LOTD 07/16/2016 – Gradient!

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Green/Blue Gradient… I have no clue why but I felt I wanted to do something with that :p

First I went through my inventory and looked for something in green and blue, when I remembered that I always loved the string and deep colors fo Zibska.

Then I saw the amazing “Zsuzsa” dress from Zibska. Originally it was made for a Thumbelina inspired event.Β  With the amazing leave shaped skirt and the beautiful little petals that are floating around the whole outfit it seemed to be perfect for my idea πŸ˜‰

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With the huge color HUD I was able to color the dress to a green/blue gradient, so I just had to fins something green for the top half of my body and something blue for the bottom. The down part was kinda easy as we released not too long ago a snorkel blue version of the “Montana”boots, that perfectly matched the idea.

The upper part was not that easy until I remembered the “Kiri” collar and head-piece as well from Zibska. Usually it is always easier to match colors if you use items from the same designer as mostly they use a close color pallet for some of their items. The green of the “Kiri” ensemble matched so perfect and when I found an option to even color the spheres in a light blue tone.

The amazing makeup is a mixture of 2 eye shadows from Nuuna’s – the “Ere Makeup”Β  and the “Mya Shadow” in blue and the amazing apple green “Leah” lipstick from Glam Affair.

Even if black is my favourite color, sometimes I have some colorful moments :p

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Outfit: Zibska – “Zsuzsa”

Jewelry & Headpiece: Zibska – “Kiri”

Shoes: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Montana Boots”

Hair: Wasabi Pills – “Chibi”

Makeup: Nuuna – “Ere” & “Mya”

Lipstick: Glam Affair – “Leah Lipstick 13”

Poses: DARE

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

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Vintage Fair – My little journey through past times…

Vintage Fair – I really do love vintage styles and fashion and this fair really went right into my heart. The sim is amazingly done and all the designers did such a wonderful job on different centuries and styles. There is nearly nothing you will not find there. From really old times over 20s, 30s, 40s up to the 80s .. all time periods are represented.

For this post I decided to go with one of my favourite designs from a wonderful talented and amazing lady. Salt, owner and designer of Salt & Pepper, is an incredible designer. you can see that on all of her work. She puts so much love in her designs and she has a real great eye for details and textures. When I saw her “Yvette” harness, which she released as an exclusive at the Vintage Fair.

Usually if you hear the word ‘harness’ you immediately think about black leather straps and silver rings… but the “Yvette” harness from Salt & Pepper is so far from that! It is an amazing little harness with lots of decorations and very filigree as well. The thin leather straps are just holding the decorations in place it seems πŸ˜‰ At the waist you have an amazing belt looking part, which is decorated with pearls. With the HUD you are able to change the leather color as well as the metal colors! The amazing pasties are part of the whole outfit and as well work with the HUD to customize everything to your personal likings πŸ˜‰

For the hair I as well chose a new release I found at the Vintage Fair. The “Denisa” hair style was a wonderful addition to underline the vintage feeling of the “Yvette” harness. With the typical pin-up style it was just looking right for what I was looking for. The amazing huge pearl earrings are made by Elysium and the jewelry I just mixed and matched of different parts of AvaWay, Lybra and Elysium. To me pearls are always a must somehow for early vintage looks ;), plus there were this amazing pearls on the outfit already so I just had to πŸ™‚ .

For the shoes it HAD to be peep toes πŸ˜‰ I chose the “Zinnia” heels from Glamistry, as with the huge HUD possibilities it was super to match them to the outfit and with the great detailed work of Glamistry you really can do nothing wrong anyways which kind of style you are doing!

The whole scenery I did built of striped mocha items. The sweet little birdcages are as well a Vintage Fair exclusive and with the hanging lotuses and that amazing bed it just made the most amazing scenery for my pictures. For the poses I went through various poses and picked out from all kind of pose designers like DARE, Body Talking or Corpus and even more I do not even remember πŸ˜‰ But I had a great time with my little journey through past times and hope you enjoy this post as well πŸ™‚


Outfit: Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “Yvette” – NEW @ Vintage Fair 2016

Shoes: Glamistry – “Zinnia”

Hair: Tukinowaguma – “Denisa” – NEW @ Vintage Fair 2016

Stockings: AviCandy – “Lace Back Seam”

Eyeshadow: Veechi – “She Chic Shadow” (Catwa Applier) – NEW @ Vinatge Fair 2016

Earrings: Elysium – “Fedya Earrings”

Bracelet: Lybra – “Taylor Pearls”

Necklace: AvaWay – “Emmanuelle”

Bed: striped mocha – “Windy Heaven Daybed”

Deco 1: striped mocha – “Hanging Lotuses”

Deco 2: striped mocha – “Miniature Birdcages” – NEW @ Vinatge Fair 2016

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

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Play the Trumpet?

Today I am very happy to showcase another amazing design of Faster Pussycat, one of my favourite designers and a great friend of mine as well.

This time it will be the “Trumpet Jacket & Pants”

I always loved the designs of Faster Pussycat, as they are so amazing out of the box. Honey Bender, owner and Designer for Faster Pussycat, together with PoosyKat LittleBoots do both have a very special taste for fabrics and color, which I love a lot.

This time it is a neat combination of blue and gold with some amazing patterns on the pants and parts of the jacket. The texture and the shape or the jacket remind me of a past time uniform type – or those 19th century music corps style – and together with the modern pants hold by a simple rope that is put through huge framed holes, it makes a great contrast.

The neat accessories come from LeEnfant Terrible. She has such an amazing quality on her items and they are all so detailed that they were the perfect addition on the amazing detailed “Trumpet” outfit.

since the outfit had a more masculine feeling to it, I again wanted to go with a contrast on the hair style. I chose the “Jaily” style from EMO-tions. With the puffy curls and the loosely wisps, together with the amazing rose attachment it looked perfect for the idea I wanted to go for. The rose attachment brought me on the “Shippoa” choker from Mandala for the necklace.

For the makeup I again did a mix and match of Nuuna’s makeups… yes I am totally addicted to her bold make up ideas. To Nuuna’s always is kind of charter makeup, that can set strong statements to a certain look. With the busy and detailed outfit, I wanted to do more editorial looking pictures to not miss the details on the styling. I more and more love to experiment with editorial shoots and new angles that are not looking that common, so this picture session really was fun πŸ˜‰


Β Outfit: Faster Pussycat – “Trumpet”

Β Hair: EMO-tions – “Jaily”

Accessories: Enfant Terrible – “Staff Stainless Steel” & “Showstar Hat”

Shoes: GizzA – “Pop Boots”

Makeup: Nuuna’s – “Zora Blue” & ” Halftone Yellow”

Earrings and Choker: Mandala – “Shippoah”

Ring: La Petite Morte – “Black Widow Ring”

Poses: DARE

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Post Apocalyptic Mood

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A Post Apocalyptic Poem

All these days are filled with rust,
With nothing living on the earth’s crust.

Ships and cars and planes and hearts,
Are all that you’ll find,
But who said that the human race has become refined?

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Civilization has ended… Yes,
Cultures have been removed… Yes,
Common sense ceases to be relevant… Yes,
But was it not compulsory before?

Perhaps the era of technology has ended,
And most souls of the past have descended,
But we are still human after all…
Aren’t we?

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Does a smart phone and a suit and a job and a home,
Make us the humans we have all known,
Or is there something inside of all of us,
Something that helps the wounded,
Instead of our own.

Maybe it’s the feeling inside when we see another,
The rush of excitement, pain, fear and the next world,
To discover.

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Maybe it’s the thought of putting down,
What has so much to offer just for your own needs,

I don’t see a difference from this world and the last,
Perhaps someone I stumble apon will shut me down fast,
Or perhaps they will nod and walk on, right past.

[by Lewis Cavallo]

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Outfit (incl boots): Moon Elixir – “Lark”

Hair: No.Match – “No.Border”

Poses: ..::DARE::..

Location: Ironwood Hills

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

The Wood Fairy – A Fairytale…

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A while ago I found a wonderful fairytale on the www and it was stuck in my mind so bad that I really had to style something around it. It is not meant to kinda tell the story but it was heavily inspired by it πŸ˜‰ The Fairytale is one of the favourite ones from Czechoslovakia and was told in London round about 1966 if my research was correct πŸ˜‰

I am an addicted to old fairy tales myself and read a lot of them – maybe it is the child inside of me that always refused to fully grow up πŸ˜‰

So I am not claiming that novel for myself, but I would like to share it with you.

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The Wood Fairy

Once upon a time there was a little girl named Betushka. She lived with her mother, a poor widow who had only a tumbledown cottage and two goats. But in spite of this poverty, Betushka was always merry.

From spring to autumn, Betushka drove the goats each day to pasture in a birch wood. Every morning her mother put a slice of bread and an empty spindle into her bag. The spindle would hold the flaxen thread she would spin while she watched the goats. She was too poor to own a distaff on which to wind the flax, so she wound it around her head, to carry it thus to the wood.

“Work hard, Betushka,” her mother always said, “and fill the spindle before you return home.”

Off skipped Betushka, singing along the way. She danced behind the goats into the wood of birch trees and sat down under a tree. With her left hand she pulled fibers from the flax around her head and with her right hand twirled her spindle so that it hummed over the ground. All the time she sang merrily and the goats nibbled the green grass among the trees.

When the sun showed that it was midday, Betushka stopped her spinning. She gave each of the goats a morsel of bread and picked a few strawberries to eat with what remained. After this, she sprang up and danced. The sun shone even more warmly and the birds sang yet more sweetly.

After her dance, Betushka began again to spin busily. At evening when she drove the goats home she was able to hand her mother a spindle full of flaxen thread.

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One fine spring day, when Betushka was ready as usual to dance, suddenly there appeared before her a most beautiful maiden. Her white dress floated about her as thin as gossamer, her golden hair flowed to her waist, and a wreath of forest blossoms crowned her head. Betushka was struck silent.

The wood fairy smiled at her and in a sweet voice asked, “Betushka, do you like to dance?”

At this, Betushka lost her fear. “Oh! I could dance all the day long!”

“Come then, let us dance together. I will teach you.” She took Betushka and began to dance with her.

Round and round they circled, while sweet music sounded over their heads. The maiden had called upon the birds sitting in the birch trees to accompany them. Nightingales, larks, goldfinches, thrushes, and a clever mockingbird sang such sweet melodies that Betushka’s heart filled with delight. She quite forgot her goats and her spinning. On and on she danced, with feet never weary, until evening when the last rosy rays of sunset were disappearing. The music ceased and the maiden vanished as suddenly as she had come.

Betushka looked around. There was her spindle — only half filled with thread. Sadly she put it into her bag and drove the goats from the wood. She did not sing while going down the road this time, but reproached herself for forgetting her duty. She resolved that she would not do this again. When she reached home she was so quiet that her mother asked if she were ill.

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“No, Mother, I am not ill.” But she did not tell her mother about the lovely maiden. She hid the half-filled spindle, promising herself to work twice as hard tomorrow to make up for today.

Early the next morning Betushka again drove the goats to pasture, singing merrily as usual. She entered the wood and began her spinning, intending to do twice her usual amount.

At noon Betushka picked a few strawberries, but she did not dance. To her goats she said, “Today, I dare not dance. Why don’t you dance, my little goats?”

“Come and dance with me,” called a voice. It was the beautiful maiden.

But this time Betushka was afraid, and she was also ashamed. She asked the maiden to leave her alone. “Before sunset, I must finish my spinning,” she said.

The maiden answered, “If you will dance with me, someone will help you finish your spinning.” With the birds singing beautifully as before, Betushka could not resist. She and the maiden began to dance, and again they danced till evening.

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Now when Betushka looked at her nearly empty spindle, she burst into tears. But the maiden unwound the flax from Betushka’s head, twined it around a slender birch tree, seized the spindle, and began to spin. The spindle hummed over the ground and grew thick with thread. By the time the sun had dropped from sight, all the flax was spun. As the maiden handed the full spindle to Betushka, she said, “Wind it and grumble not. Remember, wind it and grumble not.” Then, suddenly, she disappeared.

Betushka, happy now, drove the goats home, singing as she went, and gave her mother the full spindle. Betushka’s mother, however, was not pleased with what Betushka had failed to do the day before and asked her about it. Betushka told her that she had danced, but she kept the maiden a secret.

The next day Betushka went still earlier to the birch wood. The goats grazed while she sang and spun, until at noon the beautiful maiden appeared and again seized Betushka by the waist to dance. While the birds sang for them, the two danced on and on, Betushka quite forgetting her spindle and the goats.

When the sun was setting, Betushka looked around. There was the half-filled spindle! But the maiden grasped Betushka’s bag, became invisible for a moment, then handed back the bag stuffed with something light. She ordered her not to look into it before reaching home, and with these words she disappeared.

Betushka started home, not daring to look into the bag. But halfway there she was unable to resist peeking, for the bag was so light she feared a trick. She looked into the bag, and began to weep. It was full of dry birch leaves! Angrily she tossed some of these out of the bag, but suddenly she stopped — she knew they would make good litter for the goats to sleep on.

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Now she was almost afraid to go home. There her mother was awaiting her. “What kind of spindle did you bring me yesterday?” she asked. “I wound and wound, but the spindle remained full. ‘Some evil spirit has spun you,’ I grumbled, and at that instant the thread vanished from the spindle. Tell me what this means.”

Betushka then told her mother about the maiden and their dancing. “That was a wood fairy,” exclaimed her mother, alarmed. “The wood fairies dance at midday and at midnight. If you had been a little boy, you might not have escaped alive. But to little girls, the wood fairies often give rich presents.” Next, she added. “To think that you did not tell me. If I had not grumbled I might have had a room full of thread.”

Betushka then thought of her bag and wondered if there might not, after all, be something under those leaves. She lifted out the spindle and the unspun flax. “Look, Mother!” Her mother looked and clapped her hands. Under the spindle the birch leaves had turned to gold!

Betushka told her mother how the fairy had directed her not to look into the bag until she got home, but that she had not obeyed and had thrown out some of the leaves. “Tis fortunate you did not empty out the whole bagful,” said her mother.

The next morning Betushka and her mother went into the wood, to look carefully over the ground where Betushka had thrown out the dry leaves. Only fresh birch leaves lay there, but the gold that Betushka did bring home was enough for a farm with a garden and some cows. She wore beautiful dresses and no longer had to graze the goats. Nothing, however, gave her such delight as she had dancing with the wood fairy. Often she ran to the birch wood, hoping to see the beautiful maiden, but never again did the wood fairy appear.

[Favourite Fairy Tales, Czechoslovakia]

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Outfit: Zibska – “Alfhildir”

Arms: [ContraptioN] – “The Cursed Hand”

Shoes: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Gypsy Boots” – NEW

Headpiece: DRD – “Dead Religion Headdress”

Collar: Kibitz – “Strap Collar”

Hair: [e] (Elikatira)- “Sybil”

Eye Makeup: [White~Widow] – “Inca Gold”

Poses: ..::DARE::..

Location: Crest of Vrek’mar

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Bird of Prey – Pose & Picture Processing Studies with DARE Poses

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..::DARE::.. – Face Hands – “Collar” (#81)

I more and more find my own fun, in playing and fooling around with poses, experimenting with angles and learn new picture processing techniques…

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..::DARE::.. – Editorial pose 63 – “You Can’t See Me” (#63)

When I started blogging, I always saw the need toa full body shot, a head shot and maybe even some close-ups of certain accessories. Nothing wrong with that, but the longer I was blogging, the more it was kinda boring to do always the same kind of pictures for each post.

What is a very common way of blog pictures – and yes I tried that as well *grins* – is to have one big picture and then include little close up circles or squares for more details. Nothing wrong with that either, but over the time I more and more had the desire of making more artistic looking pictures, which still showcase the designers work properly.

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..::DARE::.. – Face Hands – “Imma Burrito” (#82)

If you have a full body shot, often enough the shoes, the jewelry or even nails often enough are too tiny to really showcase them as the full avatar gets kinda tiny when you try to have all of your body on your picture. Mostly I had the feeling then, that I had more ambience and background on my pictures, than the actual items I wanted to showcase. I thought by myself, what would be wrong to have real closeups as a full picture… sometimes maybe my head or face was missing but is that so important, if I want to showcase an item that my face is on the picture as well? Yes and no… certainly you want to show that the pictures are of yourself and brand yourself for marketing purposes, but sometimes you can even show your face in one closeup and have other pictures with certain parts of your body or furniture. I realized, that if I do that, I need to find interesting angles for the pictures, as if I just crop them they can look boring very easy.

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..::DARE::.. – Editorial pose 46 – “I Work Out” (#46)

I already talked about how you can twist and turn poses to weird angles and in the end they turn out as amazing crops or closeups. Some pose stores help with that kind of pictures and ideas, as they make unusual, editorial poses, which sometimes look weird if you see them as a whole or just from the wrong angle. Exactly those poses can be the most interesting if you go for crops, closeups or even interesting angles.

During the last Ferosh Fashion Weekend, I discovered a pose store, which I basically know for a long time but kinda lost out of the view over the time – to be honest I do not really know why…

Chance Greatrex, owner and creator of DARE poses, has a very special vision for his poses. They are really out of the box and different to so many I found on the grid. Just the fact that all his poses have each a unique and story telling name, shows that there is way more behind his poses than just an animation πŸ˜‰

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..::DARE::.. – Editorial pose 62 – “The Struggle Is Real” (#62)

Lately I got s pose set called “Face Hands”, which probably was made with the intention to feature a hand/face combination for example for makeup and nails, rings or hand jewelry. They re perfect for closeups and different angles and while snapping I even had a hard time to sort out the ones I love the most, since I cannot overload a post with over 20 pictures*snickers*

Β Since I wanted to do a pose study, I decided to go for something simple but still with ym personal twist for the outfit. I realized, that La Petite Morte has a sale going on where Voshie gives her skins away for 100 lindens! As I still do experiment with my new Catwa head and do not have much skins for it yet, I TPed over to the La Petite Morte and took a look. I was very surprised as I just expected older skins to be on sale, when I realized there are as well newer ones with appliers for several mesh heads and bodies!

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..::DARE::.. – Face Hands – “Bedtime” (#78)

I have to admit, I have a weakness for fantasy skins even if I am not able to use them too often, but for pictures they always add something special to the whole look. When I was looking around – after I found the TP to the sales room… typical me… – I immediately fell in love with the “Belle” skin in diamond. It comes with a Catwa applier and when I tried the demo, it looked so stunning that I could not resist to get me one πŸ˜‰

The face has a wonderful ornament around the eyes and the lips are one of the most stunning lips I ever saw on the Catwa head. With the light purple/grey touch and a shimmering finish, the skin screamed for something mystical or fantasy looking.

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..::DARE::.. – Editorial pose 46 – “I Work Out” (#46)

To not disturb the view on the body too much I went with the “Siren Set No. 1” by Pixicat. The tight fit on the Slink Physique and the minimal covering of the body was just perfect for a poses and skin showcase. The cool “Bird of Prey” head-piece, we made a little while ago for a themed event, and it just went perfectly with the rest of the look, even if it is a pity that it covers the amazing eye makeup of the skin… that requires another post with this incredible, amazing skin soon I guess :p

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..::DARE::.. – Editorial pose 55 – “Now You See Me” (#55)

The cool finger rings I found at the last round of On9 made by [Since 1975] and I am pretty sure they will be at their main store now.

For the hair I wanted something pulled back, what did not interfere with the head-piece too much and so my choice fell on a ponytail from [taketomi].

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..::DARE::.. – Face Hands – “Damn Hot Coffee” (#80)

What as well took me a lot of time lately was polishing my picture procession. I played less with windlights and tried more to work with a graphic program to post process my pictures by painting and drawing certain things like shadows and lights and as well I tired to find new techniques to create certain effects. Fog was something I really wanted to learn for a long time, something that looks realistic and not just painted on and edgy looking. As well, how I can create shadows without using the SL shadows, or my shaky hands to draw fuzzy lines πŸ˜‰ YouTube has a lot of offers for learning new things and from time to time it is really exciting to test something new, like green screen against white screen shots and the possibilities you have with those kind of photography.

So for this post I mixed clean pose studies with interesting angles and new techniques of picture processing and even if it took me a while it was a very intensive learning time, which I really enjoyed πŸ™‚

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..::DARE::.. – Runway pose 18 – “Edgy Leaned Feet Apart” (#18)


Outfit: Pixicat – “Siren Set No. 1” (Gacha Item at their main store)

Headpiece: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Bird of Prey Mask”

Hair: [taketomi] – “MamiPlared_Bento”

Nails Rings: [Since 1975] – “FangRings”

Shoes: :)(: (Pixelfashion) – “Slavia Shoes” (for Slink high feet)

Skin: La Petite Morte – “Bella”

Body: Slink – “Physique”

Head: Catwa – “Jessica”

Poses: ..::DARE::..

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

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..::DARE::.. – Editorial pose 49 – “Floppy Wings” (#49)

SoliDea FoliEs for Ferosh Fashion Weekend

FEROSH FW 2016 - SolideaFolies - One Dress

SoliDea FoliEs – “One Dress (white/mask included)” – NEW @ Ferosh Fashion Weekend

Ferosh will celebrate winter fashion with its biannual Fashion Weekend event starting January 22 and ending January 24th! They present another boutique-style production filled with parties and fashion shows. Come celebrate with the best Second Life has to offer in fashion, design, and art.

Watch out for the surl, LM or limos to the event soon!

FEROSH FW 2016 - SolideaFolies - Elettra Dress

SoliDea FoliEs – “Elettra Dress (white/mask included)” – NEW @ Feriosh Fashion Weekend


FEROSH FW 2016 - SolideaFolies - Anastasia Dress

SoliDea FoliEs – “Anastasia Dress (white/mask included)” – NEW @ Ferosh Fashion Weekend


FFW Promo Ad grey

..::DARE::.. for Ferosh Fashion Weekend

FEROSH FW 2016 - DARE Poses 1

..::DARE::.. – “Editorial Pose 63 (You Can’t See Me)” + “Runway Pose 14 (Haute C. Reach Right)” + “Runway Pose 44 (Natural L Handon Hip)” – NEW @ Ferosh Fashion Weekend


Ferosh will celebrate winter fashion with its biannual Fashion Weekend event starting January 22 and ending January 24th! They present another boutique-style production filled with parties and fashion shows. Come celebrate with the best Second Life has to offer in fashion, design, and art.

Watch out for the surl, LM or limos to the event soon!

FEROSH FW 2016 - DARE Poses 2

..::DARE::.. – “Runway Pose 29 (Haute C Look Back)” + “Editorial Pose 62 (The Struggle Is Real)” + “Runway Pose38 (Avant-garde Side Look & Lean Back)” – NEW @ Ferosh Fashion Weekend


FEROSH FW 2016 - DARE Poses 3

..::DARE::.. – “Runway Pose 10 (Natural Arms Back)” + Runway Pose 6 (Edgy Armson Back)” + Editorial Pose 36 (Try Me)” – NEW @ Ferosh Fashion Weekend


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..::DARE::.. – “Runway Pose 43 (Avant-garde Arch Arms Back)” + “Runway Pose 48 Avant-garde Hunched Hip Thrust)” – NEW @ Ferosh Fashion Weekend


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..::DARE::.. – “Runway Pose 35 (Haute CLook Side Hand on Behind)” + “Runway Pose 21 (Edgy Wide Stand Side Look)” + Runway Pose 22 (Edgy Alot of Sass)” – NEW @ Ferosh Fashion Weekend


FFW Promo Ad steel

Casual Evening Fun ;)

Mow - Wicca & Lovely Full

Not too long ago, my sweet little brother Dahriel sent me to a nice little shop called ‘M.o.w.‘, telling me I would find some super cool casual clothing there. I made my way over and I have to admit he was right. While I was roaming through the store, I had a nice talk with the owner and designer medusa Back. She seems to be a real nice and kind lady and we came across blogging. I got some amazing creations and after sometime I returned home and unpacked all the awesome goodies. While I was styling, Lovely Imed me and asked if she can visit me for some talking. I never can say no to her, she is simply too cute and so I TPed her over and she immediately discovered me styling me new M.o.w. clothing. She remembered that she has the same jacket as I was wearing and put it on. While we kept continue talking I combined the “Open Sweater” with the “Action Capris” as well from M.o.w. As I saw her in the “”Open Sweater” from M.o.w. I had to grab her and drag her in front of my camera with me πŸ˜‰Β The result of a wonderful and fun evening you can see in the pics πŸ˜‰ If you wanna know the details of Lovely‘s styling you can see her blog (http://eclecticmiwa.wordpress.com/) or you just storm her IM asking her πŸ˜‰

If you wanna see more of the amazing designs of M.o.w. you better take a look by yourself at the M.o.w. Mainstore πŸ™‚

Mow - Wicca & Lovely Half


Top: M.o.w. – “Open Sweater” (mesh)

Pants: M.o.w. – “Action Capris” – NEW (mesh)

Hands: SLink – “Mesh Hand Casual” (mesh)

Shoes: Diktator – “Dare”

Hair: DeLa – “Marley” (mesh)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Eclipse Lumee Casual” – NEW

Makeup: Silken Moon – “SM E-clipse Urban ES Mud, Honey” – NEW & “SM Eclipse Formal ES Red Silk” – NEW & “SM Eclipse Color Eye Gold” – NEW

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “SM Eclipse Lips Goldshine Red” – NEW

Pose: PosESioN – “You are Mine!”

Models: LovelyMiwako7399 Menna & Wicca Merlin

Photographer: Wicca Merlin