a broken space ship but that was not strong enough for that what I wanted to express. Then I remembered a backdrop I got from RAMA, that exactly did feature the colors I needed, and with the iron bars it perfectly did feature my basic ‘Riddick’ idea as well πŸ™‚

What else could fit better to a futuristic, post apocalyptic vision better than the designs of A&Y Cybernetics… and since Anabel Crystal – owner and designer of A&Y Cybernetics –Β  did release such amazing designs lately on all kind of events , to me it felt like fate to style up something with those amazing creations.

With the amazing HUD it was so easy and cool to color some parts in a strong, deep orange and keep the basic outfit in black. I love how the material are done as they reflect the light so perfect, you really can ge the impression and vibe that I wanted for todays pictures.

With all the straps and buckles, the short and really well shaped top and legwarmers, the whole ensemble really got a super sexy touch, but as well a very strong attitude in my opinion. I do like that combination a lot πŸ˜‰

With such a cool look I certainly needed hair, that goes with that style. I anyways be guilty for loving crazy things and therefor it was no wonder why I fell in love with the “Zeo Cyber” hair as well made by A&Y Cybernetics.

The best makeup I can imagine for such strong and unusual looks certainly had to come from Zibska. I adore the way how Zib Scaggs, owner and designer of Zibska, does her makeups. She created so many different ones already and does not stop to amaze me with new ideas. As well I love the variety of colors you can find for her makeups. Anyways if you look for something light or pastel or strong and deep hued – Zib does not let any desire unfulfilled. And if you think lipstick only can be a certain color variety, Zibska will prove you wrong, too. At Zibska you will find so many different way how you can ‘decorate’ your lips. Different shapes, special shades and unusual lights and shadows. You will find the matching makeup for all kind of styles from sweet casual to absolute avantgard or even futuristic creations.

Again I was surprised how cool vibrant colors can be without looking like comic or ‘overloaded’ and I guess I will try more colors soon πŸ˜‰

Outfit & Accessories:

Top: A&Y Cybernetics – “Electra Cyber Top” (Maitreya)

Pants: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Vixen Thong” (Maitreya, Bound Box October 2017)

Legs: A&Y Cybernetics – “Electra Cyber Lagwarmers” (Maitreya) – NEW @ XXX Event

Gloves: A&Y Cybernetics – “Electra Cyber Gloves” (Maitreya)

Shoes: [CX] – “Implant Revived-Hammered Iron” (Maitreya)

Hair & Makeup:

Hair & Hairbase: A&Y Cybernetics – “Zeo Cyber Hair” (Omega Applier Hairbase)

Makeup: Zibska – “Varia” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: Zibska – “Nerissa” (LeLutka Applier)

Body and Tattoo:

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Face: Izzie’s – “Pores & Blemishes” (LeLutka Applier)

Poses & Props:

Poses: Foxcity – “Surface Set” (Bento)

Backdrop: RAMA – “#selfie_RAMA Neon Grid#3”

Model & Photographer:

Wicca Merlin


The picture exactly shows how I feel sometimes… Totally disarranged but… somehow still interesting*laughs*

Did you ever came across such a situation where you had something in mind, started to style for your idea and for whatever reason, the whole concept fell and was replaced by a complete different idea? It happens to me so often…

When I started to dress for this post, I had a military style in mind with the “Orsay” dress, but then I remembered the cool puppet hanger from Curio Obscura and the same time [Gos] released their “Natalie” ankle boots and all of a sudden my idea changed to something complete different. The first idea only had the dress in the focus and then I got shoes that matched so wonderful so I had to find an idea where i can showcase the dress AND the shoes πŸ˜‰

Recently I had to re-think my idea for shoe posts as I did not like the “closeup only” pictures of shoes and accessories. I wanted something that still would allow more than just one part of the body in the picture and so I started experimenting a lot with crazy poses, crouch poses and certain sit and kneel poses. Sometimes it becomes more editorial looking and sometimes it just falls in place to a cool picture with the right angle. It is really fun the more you dare to fool around with poses and angles. Sometimes it just looks weird but if you just try a little more and not be afraid of crazy ideas it becomes way more exciting and interesting.

I will try to play more with those kid of ideas in the future and hope you will enjoy the results as much as I do πŸ˜‰ Thanks a lot for reading!


Outfit & Accessories:

Dress: [sYs] – “Orsay” (Maitreya)

Shoes: [Gos] – “Natalie Ankle Boots” (Maitreya)

Knees: .:Avanti:. – “Knit Knee Warmers” (Maitreya)

Crown: Enfant Terrible – “Crown Roses ULTRA RARE” (Gacha)

Rings: *elise* – “Orietta” (Maitreya)

Nails: Slackgirl – “Lourds Mesh Nails” (Maitreya)

Hair & Makeup:

Hair: Fabia – “Luida”

Makeup: Zibska – “Araceli Makeup” & “Araceli Lips” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoos:

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Poses & Props:

Poses: Poseidon & Helamiyo


Puppethanger: Curio Obscura – “Marionette Controls and Strings”

Stage: Wimey – “Speakeasy Stage”

Model & Photographer:

Wicca Merlin

β€œBefore he shuts me down…”

I do love collaborations and if one of your personal photography idols asks you, if you would have an idea that would go with his actual styling… that feels like Christmas, easter and birthday together :p

I always admire people with strong visions, intense emotions, powerful moments and driving colors. As well I am amazed by peoples skills in doing raw shots and how they post process their pictures. It is exciting to see what gets snapped in world and then see what the end results are for the picture, that mostly turns into an art piece then πŸ˜‰

So, you can imagine how excited I got, when Master Nefekalum came into my IM box and asked, if I would have an idea for a styling to what he just had put together. He as well sent me a gyazo of his look and when I saw it, immediately the movie Ex Machina came to my mind. The Android girl Ava and Caleb, who has to judge whether Ava is genuinely capable of thought and consciousness, and if he can relate to Ava despite knowing she is artificial.

When I told Master Nefekalum about it, he seemed interested. So I did hurry to put a style together, to show him what I was thinking of. When I sent him the gyazo he had some minor ideas to adjust my look and then he TPed me over to his studio. It is always exciting to me, when I see how other photographers work and I always try to be as easy to work with as I can, to not disturb or interrupt other peoples ideas and visions.

It is so amazing to see how others picture your look and what they do see in your styling. Sometimes it even can go a complete different direction, than you initially thought about.

This time it did not and Master Nefekalum liked my little vision to his style and I was speechless, when I saw the picture and the perfect title he did. So today I just adapted the title of my post to hims and I hope he will not mind it πŸ˜‰

I would like to thank Master Nefekalum for this amazing moment and picture! I secretly hope he will have a situation or style that he will see me fit into again in the future maybe πŸ˜‰

Master Nefekalum’s Style details:


You definitely should take a look at his amazing work work on his flickr or blogΒ  to see all his amazing art work!

My Stylecard:

Outfit & Accessories:

Corset: Pixicat – “Temptation Corset – Dark” (Gacha, RARE, XS Size)

Collar: .:Avanti:. – “Nayomi Collar”

Shoes: [CX] – “Implant Revived – Trashed Steel” (Maitreya)

Spine: Salt & Pepper – “Skeleton Spine” (Maitreya)

Rings: Meva – “Maitreya Bento Rings – Silver” (Maitreya)

Claws: Meva – “Bento Claws – Silver”

Hair & Makeup:

Hair: A&Y Cybernetics – “Cyro”

Body & Tattoos:

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Upper Arms & Legs, Nip Cover & Panties: [V-Tech] – “Forbidden Experiment Set” (Maitreya)

Skin: *YS&YS* – “Ginny Zafiro Skin” (LeLutka/Maitreya Applier)

Teck Skin Appliers: *YS&YS* – “Pris” (LeLutka/Maitreya Applier)

Eyes (right): CURELESS[+] – “Surgical Eyes”


Master Nefekalum (Ephemeral Skye)

Wicca’s Wardrobe @ Black Fair

For this event we have Tia, a statement making ensemble comprised of a top and pants made to fit Maitreya’s Lara, Slink’s Hourglass, and Belleza’s Freya. A stunning cut out on the front and back of the top is eye catching and unique. Both the top and the bottom comes with its own HUD that offer an incredible amount of styling options. The top and bottom are sold individually and each have fatpack versions. The single top offers one color and HUD for staps/waist ornament and 3 metals. The single pants offer one color and a HUD for the strap, pocket and 3 metals. The fatpack top HUD offers 16 colors and 3 metals for top and straps. The fatpack pants offer 7 jeans/denim, 4 leather colors and 3 metals on its HUD.

Taxi to the Black Fair: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Crystal%20Rock/191/190/24

Pink Therapy!

Pink always was and is a challenge to me. Some of you might remember times, when I tried to act like I had a pink allergy and even had a special skin with pimples and spots. Or if I got pink outfits for shows, I always predicted I had to have my medicine and pills with me to not get those allergy symptoms again. It was fun times and for what ever reason even nowadays people approach me about that allergy πŸ˜‰

That even more encourages me sometimes, to try something in pink as it can be a very strong color and not just a Barbie girl tone.

First I wanted to do a picture where I sit on an object, because I wanted to showcase the shoes as well as the dress, the hair and the jewelry. I realized, if I just have a simple standing pose, most of the time the shoes get lost in the whole picture as they turn out way to tiny compared to the the rest of the picture. But I did not just want a little close up on the blog either and no hint for my flickr picture.

Everything what I tried to sit on – that did not seem boring and strong enough as well as matching my mood – did not work out. After some time I really got frustrated and had to step away from the whole thing. I logged out and went to the couch, to continue reading my book. After a couple of hours, I took a look at the watch and it was not yet that late. I thought I should give it another try and see if now the muse would be genuine enough to come back and maybe even kiss me again.

First I did throw the idea away to pose sitting on something and reduced the set drastically to some lights and effects from E.V.E Studio. I still was I a certain mood, which I wanted to express via the pictures as well. Something pensive, lightly fragile and with – here I have to credit Ephemeral Skye, since he was so kind to listen to my frustration and had kind words, which helped to go back to the whole project – “a hint of defiance in her as well”. It made me speechless that he tried to see “behind” the picture and saw what I tried to aim for. He is an incredible artist, which I adore personally for his creativity and ideas and if someone with that outrageous skills gives you such kind words… that is really motivating I have to admit and I am really grateful about that.

If you have a very minimal background, poses and angles count even more to have an interesting picture in the end. I love to jump into my Poseidon poses folder when I try to have a strong mood or attitude in mind. I have no idea how Gryphon Vendetta does it, but he ALWAYS hits the nail on the head when he makes his poses. They are so strong and expressive, even if they have an ’emo’ feeling to them. You can play with the angles amazingly with Poseidon poses as there is always more than one view that works. With the right crops you can even use extreme poses or flying poses without having their initial purpose shown.

Before I now go back to my inventory and look, what I could use for my next look, I would like take a closer look at the shoes, even if they are shown in the picture at the beginning. I so often feel that shoes are underestimated and as well way too often taken for granted.

The new “Charlie Platform Sandals” are available at the actual round of Fameshed (like the amazing dress that I am wearing for todays post as well). The perfect spring season heels come as usual for Maitreya, Slink and Belleza feet and have the amazing 3 new HUDs that [Gos] includes for all their new releases. The Boutique HUD for the amazing [Gos] colors we all know,Β  as well the Metallic and the Blueberry HUD with matching colors for your Blueberry clothing.

Afterall I have to admit… pink isn’t that bad πŸ˜‰

Outfit & Accessories:

Dress: [Gos] – “Charlie Wrap Dress” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Fameshed

Shoes: [Gos] – “Charlie Platform Sandals” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Fameshed

Collar & Brows: Zibska – “Florenz”

Cuffs: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Mordrem”

Rings: *elise* – “Brenda” (Maitreya, Bento)

Nails: ::SG:: – “Catarina” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup:

Hair: A&Y Cybernetics – “Cyber Ghost”

Makeup: Zibska – “Agafia Eyemakeup” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoos:

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Ears: ^^Swallow^^ – “Pixie Ears”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Face: Izzie’s – “Pores & Blemishes” (LeLutka Applier)

Poses & Props:

Poses: Poseidon

Props: E.V.E Studio – “Heart Stars-Leaves” & “Sunny Spells”

Model & Photographer:

Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe @ GachaLand April 2018

We are excited to be participating in the latest Gimme Gacha Production called Gachaland!

Welcome to GachaLand…Please Come Play With Us

For this event we have created a special boot gacha called Ash. These sexy, stylish and unique boots are made to fit Maitreya’s Lara and come in a variety of lengths to please everyone.

There are 2 rares and 20 commons. The rares come with a color and metals HUD that give you a variety of choices for all parts of the boot, including a hide feature for the front strap.

The commons come with a HUD as well and it controls the sole, inner sole, lacing and metals.

Our exclusive offering for this event is the bootie version of Ash. It comes with a HUD as well that controls various parts of the boot.

Taxi to GachaLand: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gimme%20Gacha%20Productions/175/126/1462

Wicca’s Wardrobe @ Blush March/April 2018

For this round of Blush we have our Eve booties in lovely pastel shades. Eve is made to fit Maitreya, Slink and Belleza. We are offering Eve in a Light Edition Fatpack, Dark Edition Fatpack, and a Mega Fatpack that includes both the Light and Dark Editions. Single colors are available, but do not come with a HUD. Fatpacks have HUDs with 8 colors and 5 metal options, and the Mega Pack has HUDs with 16 colors with 5 metals.

Blush Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Make%20them%20Blush/116/38/2495