Angels & Demons – Part 2

Originally shot for Eclipse Magazine // June 2021 Page 159-168 //

Angels & Demons

What would you choose? Who would you become? Would you rather be enchanted or consumed by Heaven or Hell, Light or Dark, Good or Evil, Love or Hate, or to be Blessed or Cursed. Angels and Demons are polar opposites of one another within many cultures and in fiction. On one hand, they are a form of symbology and on the other they are seen in religion, mythology, and fantasy. Magical and mystical beings that we will read find in books, movies,movies, TV, anime or plays from ancient to modern. Even within the confines of real life and Second Life, we will roleplay and become one of them.

Despite the difference in abilities and the cultural milieu they come from, they share some similarities, such as, hierarchical ranks, miraculous or magical powers, and the enmities and friendships with each other and with mortals. Though Angels and Demons are often in a never-ending battle to defeat the other, in that chaos comes a little spark: opposites, suddenly attracted to or obsessed  with each other. Will they escape and find peace or be consumed by their conflict?

Their appearances can differ, both taking on ugly, distorted, fear-inducing manifestations, or transforming into beautiful, ethereal and alluring personas. Angels usually are depicted with long, modest, feather-like flowing garments, while a Demons attire is often tight, conforming to every curve or their form making it matter little how much or how little clothing they wear.. Although in the more modern age and flight of fantasy, anything goes, the color palettes don’t often change. Angels decorated in white and softened colors and pastels signifying purity and innocence, guiding you on your travels, while the Demons adorn black and deep, rich colors, warning you to watch where you tread, but do you want to? Will they draw you into the darkness forever lost in their grasp.

[ Thank you so much Daffodil Crimson for helping me with the text! ]

Outfit: [CX] – “Nimue Set – Black” (Maitreya)

Harness: [CX] – “Ophanim Harness – Black” (Maitreya)

Gloves: Cureless[+] – “Incubus&Succubus / Diabolus Gloves / Black” (Maitreya, Gacha, Common)

Shoes: Cureless[+] – “Incubus&Succubus / Satyr Boots / Black” (Maitreya, Gacha, Common)


Horns: [CX] – “Hundred Chain Horns (Chained+Black)”

Bindi: Wicca’s Originals – “Carvis Bindi”

Septum: -[TWC]- – “Thirst Septum -Silver-“

Collar: [CX] – “Hell’s Harbinger (Black Out+Silver)” (Maitreya)

Flames: *CC* – “Eternal Flaming Palms” (Gacha, Rare)

Wings: Material Squirrel – “Abyss Demon Wings”

Hair & Makeup

Hair: Exile – “Dani”

Face Art:  Nefekalum Tattoos – “Hunger #01” (Lel. EvoX BoM, Materials)

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – ” EvoX Avalon 3.0″

Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3”

Tattoo: .:Vegas:. – “Tattoo Dark Serenity” (BoM)

Poses, Props & Tools

Pose by Vivien De’Lancoure

Backdrop: .PALETO. – “Backdrop:EXORCISM”


Vivien De’Lancoure & Wicca Merlin (for Her look you need to poke her *winks*)


Wicca Merlin

“Music was my first Love…”

A tribute to Victoria Frances – Created for E-Clipse Magazine April 2021 –


Music was my first love
And it’ll be my last
Music of the future
And music of the past.
To live without my music
Would be impossible to do
In this world of troubles
My music pulls me through

[- John Miles -]

Headpiece: Moon Elixir – “Mushroom Thorn Crown” (Gacha, Common)

Horns: Storybook – “Curse – Aged”

Nails: [CX] – “Fallen Filth Claws” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No_Waste”

Face Art:  Nefekalum Tattoos – “Hunger” (BoM, Materials enabled)

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – Erin 2.5″

Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3” + “Lara Add-On “Petite” V1.1″

Tattoo: .:Vegas:. – “Tattoo ( Dark ) Secrets” (BoM)

Freckles & Veins: Izzie’s – “Body Veeins & Cellulite 01 + Freckles” + “Neck Freckles 01 (warm)” (BoM)

Dirt: Izzie’s – “Dirt light” (BoM)

Ears: .:BoD:. – “Sasha Crosses”

Poses, Props & Tools

Poses: Vivien De’Lancoure

Backdrop: JACKALOPE – “The Witching Hour Backdrop”

Harp: DRD – ” Victorian Musicroom- Harp”

Models & Stylists

Vivien De’Lancoure & Wicca Merlin


Wicca Merlin

“Loving the monsters always ends badly for the humans. It’s a rule.”

Made for Eclipse Magazine // January 2021 //

“Loving the monsters always ends badly for the humans. It’s a rule.”

[- Laurell K. Hamilton -]

For the current issue of the Eclipse Magazine, again I was allowed to showcase a role play genre. My choice this time was Vampires. I wanted to cover the more traditional and vintage side of it as well as the modern one.

For the more traditional, Victorian one I had the great pleasure, to get some company from Vivien Delancoure. It is always fun to do picture with friends, but usually I just do not dare to ask, as sometimes I take ages until I have my final pose, shot and background. I hate to waste others peoples time. With Vivien it was different. She is a blogger as well, making wonderful pictures and creates most of her poses by herself – Just take a look at her Flickr HERE. So she knows how long it can take and that made me brave enough to ask her, if she would like to join me for a picture. Her style is usually goth-romantic or dark romantic, which already was perfect for what I was going for. She was so sweet and patient and made the whole shoot to a lot of fun combined with a lovely chitchat 😉 I have a feeling, that this will be not our last shoot together as it really was awesome to work with her.

Thank you Vivien, for your time, patience and a new growing friendship I do not want to miss again 😉

My style you can find – like usual – below this post. For Vivien’s look, just take a look at her blog HERE.


Coat: Hotdog – “Bloodsucker Tailcoat” (Maitreya)


Glasses: -SU!- – “Midnight Doll Sunglasses”

Rings & Nails: [CX] x BUENO – “Welded Eye – Gold” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: Magika – “Irene”

Face Scars: . The Rotting Lab . – “Waster – Scar – Pale”(BoM)

Eye Art & Sclera: Nefekalum Tattoos – “Hunger” (BoM, Materials enabled)

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – Erin 2.5″

Ears: [CX] – “Ostium Impaler Ear”

Eyes: Madame Noir – “Sarah Eyes”  (LeLUTKA Evo. HD Applier)

Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3”

Poses, Props & Tools

Pose: oOo – “Taste Two” (slightly edited)

Scenery: DRD – “Bloodcroft Castle” (Gacha)

Pose Tool: Anypose – “BVN HUD v1.82”

Face Animation Tool: LeLutka – “Axis HUD Face 1.1”


Vivien Delancour & Wicca Merlin


Wicca Merlin

“Best revenge? Smile, be happy and never let them know it hurt.”

Originally created for Eclipse Magazine –


I’m creepin’ in your heart, babe

I’ll flip you over, break you down and swallow you up

I’ll steal you and indulge in you

I’m gonna mess you up

I’m engraved in your heart

So even if I die, I’ll live forever

Come here girl, you call me monster

I’ll go into your heart

[ – EXO – ]

Top: [Cubic Cherry] – “{FiteMe} tee BLACK” (Maitreya Flatchest)

Pants: [Gild] – “Leather jk_black” (Jake)

Jacket: [Gild] – “Loose_Coverall_Black” (Gianni)


Necklace: [ bubble ] – “Haneul Necklace”

Rings & Nails: [CX] – “Creature Claws”

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No_Honor”

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – “River 2.0”

Face Skin: Glam Affair – “Ryn Layer [LeLutka] 002D”(BoM)

Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3”

Body-Add On: Maitreya – “Add-On Flat Chest”

Body Skin: Glam Affair – “Lara Flat Chest – Skin Glam Affair 02” (BoM)

Tattoo: .:Vegas:. – “Tattoo Dark Fragmentation” (BoM)

Poses, Props & Tools

Pose: Poseidon

Microphone: Space Cadet – “-sc- microphone” (out of the pose set)

Background: Foxcity – “RGB Drive V2.0”

Speakers: ~*Daffy’s Gadgetmania*~ – “GFX-800 Mesh Speaker Double (2x)/Ground”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Ballet – Classic versus Contemporary

Eclipse Magazine, August 2020:

For this issue of the Eclipse Magazine I was thinking a long time what I could do. I wanted a challenge for myself and I wanted to show that I can do different genres, not just the scary and crazy stuff 😉

When I thought about what would be the most opposite thing for me to do, I came across ballet. Something graceful and beautiful. While I was doing some research about it, I came across contemporary ballet as well. That really caught my attention, because I found some very impressing as well as emotional pictures and videos. That formed an idea of having 2 different pictures for the magazine – classic and contemporary. In the classic ballet I found very strict rules for the look and even for the hairstyles, while contemporary ballet gives you more freedom in that.

I felt like I was entering a new world, even if ballet wasn’t completely new for me – as a kid I had to go through that kids ballet classes like so many of us. It didn’t last long as I had more fun with gymnastics, riding, swimming and playing volleyball and so those ballet classes stopped after at most a year I think. Being a punk and later a gothic girl in my teens and twens, ballet wasn’t a thing or an option at all *giggles*

Seeing all those pictures and videos, inspired me a lot and the idea for this month genre was made. While I was thinking, where I could find the clothing and accessories for my new idea, Salt & Pepper must have read my mind. She released a huge set of ballet collection at Equal 10 with her “Ballet Dancer Set”. That was the perfect outfit for my classic ballet dancer. I couldn’t even use all parts for my first picture, that means I will have to do another post to show the whole beauty and contents of that set.

For my second picture, I did remember a set, which I already showcased on my blog in the light version. Since I wanted the classic ballet to be in a light muted color, the contemporary ballet was meant to be darker and more ‘me’ and my personal thought of it and so the “Skye Dancer” gacha in black was the perfect choice for what I had in mind. I am really a lover of mix and match but sometimes, if you go for a certain look or genre, mixing too many things and overload the avatar can be contra-productive. That is why I nearly have no accessories or anything that could disturb from the essence of the picture, the emotions and the mood.

A huge thank you goes out to my sister Daffodil Crimson, who helped me with the amazing description for the magazine. English is not my native language, so I often hit her IM box, if it comes to “official” texts for magazines and such. Usually I do collect facts and free sources or try to  write somethings on my own, if I am familiar with the theme. For the ballet one I only had a brief idea what I wanted to be written and that time Daffi jumped in and wrote everything on her own. When she came it to me to read it, I just was blown away! It was so very well written and had exactly in it what I was desiring for, but in words that described it so much better than anything I could have come up with. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for again saving my SL life like so often sis!!!

I hope you enjoyed my little ballet adventure – for the next issue of Eclipse Magazine I will have another “unusual” genre for me, which gives me quite a challenge but I am looking forward to the final frames 😉

Eclipse Magazine, August 2020:

Style 1 (classic)


Outfit & Shoes: Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “Ballet Dancer” (Maitreya)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: Ade – “Beatrix”

Head, Body & Tattoo

Face Skin: [Glam Affair] – “Ryn Layer [LeLutka] 002 D” (BoM)

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 5.2”

Body Skin: [Glam Affair] – “Body – Normal [ Maitreya ] 002” (BoM)

Poses, Props & Tools

Pose: Poseidon – “Ballet 6” (Bento)

Piano: Alouette – “Evelyn Piano – Word White Wood”

Backdrop: Foxcity – “Dance Hall”

Posetool: Anypose – “BVH HUD v1.82”

Face Expression Tool: LELUTKA – “Axis HUD Face 1.1”

Model & Stylist

Wicca Merlin

Style 2 (contemporary)


Outfit & Shoes: Enfant Terrible (.ET.) – “Skye Dancer” (Maitreya)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: .Shi – “Gavri’ela”

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – “Erin 2.0”

Ears: [CX] – “Ostium Impaler Ears”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara v5.2”

Poses, Props & Tools

Pose: Seline Fleury – “Ballet Trunk Pose” (Bento)

Petals 1: Foxcity – “Diagonal Flutter Petals (Black)” (from the Sweet Bento Pose Set)

Petals 2: Foxcity – “Trail Flutter Petals (Black)” (from the Sweet Bento Pose Set)

Backdrop: Foxcity – “Flutter (B&W)”

Posetool: Anypose – “BVH HUD v1.82”

Face Expression Tool: LELUTKA – “Axis HUD Face 1.1”

Model & Stylist

Wicca Merlin

Silent Scream


Silent Scream

[Akira Yamaoka]
Tell me all the things you see
Lately, I have come to dream
Of birdless skies, their silent cries
In this empty box, my heart is lost

Picture made for Eclipse Magazine July 2020 //

Once blind by the fears we hide
Fragile like a wounded child
The maze of life, we fall behind
In this empty box, where your heart is lost
Shame of memories when we fall asleep
Among the burning dreams
Make your feelings in the silent screams
When they whisper in your sleep
One day, when you run away
From all the pain that you face
You’re as lonely when you come to see
That the truth is never seen
Shame of memories when we fall asleep
Among the burning dreams
Make your feelings in the silent screams
When they whisper in your sleep
Shame of memories when we fall asleep
Among the burning dreams
Make your feelings in the silent screams
When they whisper, “Come to me.”
Dress: [CX] – “Vicious Vaccine – Dress ( VIP )” (Maitreya, Gacha VIP Gift)
Panty: [CX] – “Sticky Bits Bottom” (Maitreya)
Shoes (incl. Blood Tattoo): Astralia – “Bloody Bandage Feet Accessory” (Maitreya, Maitreya Applier)
Hat: [CX] – “Vicious Vaccine – Hat ( VIP )” (Gacha VIP Gift)
Nails: Izzie’s – “Dirty Nails” (Maitreya Applier)
Collar: .:-CatniP-:. – Enslaved Collar ~ rough brown”
Head, Body & Tattoo
Head: [CX] – “Juggerknow Remake’18 Plain F”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara 5.2”
Tattoo: Izzie’s – “Blood and Wounds dark” (BoM)
Arms (incl. Appliers): [CX] + Hotdog – “Krokodil Decay” (unrigged, Omega Applier)
Poses, Props & Tools
Background: [CX] – “Crucem Inverso”
Syringe: [CX] – “Vicious Vaccine – Syringe ( VIP )” (Gacha VIP Gift)
Wheelchair (incl. Poses): Poseidon – “Silent Heals”
Poses: Poseidon
Model & Photographer

Trend Fall 2018: Headwear

Picture Made for Eclipse Magazine September 2018 //

Outfit & Accessories

Jacket: MSS – “Ellen Shoulder Coat”
Top: MonCheri – “Dead Romance Tank”
Headpiece: Janka – “Novo Scarf”
Pants: Dirty Princess – “Lil Suspense Princess Shorts” (Maitreya)
Leggins: lassitude & ennui – “Hisa leather leggings” (Maitreya Applier)
Shoes: N-core – “Rogue” (Maitreya)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: .Shi – “Hearken”
Makeup: Zibska – “Noir Pack 06” (LeLutka Applier)
Lipstick: Izzie’s – “Fae Lipgloss” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”
Face: Izzie’s – “Pores & Blemishes (LeLutka Applier)

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Summer Trend 2016 – Denim Shorties (featured in Eclipse Magazine July 2016)

E-Clipse Magazine - Wicca Merlin - Shorties 01

Look #1

When Trouble asked me, if I would like to do a few pics for the upcoming (just released) Eclipse Magazine, I just said yes without even thinking about actual summer trends, as I really do love to take pictures and work with magazines. Then he immediately asked me, what summer trend I would like to go for… I did not look over all the summer trends the past few days, so I jumped to google to be informed before I choose.

While I was looking over all the amazing summer trends something immediately caught my eyes… Denim Shorties! All kind of shorts, mini skirts, used, with fringes and what not… That sounds like fun!

I told Trouble about my idea and he seemed to like it. First I thought this would be easy as I really do like denim in RL and SL, but I shall discover soon it sounded easier that it was in the end…

E-Clipse Magazine - Wicca Merlin - Shorties 02

Look #2

So first of all, I looked through my inventory what kind of shorts, shorties and mini skirts in denim I would find – hell I had no clue how many non useful things I have when I type ‘denim’ in the search of my inventory…

 Most of my favourite denim things are still layers and I did not wanna use old layer items this time… and the next problem – a usual problem with mesh items – sometimes different mesh parts do not fit over each other.

But after some serious searching, I found a handful denim shorties, which I totally love. Now I just need to style them. Because I was told so often, I always only do extreme styles and mostly dark and gothic looking ones, I wanted to do 5 totally different styles for this little spread in the Eclipse Magazine.

E-Clipse Magazine - Wicca Merlin - Shorties 03

Look #3

For my first idea – Look number 1 –  I started with the “Booty Shorts” from [M.o.w] together with the “Havana” short and head wrap from [sys], the first look went to a more boho type of style. For the accessories I went with the “Vilma” earrings and the “Sile” necklace from Kunglers paired with the “Wooden Bracelet” from artilleri.

Look number 2 is based on the “Briony Shorts” from Erratic. For that look I was inspired by a picture I saw from a country side advert, which told about the great lake sides in germany 😉 To achieve the summer casual look, I added the “Polly” top from Asia Rae and the amazing summer floppy “Laila” hat made by Zibska. For the shoes I chose the “Tropicana” wedges we made for Wicca’s Wardrobe (Yes Grand, we did that.. once *snickers*) The look I was going for,was something trendy, summer looking and as well something simple and kinda ‘girl next door’ looking.

The 3rd look, I wanted to do something more fashion forward in a hipster or clubbing look. I started off with the “Wendy Denim Skirt” made by GizzA. A super short denim mini skirt. First I added the “Dead Romance” tank from Mon Cheri, a tank I used for various styles already as it is a perfect top to go for many different looks and the sizes are made amazingly with the thought to wear something underneath. The mega trendy “Pulsar” glasses and backpack certainly come from [sys], the home for unusual and futuristic designs 😉 The cool boots I found at Stelloane.

E-Clipse Magazine - Wicca Merlin - Shorties 04

Look #4

For Look number 4 I wanted something that I would wear RL as well. Some loosely casual but trendy and chic. something I would use for shopping or just go to the university or drink a coffee out with some friends. I always liked the ‘college girl’ look even if I am not in that age anymore 😉 The “Boyfriend Jeans Shorts” made by Maitreya, are one of my long time favourites. With their loosely fit they are a great everyday wear. I combined them with the “Liliana Top” from Glam Affair and put on the “Batschkapp” we made as a gift for the Indie Teepee event. Even if I like all 5 looks that might be my personal favourite out of them 😉

My 5th and last look is some more native and maybe gypsy looking. The idea came out of some pictures I saw of american native fashion trends. The denim shorties for this style come from GizzA. The “Loose Denim Short” was a perfect start for the idea I wanted to go for. With the lightly dirty looking fabric and the ripped trims it was just perfect to add a more simple, and light top. The “Julia” top from Asteria perfectly went with the shorts and kinda put them more in the focus. The cool necklace was one of the first original mesh releases from PurpleMoon and the incredible hat and back bag again came from [sys].

It was great fun to explore and try different things for this special spread of denim shorties and I have to admit, I found some goodies in my inventory, which I already forgot that I have them 😉

E-Clipse Magazine - Wicca Merlin - Shorties 05

Look #5


Look #1:
Pants: [M.o.w] – “Booty Shorts”
Top: [sYs] – “HAVANA shirt”
Headpiece: [sYs] – “HAVANA headwra”
Jewelry 1: Kunglers – “Sile necklace”
Jewelry 2: Kunglers – “Vilma earrings”
Jewelry 3: /artilleri/ – “wooden bracelet”

Look #2:
Pants: erratic – “Briony”
Top: Asia Rae – “Polly Top”
Headpiece: Zibska – “Laila Hat”
Bag: [sYs] – “Leaf Bag”
Jewelry: Maxi Gossamer – “Summertime Easy Living”
Glasses: Glamistry – “Sunglasses PU2004”
Hair: LeLutka – “Vibrato”

Look #3:
Skirt: GizzA – “Wendy Denim Skirt”
Top: Mon Cheri – “Dead Romance Tank”
Shoes: Stelloane – “Heloise Boots”
Bag: [sYs] – “PULSAR Backpack”
Jewelry 1: Happy Undead – “Charming Collar”
Jewelry 2: Real Evil – “Dark Queen Bracelets”
Glasses: [sYs] – “PULSAR Sunglasses”
Hair: BURLEY – “Sirah”

Look #4:
Pants: Maitreya – “Faded BF Jeans Shorts”
Top: Glam Affair – “Liliana Top”
Headpiece: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Batschkapp”
Bag: SEY – “Bucket Bag”
Jewelry 1: Kosh– “Multiplex Necklace”
Jewelry 2: E-Clipse – “Fiocco Watch”
Hair: Exile – “Jill”
Glasses: HAYSURIZA – “Eyewear Kyoto”

Look #5:
Pants: GizzA – “Loose Denim Short”
Top: Asteria – “Julia Top”
Headpiece: [sYs] – “PANAMA hat”
Bag: [sYs] – “PANAMA bag”
Jewelry 1: PurpleMoon – “Montana Necklace”
Jewelry 2: Primagine – “Cascade Bracelet”
Hair: no.match – “No.Why?”

Eclipse Magazine: HERE

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

The Exposed Shoulder – X Factor Edition – Eclipse Magazine June 2016

Wicca Merlin 01

Read the full magazine HERE


Top: Salt&Pepper – “Valerie”
Pants: GizzA – “Skinny Pants”
Shoes: Glamistry – “Anemuna”
Hair: enVOGUE – “Britney”
Earrings: Kunglers – “Cintia”
Bracelet: Kunglers – “Keira”
Ring: Tracei – “Evan Ring”

Photographer: Skye Nefekalum (Azram Belwraith)

Model & Stylist: Wicca Merlin

Wiccan Merlin Close

Urban Musing


This wonderful picture was done by the talented Tempest Rosca. We got the a theme for the last issue of the Eclipse Magazine, called Urban Musing. The trend becomes more and more popular. In many of the fashion cities you can find people who mix and match lingerie with normal urban casual, to create this new and modern look.

It was quite fun to experiment with lingerie and make something that can bw worn on the street 😉

For more of those amazing looks you can take a peek on the February Issue of the Eclipse Magazine 🙂

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Top: Pixicat – “Temptation Corset” (Store Gacha)

Lingerie: Apple May – “Tigress Hotpants & Sliced Top”

Bra: Wicca’s Wardrobe (coming soon)

Collar: Maitreya – “Vintage Collar”

Jacket: ISON – “Occult Jacket”

Shoes: :)(: Pixelfashion – “Vanina”

Hair: no.match – “No.perfection”

Location: Maddux’ Wreck

Photographer: Tempest Rosca

Model & Stylist: Wicca Merlin